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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53589137 No.53589137 [Reply] [Original]

>finally take a look at the chart
>it’s complete shit
Are you guys fucking serious? It’s basically the same as any other shitcoins. It’s just a meme right?

>> No.53589157

Not Sellin.

>> No.53589161

I don’t give a shit if you sell or not. Why would anyone buy in the first place lmao

>> No.53589200

Well somebody is, lol

>> No.53589244

Linkies would say it’s the Bulgarians and fudders would say it’s Sergey. But in my opinion it’s just retailers selling cause it doesn’t do anything lol

>> No.53589281

coping linkchud!!

>> No.53589302

im not selling either, eat shit nigger you will never get my coins for cheap

>> No.53589329

shit thread

>> No.53589364

I’ve been lurking /biz since defi summer. I thought I’ve been getting the chance of a lifetime accumulating link since last may under $10. Meanwhile this whole pump, link has traded sideways. I have a lot of patience, but I’m dying inside watching shitcoins moon left and right.

>> No.53589375

Don’t marry your bags retard

>> No.53589411

i would never buy shitcoins so i don't compare links performance to shitcoins
everyone was warned that it is a long term hold
if you didn't believe that warning then you are a gullible mongoloid who fell for memetic parodies of jeetspeak and got what you deserve
lol, lmao even

>> No.53589422
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Bahahaha what a retard. You could have bought literally anything else last 3 months and 2x’d minimum.

>> No.53589441
File: 744 KB, 1125x1516, 2E0D0321-62B2-4833-88DC-B81B264F8802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh??? Link is one of the biggest shitcoins there is. You are really confused arent you

>> No.53589442

Chainlink started mooning very early, way before 2021 when "modern" crypto began, so it's basically the original autism cult coin alongside XRP. It's important to recognize that most Linkies are underwater bagholders now, too, so they have every incentive to shill to you.

>> No.53589546
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>didn’t give a shit about chainlink
>make 12 daily threads about chainlink

>> No.53589661

>holding crypto for long term
You’re a dumb retarded faggot that married your “investment”. If you’re holding crypto for more than two years, you’re doing it wrong. Stocks and real assets like properties are for holding long term.

>> No.53589678

>a shitcoin had its one moment before dying
Yeah what else is new? Treating link as some kind of unicorn is peak retardism.

>> No.53589723

>haha link is such a shitcoin
>w-well uh no I missed out on buying link at 30 cents. I arrived from leddit during the gme squeeze.
>nevermind that. Why are chainshitters so invested in chainlink?
>w-what’s that? Oh you bought your link on etherdelta? So you also hold a shit ton of eth?
-nevermind that. I still don’t understand their obsession. It’s like they are in a cult. Only I’m allowed to obsess over their investment in link.
>l-look at this totally organic and not at all ironic feedback from disgruntled marines. They are btfoing the team.
>w-whats that? The team and most anons have these accounts blocked? It’s kind of sad that I instantly reply to every link related social media posts?
>nevermind that. We’re just having fun fudding. Lmao at chainshit.

>> No.53589725

ok buddy
keep giving me unsolicited advice
i'm sure i'll listen to you soon
tell me how poor i am while you're at it
i'm sure it'll be true one day

>> No.53589767

>w-well uh no I missed out on buying link at 30 cents. I arrived from leddit during the gme squeeze.
Shit argument. Why didnt you buy Btc at $1? Or Eth at .50 cents?
I don’t really care about how poor you are but it’s kind of obvious if you look at the chart I posted kek

>> No.53589788

The difference is /biz/ collectively bought into the presale pools, so a good number of anons got in at around 10 cents.

>> No.53589869

Thanks for reminding me. It’s not like I think about it all the time already.

>> No.53592453
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Im long on linkjaks

>> No.53592475

I remember when link was $2

>> No.53592483

Who’s making these

>> No.53592494

Move on. Accumulate something else, notice how fast you make money.

>> No.53592506


>> No.53592509

even my id agrees

>> No.53592516


>> No.53592948

so i hate chainlink niggers so much, why cant they leave this board? They shit up this board for years, while losing money

>> No.53592968

They have left already. There is one Chainlink shill thread, with 8 replies, in the entire catalog. There are 7 Chainlink fud threads.
The Chainlink holders have all gone, all that are left are the fudders. Very strange situation.

>> No.53593117

OP I have also genuinely wondered why people ever believed in such a thing but, people are sometimes driven by a collective mindset, mob mentality, it looks like that's what happened with LINK. It was a scam that got pumped into the stratosphere, too pumped, and now they have to act like it was a legit project that just missed the mark.

>> No.53593140

This has definitely reached cult status now. I guarantee someone will rope in the next year or two from trusting that fatass with 1 shirt. Smart con will be must see tv

>> No.53593572
File: 700 KB, 1944x2592, 20220313_150525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never actually heard a decent linkie response to this, just "my shitcoin is special" cope. No shitcoin ever bubbles up to top 5 then falls out of the sky to rank 30, and recovers.

>> No.53593637

>LINK is a cult favorite on /biz/
>Chainlink is one of the platforms with actual utility - oracles are extremely useful, but they're free to use since they're subsidized by big platforms like AAVE

>> No.53593657

>subsidized by big villages like Mumbai
oh dear,, can confirmation

>> No.53593963

I kek'd
Also, I'm not selling

>> No.53594356

>Don’t marry your bags retard
imagine you said this about btc or eth early on. thats the equivalent

>> No.53594435
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>Who’s making these

>> No.53594440
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>> No.53594465
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>> No.53594504

There were hundreds of tokens before ETH.

>> No.53594624

what is the point of spamming biz with this kind of thing for twelve hours a day
its basically background noise, and nothing that happens on this board affects price anyway
i literally went to work, scrolled past a bunch of these, came back, and see the same dude flooding with the same collection of low quality memes that he's made
why are these people such fucking losers lmao

>> No.53595011

It's untreated mental ilness