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File: 62 KB, 525x768, gillette v EA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53632293 No.53632293 [Reply] [Original]

How has their business been since then? Did the boycotts have any lasting effect or did it all blow over?

>> No.53632345
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>Headquarters: Rehovot, Israel
What a weird repeating coincidental coincidence

>> No.53632365
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I haven’t bought Gillette since that stupid ass toxic masculinity ad. And yes, I’m a chud.

>> No.53632383

>said the incel in his dimly lit room with 20 porn tabs in his browser open and ready to go in case he wants to coom for the 20th time that day

>> No.53632395

Who said that? Weird thing to quote, moshe.

>> No.53632399

Do you think normal people care about any of this?

>> No.53632408 [DELETED] 
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>> No.53632420

>porn tabs
Sorry, we don't consume jewish media here.

>> No.53632444

>on fourchins

>> No.53632452

What an odd comment. Really makes you think, doesn't it?

>> No.53632454
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>porn tabs
Notice the jew ALWAYS drags sexual deviancy into the conversation; they literally can't help themselves

>> No.53632466
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Turned me on to Feather and Merkur. Not only am I able to shave at a lower cost, it's a much better shave.

>> No.53632469 [DELETED] 

you're a jew. Disgusting.

>> No.53632485
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That's exactly what happened though. Normal people cared.
It was a perfect example of an overstep in the repeated fight against masculinity. People could glimpse behind the curtain so to speak.

>> No.53632514
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> Did the boycotts have any lasting effect
yes, I have a basedbeard now

>> No.53632549

I still buy their nacet blades because they're pretty good. Am I a bad person

>> No.53632561
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>> No.53632573
File: 73 KB, 640x608, Gillette.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zoomer detected. Normies DID care. It was one of the times feminists really let their mask slip in public so normal men could see their misandry.

>> No.53632643

never saw the ad
i shave with cheap stuff bought at the local supermarket, and have been using the same throwaway one (out of a pack of 10) for months

>> No.53632739
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>> No.53632812

I too have not bought Gillette since the ad. Schick is based ngl. Right now using target generic brand razors they aren’t tereible.

>> No.53632837

How successful was the hogwarts legacy boycott?

>> No.53632853

Gillette is headquartered in Boston, cumguzzlers.

>> No.53632877
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>> No.53632981
File: 16 KB, 400x400, 1644344690554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know. It's Gillette India that's headquartered in Israel.
You gotta bend the truth a bit to keep the righteous hate flowing.
Besides, USA, Israel, what's the difference exactly? Nothing noteworthy

>> No.53633004

The best a goy can get

>> No.53633007

Gillette India is based in Delhi India, retard. And they aren't the ones who put out the ad.

>> No.53633011

>every single post deflecting

Kek, you guys really are stupid and un-self aware. We know the only thing keeping incels alive is internet porn.

>> No.53633033

This ad pissed me off doubly hard because I still thought Gillette was an independent business headquartered in my city. I had no idea they had been bought out by Proctor & Gamble

>> No.53633052
File: 70 KB, 1080x1080, give u the chop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i buy whatevers at costco. simple as

>> No.53633056

>"You are a poopy virgin!"
>What a weird thing to type
>"Hah, you deflected, that means you are a poopy virgin incel!"
Very un-self aware indeed.

>> No.53633078
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>> No.53633171
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>> No.53633193

bullseye, just look at the amount of replies. well done, anon

>> No.53633200

Whoever wrote that is smoking crack.


>> No.53633214
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>> No.53633221
File: 154 KB, 1280x1277, 1661837694698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made me finally switch from the cartridges

>> No.53633243

You should be nicer to incels since you are probably one yourself champ

>> No.53633245

For me, it's disposable off brand Chinese razors with only two blades

>> No.53633251

Most retards don't know that Gillette is owned by proctor & gamble. Half of household names are owned by p&g.

>> No.53633265
File: 1.01 MB, 498x238, cool-it-cool-it-with-the-antisemetic-remarks.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53633304

Yes. Just get a safety razor. So much easier to cut long stubble if you’re lazy and go without shaving for awhile, and much cheaper.

>> No.53633329

Yes shalom! You showed those goyim! Their proper place is before their pc watching porn made by us the chosen race!

>> No.53633361


>> No.53633367

its the other way around but yeah, internet porn is helping avoid the average dude insurrection

>> No.53633388

I wonder who owns pornhub

>> No.53633412

Ah yes and the people who made this gif or saved are the definition of "the light and love of god".

>> No.53633428


Are you the jewish pronographer Greg Lansky?

>> No.53633435

Nah, that argument is the same as alcoholics saying "i drink because my life is bad" while the reality is that "my life is bad because i drink". Porn enables the laziness of incels.

>> No.53633436

Retard the nacet is used in a safety razor

>> No.53633440

I'm not religious, remove dreidel

>> No.53633549

U wot m8

>> No.53633621

>care about this
uh no thanks moshe, ivan, chang, brad, hammid or whoever the fuck you are i'm not as nugatory as you

>> No.53633622


What’s ironic is that you faggots fishing for (you)’s are the very thing you claim to be mocking: incels.

Look in the mirror for once, you virtue signaling troglodytes.

>> No.53633634
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>> No.53635325

I haven't purchased Gilette since the ad. I'm just one guy though and people don't vote with their wallets anymore so I assume they are still successful. I never looked in to it I just stopped buying and never looked back.

>> No.53635485

Based. One of these beauties and a can of Barbasol is all I need.

>> No.53635508

Looks nice desu, do they sell these in the states?

>> No.53635537

why do tranny replies always sound like insults from 13 year old highschoolers?

>> No.53635991

I want to respond to this post too hahaha

>> No.53636045


>> No.53636078

I have completely boycotted proctor and gamble

>> No.53636108

I liked Gillette. Haven’t bought them since they had the ad for the black dad teaching his trans son to shave or the one with the black man holding the white man back.

Fuck Gillette. Hopefully they lose naming rights to the patriots stadium too

>> No.53636239

It's actually the only thing keeping you alive, interestingly enough

>> No.53636383

Just get a safety razor it will save a ton of money and shave a lot easier.

>> No.53636427

Completely false. Gillette operates out of Boston and is owned by Proctor and Gamble which is hqed and incorporated in Ohio.


>> No.53636473

Gilette had this wonderful smelling deodorant, it smelled a bit like their shaving foam. Anyways, they replaced it with cheap alcohol smelling weed killer like every other cheap deodorant so I've been boycotting them way before their terrible ad.

>> No.53636474
File: 153 KB, 200x200, B56999AB-ADDB-4F30-95E6-CD9C5FA0AD7F.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ah yes and the people who made this gif or saved are the definition of "the light and love of god".


>> No.53636496

Da JOOOOOOSE did it!

>> No.53636556

I think women probably buy this shit for their husbands anyways so maybe it doesn't effect them that much. Plus they sell a ton of womens razors as well I'm sure

>> No.53636569
File: 48 KB, 863x531, Screenshot 2023-02-08 184506.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're perfectly fine, sorry to all crybaby chuds ITT

>> No.53636631

imagine caring about advertisements lmao
Gillette is simply the best quality product and I will not stop buying them

>> No.53637423

It's not even the best cartridge razor.

>> No.53637530

Jews are responsible for everything evil in this modern world and white people are to blame for not standing up to them.

Every race should should unite and expel the Jew.

>> No.53637581

Never used their products and definitely never will

>> No.53637617

I love all of you

>> No.53637628

Still wouldn't buy after that ad. Trying to encourage guys to stop other guys talking to women, fuck them.

>> No.53638095

lmao u fags actually shave?
all u need is a electric beard trimmer and u can escape the shaving jew

>> No.53638454

This. I spend like $15 a year on shaving now. Shitty plastic razors are an invented market. Just like 'non stick' cookware that is inferior to a $20 cast iron pan.

>> No.53638580

I go all in on disposable bic

>> No.53638815

Jeet alert! The Gillette website only ends with .in for people in India. Psyops are run from there now?

>> No.53638828
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>> No.53638939

Yeah haven't bought from them since the ad. One of the few boycotts that I was surprisingly able to sustain. Every 6 months I go on their youtube channel and talk shit. Pretty much purged my place of P&G products as well. Plenty of alternatives. Schick sucks as well. In fact 95% of brands are woke nowadays so I stopped spending which is great for my savings and I buy and return things with impunity and thus costing them money. For example I'd buy $500 worth of skims(some instagram brand inclusive of all ugly people) and then return them all for fun. When Nike posted that fatty ad in Paris I bought two pairs of $300 alphaflys, wore em and then returned them for a full refund complaining about feet hurting(they are narrow). Same with Calvin Klein. Making them lose money is a hobby of mine and gives me immense pleasure.

>> No.53638967
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a lot of projection there

>> No.53639032

and who makes that porn you fucking yiddish demon

>> No.53639065

Anyone else who has sex with various women and can’t respect or care about anything they make/say?
The more girls I meet the least I think of their genre, back when I was 20 and had only had sex with two I had a really good image of girls

>> No.53639090

I don't shave or cut my hair

it is a symptom of over socialization to do either

>> No.53639104

Just buy a safety razor and then buy the blades in bulk, I bought a box of them and still have some after like 2 years

>> No.53639204

Hope you wash enough to avoid cheese beard uncle ted

>> No.53639412

literally a fiction

>> No.53639464

I dunno but I’ve avoided them to this day and will still do

>> No.53639514
File: 317 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20230209_124934_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure how relevant this data is but it seems noone is trying to answer OP. I guess it didn't hurt them but they've dipped since then

>> No.53639583


>> No.53639646

Yes... and don't for get to dialate

>> No.53639842
File: 590 KB, 1066x797, Screenshot_20230127-093326_Messages.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I shop lifted a 12 pack of Mach3 blades when I saw the commercial. After they were done I went to dollar shave club which has a better 5 blade razor.

>> No.53640399

I havent bought anything P&G since then. Fuck them.

>> No.53640475

You didnt say he is wrong though

>> No.53640522

Dollar shave club is owned by the same parent company.

>> No.53640530

The alternative market grew

>> No.53640534

And shave/use razor blades more frequently.

>> No.53640549

brb replacing the blades every 4 shaves
that being said, feather Japanese razog blades are BASED

>> No.53640570

>brb replacing the blades every 4 shaves
You're doing something wrong if that's all you get, so long as you're using heat and flipping the blade after use you can get 2 weeks shaving every second day of use easily.

>> No.53640607

huh? why lie? they're in boston

>> No.53640684

What an odd thing to say...

>> No.53640685

Nice try kike

>> No.53640726
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>> No.53641127

how did you misspell genocide so badly?

>> No.53641130

Fuck has it been that long? I do the 5 day stuble and then shave with anything but Gillette. Haven’t bought their faggot razors since then

>> No.53642476

im not allowed to have real razor blades in my house because i'd FOOKIN' KILL ME FOOKIN' SELF

nah jk haha

>> No.53642492

This post really upset the incels.

>> No.53642502
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>> No.53642630

>don't like a nation of manipulative rats owning the entire banking industry and the media? You must not have sex haha!!

Yeah scholomo you really showed everyone with your roastie-tier insult. You're really plugged in and woke and willing to discuss real shit like... people on 4chan not having sex.

>> No.53642680
File: 330 KB, 600x600, IMG_20230121_092908_353.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look I'm responding hahah

>> No.53642751

I used to buy those gillette cartridge refills. Just because I'm low-T and don't shave much, so they lasted me well enough. Also it was something my mother could buy me for those awkward christmas celebrations where we're forced to give gifts to people. I started just using a beard trimmer with no guard after that ad. I know it's not good enough for everyone, but it is for me, and the time I'm saving when I shave is really great.

>> No.53642783


>> No.53642855

It's just a cohencidence, goy-... I mean... Guys.

>> No.53642904

you could at least pretend to be embarrassed to have fallen for that israel thing, like you should be

>> No.53642910

>this is how easy it is to trick bizraelis
no wonder you guys go broke on pajeetcoins

>> No.53642911


Same here.

>> No.53642933


Goe one this Christmas from my wife. German steel to your neck every morning. I havent changed the blade for 1 month, no need. You can buy 100 blades for like $10. Do math.

>> No.53642960

I got this as well, bought a pack of 100 blades and I still don't think I've spent as much as a single refill of gillettes cost.

In a way, I'm actually thankful for that advert as it woke me up from a scam.

>> No.53642977

I used to buy gillette and did since I was 15 or so, I stopped and have never bought anything with that brand since.

However most went back to it.

>> No.53643003

That wasn't a boycott, it was a perfectly executed advertising campaign that a lot of retarded people got behind on both sides.

>> No.53643012
File: 404 KB, 1024x1024, 1653382256810.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I stopped buying cartridge razors altogether after that shit.

Bought a straight razor and after a learning curve the comfort is 100x superior.

>> No.53643017

This is why most people went back to gillette that said they wouldn't, they buy store space to keep out competition. I had to order online for instance to buy a different brand, the chemist I goto has 100% gillette.

>> No.53643078
File: 71 KB, 931x400, 1653928406054.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They did lose money over this shit btw

>> No.53643092

Not respecting women just tells that you are juvenile but yeah, i have a hard time caring about women that i fuck. Probably why i'm still single at 29 year olds.

>> No.53643149

>all the seething coomer replies
Kek, well done

>> No.53643200

>completely turned trajectory from growth to shrinking with multiple billions already lost
>I guess it didnt hurt

>> No.53643333

PG is up around 50% since then so I suppose they're still doing alright

>> No.53644109
File: 34 KB, 358x400, s-l400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't bought a Gillette since the '90s. Dollar Tree even sells these now. For years I could not find them there.

>> No.53644134

forgot pic

>> No.53644210

Learn how to load a webpage, retard.

>> No.53645211

Kike tentacles wrote this post

>> No.53645247

I haven't bought a product of theirs since. I couldn't even remember why I don't like their brand I just don't buy it now, thanks for the reminder lol.