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53649901 No.53649901 [Reply] [Original]

So I just got my first big boy over 6 figures job @ $60h/r 40 a week for being a data nerd. I have it all going into direct deposit on Coinbase right into algorand. Is this a bad idea? What do, I never had this much income before.

>> No.53649921

>into algorand
you have done no analysis of basics. and you bought a fucking evertaking scam coin.
> $60/h
can't believe someone as stupid as you gets 60 dollars per hour

>> No.53649939
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what a great idea to put all your wagiebucks into a single shitcoin anon

>> No.53649991

I'm literally coming here to ask for better advice fuck me right.

>> No.53650221


>> No.53650879

learn what the fuck you are doing before doing anything with your money. putting all your eggs into one basket, especially some shitcoin basket, is suicide.

>> No.53650981

you're not kidding are you?
just don't - no algorand.
If you wanna "invest" like an adult and not a degenerate mongoloid looking for a quick buck, you buy global etfs, 1 spy, 1 eurocuck and maybe 1 for china/india. Then a little physical gold in a vault - some cash on the side - some bitcoin/litecoin on a trezor/ledger and dca consistently whilst simultaneously saving for a mortgage to buy a house or an apartment.

You also start businesses for cash flow.

Welcome to being an adult....

>> No.53651006


>> No.53651027

it's a shitty project, buy something else. BTC/ETH/DOT/ADA are all solid pics. If you want shitcoins you could do much better than algo.

>> No.53651057

yes, you're a fucking retard
figure out your savings rate first
lets say you saving 4000 a month
at most, put 400 into crypto, as they're all likely going to zero this decade
you can recover from a 10% loss, that's equivalent to having any number of vices, such as gambling

>> No.53651075

I can confirm that you are indeed retarded

>> No.53651153
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I know you can get cranky from a little sand in your vagina, especially when you're lacking the discipline to dilate like the good old long nosed doctor told ya too.
>aren't you supposed to be at some frontline, slaba ocarina

>> No.53651219

Please post tits and Sharpie in pooper with timestamp. Do this and I'll tell you the optimal portfolio mix to achieve double digit returns per year forever. This offer stands for the next 20 minutes.

>> No.53651247

buy BBBY

>> No.53651290
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smart. maybe stake them for reward too....it s trendy these days

>> No.53651297

You need to provide more info mate.
Whats your financial goals? Buy a house in 5 years, strike it rich and retire in 2 years.
Whats your risk tolerance?
How much cash do you have and whats your savings rate?
How passive do you want your investment?
Do you want it to cash flow?

>> No.53651318
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Diversify if you're making big bucks. Find 4 solid projects, with ALGO being your biggest hold, and wait until the market corrects itself more. We just pumped over 60 percent since the start of this year, and we're still in a bear market. Wait until we saw the lows of December and then buy. Don't be in too much of a hurry to buy right now, shit is still dicey. If you some how cannot fucking contain yourself and want to start buying NOW, just buy a little bit for the moment. I'm telling you bro, we've been pumping hard this year, we're over due for a -40 percent correction at least. In the meantime while we're still trying to correct, research a few crypto projects, and find some you actually believe in. Exactly how you're confident in ALGO. Good luck man. Don't FOMO and remember, you WANT shit to go down so you can buy cheapies.

>> No.53651334

5k emergency fund
10k down payment
After that 10% BTC ETH XMR

>> No.53651416
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diversity is your strength, buy some BTC instead
also eventually all these homosexual altoins and cefi products will get rekt.
PoW is king