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File: 353 KB, 1800x1800, 7KT004_1800x1800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53695049 No.53695049 [Reply] [Original]

How do you store your seed?

>> No.53695068

In my testicles

>> No.53695070

in yer mum's bum

>> No.53695069

Usually in my girlfriends plump kitty

>> No.53695085

on my dog

>> No.53695088

deez nuts

>> No.53695105

>How do you store your s̵e̵e̵d̵ custom-app master password?
in my head, and the decrypted files are never stored on disk, only temporarily in memory

>> No.53695138

i used to be like this until some chimp knocked me out from behind and gave me a concussion. took me about 50 tries to brute force the word i forgot

>> No.53695146

Are Africans really that violent in America?

>> No.53695155

I put it right next to my feed.

>> No.53695175

Yes. You must beware around them.

>> No.53695177


>> No.53695184

Fat women with fat hips and a sheet beside my bed

>> No.53695205

Never relax.

>> No.53695223

dont use your picrel. anybody who has access to it can steal your money. instead, encrypt it in a few usb keys that you keep in several different places (rent a safe deposit box). that way nobody will be able to steal your cryptos even if they have physical access to a usb key.

>> No.53695243

Engraved in stainless steel, split in two pieces, stored at different locations. 2 pairs.

>> No.53695246

>what is passphrase?

>> No.53695262

unfortunately yes. this was in an 85% white city with a ~5% black population.

>> No.53695293

what are you trying to say? keep the passphrase at home or in a cloud. an attacker would need physical acces to the usb key in your safe + the password.

>> No.53695332

In my Sneed.

>> No.53695334

a large well-funded attacker could probably bruteforce it if they have half the key

>> No.53695456

You are doing wrong. Passphrase is only stored in your head. Never write or keep your passphrase in place.

>> No.53696615

next to the pee

>> No.53696670

Interesting, I used to do that
Guess the word is formerly

>> No.53696827

my 12 family members each remember a word in order of age

>> No.53696982

I keep it on a post it note in my home office (I have clients here as well)

you won't stop me
don't try

>> No.53697140
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>> No.53697160

see >>53695334
Consider Shamir Shared Secret if you think seed splitting is a good idea. Most hardware wallets support it.

>> No.53697202
File: 189 KB, 1530x1500, lost-it-all-max-walker-williams.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In an email in my inbox.

>> No.53697223

I've stamped a bunch of washers

>> No.53697276

I just deposit it directly into her vagina

>> No.53697482

there are reasons why stereotypes exist

>> No.53697519

Yes. Never relax. It helps if you give them the "I see you, jiggaboo" look as well.

>> No.53697531

its quite genius actually what I did

>> No.53697545

Wow this was dumb and unentertaining

>> No.53697563

No. It's a dumb meme
Most African Americans are good people just trying to survive and take care of their family and keep up with the Joneses like everyone else

There are some people in the hood who cause the stereotype and white people in bumfuck farmtown can be just as scary.

>> No.53697607
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lying faggot

>> No.53697641

It’s objectively hilarious. SEETHE

>> No.53697675
File: 2.90 MB, 720x404, americanchaos.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just trying to survive
>Let me rob you because i have to survive

>> No.53697721

pass entry
I should probably make a backup at some point. If my hard drive goes kaput I'll be ruined...

>> No.53697725

This. I'm hydrating right now in preparation for the end of Valentine's Day.

>> No.53697734

Nice. My girl has the coil so I can cum in her raw. And you?

>> No.53697735
File: 2.88 MB, 1280x720, floydingaround.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine seeing a fentanyl drughead and dealer that threatened a pregnant women with a gun onto her belly as a national hero.
Since most african american glorify him and literally tore down entire cities, then it sure speaks for itself how good those people really are.

>> No.53697744

She's on oral contraceptive. We stopped using condoms after 2 weeks of dating.

>> No.53697756

Not always 100% effective and has nasty side effects for her mood tho

>> No.53697785

99.9% of African Americans are not trying to rob anybody or be violent. Bad people are bad people. Don't lump everyone in by race.

>> No.53697790

Yeah it can also make her not want sex anymore which then you'll have to get rid of her

>> No.53697804

Kek come here and find out, just don't blame us when you end up in a coma or dead

>> No.53697810

the affordable option

>> No.53697823

Over 50% of african kids don't have fathers here. Africans commit the majority of violent crime. Your little statistic is made up, and wrong.

>> No.53698158

>africans committing more violence than whites
>bad thing
Oh man i know someone with a mental illness

>> No.53698195

How do you formulate a question in order to get the most sensible answers?

>> No.53698224

Yes but they’re biggest fucking pussies who only prey on the weak.

>> No.53698341
File: 327 KB, 666x731, A0FB244F-0B8B-4CB6-9D2E-A4FEAB298EF2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

small glass bottle with written seed phrase on paper inserted up my ass.

>> No.53698457
File: 76 KB, 500x400, hmm-today-i-will-commit-50-of-all-violent-crimes-39401130.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>99.9% of African Americans are not trying to rob anybody or be violent

>> No.53698493
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Didn't read your post, just wanted to share pic related to show how dumb you are.

>> No.53698495

She switched to the progesterone-only pill a few months ago and it actually made her more horny and wet. But she had bleeding issues and recently switched back to the combination pill. The vaginal dryness is more noticeable and uncomfortable for me. I pray to God she doesn't "accidentally" get pregnant since I plan on dumping her this year.

My ID might be different. I got banned and reset my modem lol

>> No.53698516

>numbers versus suppositions made by college trannies
yeah, i'm thinking you should kill yourself

>> No.53698542

Numbers are only as good as their source . If the source is reliable for one set of data, why isn't it reliable for another?
Nevermind, you're not gonna answer.

>> No.53698546

lucky man, progesterone is based

>> No.53698548
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>> No.53698563

propaganda statements by the ruling party are not numerical data
don't forget to dilate, this was your last (you)

>> No.53698572

>Not data
>Quotes their data as a basis for your belief system
Lol @ you

>> No.53698616

But it's only like 85% effective so I'm actually kinda happy she's not using that one anymore.

>> No.53699179
File: 1.18 MB, 608x480, schizo_wins_flawless_victory.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Most" doesn't matter when the stats still show the lopsided crime rates. So it's best to always carry and never relax if you want to help your chances surviving an unexpected nog event in your life.

>> No.53700167

Why you wanna dump her? I will need to learn about this progesterone

>> No.53700177

Sad life you live

>> No.53700225
File: 193 KB, 1010x1620, 74059979d045450c05b277e7da0d43c14298ea4c262ecb295e431b25b761a417_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Most African Americans are good people just trying to survive and take care of their family and keep up with the Joneses like everyone else
You have to be 18 to post here, literally nobody with real world experience believes dumb shit like that

>> No.53700242

I really think you people don't really know any black people. It's sad. You're afraid of something because it's different but you really have no idea

>> No.53700256

in my feed

>> No.53700282
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I've managed hundreds of them, out of thousands over the years

I hate them like you wouldn't believe, and I grew up in a very liberal family to start

>> No.53700295
File: 643 KB, 844x718, Screen Shot 2023-02-14 at 3.07.36 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in your mother hehehehe

>> No.53700306

Found the call center team lead

>> No.53700372

Post nose

>> No.53700406

>a fentanyl drughead and dealer that threatened a pregnant women with a gun onto her belly

most normies don't even know this. they are fed bullshit and incited to violence by jewish mass media, sad really

>> No.53700465

In a hidden room in an offline open world game

>> No.53700473

Sounds made up

>> No.53700485

She has a lot of baggage, negative/depressing attitude, doesn't cook or clean well, and makes much less money than me. She wants to marry and have kids but I can't see myself marrying someone like this unless they were like 10 years younger so I can retrain their mindset over time.

>> No.53700494

I've seriously been considering getting my seed phrase tattooed onto my scrotum

>> No.53700502

I manage a distribution plant

>> No.53700527

Does anyone actually use those things?

>> No.53700537

Ah I see
You should do it soon then so she can move on. That's gonna be hard anon

>> No.53700547

That was my second guess

>> No.53700559

Yeah I know. I should've done this at least 6 months ago. I'm such an asshole lol

>> No.53700640

I meant it's gonna be hard for you. If you have a soul

>> No.53700693
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>> No.53700695

I don't have a soul. But it's gonna be hard for me because of her tears and my parents' disappointment.

>> No.53700720

Inside my girlfriend or her best friend while they are sleep. It's a lot easier than people think.

The Ledger Nano S is small enough that you can push it inside slowly without them waking up. The hard part is getting it back after they wake up.

>> No.53700746

Dude just dump her now wtf. I don't understand why people stay with others while they plan on breaking up with them down the road. Just fucking end it now.

>> No.53700782

Yeah you have to figure out a way to do it. The whole it's me not you thing

>> No.53700807

he also had heart problems and was saying he couldn't breathe BEFORE he was on the ground with chauvin's knee on the BACK of his neck (not his windpipe)

>> No.53700837

Blah blah blah
Well guess what people!?!
Nobody told that dumbfuck cop to leave his knee on another humans neck for that long for no reason.

>> No.53700849
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Your chud meme is good
But an agency can lie about certain things while speaking the truth about the other stuff.

>> No.53701918

it never fails to amuse me just how easily non-whites self-expose on 4chan, their animal brains just can't help themselves.