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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53708933 No.53708933 [Reply] [Original]

Wait so I have to put a 35,000$ down payment on a 1bd 1ba apartment for my first home purchase? Then I have to pay 1500$ a month? Not even including other bills and payments? That's literally all I have as a wagie in university! Fuck these boomer kikes what am I going to do? Is it over?

>> No.53708993

As soon as they die (childless), you can just walk into those houses.

>> No.53709005

youre just realizing this now?

>> No.53709059

Yeah, don't forget HOA + tip for 30 years.

>> No.53709075
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>> No.53711495

>the best he can do is repeat "ding" over and over
>he thinks he's making me mad

>> No.53711543

Yep, it’s over. Since 2015 at least.

>> No.53711582
File: 141 KB, 1169x980, 1674968976740922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HOA in US....1k monthly for shity complex.....truly the land of the free

>> No.53711628

it was over when people realized they never own a home in THE USA since it was taken over by organized jewish crime in 1913 with the illegal federal reserve.

now your home is taxed every increasingly every year until you have paid the full value to jew organized crime10x, and you will be taxed
more. ther is no such thing as home ownership its a big fat fuckig lie and they rob us and boom bbust american people to steal everything.

dont buy a home until owning a home isnt just a scam to rob you

>> No.53711654

jewish hoa with LAW rights to steal your property via heavil armed sherriffs in jewish courts with jewish and catholic judges

>> No.53711691

My HOA is $20/mo.

>> No.53711702

>Thank you for visiting us, today. We add a 3% Living Wage surcharge to every check. This enables us to increase wages across all positions.
They forgot to append "without having to dip into our YoY increasing profits." to the end of that.

>> No.53711708

>$35k is a lot to ameripoors

>> No.53711748

we are born living creatures the strongest and smartest. And we are forced by violence, called law heavily armed men who work for jewish organized crime. pay them to keep a house we already paid in full for, or pay usury to the same federal reserve and never own a house ever . Moses tha maker of laws was a raging mass murdering thief who poisoned and robbed and made the law

>> No.53711768

>2 bottles of angry orchard: $14
>fried pickles: $9.50
>fucking spinach dip: $13
Bitch, you just paid 3 people’s livable wage for an hour. Where is all that money going?

>> No.53711782

They have more pussies than u, zoomers

>> No.53711801
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that s OK number. are you in US ? which city ?

>> No.53711807
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>They have more pussies than u, zoomers
They're more pussy than me.
Born 1997 in Canada, I've banged 50 women, all bare back.
You're like a fucking childish retard in my eye.
No dude, fucking the same fat chick isn't the same as fucking 50 different women from two different countries.
Get the fuck over yourself, fat boy.

>> No.53711845

The effect of student loans is to prevent the educated middle class from achieving home ownership for over a decade so that they can squeeze you for rent money for another decade on top of siphoning money from you via debt. Then you get to play the mortgage game if you can afford a downpayment.

>> No.53711846

>he still pays his taxes
Lol. Lmao

>> No.53712300

I looked at a 5ac rural property in 2019, it was shit. Had not been maintained ever, the owners were sick and just sat in the dark living room when we went through. It was invested with rats and had holes in the exterior wall. It was fucking horrible. Anyway we thought we could fix it up so offered 390k and got it. Fixing it up was horrible, everything was so gross I spent hundreds taking load after load to the dump on my trailer. Then we had a huge bonfire down the orchard as well.
Then covid happened and houses went nuts. It is all renovated now and full of light. The land looks great now too. It has doubled in price.
We get $520/ week in rent plus we sell fruit from 400 trees for $3/kg.
It's fun! But it was not nice for a year or so.

>> No.53712337

Houses are just NFTs for boomers that you're stuck living in. I can get a nice apartment for half the monthly price of a mortgage+upkeep+HOA+utilities and I can leave at any time. With the rest in the markets my returns will outgrow the equity on your 1940s shitbox you bought for 800 thousand dollars. Home ownership is the ultimate midwit retard filter.

>> No.53712693

Seethe and cope you pathetic piece of unloved cringe zoomzoom dogshit. I'd beat the living fuck out of your disgusting fat fucking body, you're not fooling anyone you hated incel faggot, there's a reason zoomie gash opens exclusively for Chad Millenial Cock, you scrawny pathetic little bitch boy. I'd unironnically fucking murder you.

>> No.53712750
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good luck with that, pedro and his exrtended family and some guys he crossed the border with and their family are ready to combine their minimum wages to cover whatever rent blackstone ask for

>> No.53714080
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The people who don't OWN a home at this point and act like they are better for paying rent or paying a mortgage are the true midwits.