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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53716632 No.53716632 [Reply] [Original]

Am I a retard or a genius for having 200k all in in RLC?

>> No.53716641

No shot this will ever see any adoption. No company would ever trust cryptobros to host their companies data

>> No.53716644

It's trustless, that's like saying no one will buy billions of BTC

>> No.53716675

Yes you are. The less risky option is staking stables. Imagine losing 200k to a shitcoin anyone barely trades. Unless you are a millionaire already, this is a timebomb.

>> No.53716691

Do you know Azure? Google Cloud? You know how big they are? RLC is nothing

>> No.53716716

Uneducated morons.

>> No.53716719

Absolutely based. $1,5k eoy

>> No.53716725

Lol you are an insecure retard. You've already decided to keep your money there but need retards on biz to convince you otherwise?

>> No.53716756

I'm quite secure. More than you that's for sure. I just want to see your retarded take.

>> No.53716768
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be honest with yourself

>> No.53716969

IDK. But the guys on twitter with worker pools making bank is making me fomo. Only have 6.25k barrels

>> No.53716981

The only token needed in the entire space

>> No.53717628


>> No.53718786

I hope you're a genius bc I've got 870 of these things.

>> No.53719340


200k rupees, you mean

>> No.53719366

You’re a dumbass for not having Chainlink. You think this French shit ghost chain is going to be able to compete against link for oracles? Cmon man you can just fuck a tranny and manifest a decentralized oracle network from tranny janny semen.

>> No.53719407

all these clouds an use RLC to rent out their idling servers. plebian

>> No.53719818

It does so much more than oracles, you sperg
Oracles are a little side project

>> No.53719845

I sold 10 XMR for RLC last night. My baggie is now ~1,200 RLC.

Please tell me that I will make it, sirs.

>> No.53719847

You kinda are though.
Everything can fail.

>> No.53719867

if you have 200k rlc, you're not french and you're not engaged in pnds and tranny activities, you're a retard

>> No.53720012

ah yes that project i hear literally nothing but complaining and despair about

>> No.53720069


>> No.53720234

Major retard, you’re better off just buying eth

>> No.53720804

>hear literally nothing but complaining and despair about
Thats how you know its the bottom on Link.
Meanwhile RLC has topped out as the AI hype is fading away.

>> No.53720930

>AI hype is fading away.
>He doesn't know
Oh no no no

>> No.53721854

bruv the AI revolution has literally just begun.

>> No.53722265

Then buy more link and be saddled down with a heavy shitcoin loaded with inflation. Meanwhile RLC is light and airy and primed to explode in price.

>> No.53723962

Retarded. Pumps the least, dumps the most of all AI coins.

>> No.53724156

>he didn’t buy at .85 when it was shilled all over biz
Go buy something else and gtfo of my threads faggot

>> No.53724786

I fuckin bought so much . Basically my last shot at making it. If i sell i won't come back.

>> No.53726219


>> No.53727739


>> No.53728155


>> No.53728171

I'm biased but I think RLC is going to do multiple x's within a few weeks. The chart is telling me this.

>> No.53728188
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Bought 1100 below $1, took some profit at $2 while AGIX did a 13x and FET did like a 5x. Currently holding 870 for the fabled DOTB. So fuck off.

>> No.53728206

Yeah it's really odd that the market will pump everything except RLC. I don't give a shit though I will continue to increase my huge stack and not sell until the market's IQ increases.

>> No.53728225

Will there ever be another eth like run for a coin? Like btc/eth/*next stable crypto.
I think if so it will be a utility token

>> No.53728250

>I think if so it will be a utility token
I always believed this, and I always believed it would be RLC because it has an insanely large amount of use cases.

I also believed that it made sense. BTC turned into ETH turned into ETH-born alt god token.

>> No.53728339
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I think so too. Thanks for the hopium.
75k barrels. Trying to get to 87k before lift off. This is my last hope of getting the fuck out of normie life. Everyone thinks I'm poor as fuck haha hope to retire abruptly

>> No.53728423

If Chainlink moons then rlc will as it’ll be an alt that is associated with the same sector, op will be fine as long as he exits before the market realizes that Chainlink is king and all it’s competitors go to zero

>> No.53728446

probably a retard

>> No.53728798

RLC does way more than LINK though

>> No.53728831
File: 74 KB, 600x400, dog_fit_31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dog shit ico scam

>> No.53728851

Imagine not having AT LEAST 50k RLC by now, which is way beyond a make it stack.

>> No.53728863
File: 111 KB, 600x400, DOGSHIT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't have to imagine since I have 0 of this 2017 scam

>> No.53728884

Your posts go far back, you've been here for years.

>> No.53728976
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and I am in profit too unlike RLC fags. anyone could've seen that last top, even my dentist bought DOGE. Too bad no ones buying digital dogshit eh?

>> No.53728997

Imagine not being in profit on RLC. You'd have to be a retard (which you are).

>> No.53729133
File: 2.94 MB, 2048x1365, 1614145089960.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in profit on RLC. I short sold, I took profits. If you pajeets weren't pumping and dumping it on /biz/ all the time maybe I'd have more from shorts than I do. So what's the sell signal for the next time? Version 69.420 release or whatever the next worthless number is?

>> No.53729160
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Here's your BTC and ETH chart by the way. Tell me again how you are profiting on this dog feces?

>> No.53729171
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>> No.53729197

I'm a godlike bottom caller, that's how.
Also >implying you are a good trader
You fud RLC threads for years because you don't make money.

>> No.53729261

>I don’t hold this shit I just pnd it
Thanks for the admission pajeet.

>> No.53729331

Bottom caller implies accumulation, retard.

>> No.53729354
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So did you dump this shit yet? Better sell if you actually want profits

>> No.53729399

Outdated numbers. By now it has been 7 versions and 6 years.

>> No.53729409
File: 109 KB, 481x537, vf5y7hj90z1l8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen up, you stupid little dumbass oilers. Your both under arrest and this thread has been REPORTED. No further posting permitted.
>Agent noiler to HQ, we're having an RLC thread with repeat posters bumping it to the top. We need reactive suppressive measures.

>> No.53729475

You really want people to sell, huh. I think you want more

>> No.53729509

It actually doesn’t do a single fucking thing

>> No.53729598

There are way more use case prototypes than anything LINK has shown me. I've tried almost everything iExec has released in terms of anything usable. You're horribly misinformed. It will only get bigger and better.

>> No.53729665

>8 posts
>Chart shows you exactly how to make money
>Even buying low and holding isn't bad since it's the ETH price.

>> No.53729781

>He thinks this chart is bullish
RLC used to have random pumps but even those stopped since the Coinbase listing.
Look how much volatility there used to be in previous years. All gone.
It looks like a dead token being dragged a bit up by the AI narrative.

>> No.53729869

lol, says the guy shilling Chainlink
LINK has done nothing but drop since August 2020 and has been outperformed by RLC
RLC has a pretty good 6 to 12 months chart compated to the rest of the market.
Gigachad candle incoming.

>> No.53729914

>implying it isn't massive amounts of accumulation
Stay poor

>> No.53729945

I mean at least shave off enough to get a 10k link stack

>> No.53729969


I’m all in link and RLC… if you have 200k RLC you are stupid not to shave off 50k RLC and get a 13k link stack.

If I had 200k RLC gifted to me… I’d put 100k into link. Giving me like 26k link.

>> No.53729997


It's way cheaper and safer to encrypt my data and store it in aws this shit is doa

It was a scam all along

>> No.53730136

>this shit is doa
>6 years later
Get the bezos cock out of your mouth and DYOR.

>> No.53730197

6 years of devs getting filthy rich off morons with 0 actual users

>> No.53730256

ONTOCHAIN + tons more this and next year, buy high my friend.

>> No.53730262

I like the optimism. But seriously I am poor for buying RLC and waiting for a decent pump. I even thought the rise to 10 was the beginning of the mega pump. The thing is that there is no mega pump coming. This coin is the same realm as BAT, FUN, ENJ, and other "good projects". It's pathetic to even hold an ounce of hope. This market is all be about speculation and RLC will never ever pump. I'm not a hater... Just stating real facts.

>> No.53730295

> BAT, FUN, ENJ, and other "good projects".
No one considers these projects good projects.
RLC is a top 5 AI coin. Die already fudders.

>> No.53730403

Here is my honest take on the AI part op : this kind of projets will never work for two main reasons. It's not needed (I don't need blockchain to store data or offer computing power) and even if it was needed it's not optimal (I need super fast data access or low ping for my computing power)
>t. PhD in AI

>> No.53730418

Wrong. Here's some use cases.

>AI model training and optimization on distributed and decentralized infrastructure
>Secure and private sharing of AI models and data between organizations and individuals
>High-performance computing for large-scale AI workloads, such as deep learning and machine learning
>AI-based data analytics for various industries, such as finance, healthcare, and e-commerce
>AI-powered decentralized applications (dApps) that can be built on top of iExec RLC platform.
>Federated learning: iExec RLC can facilitate the creation of federated learning networks where multiple parties can contribute data for the training of a common model without sharing the data itself.
>AI-based image and video processing: iExec RLC can be used for processing and analyzing large volumes of images and videos, including object recognition, facial recognition, and video analytics.
>Natural Language Processing (NLP): iExec RLC can be used to power NLP applications such as sentiment analysis, text classification, and chatbots.
>AI-powered simulations: iExec RLC can be used to run simulations for a wide range of applications, including scientific research, engineering, and finance.
>AI-based prediction models: iExec RLC can be used to build predictive models for various industries, such as finance, insurance, and logistics.

>> No.53730437

>AI-based recommendation systems: iExec RLC can be used to develop recommendation systems that leverage machine learning and deep learning to provide personalized recommendations for products, services, and content.
>AI-powered fraud detection: iExec RLC can be used to detect fraudulent activity in a variety of domains, including finance, e-commerce, and social media.
>AI-based optimization: iExec RLC can be used for optimization problems in a wide range of industries, such as logistics, manufacturing, and energy.
>AI-based cybersecurity: iExec RLC can be used to develop cybersecurity solutions that use machine learning and deep learning to detect and prevent cyber attacks.
>AI-powered healthcare: iExec RLC can be used to develop healthcare applications that use machine learning and deep learning to diagnose diseases, predict patient outcomes, and develop personalized treatment plans.

Die retard.

>> No.53730444

I consider bat a legit project and rlc to be a scam so there's that

>> No.53730455

That's because your IQ is below 100

>> No.53730487

Wasted digits, my retarded friend

>> No.53730496

It's ok I got dubs for style points

>> No.53730566

I think you don't want real help you are just a mean shill but here is some informations for you :
>AI model training and optimization on distributed and decentralized infrastructure
Already existing, don't need blockchain and even if so, coin is not needed you can't do speculative investment on this (same for LINK)
>High-performance computing for large-scale AI workloads, such as deep learning and machine learning
same as above + need to have a ultra fast blockchain
>AI-based data analytics for various industries, such as finance, healthcare, and e-commerce
Same don't need a blockchain to do this
>AI-powered decentralized applications (dApps) that can be built on top of iExec RLC platform.
Ok why not, but again you need a fats blockchain to do so
>Federated learning: iExec RLC can facilitate the creation of federated learning networks where multiple parties can contribute data for the training of a common model without sharing the data itself
Why would I care if the data is centralised or not ? You clearly have no idea of what's important for us researchers, you are just trying to create a solution to a non existing problem
>AI-based image and video processing: iExec RLC can be used for processing and analyzing large volumes of images and videos, including object recognition, facial recognition, and video analytics.
>Natural Language Processing (NLP): iExec RLC can be used to power NLP applications such as sentiment analysis, text classification, and chatbots.
Blockchain not needed, coin even less+need ultra fast blockchain
>AI-powered simulations: iExec RLC can be used to run simulations for a wide range of applications, including scientific research, engineering, and finance.
Bwahahah as I'm currently working with robotic simulations for my research I can tell you this is just even more delusional than running a NLP or a large CNN on chain
I could continue but you see the pattern, not needed+ very hard to do.

>> No.53730598

6 more years.

>> No.53730608
File: 21 KB, 842x199, Paid shills.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>25 posts
Working overtime are we?

iExec is literally paying third worlders to make threads like this one. Of course its a scam.

>> No.53730650

Your first 3 are "don't need muh blockchain" false generalization fud. iExec is cheaper + has unique use cases in comparison to centralized alternatives+ more green+better for the world since it creates more wealth.
>Ok why not, but again you need a fats blockchain to do so
Same retarded dogshit

>Why would I care if the data is centralised or not ?
Stopped reading here. Not gonna argue with a retard.

>> No.53730652

Not a waste. Accept the sign. Satan is trying to help you

>> No.53730677

>Community programs are bad
Anyways going to bed have fun being retards, retards, maybe I'll post my lambo when it 100x's this year.

>> No.53730708

Post your Hyundai after it 2x's homie

>> No.53730739

You literally have no idea what you are talking about. I work in your target field and I can tell you that nobody uses your shitcoin for good reasons. You fell for buzzwords like a normie reading a newspaper. You are completely delusional holder or a paid pajeet so take your own life plz

>> No.53730744

>Never heard of ONTOCHAIN

>> No.53730753

holy fuck dont you retards ever learn? dont ever buy coins that existed in past bullruns, only buy coins new coins based on new hype

>> No.53730758


>> No.53730777

I think you guys sold a bit too early.
It's nice to see a little conversation going tho
Keep it up

>> No.53730842

this shit is a scam from 2017

>> No.53730878

you'll probably make it if you sell the second it gets close to its last ath

>> No.53731367
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>iExec RLC can be...
i-it could happen! one day.... itll surely pump....

>> No.53731379
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Look. I'm done with cutting through the bullshit. When can I download the bitcoin with my RLC?

>> No.53731393

No one heard of this until you shillers brought it up? How much is Gilles paying you by the way? Didn't he run out of money from the tranny parties?

>> No.53732051

Dude have you been following bat? It's the biggest fucking slow scam in crypto. A browser extension with kyc. For a product that doesn't work. Now brave search is their new thing. Wow fucking wow right when AI search Is the new best thing.
No self serve
No themis

Anyways fuck bat
Rlc on the moon soon

>> No.53732085

good post until you bought RLC, an even slower scam

>> No.53732191
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Yess yeeeesss
Continue to fud pointlessly
Noilers are the real shills here

>> No.53732305

>he says as he bumps his shameless shill thread