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53784250 No.53784250 [Reply] [Original]

Computer programmers will be replaced by AI before truck drivers

>> No.53784261

true. well not replaced, but the work force will be greatly deminished. where you needed 10 developers now you need one that is very smart and can work with A.I. the A.I programs the easier things

>> No.53784270

At some point, it becomes irrelevant who will get replaced first and to what degree. When the labor force participation rate is 20%, you'll have much, much more pressing issues.

>> No.53784284
File: 814 KB, 1080x1088, 1670384364002086.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I been learning php since 2012, and now I'm in an existential crisis.
I'm a retard and finally now how it all works, but chatGPT already outskilled me.

>> No.53784293

Another dumb blue collar take. Go flip my hamburger you dumb wagie

>> No.53784304

That's effectively the same thing. Reducing demand for a job by 90% means the pay will become literal poverty tier. Every programming job will pay minimum wage because there will be 10 qualified people for every position.

>> No.53784307

>a computer will never be able to write conditional logic statements and loops TRUST ME BRO it's IMPOSSIBLE

>> No.53784332

Not a dumb take at all. Fully self driving vehicles are an unsolvable problem while 99% of what most programmers do today has either already been automated by AI or will be very soon. Truck drivers will be making much better money than programmers a decade from now.

>> No.53784354

You have to tell it what to write retard. If you want the ai to sort a linked list using recursion you need to know what the fuck that even is in the first place

>> No.53784357

the wokie programmers are already obsoleting themselves by pushing for diversity hires, work from home, activism instead of work. they're already finding out just how disposable they are now the work from home infrastructure is up and running. why hire a blue haired troublemaker when you can spend just under half and get top talent in eastern europe or even less and get more than adequate talent in some parts of south america, and without all the woke drama.

truck drivers, plumbers, electricians, tradesman of all types can't be outsourced to another country. when all you do is digital, when your only existence is shielded by an internet connection, not only are you replaceable with a large portion of the evolved human world, but in the future a large portion of your work will be hallucinated by an AI.

>> No.53784364

>bro you need to be a fucking 300 IQ GENIUS to understand concepts taught in sophomore year of college TRUST ME BRO

>> No.53784374
File: 263 KB, 1170x1449, EFEC544E-F738-4E20-B907-67E27BAE552E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The bugs tried to replace truck drivers and got btfo

>> No.53784406

yeah, and 40 years ago if you wanted to work in tech you actually needed an iq above 100 to program and understand the machines.

today any brown monkey can plug some open source software together and end up with something that runs about as well as the rest of "modern" software development.

the only true talent left is working on operating system apis and other low level abstractions. javascript monkeys making webapps and desktop/mobile apps that are just wrappers around webapps are only getting more disposable by the day. even the back end developers are heading down the path since the sub 100 iq front-end developers started pushing the backend towards disposable systems like nodejs.

the more you abstract and hand off to third parties, the easier it is to find someone else, or something else, to do your job.

>> No.53784504

>Automating highway driving is just hard bro

>> No.53784514

lmao php has been dead for years...

>> No.53784529
File: 9 KB, 397x300, lying truckcucks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're still going to get replaced. It's sad because double digit IQ people need jobs too :(

>> No.53784631

AI is a complete grift anyways. We’re decades (if not centuries) away from it being used in any useful/non-catastrophic application.
But that’s in an ideal timeline, within that stretch of time we’ll either be a nuclear wasteland or be 90% spic with a national average IQ of 85. Both equally dystopian.

>> No.53784659

Yes it’s true, please don’t learn computer science. We need to continue the dev shortage so I keep getting pay raises

>> No.53784683

Faceberg uses it still

>> No.53784707

They'll just find some fake work for them like they've always done. Most workers contribute nothing

>> No.53784715

they arent going to give you UBI they'll just kill you + your family and friends

>> No.53786525

The cost of servicing and maintaining an artificial driver, the lack of collateral and thereby higher insurance costs are going to render this financially pointless. The current setup is as cheap as it gets anyways, fuel cost efficiency, EV trucks and automation of the route planning is the future. Freight forwarders and shipping coordinators are royally fucked though.

>> No.53786900

Many programs require an "edge" for competitive advantage, if the AI is generic how can it generate an edge for two distinct companies using it to create software?

>> No.53786917

I doubt they'll bother to train it on phpeepee so you are safe

>> No.53788465

lmao even a social science graduate could be a programmer now with chat gpt. it's over sirs time to pack your shit and go back to india

>> No.53788519


Kek these posts REEEEEEK of someone who, despite the constant warnings throughout their childhood by their parents, peers, and teachers, DID NOT APPLY THEMSELVES in school and ended up with an uninspiring career and absolutely nothing to boast about.

^A result of which is going through a long mania phase coming up with these types of delusional fantasies.

>> No.53788618

You have no idea what you are babbling about. Its used in hospitals to diagnose patients, its even used to write scientific publications.
I would say we are 5 minutes before 12 in terms of how close a skynet sitaution could develop and this shit needs to be regulated and in the worst case shut down.

>> No.53788635

anyone else feel like there's a very limited span of time (maybe 20 years) to make enough money to retire outright while the workforce gets absolutely obliterated

>> No.53788658
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look at the cope, lmao. your own colleagues betraying you in your face and all you can think about is about "that time you got a 10 in school" omg this is gonna be so great

>> No.53788670

I'm a programmer. All my friends are programmers, doctors and lawyers. All my friends are also slightly scared of what the future holds for knowledge-based professions. If you think most of those roles aren't fucked in the next 5-10 years, you aren't paying attention. CS guys who aren't doing ML are going to be left behind, quickly.

>> No.53788743

2 more weeks until glorified stackoverflow replaces programmers
trust the plan patriots

>> No.53788753

>I'm a programmer
not an intelligent one clearly if you think that the heckin' glorified stackoverflow will replace anyone at all

>> No.53788761

The ai cannot replace a flat tire on the truck in the middle of nowhere.

>> No.53788787

im laughing at you neets with your $20s a month expenditure LOL, i will never be replaced by AI because im simply too smart

>> No.53788794

Every program can be created by AI in 1 minute.

Suppose someone created a game called Warcraft. A guy who is bad at programming and bad at art and bad at music can say "AI, create a game similar to Warcraft, but the timeline of the game is set in the future, and the fantasy units of Warcraft replaced by futuristic units in this game. The game should have futuristic music.". AI will create everything from the program to the high quality art to the high quality music in just 1 minute.

>> No.53788795
File: 74 KB, 1158x469, Egg problem (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I gave that Chat GPT a high school algebra word problem. It gave me 2 different wrong answers.

Question and wrong answer #1

>> No.53788802

ultra cope - I bet you're real fun at parties.

You are not a programmer, nice LARP.

>> No.53788810
File: 61 KB, 1108x424, Egg problem (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Second wrong answer

>> No.53788811

You are so unintelligent and uninformed and it's fucking awesome. People like you will be eating bugs soon while posting from your government phone under a highway somewhere in rural Iowa.

>> No.53788821


People like you deserve to be taken out to the street, raped, flayed, and then killed

>> No.53788822

Also, I work for an EMR company and do freelance healthcare stuff so I'm never losing my job, niggers. Eat shit.

>> No.53788824

go on then gayboy

>> No.53788827

Whats a chicken and a half? I dont even understand the question.

>> No.53788830

lmao cs brainlets are delusional. sorry goy, nothing personel

>> No.53788835

Correct answer is 8/3 eggs, or 2 and 2/3.

>> No.53788845

* rolls eyes *
Learn high school math retard.

>> No.53788848

>(not me tho btw lol)
you are the biggest, most shameless idiot i've had the misfortune of interacting with in a good while

>> No.53788859

What is a half? Half a chicken? Half a chicken doesnt lay any eggs at all.

>> No.53788894

I can tell you don't work in an enterprise software capacity (or any capacity at all, let's face it) because most, if not all software engineers are utilizing Copilot already (many times as a managerial directive, ie use the AI or fuck off because you're wasting our time).

It's only a matter of time before it starts encroaching on junior engineering work (it already is). Then from there, who knows what will happen.

Fact is, you're a dumb nigger without a job LARPing about knowing anything about anything, and that's why you post on /biz/ all day looking for get rich quick schemes. Good luck, loser!

>> No.53788930

are people still falling for this? chatgpt sucks balls just like the chat bots from 2017

>> No.53789026

You do realize if programmers can be completely replaced, truck drivers will get replaced even faster than pre-AI, right? You gloat now, but this isn't good for anybody. Soon AI itself will be designing machines that would have take us decades to perfect...

>> No.53789234

It will reduce the need for low level code monkeys. Someone still has to architect the code, it's just that implementing it will become much easier. Usually you'd get a junior dev to implement the unit tests or API endpoints or some bullshit but now the AI can do the bulk of the scaffolding

>> No.53789463

Retarded take. Enjoy being stupid until you die.

>> No.53789515

i have a phd in computational chemistry. i'm guessing you're yet another 105-115 iq dunning krueger BSCS retard.

>> No.53789597

>Good luck, loser!
Well you sure told him.

AI is garbage in, garbage out unless you have staff trained in the fundamental operation of programming languages (AKA developers). We've got a long, long way to go before we can expect AI to do any significant job replacement.

>> No.53789630

>le garbage in le garbage out!!!!
It's time to go back.

>> No.53789797

Thanks for ousting yourself as a manchild. I genuinely feel pity when interacting with people on this board.

>> No.53789856

AI won't install electricity in homes or unclog toilets for a long time, if ever. I can't say the same for you tech faggots

>> No.53789875

Keep repeating your feel-good soundbites that have no relation to absolutely anything in reality. Your garbage in, garbage out comment is a perfect illustration of faggots LARPing in a way that's completely obvious. You should get some rest before your next shift at Arby's.

>> No.53789877

>truck drivers, plumbers, electricians, tradesman of all types can't be outsourced to another country
Hola, señior.

>> No.53789882

With AI + the cloud you can basically run a fairly large company on your own.

>> No.53789886

I actually boast about this one.