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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 128 KB, 1170x466, E34B0012-E51C-43FA-8527-851724B82CAD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53729096 No.53729096 [Reply] [Original]

>Reddit: worth $10 Billion

>4Chan: Couldn’t even raise $50k

Now I know why the Jannys do it for free

>> No.53729100

I want to buy 4chan

>> No.53729108

I think it makes us unique really if you think about it

>> No.53729113
File: 19 KB, 481x350, moot boobs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll buy 4chan for $50k
hit me up hiroshimoot

>> No.53729135

kek. 4chin is worth a lot more. we make all the trends on the internet. I make $45k a day sitting on my bitcoins I got cause I am a biz addict crypto collector

>> No.53729143

cope nigger
go back to twitter

>> No.53729151
File: 339 KB, 1080x1078, janny payroll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My first act will be to DOUBLE janny salaries

>> No.53729157
File: 131 KB, 1280x720, 1676515686142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the richfags are in the secret clown club, you doofus.
Smart people stopped lurking /biz/ years ago.

>> No.53729163

I bid $65k in USDC

>> No.53729166

>...and here's why that's a GOOD THING. Keep reading to find out!

>> No.53729181
File: 240 KB, 841x778, 1610945240129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't listen to this man, sell to me and I'll triple, nay, QUADRUPLE the salary of the janitorial staff of 4channel.org! You won't get a better offer than that!

>> No.53729206

>Smart people stopped lurking /biz/ years ago
You did a survey or something did you? Stfu faggot, you are making shit up just to sound knowledgable. What a pathetic life you must live

>> No.53729250

You are literally raping him with that deep fake

>> No.53729273
File: 476 KB, 2000x2667, moot pink underwear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deep fake?

>> No.53729278

Oh I know why they do it. I have a PhD in psychology. They have a sadomasochism fetish. They love being abused and degraded by the power figures in their life. Just by the tiny bit of authority here, they feel like a Chad that will get laid. But all their dreams go in vain as they wake up every day in a 2m by 2m apartment alone.

>> No.53729293
File: 642 KB, 777x679, 963042094724.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah but dumb smart people didnt. stick that in your pipe and smoke it

>> No.53729311

>darpa mind control of normies
>worth money
>free thinking schizos vs shillbots
weird how that works

>> No.53729361

4chan is worth a lot more than $45k. It pays dividends to the feds who help Hiro keep it afloat. And all your posts are sitting on a government server.

>> No.53729402
File: 49 KB, 498x412, 237234565475468745235435623.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Until they do, institutional investor here and I am willing to offer 10x the current janny salary.

>> No.53729429

let me speak with the manager i will pay double that to own 4chan

>> No.53729895

I want to fuck m00t

>> No.53730762

if they can't figure out how to make money selling our data maybe it's time to shut it down. Surely it cant be hard

>> No.53730780

Janitors are mostly feds anyway

>> No.53730809

kek /biz/ raelies gave me 30k in 2021 too bad I lost it.
I'm literally worth more than half of 4chan as a person.
At least /biz/ raelies valued me as such.

>> No.53730823
File: 82 KB, 700x509, 1676256822233845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The glow niggers push their narrative on /pol/ in order to create political tension in the U.S. I'd reckon those scallywags take me for a fool if they belive this site is only wort 45k

>> No.53731261

Fuck you 4chan is priceless

>> No.53731674

This place has been dead since 2012, when moot quit. The new mods dont give a single shit.

>> No.53731844

>2010 tranny article

>> No.53731855

Who the fuck would want to advertise here and associate their brand with 4chan? Basically a death sentence these days

>> No.53731860

>And all your posts are sitting on a government server
They have a decade deep catalog of my imagine the smell posts?

>> No.53732044
File: 209 KB, 772x1028, DSC01090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WTF is an "Uniques"? is this some retarded zoomerspeak i'm behind on?

>> No.53732107

Yes, and they have top men on the job figuring out what that smell actually is like.

>> No.53732131

It's tech speak you're behind on, grandpa. They are referring to unique users.

>> No.53732135

You mean they WERE referring to unique users in 2010. Nobody uses this term anymore, boomer.

>> No.53732152

Seeing how /k/ switched sides after the beginning of the Ukraine war, and how jannies are actively deleting any non-shill threads about that war, you're probably right. Hiring actual trannies as jannies didn't help either.

Don't go too far, such a brutal raise would encourage them to work less.

There was J-list back then. It's honestly a good place to advertise to weebs.

Also it doesn't tell how many of those users are actual humans.

>> No.53732159

Yup that's a fake image, just look at the head kek

>> No.53732178

>Nobody uses this term anymore, boomer.
We use terms coined in the 60 and 70s lmao. Nobody cares.

>> No.53732201

Yeah but OP was obviously trying to use a 2010 headline by a tranny to look like something relevant

>> No.53732230

>getting upset by something meaningless like this
Is this autism?

>> No.53732250

Dude weed lmao

>> No.53732263

i guaranteed if i offered 10M for 4chan, hiro wouldnt sell

>> No.53732271

That's 3 cents more than I was expecting per anon....

>> No.53732279

>all your posts are sitting on a government server.
I likes to feel a special

>> No.53732308

you expected anon to be worth -2.5 cents?

>> No.53732310

>purchase it for $50k
>ring the accountant
>$20000000000000000000000 in outstanding server fees and lawsuits from Warwick Davis

>> No.53732317

Imagine paying one single penny for 4chin

>> No.53732324
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>> No.53732369

He's right tho.
There is a secret /biz/ discord.
I got kicked out of it so that's why I'm spilling the beans.

>> No.53732442

4chan is literally in the worst possible square when it comes to a business venture. Completely unmarketable, whilst at the same time having a huge user base, so server costs are probably high. Even with their dogshit media support, you're talking thousands of bucks spent on servers per month. Add to that the fact that the user base is not only unnatractive (from a marketeer pov) but the click through rate is probably ass, and the amount of users using blocking software probably through the roof.

All together a shitty business, that barring the cultural cache is essentially worthless. Unironically maintained by rich SF people that want a place where they can say nigger.

>> No.53732505
File: 117 KB, 1280x688, MV5BYWI5NDMxN2YtYmI0YS00NmEyLTlkNmItNmJjZGZiMzU5ZjE4XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTI3MDk3MzQ@._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol wouldn't be surprised if 4chan's servers are all operating within the pentagon at this point

>> No.53732615

I've been to those shitty discords and it's the most glowie nigger shit ever. Half of them are pretending, the other half are unironically IRS agents trying to get you to spill the beans. Anything that doesn't decay within 24hrs is a glow nigger honeypot.

>> No.53732653

do you think the glowies who monitor us get bullied by the glowies doing real work?
i like to think they do and that they fucked up to get such a position

>> No.53732729

4chan is the fox news of the internet. Contained, paid opposition of the mainstream social sites. You're delusional if you think this site is still the free speech zone of your dreams.

>> No.53732778

No its real, back in 2020 right before the summer of defi and link mooning in sats was the last time the invitation was shared here
But i thought discord was too gay so didnt save it, now i wish i did cause biz is dead as fuck and the bear didnt save it

>> No.53732835

You know there are those that require onchain proof of non poor fagstatus right
Even the biggest normal discord is worth it because they share subscriptions there

Biz alone makes a fortune on crypto shills and banning of discussion, wether hiromoot or the jannies take their share is a management issue, but they do certainly not work for free and adds are in the threads not in silly blockable banners
Back in early 2022 you can be sure sbf spend millions on this place

>> No.53732859
File: 1.30 MB, 3024x1652, Screenshot 2023-02-16 at 2.49.04 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will. All incels welcome, hate speech encouraged

>> No.53732939

You can't put those back-payments on your balance sheet though. And the advertisement revenue is the only real thing you can monetize. Sure, the people working for and on 4chan make some money, but the business itself doesn't.

As for the on-chain proof, they're still infested with glow niggers, I have no reason to share my addresses with anyone.

>> No.53733009

Yes you can, shilling isnt illegal
The poopwitch puts her shillcome in her business balance sheet
And even if so, that would only matter if you tried to ipo to vc retards, if you just want the permanent cashflow thats fucking golden

>> No.53733020

Simply being able to advertise to so much people is worth so much.
Just imagine being a company known for having bought 4chan.
The memes and the buff alone would be worth a good 50 millions in marketing, easily, and that's first year.

One month you're rangebanning australian, next month you're combining board à la /mlpol/, next month you're adding NFT acting as trips...

So many fucking ways to generate pleblicity for essentially nothing.
Nintendo obviously can't be associated with 4chan, but what would some doujin nip company have to lose ?
What about bad dragon, or any other sex-related company ?
Shit, companies hiring jews, women and others demons is really fucking up their bottom line.

>> No.53733085

Who cares? 4chan is basically an NGO.

>> No.53733101
File: 313 KB, 2560x1440, C1D1D398-76B8-48EE-97E9-355DCAAC9CDC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We could do it.
I got five on it.

>> No.53733759

hey mr 4chan owner i will literally pay 10x that $45k valuation for 4chan
whats that?
ohh not for sale
got it