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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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5366611 No.5366611 [Reply] [Original]

Suicide thread for those who sold at the bottom.

Get in here, cucks.

>> No.5366647

looks a bit scammy to me

>> No.5366653


>> No.5366678

>it has no dick
>no haram
>dumped 100k

>> No.5366694
File: 216 KB, 1010x655, 1513980222187.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


delusion test: where do you see yourself now?

>> No.5366711

I sold at the top, well close to it (19.4k)but I still wouldn’t buy back in here.

90% of these buys are just people scalping no one is going into long term positions from this price. We will retest 10k again before we see 20k

>> No.5366730

first sell off

>> No.5366767

We are at "bear trap" in your meme drawing.

>> No.5366804


but what about all the media attention and mania we have seen in the last month?

>> No.5366810

Yes because the media is completely unaware of bitcoin, it’s not like cnbc just held a 24/7 crypto week or anything and those normies buying cryptos on their iPhones are the institutional investors.

>> No.5366924
File: 525 KB, 2106x1400, H_orig_africanrockpython.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi guys, I created a time machine. It easily goes directly into the future so that I can predict where the little lines on a computer screen go up and down.
I can assure you guys that it is not going to go down any more from what it already has. It's smooth sailing from here on out guys.

>> No.5367006







>> No.5367174

I fucking hate bitcoin cash, I have lost so much money on this piece of shit


Fucking never going to touch this mother fucker ever again

This shit keeps bleeding to death

fuck this shit

No other coin is this volatile

>> No.5367324

The media attention is just at the beginning. Maybe in urbanretard land "lots" of people are aware of and buying crypto, but it really doesn't represent any significant percentage of normies.

>> No.5367403

lmao how did you not know the whales were setting a trap??? It just randomly started fast dumping started by the whale dumping bots. They stopped half way through the fall.... Then they let everyone panic sell into their low buys. Then when they filled up they insta rebought btc back to 12k+. BTW they did the exact same thing with BCH a few days comon noob

>> No.5367437

Meh just buy Monero and Bitcoin, if you really think BTC is trash and don't want to use it anymore use Monero... Simple as that. Been starting to stock up on BTC hedge coins since BTC is kinda trash and these devs are fucking morons. People are only holding onto it becaues its first and everyone says it can do a million$ but likely, Monero will hit 1k anytime soon and beyond that. Monero seems to really be the future...

>> No.5367481


Are you nuts? Even my 70 years old mother knows what bitcoin is because she read an article while at the barber shop about how Bitcoin needs more women.

>> No.5367535

I don't think BTC is trash, I use satoshi to measure my worth, don't even pay attention to the fiat value. BCH has been fucking decimating my entire portfolio though, everything else is stable, THIS PIECE OF SHIT KEEPS TANKING AND TAKING EVERYTHING DOWN WITH IT


>> No.5367568

I also have monero as well, I think it's overpriced at the moment in BTC value for me to buy back in

>> No.5367612

bear trap

>> No.5367653

Stop being retarded and worshipping your meme graph like it's some kind of inevitable prophecy. No one knows where this market is headed.

>> No.5367695

Sell me it pls

>> No.5367714

Everyone knows about BTC but really how many of these retards can figure out how to buy it? or even want to buy

>> No.5367732

what wallet do you guys use to store all your different kinds of coins? No online wallets either, I dont want to be robbed by pajeet

>> No.5367758


Do you use Facebook from time to time? Read the comments under articles about crypto and you know what I mean.

>> No.5367759

>Bitcoin being hard to purchase
Its easier than fucking robinhood at this point

>> No.5367768


That's exactly what I mean. Just because it started hitting the media/normie radar doesn't mean anything. It's early.

>> No.5367842


yeah, we are soon back to normal :^)

>> No.5367876

My third world Asian QT is buying into ETH because she has heard off her third world pals that BTC is shit.

Bitcoin is dead.

>> No.5367885

Same here anon, massive amount lost and feel like absolute shit. Still in overall profit but i closed out some very good positions as i thought we were going down more. We didn't, and im tormented by my decision. Hard lesson learned. Good luck brother.

>> No.5367910

So far I have about 4 normie friends who have figured out where to buy different cryptocurrencies. These are people I NEVER expected to know about it in my life.

I was talking to one of them earlier and he said that his friend made 200% on Verge. Even told me he wants to get into Monero and a bunch of other coins. Its a confusing time

>> No.5368057

yeah I have some normie friends asking me how to buy ripple last week. Maybe we are at the bull trap...who knows.

>> No.5368221
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Why so sad? Sold at bottom lad?

>> No.5368368

I'm not trying to countersignal your experience, I'm just saying that this is barely on any of my friends' radar as "lol fake internet money".

Maybe it's that your friends are younger/more tech saavy/whatever. Definitely a confusing time.

>> No.5368453

More "smart" people are buying.
University educated or intelligent.
But even more "smart" people are staying away.

We are very far from "oh boy i need to get me some of dat crypto making everyone rich."

>> No.5368476

ohh yea i know dude, i just felt like blogging desu