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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53614006 No.53614006 [Reply] [Original]

- no reliancy on boss
- failure entirely your own
- keep all the profits you generate minus taxes and expenses
- flexible hours

Honestly the list of benefits goes on and on. Why are so many of you insistent on finding big boss daddy to lick his asshole so that he be stows upon you back a part of his earnings? I am 34 and the last contract job I had was at 19. It was one month and I got fired. Before that I only worked ONE month at a warehouse. These two shitty wagecuck experiences made me struggle for years making ends meet trying to make it on my own, as i'd rather be poor than a wagecuck. Now it's about 10 years later since life started taking shape in this regard and I would genuinely rather KMS than go back to almost half a life time ago. It's hard to get things going but brother let me tell you it is EASIER than you think. Actually once you get going it's easy as fuck. Things just keep growing for me. Hell, I assume a person with more stratetigcal thinking, discipline would have a fraction of my struggle and even for me it was worth it. Why do you choose to keep being a PLEB WAGEKEK?

>> No.53614033


>> No.53614099

what type of underpaid, overworked, high stress job did your small business create for yourself?

>> No.53614209

- i am overpaid
- i am not overworked, i need to work maybe 10 hours a week

AS for the specifics, what does it matter what job it is? My business plan is simple as fuck. But it relies on my passions and skillsets, things I've been doing since I was a teenager for fun. The question isn't what is Random X guy doing, the question is what skillsets do you have, that you can refine further, to make money?

>> No.53614295

do you make more than 300k a year doing it?

>> No.53614318

>what does it matter what job it is
Absolutely. And if you do not share, I will not feed you (You)s

>> No.53614329

No. Does the average wagecuck?

>> No.53614353

I make 170k + 20k in bonus a year in my w2 and about 100k in my side business.
You said you were over paid so I was curious how much you make and what you do but you seem to be in some super secret niche you dont want to reveal lmao.

>> No.53614356

Then don't give me (you)s. If you can't think of what you can do to make money with your own company, you're NGMI. You can't just copy paste a very niche specific business plan. And I'm not sharing it either. Why would I? My edge is my profit. Pay me for it, maybe then I'll split some beans. (I don't want your money, don't offer payment). But value for a price. You want general information that can send you on your way? This is what this thread is about. You're uncreative and can't think for yourself? Feel free to GTFO.

>> No.53614371

I make about 200 per hour.

>> No.53614404

Sounds about right. I would guess you are taxed more than real companies that pay 0-5%. High paid small business and employees like yourself are the highest taxed.
Do you have some type of tax exemptions?

>> No.53614440

I don't create any costs since I am 100% in service sector and may only need 1K a year for company costs. So I can deduct a "forfetairy" amount that is significant, making me pay a lot less taxes. But I still pay a good bit and that's ok. I'm working on something that will earn 10x more, side project of mine for a while now. I estimate this to outperform what I got going by a factor of several X.

>> No.53614496

Have you grown your take home pay, net profit, dividends you pay yourself out of your compnay whatever you want to call it more than 9% annually every year?

>> No.53614556

Yes. Why do you ask these questions? Maybe you can give some general directions for people instead? You seem to have experience. I don't want your help but I think some guys might benefit from it reading this here

>> No.53614558

Thanks for the motivation anon. I work in tech and have learned over the years that it's better for me to hop from contract to contract, rather than work full-time 9 to 5 (even if it's a WFH situation). This type of lifestyle doesn't fit everyone, but it does fit me. I can work hard now and then travel all summer, or even longer. I'm relocating to the east coast of Taiwan later this spring, then will go to Hokkaido for the summer.

I don't really consider myself a small-business owner, but I know I'm not a standard wagie. I've turned down many full-time jobs from past clients and contracts. It took some persistance, but I carved out a job that fits my lifestyle and temperament. So hats off to you anon.

>> No.53614599

You sound happy with your contracts. I would not consider you a wagecuck, so in your case (but not most cases) my apology for using that term. You get what it's about. It's not about being free, it's about finding as you say it:
> a job that fits my lifestyle and temperament
Well said.

>> No.53614628

But I don't want a copy paste business plan; I want LARPers to stop posting on my board. If you can't post the bare minimum details, like:
>I design web pages for local businesses
>I trim trees in the surrounding neighborhoods
>I run an online collectibles store
>I shill drop-shipping courses
then you just want attention and I don't want you to post. You claim this thread should be about "general information that can send you on your way", but all you've said was basic, vague, and nonapplicable generalities that are meaningless without context. None of this means anything:
>It took 10 years for me to get started, but it was easier than I thought
>I work 10 hours a week, $200 an hour
>it relies on my passions and skillsets

>> No.53614641

I ask because if your not doing that every year it's better to put your money into in an index fund instead of back into your own business. (historically speaking. who knows the next ten years)

I don't think you can help anyone even if you wanted too. /shrugs Sounds like you got a nice thing going on though. You must not have any moat or competitive advantage though so I'm not sure you'll grow much more or get over taken by a competitor.
A lot of times small business is capped at low six figures because the companies that actually can scale in the niche require more overhead or whatever and charge more. So it's ends up being some guy or maybe 1 guy plus 5 employees that he doesn't provide benefits too and very underpaid (illegal immigrants, outsourced if online, or felons/criminals who can't get a job) and they just undercut the bigger companies. Ive seen a lot of that in trades, moving companies, construction companies.

>> No.53614650

I can make all of this stuff and none of this proves it isn't LARPING. For all you care I could be an absolute LARPER out his ass, it would change nothing. I'm trying to motivate people. The only way to prove I'm not LARPING is to give actual proofs, and not this could very well be false bullshit being proclaimed here.

>> No.53614653

>OP thinks everyone can be like stringer bell in the wire and start their own operation easily

>> No.53614666

Notice that these OPs never mention what OP does. It's always
>just start a business bro!
>What? no I'm not going to tell you what I did because I don't have a business lol

>> No.53614716

Knowledge is power. Are you trying to appeal to ego to make me give you valuable information? Has never happened with me and never will. Nothing is certain, do you guarantee you will not get hit by a bus tomorrow? How is a possibility of something not occurring of any significance at this point? Progress is good and company is growing and I ain't even released my best product yet. I also don't have any employees, I thought of getting them multiple times but teaching them how to do things right would be so much work I just do everything myself.

Wanted to add. You can make money from many, many things. I read a story about a convict in Florida who couldn't find a job and is now making $400 a day with a fucking hot dog cart. The biggest obstacle isn't that it's hard it's that people are pussies. Cowards.

>> No.53614733
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I work full time as a wagie, own 2 (two) companies in my spare time, have multiple technical diplomas and still make less (1350 per month) than I did in 2018 (1500 per month), even before factoring in that inflation has tripled energy prices (10.5p to 35p/kWh), +40%'d on food prices and doubled fuel costs in that time

>> No.53614746

Sounds like you're GMI champ. Keep going, and once you've grabbed a branch strong enough, let go of the other.

>> No.53614768

Wait, sorry, I misunderstood. How can you earn so little while working so much?!

>> No.53614795

I made the mistake of trying to escape my shit country, lost half my savings and basically 2 years wages, and had to come back and start again in a much worse job despite being much more qualified and experienced. It's completely fucked

>> No.53614809

It's hard to make more money wagecucking but I would put more energy into finding ways to extract more money out of the work outside of wagecucking. Even a plumber makes like $50 an hour. Or a carpenter. And they are in high demand. If you are paid so little, perhaps consider some form of work like this? It takes only a few months of learning to do this shit. Set up a website once you've acquired let's say your plumbing skill (plumbing skill being a filler for job in high demand with moderate supply that has a consistent good earning per hour) then do some ads or something on google. As long as you keep your budget local and advertise locally, it should be profitable.

>> No.53614828

May I ask what the minimum wage is in your country? $50 an hour is "western pay" for a plumber and it's lowballing it. But if you live in a "poor" country, 1350 euros might be a lot of money. What is your country's minimum wage roughly?

>> No.53614864

UK, £11 an hour. By having technical diplomas I meant I in fact am almost a fully qualified electrician, nobody is hiring because I dont have experience. Nepotism rules the day and its bullshit

>> No.53614872

I coudn't care less about your "valuable" information. Why would I try and appeal to a narcissus ego?

I don't think you could help anyone accomplish much of anything personally. Lets look at your thread. It's supposedly meant to help people and yet the only the only people learning anything is by me asking you questions that you don't want to answer.
For example, I taught more people with one question about the the 9% growing cash flow then you have in this entire thread. I educated them that a self owned business must grow free cash flow to the owner great than 9% or it's not worth doing because you can likely sit on your ass doing nothing and grow your money at a higher rate in. fucking index fund. Hell some people don't even know what an index fund is or what free cash flow is so they can go and look it up.
Thats actually helping people.

>> No.53614900

Holy shit, you can be making a lot more money. Consider a quick to learn profession like carpentry, plumber, or welder. There are plenty of other choices, but these are consistently well paid, and in high demand. You should be making good money as a side hustle doing either of these in the UK. Your current side hustle is not worth your time, sir.

>> No.53614911

>I'm trying to motivate people
There is absolutely nothing motivating about "I make $200/hour working 10hr/week, with $1k overhead, trust me bro".

>You can make money from many, many things
Which is why I shat out four quick examples in my second post. I have NEVER met a business owner who refused to say what they did. Why can't you?

>> No.53614939

I just said it dude. Look at what I said to 1350 wagecuck. In its essence, approach is quite simple.

- acquire the ability to do a service in high demand and at best moderate supply
- make a website for it
- wait a few weeks and ask friends and family to leave you good rewiews on the interwebs and google maps
- advertise said website on google with a small budget in your local area
- ????
- PROFIT!!!!!!!

It's so easy.

>> No.53614940
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I have welding certificates too m8, with some experience on aluminium, stainless steel and mild steel. TIG with argon shielding, MIG and even stick...

>> No.53614969

lmao yeah this exactly what i'm talking about. The vast majority of small business that are "successful" this is their life. Overworked, underpaid, and overstressed. They don't grow more than inflation let alone more than an index fund. That doesn't mean it's not worth doing but your sure hell not going to help anyone get there. Imagine the ones that fail what life is like and thats in a good developed country that encourages small and medium size business.. Consequences are much more severe if you are in 3rd or second world. You made a thread acting like your some god of the business world and everyone is dumb to not just go for any and every business they can start. There is some truth to what your saying but it's very misleading.

>> No.53615021

Look at previous post. This exact thing, I have done multiple times, with 100% success rate. The final tip is for your adwords campaign, to use exactly this format of keywords:
"welder localzone", instead of welder localzone. when using "" google must show the exact combination of words, without it they will replace the words with things they thing looks similar. using "welder localzone" would target all searches containing the specific words "welder localzone". My success rate is probably big because I know my shit. Don't hire an advertiser, learn how to do it yourself, it's not so hard at all and you will save a lot of money and get higher efficiency for your returns. Most paid advertisers want you to spend as much asp ossible because they get a cut of expenses.

>> No.53615057

Don't listen to this demotivator. Your odds of making it are mostly up to yourself. I don't want your (you)s, stay out if you dont mind. You are poison for upping the morale of wagecucks. Perhaps if you stay, you could adjust to a more helpful attitude for others instead of being a bettie downer buzzkill.

>> No.53615094
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That's a pretty decent idea, thanks anon

>> No.53615135

Sorry I missed the qualified electrician part.
Nigga you have no idea how much money you can be making holy shit!
-Make a website that you are electrician
(there are services that allow you to do this with almost no knowledge)
-Set up google business profile
-Get google reviews for your business before starting to advertise
-Start advertising efficiently (learn how)

You can be making more money than me what the fuck are you doing with your life m8. People need your services even more than plumber, welders and carpenters, the problem is they are not finding you!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

>> No.53615175

Lmao do you not see how dumb you are? The person your responding too allready did exactly what you told him to do and he's stuck in life. Working a full time job and two side businesses.
Your the poison. Did you not see my early post about the trades especially fucking over migrant workers? Your literally talking to one of the people that I was warning you about. Over worked, underpaid high stress. Even worse it sounds like he's from a shithole country which mean if he tries any of your dumbass schemes back home he's going to get double fucked.
I've lived in many countries over the years (most in SEA but also in south america) and telling people in those countries to go into trades is pure suicide. In the philippines they make 500 PHP a day which is less than 10 dollars right now.
Like I said you can't fucking help anyone on here. I doubt you realize this board is mostly 2nd and 3rd worlders

I'm all for people going into business. I'm all for people learning. YOUR not the one to learn from by anymeans. If you knew what the fuck you were talking about you would be encourging people to work a full time in an industry they want to start a business in. That way they can learn how the entire business runs from the cleaning staff to the CEO so that they can go out and start their OWN business doing it better.

>> No.53615205

Sir, respectfully, either contribute with positive advice for people and good motivations or be ignored by me. I am not bothering with you anymore. Also I would see a doctor about the cactos you have lodged in your anos. Good day.

>> No.53615320

Too bad this isn't reddit where you can downvote the truth =( This 4chan you faggot. Stop blowing smoke up peoples asses.
Make a website, learn a skill, have your family leave google reviews teehee! Go fuck yourself you pathetic loser. There a tons of desperate people that come to this board, mostly from developing countries (why do you think they all buy shitcoins and gamble all day on here) who you are fucking over all so you can get some attention while you lie to yourself that your Donald trump.
I hope to god people learn what a DCF model is, learn how taxes work, and start getting real financial education even its from books like rich dad poor dad.

>> No.53615343

>Start advertising efficiently (learn how)
Wow, am I glad I came into this thread! Set up a business online, use keywords on your website, and learn how to advertise! What unique and clever insight I have never heard before! Truly you are the god of business! I can see why you want to guard your profession so closely!

>> No.53615347

c a c t o s a n o s
Surely even if I am wrong you know I interpret everything you do as seethe at this point right?

>> No.53615386

if done right it works 100% of the time. if its so basic: do you have a website, that you are currently advertising on adwords? i doubt even 1% of the people on this board do so. maybe this is basic business advice, but you don't need much more for busmes. sometimes all you need is a hot dog cart in a busy street. also are you black name guy on your phone/4g? this level of seethe is exceptional, so i suspect at least 10% chance its you. you will also be ignored though as of now, except with seethe and cactos anos comments.

>> No.53615427

Yup I am seething. I would love to reach through your screen and give you a giant smack on head for how dumb this whole thread was.
I'm actually happy for you though. It's cool your in a spot you like and making decent bank. Just please to God don't think you can teach anyone anything ever again? You still don't know shit. Your worse than the do gooders who tell you walk up to the manager and give him hand shake while making eye contact.

>> No.53615433
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c a c t o s a n o s

>> No.53615444

Yup I agree. Actually seething. I'm REEEEEEing right now.

>> No.53615502

>It's cool your in a spot you like and making decent bank
Mate, if OP won't even summarize in one sentence what they do, it's guaranteed to be fictional. I think we've done the best we can to warn future lurkers

>> No.53615536

Probably true but I'm still hoping he's actually making 200 an hour lmao

>> No.53615559


I do a bunch of stuff. But I did mention one thing I do.

>This exact thing, I have done multiple times, with 100% success rate

Now, we all make mistakes, and I certainly have skipped some things in this thread, but I do quite believe the probability is significant that cactos you have lodged in your anos is interfering with your concentration and comprehension ability. I don't know if there's a literal one lodged in there or a metaphorical ones but one or the other it is a big cactus with spikes and you act like it.

>> No.53615578

Stop talking to yourself. It's pathetic. Taking turns like this. I think a lot of people see right through you.

>> No.53615598

the type of "easy" jobs that let you work independently such as welder, electrician and plumber need special licenses/permissions/etc where I live, and to get those you need to go through a trade union and they only let close friends and relatives in. for example in my province there are only 80 welding licenses, and they only free up when a license holder dies of old age (or transfers it- but they usually transfer it to their sons)

>> No.53615605

Chick literally looks exactly like my ex gf.

>> No.53615647

so are you going to market your shitcoin yet or your business where you sell them your training program yet?

>> No.53615655

Surprised OP hasn’t dropped a link to his cool WAGMI course in self employment for the low low price of five bucks a month yet

>> No.53615656

That is fucked up and I can understand how in such a situation my advice would not be appropriate. Corrupt hustles like this sicken me. I feel bad for you that you live in such corruption, and apologize for my advice not being applicable to you.That being said, you can still come up with good ideas outside of corrupt hustles. A friend of mine is making 10K a month selling lashes online he buys from China. Not saying do that, just using that as an example of how abstract a business plan can be. Keep on thinking what you CAN do and dont let corrupt cases like this demotivate you. The only certain way to lose is to surrender. As lnog as you keep trying you have a chance.

>> No.53615673

I don't have a trading program. I will advertise nothing in this thread. This is a motivation thread. You are poison to the ambitions of this thread: to give people faith, and push them to attempt to get further ahead in life through good smart planning.

>> No.53615674

I tried to warn you have no idea how the world works. Your advice is suicide for 90% of the world and probably wont even work for majority of businesses in developed countries.

>> No.53615689

As another anon said though, this is no way motivational, you’re literally saying “have you tried being successful rather than not?” And that’s why you come off as a bullshitter, because no one who has actually made it talks like you do UNLESS trying to sell something

>> No.53615692

> suicide
I only advocate grabbing the branch of freedom once you have established enough for yourself that you can stop wagecucking and dedicate more to your business without being worse off than just your wagecuck job. How is this risky? You have a rotten personality. Guys don't listen to him. He is the devil on your shoulder telling you you can't make it.

>> No.53615694

Why are you qualified to give people that hope or faith?

>> No.53615716

lol it's a fucking pajeet with sewer diving business

>> No.53615721

I have given a general, copy paste approach that has worked for me every time I did it. You are saying the opposite of what I have done.

>> No.53615733

No taxes on sucking dick I guess.

>> No.53615754

Why are you qualified to reject it? Who needs qualifications for trying to motivate people to make the best of the lives they can?

No, in tech. But plumber pay doesn't sound bad honestly. I dream of starting a plumbing business one day where people pay extra and Mario and Luigi come to their doorstep and they act all funny and with accents and shit. One day, when I have the money to risk this madness...

>> No.53615823

Yeah, the sewer diving thing was a joke. I know you actually just try to scam people into sending you gift cards.

>> No.53615825

Sigh. go live in the philippines for a year or hell even mexico (mexico is top 15 country by GDP) and then you'll realize why your advice actually is SUICIDE.
You have no idea how the majority of the world fucking works. You don't even know how your spoiled 1st world country works yet you think you can help people get ahead? You think someone that is born in the philippines for example and lets say they are lucky and not one of the millions living in a slum there but "middle income" there. There dad (if he's still alive most aren't) is working as an OFW in japan or in canada. He sends back 300 dollars a month. Your mom is working making 200 dollars a month. Thats middle income in the philippines basically "middle class" even though there isn't a middle class. Your older brother and sister basically take care of you and do the cleaning. The minimium wage is less than 10 dollars a day. There is massive surplus of cheap labor for basically everything. The whole country is corrupt.
Do you not see why your dumb ass advice will literally get someone like that homeless/in the slums?
You know what someone like that SHOULD do? They should work as hard as they fucking can to get a job in a call center or overseas. They should absolutely not try and start a fucking business or "hustle" like your doing. Millions of people are doing small businesses there selling street food, sari sari stores, auto mechanic, car wash, hell they even walk around all day with a basket of fruit just hopping they will sell it all that day so they can afford 1 kilo of rice. Do you fucking get it yet asshole? They work 12 hours a day doing your basically what your telling them to do all in the hopes of getting 1 kilo of fucking rice.

>> No.53615858

Because I've spent the past decade traveling and building an online business while working remotely. I've lived in several south american and SEA countries for years at time and i'm telling you your advice is not helpful in the slightest. It's actually down right destructive to a lot of the world . You should stop blowing smoke up peoples asses just cause you think your the next donald trump

>> No.53615899

s e e t h e c o p e c a c t o s a n o s

>> No.53615917

you fucked up lol

>> No.53615934

seethe, cope, and cactos anos aside, my advice doesn't have to be applicable to everyone. just hitting one or two can be good. clearly this is western business advice, and not effective for a person living in the slums, yes. so i should have a universal plan that works for everyone and is not specific to him having some ability to reach out in life? That's called wagecucking and they're already doing that. This aside, darling, I'm afraid I can't be the centre of your life much longer as soon I will be going for a bite with a friend. So maybe if you're still obsessed with me in a few hours you can then expect more responses.

>> No.53615940

I started a general contracting company 6 months ago (in the us) and it has done well so far. I set aside 9% for taxes, keep $15k for overhead and pay myself the rest.
Thank you for teaching me about setting aside another 9% for growth. I will look up DCF right now. What are some tips for me to grow to $250k rev in 2023? Did $50k in the last 6 months.

>> No.53616081

Nice sounds like your onto something good. DCF is important because it will allow you not only evaluate what any asset (stock, bond, real estate, private business etc) but your own business is worth. If you ever want to exit and sell your business or even take out credit or loans it's very important to keep good accounting records and to see what your business is worth with DCF modeling. It's easy can be done in excel by just using the NPV command...
If your goal is sell your business for 10 million for example you could see what your numbers will need to be for your business to be worth that.

I only know a bit about the contracting business. A lot of my family is in concrete. They all mostly hire illegal immigrants. I would look at successful competitors in your area and see how they grew it. The OP is giving me shit but thats why I said it's important to work in company that already is successful in what you want to do that way you know how to get where they are at. For example, you would of seen how they do sales, get clients, bid on projects etc.
Since your going alone your going to have to figure it out on your own trial and error. Nothing wrong with that at all but be prepared for failure until you find what works.
If I had to guess your going to want get a few good employees that you can count on to do your current work and focus most of your time on marketing/getting clients. Scaling is freaking hard as a small business especially ones that are labor intensive

>> No.53616185


>> No.53616241

She was 2d too. Lol

>> No.53617840

So. what's a basic business I can start that will earn me $12/hr after everything fellas?

>> No.53618005

How much do you spend on marketing a month and what is your strategy?

>> No.53618625


>> No.53621202

I spend zero on marketing, but part of what i do is advertising for others. My reputation moves through word of mouth, people come to me. i can do a lot more work than i actually do and refuse most clients. To be honest this is a half assed approach, and in this regard, you can do better than me. I don't take client acquisition (not number, but finding quality clients) as seriously as I could and I am working on that. But if I'm doing halfassed work in this regard and things are going fine then imagine what a person smarter than me can do.

I gave examples for plumber, carpenter and welder.

>> No.53621992

so like just get a trade job then?

>> No.53622245

I don't know how you define a trade job. Another fresh high profit low education idea: locksmith. Think they make as much as a lawyer at a fraction of the required learning.

>> No.53622322
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If pic related is your definition, then yes.

>> No.53622437


>> No.53622478

lying on the internet for attention?

>> No.53622535

I need funding to make my own business. I hate loans. I do localizations/translations and design work; but I can’t find clients. Freelance platforms are garbage. Craigslist is empty, and so is telegram and reddit and 4chan.

How the fuck can I work for myself if I can’t find clients? I need ANY client but can’t find any

>> No.53622704

You're not cut out for it

>> No.53622728

Amongst other things, yeah.

Consider become a translator that can translate legal documents. These are paid way too much. If that option is available, do that, and, as I have said repeatedly in this thread, the copy paste approach for getting your name out online (make website, get reviews, advertise on adwords). The people who make the most money are those who are found the most (if they don't pay too much to get found). Even just a regular translation company, should see extra business from a proper website with reviews on google maps and an advertisement campaign.

>> No.53622782

I don't understand why people can never provide any personal details in these situations.
It provides the lowest level of credentials and will probably trigger some ideas from people in this thread.
Just shit like the level of specificity of your niche is a lot of information. The presumed market for an online PT, vs an online PT for women vs an online PT for women with one arm will all be very different.

It is not difficult to be vague enough around the specifics to be helpful without being outing.

>> No.53622866

Because it's not about copying someone's ideas. It's about finding your own. Sometimes you just need inspiration. And again, not that I am a carpenter, plumber or welder, or locksmith, but these are good ideas for if you want to earn money and have shit for education. I gave plenty of specific ideas. That I don't share the specifics of my business is because it's niche specific and anyone going in would theoretically decrease my edge. I like to keep the edge in my niche as big as possible. Wouldn't you, unless you got compensated for it? Regardless, noone here needs my niche to make it. I've been thinking of using some money I have saved up to start a modeling agency. I live in a big city and think this would be a good side business, since it's high income, easy to find fresh meat, and it's a product that seems easy enough to advertise. Just need pics 20 models, a nice site, some reviews and an advertising campaign to get started. I also shared an idea I have for one day starting a plumbing business with Mario and Luigi. These ideas (modelling agency, mario & luigi plumbing) may sound stupid to you but I am fairly confident I can make them work and profit from them, and I've been meaning to diversify my incomes more than they are already. If you use common sense, a lot of ideas are good, even shitty ones like the ones I am considering expanding into.

>> No.53622965

the context of this information is what gives it value, yes a larper could do these things which is why this is abysmally low effort on your behalf
>just make 200 an hour dude
>just have no overheads
>just work it out
>im trying to motivate you
i dont give a shit if youre larping or not, put more effort in next time and im not reading your thread

>> No.53622977

I'm far too experienced in my field to be a realistic target in hourly income, but I gave plenty of examples for $50 incomes.