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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53597976 No.53597976 [Reply] [Original]

it doesn't feel like the ground. where are the suicides where is all the crypto is death news?

Is 21k the final shake out?

>> No.53598002

Disbelief. FTX was anger through depression.

>> No.53598015
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idk anon you tell me

>> No.53598053
File: 129 KB, 720x1109, Screenshot_20230206-100816_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Where are we!
Welcome to your first crypto cycle!

>> No.53598070

the final shakeout is happening right now
a lot folks who bought the bottom are taking profits here
the ones who missed the bottom are still coping, and waiting for under 20k

>> No.53598088

FTX was classic denial. "My investments are with great companies" is exactly the same as "kek at those retards who put their crypto in that obvious ponzi but my bags are safe." After this next leg down we will see actually panic because the halving cycle will no longer seem to be a sure thing and thats what everyone is counting on.

>> No.53598100

there are very very very very few people even thinking of buying here
think about it
who the fuck is buying here?
after a 30% pump
>very very very very forward looking smart folks are buying

>> No.53598115

>crypto bear is pretty chill bro. Jeets still post ai scam coins and chainlink is giving me chainlink vibes in 19 threads at all times
When crypto has a gme tier crypto general; then, you have my permission to buy.

>> No.53598117

>this time is different! new paradigm!

>> No.53598152

look at 4stats.io
compare posts/day to when 2019 when BTC was $4000
We're pretty much sitting at the same posts/day as back then
it's bull season

>> No.53598164
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Nice try but I am armored with the impenetrable defense of technical analysis
>tips fedora

>> No.53598214

>same posts/day
Those posts were all dropshipping and resume threads. /biz/ is still doing an entire catalog full of ta on magic beans.

I've seen this twice, but maybe you're right. Maybe it's different this time?

>> No.53598263

>very forward looking smart people like me xD
Retards are buying here

>> No.53598264

why would you think this is a reliable metric? are you fucking retarded?

>> No.53598310
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Where were you in 2022 when we had black swans every other week, dumped about 80%, and had tons of big exchanges go insolvent

>> No.53598335

Nah, interest in crypto is going to always trend up over time but most legitimate threads are shit like complaining about school, how to make money waging, how the macro means its over for good this time etc. There is still shitcoin spam but that’s only cause it’s cheap/free to do so, likely will never 100% go away until/if market gets regulated. Which would actually be unironically bullish if you have 50k+ in btc/eth or something, but it would mean no more making it off 500-1k bucks.

>> No.53598385

Your mind is made up. I'll be back for my eth and btc next year maybe. Keep it warm for me.

>> No.53599422

The Anger rally

>> No.53599640
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Either at 1 or 2. I'm optimistic about 2 but it's probably 1. Too soon be be 2 and we haven't even touched grass yet.

>> No.53599661

Based. Haven't seen that chart in a few years. Always gets me with the crab trap and return to normal volatility.