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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53774351 No.53774351 [Reply] [Original]

Is it more based to quit or to get fired

>> No.53774375

You can literally smell the Reddit in this image.

>> No.53774381

The face of reddit

>> No.53774386

Get fired for fuckin da stapler

>> No.53774387
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>> No.53774388

Lmao fpbp

>> No.53774394

Hmm, interesting question... I think that both are based in their own way, the question is which one is basedest

>> No.53774399
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>> No.53774400

What a miserable fat child. Disgusting, only in america.

>> No.53774405

Quit. Quiet quitting is loser behavior. If you want to leave, leave. Don't sit around and wait for someone to make the decision for you.

>> No.53774411
File: 32 KB, 645x770, Chudjak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my employer wasting my time and money is BASED because it makes reddit mad

>> No.53774430

Quiet quitting isn't a firable clause.

>> No.53774435

this is the way. this is how you get unemployment. to all the other idiots: touch grass. your mom knows more about paying bills than you

>> No.53774443
File: 95 KB, 640x480, 757u5r78u5r678.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Based only a real red pilled aryan chad love to slave away for his boss.

>> No.53774444



>> No.53774451

Get over yourself loser.

>> No.53774474 [DELETED] 
File: 133 KB, 960x350, 0F95245D-097F-4653-BF28-CBC4D49ABEF2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got banned for posting this

>> No.53774475

neither, you were a slave either way

>> No.53774476

Quitting is based, getting fired is sad.

>> No.53774508

>get inconvenienced
>throw tantrum and get sacked

For what purpose? Just log the transportation time as time worked and get free money to sit in your car listening to music.

>> No.53774510

But then I don't get severance and other nice benefits like unemployment that make it so I don't have to work for a significantly longer period of time on top of coasting at a job I no longer care about.

Quiet quitting is based. Getting "laid-off" is also based and anyone who quits in a situation that is tolerable and not outright abusive is a fool.

>> No.53774530

based and knows how to play the game pill. bonus points if you get HR involved and start saying vague things about "problems at home" so they cut you extra slack, thereby allowing you to collect a paycheck for several more months.

>> No.53774534

Unemployment is just getting your tax dollars back
Make them fire you

>> No.53774537


Whatever gives you unemployment is based. I was fired once for stealing

>> No.53774543


Correct. If you're getting fucked then fuck them right back.

>> No.53774544

>apply for a trading job and tell them you have prior experience
>they don’t respond to your application and instead report you to the IRS

can this happen?

>> No.53774558

>Not excel
literal manchild

>> No.53774576


>> No.53774593
File: 936 KB, 988x1416, advice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quit, but give two weeks notice first. Do absolutely nothing during those two weeks. Then watch as they seethe and complain. What are they going to do, fire you?

>> No.53774621

Why would it matter if you're still getting paid even if they don't come to the meeting?

>> No.53774633

i hate these marvel funko pop buying retards too but simping for a noseberg company just to own a redditor? idk pal, kinda fag behavior

>> No.53774640

Because he's a manchild that freaks out over the mildest inconvenience. He's on a salary so he's getting paid either way.

>> No.53774648

>He's on a salary
not for long rofl

>> No.53774658

>"he's on salary" rationalization
cuck mentality. i work <40 hours a week on salary and i guarantee that i make more money than you.

>> No.53774675

>Is it more based to quit or to get fired
Depends on your severance.
It's mad gay to cancel a meeting when you expect employees to drive a good while to get to it without telling anyone.
It's just as gay to throw a public shitfit about it instead of handling the issue privately like an adult.

>> No.53774681

Your comment wasn't biz related. Simple as.

>> No.53774702

>masked fatty wearing a graphic t-shirt to work
>takes a picture flipping off the camera
>writes a childish message expressing his impotent rage at nobody in particular
>he probably took it down immediately after taking the picture for his r/antiwork karma
This guy is a fucking faggot

>> No.53774710

Of course you do sweetheart. Of course you do.

>> No.53774857

>check reddit antiwork
>impotent pigman is on the first page

>> No.53774871


>> No.53774911

Whichever makes the company lose more money. Quiet quit or getting fired for death by thousand cuts. Or quit out of the blue on the most opportune time where it fucks the company at least six figures minimum depending on the importance of your position.

>> No.53774945

This guy is married and /biz/tards aren’t
And he is a IT genius he will have another job tomorrow with his skills

>> No.53775014

Getting fired is based. Getting fired for insubordination or threatening behavior or sexual harassment is the most based of all because it shows you are a free man not a goy slave.

>> No.53775138

>pride over severance money and or unemployment gibs

Stay poor

>> No.53775173

reddit explained:


>> No.53775218

>bad eyesight genetic deadend
>pale from lack of sunlight and testosterone
>goyslop hat
>shitty unfunny joke graphic tee
>selfie for karma
>impotent rage
>can't even look mad
>pray eyes
>opened up paintbrush
>using windows goyware

anything I missed?

>> No.53775255

>Don't sit around and wait for someone to make the decision for you.
So don't be a faggot. Last time I wanted to be fired I walked into HR, told Sarah she's a cunt who deserved her divorce - poof, fired.

>> No.53775388

this post is LARPing as a boomer for (you)s

>> No.53775435

“Making them fire you” just sounds like petty female behavior. A man should be direct about his actions and words and not waste time being an emotional case about something so benign.