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53625348 No.53625348 [Reply] [Original]

This might be a bit of a weird one but I'm genuinely glad I bought a Sodastream. Cost me $70 AUD, but now I can make sparkling water whenever I want and am now drinking a lot more water which has helped clear up my skin and improved my overall health, mood and productivity. What purchases have you made that improved your life? It doesn't have to be expensive, just whatever.

>> No.53625410

PID espresso machine
40mm low retention grinder
single batch freshly roasted beans

>> No.53625438
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>> No.53625474

I got one and I love drinking cold fizzy water but my dentist told me to stop because while it's not as acidic as soda (2.5 pH) it's still too acidic (4.5 pH).

>> No.53625480

Kek you are a will powerlet if you need to carbonate your water

>> No.53625481
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It’s expensive but if you cook a lot, it’s worth it. I have a half dozen other pans that I’ve barely touched in months that I’m contemplating throwing away.

>> No.53625486

i'm considering purchasing the following for myself:
shoe deionizer that makes shoes/boots/gloves not stink, leather jacket, osprey daypack
I've got a female family member with a birthday coming up, thinking of getting her some random pattagucci shit, a nice carryon-size suitcase, a lululemon crosspurse, and one of the water bottles that filters the water
thoughts on any of this meme consumer shit? desu the only things i might pull the trigger on are the shoe deodorizer because my feet stink and one or two things for the thot

>> No.53625487

>Cost me $70 AUD
>plus refills
What a fucking rip off.

>> No.53625489

I have a little shelf on my teeth where the bottom ones have dug into the top ones, apparently enabled by the acidity.

I got mine from Philips btw.

>> No.53625783

>naturally non stick
Does this gives you the nonstick benefits without the endocrine disrupters?

>> No.53625796

Meant to write give not gives. I’m not a fucking jeet I just changed the sentence around and didn’t read it

>> No.53625849
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My Tessie. It's a joy to drive, fast as fuck and full of tech features. One of my favorite features is the ability to schedule my AC or heat to turn on at a certain time when I'm in a certain location. I never have to feel uncomfortable before I go to work or back home.

>> No.53625896

>/biz/ purchases that improved their life
Permanent hair straightening treatment. I have always been self conscious about my very thick wavy hair and now it's nice and straight. I'm a white guy btw with green eyes and am 6' 2"

>> No.53625898

You need to change your diet if your feet stink.

>> No.53625933

to what? i'm literally a 9% /fit/chad and i mostly eat rice, veggies, and chicken/beef/eggs

>> No.53625987

Wait till they send the shitty update and all your techy features break down so that you have to upgrade ala apple

>> No.53626046

You need to change your shoes if your feet stink.

>> No.53626050

Anyone who drives a Tesla is a fucking NPC. All that money just to drive a generic bubble car in gray.


>> No.53626070 [DELETED] 

Why do so many retards think Tesla vehicles cost s shitton of money? It's obviously out of reach for a dumb poorfag like you but a new Model 3 isn't $100k+.

>> No.53626082

Why do so many retards think Tesla vehicles cost a shitton of money? It's obviously out of reach for a dumb poorfag like you but a new Model 3 isn't $100k+.

>> No.53626114

or i could buy the ionizer/deodorizer i mentioned

>> No.53626130

Just drink normal water lmao

>> No.53626134

Why's it supposedly better than cast iron?

>> No.53626135


>> No.53626168

Waterpik and a Philips sonicare toothbrush. God damn, it feels so good

>> No.53626173
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i believe you

>> No.53626180

>makes water instead of soda
These fucking things are like 100 bucks here.

>> No.53626400

its 30 dollars at ikea

>> No.53626708

you need to go back dude

>> No.53626906

coffee grinder and machine/press
it's just a party every morning

Garmin GPS watch with hr belt and Strava app. I swear it has kept me motivated for three or four years now

Big freezer

Second hand Skoda Octavia and I do the maintenance myself

proper kitchen knife, outdoor clothes, army boots all that stuff is worth it. don't get the meme shit. i finally can cough up the money for quality. buy something solid the first time and you can have it forever, instead of replacing every year..

>> No.53627208

Put them in a bag, then freezer.

>> No.53627262

my fitbit + fitbit scales. changed my life fr fr

>> No.53627328

I got a massage chair, nothing like getting stoned out of my skull and getting looooooseeee

>> No.53627372
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mod the machine to accept an external commercial size co2 bottle for a fraction of the price.

>> No.53627398

Better basic t-shirts. Fit is better and they crinkle less quickly, and with how slowly they seem to wear out I now even doubt they are more expensive per wear.

>> No.53627424

I go for a thai massage weekly and buy homemade thai food from the girl every time I go.

I get grass fed beef delivered from a local farm weekly too

notable mentions: treadmill, coffee machine, high quality speakers, alienware 36inch curved monitor (it looks insane), $400 bed sheets (yes it's worth it)

>> No.53627425

My 1998 Honda accord

>> No.53627434

Kek I never understood Sodastream but I don't drink any soda or carbonated drinks. Isn't it just cheaper to buy bottled soda? Also just drink normal water.. It's awesome.

>> No.53627445
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I have a 19 year old sugarbaby that costs me about 2k per month. Sex is great, but she also cooks for me sometimes, which my wife never does anymore.

>> No.53627646

These are made by isreal, just saying

>> No.53627777
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buy your soda maker goy

>> No.53627789

>buying israeli products
good goy
>drinking sparkling water all the time instead of regular water
have fun with your rotten teeth its literally as bad as drinking a coke

>> No.53627919

Where do you find said sugar babies?

>> No.53627942

>i can't drink water if it's not bubbly

>> No.53627961

This exactly. I love my carbonsteel pan from Ikea and use it a lot. I also have a cast iron pan from le creuset, so dont think im a poorfag

>> No.53628026

I bought a cast iron pan off amazon for like $30

>> No.53628038

checked and kiked

>> No.53628042

ignore him
you need to keep your feet dry is all
do daily/bi-daily feet cleaning
vinegar/bicarb or water/iodine, or even alcohol if you absolutely must, if you have fungi(almost everyone does have some)
make sure to really scrub inbetween, underneath and all the edges of your toenails where the fungi is probably starting
get a pumice stone, one of the real volcanic ones with a lifetime guarantee
get better shoes and socks, make sure your feet aren't getting cool sweat over the course of the day, if they are, find out which ones work for your environment
(e.gi live in cool/humid so i will need different shoes/socks than hot/humid or hot/dry or cool/dry etc.)

>> No.53628055

kek you are a will powerlet if you can't drink water straight out of a puddle

>> No.53628072

herman miller embody

>> No.53628079

Came here to post this

>> No.53628081


>> No.53628279

As long as you use lard, tallow, ghee and avocado oil to season it with, yes.

>> No.53628287

It's sort of like an middle ground between cast iron and stainless steel. I think everyone should have one of each pan. I also have a Hexclad that I use the most since it's a hybrid pan without as much of the Teflon crap on it.

>> No.53628308
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I bought a cat and it made my life infinitely better honestly. Any Cat anons here? Might get him a buddy eventually

>> No.53628324

Braces for my teeth and a powered standing desk. The braces are gay but when it's over I'll be gigachad. This is a strategic use of wealth to defend against scumbag would-be adultery fags hitting on my wife. The standing desk is genuinely nice.

>> No.53628325
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This one time I took the sodastream bottle at a dead party about 3:30 am and filled it full of sick shit and gave it some pumps. took it upstairs to a bedroom with a couple passed out college randos. I stuck two mentos in the bottle, shook it and hucked it in the room.

When I was dippin out I could hear going apeshit. spewing piss and ashtray contents, stale beer and bong water resin everywhere. It was the greatest decision of my life

>> No.53628335

Cats rock. Be careful introducing a new cat to your current cat. Ask you vet how to do it, seriously. It'll make the whole experience better and they'll be more friendly to one another

>> No.53628346

Yeah I've read you need to make it seem like the new cat is being adopted or something not a new cat moving in on the originals territory

>> No.53628360

Yea. There's the "glove" method where you pet them both with the same glove - like a knitted glove and help establish a pack scent. Then there's the under the door techniq where you let them meet one another by sniffing under a door as a barrier so they don't get too fired up. I've had success with a kitten being introduced to an older cat and less success with two adults but they are reasonable pals these days. Nothing like the kitten and the older one were tho

>> No.53628369

a good bed, mattress, pillow, chair, socks, underwear

>> No.53628376

DeBuyer sells these for like 20 euros

>> No.53628385
File: 665 KB, 1200x1161, IMG_20230110_015957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus, who let the housewives in. Buy a reverse osmosis filter. Everything else is garbage. If you are a merchant buy an ad for your soda makers or kys.
Holy checked.

>> No.53628389

Yeah I think I'd go kitten. My can right now is Young too so it'll work out hopefully

>> No.53628521

>its a sticker

heres a tip for you goy
its made in china then shipped to isreal where it is "assembled"(the sticker is put on)

>> No.53629060


>says this while the average american drives a chevy malibu or a toyota camry toaster


>> No.53629375

Oh yeah OP I invested in a high end gym membership and it's the best purchase I've ever made. The price filters out the fat ugly bitches and the roid heads

>> No.53629387
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I have the newer one and they changed the canister so it can’t be modded

>> No.53629673
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My coffee maker.

>> No.53629986

kitten 100%, its the best chance to fully imprint on them

>> No.53630038
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Good job anon, sodastream bro here. Nothing wrong with self improvement and care. Don't let the bitter sad fudders get you down!!

>> No.53630039

The new ones are quiet

>> No.53630134

Thats genetic, I have it too

>> No.53630149
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my guy was feral and came with my last house. He's my battle buddy for sure and have had him through thick and thin. 10 years now.

>> No.53631173

when I moved out five years ago I got some off-brand version because I wasn't willing to pay extra for one that said "Mr. Coffee" on the front like my parents have. Outcome: I saved ten bucks, I can't tell the difference between the coffee makers or the coffee they make.

>> No.53631422

Heats up faster. Less heavy. Lots of restaurants use them

>> No.53631514

>oh no I might have to feel slight physical discomfort for a few minutes if I don't have this generic looking soulless crap happy meal toy with an interior that looks like it was designed by a gulag architect
bitch ass nigga

>> No.53631715

I feel sad that you can't experience any emotion other than self hatred anon. Sit in the sun for a while, it will help, I promise :)

>> No.53631727

Parker 26C, upgraded from a cheap Van Der Hagen. I had no idea how much I was missing

>> No.53631794

>hot liquids and plastic
great investment, retard

>> No.53631879
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This moron couldn't find his ass with both hands


>> No.53632269

Check'd and kek'd

>> No.53632329

I have the Aeron, but agree. I have coworkers that have had theirs for over a decade. Great chair.

>> No.53632773

wrong thread?

>> No.53633100

You can refill those sodastream bottles yourself pretty easily by buying dry ice in small form from a supplier and putting it into the bottles.

>> No.53633119

dumbest thing ever invented. I cannot believe people buy this slop

>> No.53633763

It's literally water with bubbles, anon...

>> No.53633801
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>> No.53633855
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>> No.53634412


>> No.53634496

Gayest post ITT and that includes the Tessie post.

>> No.53634531

It has pretty much all the benefits of cast iron but without the heaviness and maintenance peculiarities. Especially when making something like a stir fry, this is much easier to flip things around in. I used cast iron for a long time but as soon as I’ve been turning to them less and less.

>> No.53634581

I don’t have a cat because of my wife’s allergy issues but they’re pretty amazing animals

>> No.53634610

Red pull me on the bed sheets, I’ve been looking into some new ones but can’t seem to find anything decent.