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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53779951 No.53779951 [Reply] [Original]

Tinyman exploited AGAIN. LPs are being drained and the site can't be accessed. How will we cope this time Algochads? Will they give us some cute NFTs for the trouble?

>> No.53780006

Lol I hate this fucking blockchain so fucking much. Lost just about everything on it.

>> No.53780039

> Algorand
How the fuck is this shitcoin still a thing. Is anyone using Algorand?

>> No.53780154

no one ever did

>> No.53780175

i'll never forget when i let $30k ride over night and waking up to 0 in the algo casino

>> No.53780213

I've made a shitload of usd on algofi, but other than that not really.

>> No.53780241

El Salvador?

>> No.53780286

I see no evidence that it was hacked, any source OP?

>> No.53780398

Try taking out your liquidity

>> No.53780549

Works fine for me. Maybe it's just Pajeet money

>> No.53780615

It's just node issues again. Good thing this chain will never get high, sustained activity because clearly the infrastructure isn't there to handle it.

>> No.53780769

So this is a problem with the whole network, not localized to tinyman? Seems like pact/folks/algofi/etc. are working fine on my end.

>> No.53780867

Anyone can host a node. Tinymans node is being bad. The network is fine, its just tinyman being too dumb to keep a working node.

>> No.53781103

and your first thought is it was hacked and drained?

>> No.53781145

Nothingburger. It's a website UI issue you can check each pool on algoexplorer and see they're still current. Even if tinyman was hacked it wouldn't really be a big deal. There's three other big dexes and ASAs are mostly shitcoins anyway

>> No.53782297
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This is bullshit, I think it's high time we begin integrating privacy into defi to reduce this goddamn hacking by unfortunate normies

>> No.53782320

El Salvador doesn't use Algorand, the Algorand Foundation provided technical consulting services on how to set up Bitcoin payments.
It's like Vechain claiming to have a partnership with McDonald's, when all they were doing is buying McDonald's burgers for their staff.

>> No.53782396
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>> No.53782461

Privacy into DeFi?
C'mon, Sec will hunt the hell of you

>> No.53782555

Defi because it's decentralized and that's why privacy needs to be integrated into it anon.

>> No.53782568

The goddamn hackers won't stop. People need to focus more on self-custody. Protocols need to build better security. Integrating privacy protocols will do us good. Shit on Sec.

>> No.53782630

Just so you know that privacy has gone beyond the usual, with modern tech like zk-snarks, the motherfucking sec will not have a say anymore

>> No.53782850

India is a growing world power and just signed up at their national tech hub incubator

>> No.53783554
File: 64 KB, 1421x515, o_shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your retarded post reminded me that algorand ecosystem is a thing.On that note I can see that some of the sleeping giants of the bygone era about to awaken soon

>> No.53783664

At least we still have our trans CEO Algobros... just need to hire more POC engineers to fix this...

>> No.53783759

With AI INU and other top tier projects migrating here from the XRP ledger, we really are early.

>> No.53783805

Sold this shitcoin for nudes off a Russian 16 year old last year, only good use this coin ever did

>> No.53784158
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>it's literally nothing