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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53653910 No.53653910 [Reply] [Original]

>manager has started to ignore my threats of resignation because she knows i wont because im only 7 months in
>entire department full of people taking sick leaves and dumping their work on each other
>forced to do mandatory overtime to cover for them
>singlehandedly keep our factory afloat since im usually the only approver
>no pay raise cause im not even a year in
What the fuck do I do bros? Do I study SATs and go to university? How hard is it? IQ of 135 but have never studied a day in my life.

>> No.53653927

>singlehandedly keep our factory afloat since im usually the only approver
Congrats on being the hardest working slave on the plantation. Try suicide?

>> No.53653972

Ive considered it but I dont have the guts to do it. Took 20 pills of peracetemol once but nothing happened besides me throwing up a lot.

>> No.53654010
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you either quit or you don't. Don't threaten to quit because you get fucked over if they already know you're a short-timer.
>t. college grad (smart, listen to me)

>> No.53654069

>only 7 months in
>already throwing tantrum
Zoomers are so fucking weak.
Protip: youre not special nigger. Just resign if you cant handle the load, theyll be fine & can find another retards in 2 weeks anyway

>> No.53654083

What exactly is it you do? If your really one of the only people working there then I suggest causing an "expensive accident" that can't be immediately explained as incompetence to hammer into your employer that your understaffed. And if nothing comes of it or they turn on you quit and move on.

>> No.53654093

They cant find someone else in 2 weeks because no one wants to work. They have a job opening for the same position for 4 months now. Not a single resume came in.

>> No.53654095

Holy shit, are you me? Im in the same situation, a few months ago it was easy, basically 30mins max of work.
Now everyone is either sick or quit, and the fucking boss bitch makes me work for 3 people
What do?

>> No.53654116

Schools not that bad, just went back at 34 it’s stressful gunning for a 4.0 and being smart it’s the only time I’ve had to ever study
Chemistry and cellular biology take hours of your day to know wtf is going on

>> No.53654117

Do not show up for the "mandatory" over-time do not do the extra work. What is the worst they are going to do fire you? You already threaten to quit you just revealed you just all bark and no bite.

>> No.53654118

Just don't do the work they are trying to force you to do.
If they fire you, who gives a shit?
You tried to kill yourself anyway.

But no, here you are doing what they want and being miserable that you have to live with that fact.
If you really are as valuable as you say you are then you hold the power.
Say NO you massive man tit sucking pussy.

>W-what if they get angry
>W-what if they fire me??
So? Who cares, your life will go on.
You are young and will be fine.

Stop letting people walk all over you
There are worse things than being homeless.
I have been homeless
What is worse is working for a job that you despise and makes you feel like a dog
What is worse is working that job for people who you hate and are cunts
What is worse is knowing you've done nothing to change that fact

Just say no

>> No.53654119

Plus i get the same pay as literal niggers who literally do nothing, while having 100x the responsibility

>> No.53654124

Unironically quiet quitting

>> No.53654175

Just quit you fucking faggots. I'd feel bad for you but you already threatened to quit, so just quit. How else do you expect a raise if you're not willing to call your manager's bluff

>> No.53654406

Just give them same day notice and leave. You won't because you're a pussy. I've walked on 3 companies, two of them which were paying me over 150k as well as one that was paying me 200k because I got tired of dealing with their faggotry. Don't write threat checks that you won't cash.

>> No.53654445

Why quit? They owe you severance

>> No.53654617

>wasting years of your prime life working the job you hate, in an environment you loathe because you want that insignificant money instead of looking at oportunity elsewhere
Unironically this is how I wasted 5 years at my first job, never again

>> No.53654630

Go the Randy McNutt route

>> No.53654806

This is where office politics come in. You make friends and be on everyone’s good side. Then you quiet quit. Learn to say “no sorry I’m busy”. Also underperform enough to not be noticed as slacking so you have more free time. Fuck managers and colleagues who pile work on you.

>> No.53656698

Walk into her office and ask for a raise. If she says no resign immediately and walk out

>> No.53656714

don't work in europe then. my fren who takes boxes of the conveyer belt in the factory earns as much as I do with a bachlor IT

>> No.53657626

You are a mentally ill retarded slave and you deserve everything that happens to you.

>> No.53657710

Have you tried fucking her?

>> No.53658817

same position. developer in the UK. applications are coming in but all from india. they gave me a promotion and treatment is ok, but the company is rapidly going downhill.

>> No.53658854

Raises are given annually. At least wait until you have a year and see what you get before you decide to quit.

>> No.53659558

That's true. But most employers offer raises every 6 12 months depending on location. So it isn't uncommon to receive a 1% increase after a year.

>> No.53659600

quit anon. no point in overworking if you're not getting for it. simple as

>> No.53659943

Just quit, anon. You will land on your feet and rebuild your self-respect.

>> No.53660099

>IQ of 135 but have never studied a day in my life.
Oh, so you're just another unmotivated retard whose ego was inflated thanks to mommy and daddy calling you a smart little man for being good at arithmetic at age 5. If you're actually as smart as you say you are, you'll figure something out.

>> No.53660137

Just slack, let work get unfinished on time, if someone comes to offload work on you tell me you have a shitload to do and could only get to their task next week/month

>> No.53660181

You guys make latex sex toys over there im bettin

>> No.53660259

>take FMLA for mental health leave
>when a big project comes up just take a day or two
>if she fires you just sue

>> No.53660291

Work harder.

>> No.53660399

Keep calling out sick until they fire you.

>> No.53662552

>>forced to do mandatory overtime to cover for them
>>singlehandedly keep our factory afloat since im usually the only approver
explain that very rationally to your bosses and ask for a raise asap.

>> No.53662981

Become the guy who dumps his work on the other wagies. Welcome to the wagie world.

>> No.53663118

>mandatory overtime
What? Just get in your car and drive home

>> No.53663658

Let the other wagies get used to dumping their work on you, do your overtime, change shit to be more efficient, then one day when they least expect it and you're the most necessary, don't go, let him call you, he knows he'll lost a lot of money, the bosses will tell him why it's not working, he'll mention you, they'll call you and pay you what you want and maybe fire the fag.
in theory it would work

>> No.53663680

>135 IQ
>Doesn't know what to do
Anon i ....

>> No.53664012

Why don't you just... don't do it? It isn't that hard

>> No.53664616

sounds like larp but ill play along. quit. dont be a pussy.

>> No.53665040

buy chainlink you retarded shitskin

>> No.53667266

Protest tibetan style.Get some gasoline and show your manager you mean business as you light yourself up.