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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53620964 No.53620964 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any analogy between used cars and used women given they're both non-gold?

>> No.53621000

no, you can always sell the used car but a used woman is worthless

>> No.53621048

Yes. You shouldn't buy either unless you know what you're doing

>> No.53621062
File: 737 KB, 1600x871, 1675647146266861.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you pay new car prices for a beat up shitbox?
No of course not. Don't do the same for women.

>> No.53621103

Yeah the last time any good ones were made in America was the 60s

>> No.53621127

i'll just post punchlines
>high milage
>>high maintenence
>poor investments
>frequent breakdowns
>waste of time
>shift sticks
>smell bad
>paint jobs
>burned rubber
>high risk insurance
i've never owned a car nor a woman and i came up with these you fucking braincel

>> No.53621136

Daily reminder that girls who look like this never shower.

>> No.53621146

and that's a good thing

>> No.53621168

I a woman isn't "used" in the sense that she physically degrades in the way the components of a car degrade through usage. The idea of a woman being used is partially based on the evolved instincts of men to seek women which allowed them reasonable surety of paternity, and partially on on the partially rationalized but implicit belief in women's lessened ability to pair-bond after having had multiple partners. Heuristically, a woman who's had 20 partners is not good at choosing them, or in maintaining a relationship. This does often veer into neuroticism in men nowadays, in a similar manner to women's standards for men (income, looks, etc.) veer into neuroticism.
Perhaps an unsatisfying answer, but "there is possibly something to it".

>> No.53622764


>> No.53623834

>tfw no gf