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53589868 No.53589868 [Reply] [Original]

How did it get this bad

>> No.53589878

Which resolution of explanation do you want? The socio-economic or the psychological one?

>> No.53589884

literally me in about 40 years

>> No.53589896

I will be 75, with property, retired early, and still fucking escorts.
Not my problem.

>> No.53589913

We’re just returning to the mean. Most people lived miserable peasant lives throughout history. The boomer economy was a unicorn never to be replicated again

>> No.53589924
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Money printing/Inflation

>> No.53589938
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>> No.53589957

based top 1% of society

>> No.53589990

Jokes on you, I plan to be dead long before that.

>> No.53590002 [DELETED] 
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>wow man the future is looking grim how did this happen?
>woah woah woah that's not possible bro leave the jews alone we will look for the reason somewhere else

>> No.53590028

The socio-economic one is that people are poor. After WWII, individual leverage ratios (per-household-debt-to-equity) were low, thus people did not have high debt service costs and therefore high free cashflow (spending money). However, as the decades ground on, people's earnings collapsed in terms of purchasing power due to the accumulation of debt and the inflation that it caused (largely the Eurodollar system). As a result, people couldn't afford houses from savings alone anymore, and had to take on increasing debt.
If you want the "real", unitless price of housing, divide house prices by monthly earnings. As debt increased, debt service costs increased to. On an individual level, this manifests itself as the exhaustion of spending power: you're debt for your mortage, you're in debt from your mortgage 5 years ago, you're in debt for your car, your parents are in debt for their mortgage and can't bequeath their house to you, and so on. Since your earnings have been devalued, you need additional credit for everything, but since each new debt you take on reduces your free cashflow, you need interest rates to go down more and more. As a result of all of this, everyone rents and is lade with debt, thus can't get a home and can't start a family. People try to get a better wage by getting better education, but since everyone now crowds into universities, their prices also skyrocket, requiring even more debt. Plus it's a nearly zero-sum game anyway, as an overly large labor force getting tertiary education just means that employeers got tertiary education in their labor supply for free, and at the same price (plus necessary increases to finance the debt service cost on student loans). People crowd into cities for the best jobs, but that, too, just drives up debt due to skyrocketing real estate and rents in those now in-demand cities.

>> No.53590051
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>learn smart money trading concepts
>have a dev job

Idgaf I'm going to be rich or die trying.

>> No.53590053 [DELETED] 
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That's antisemitic anon

>> No.53590087

Good take.

I'm still mad at my parents for not taking the generational land of our family when my grand father couldn't took care of the farm anymore. They preferred to go in the city, enjoy a 35h a week, dead end state job.

>> No.53590148

boomers literally ruined generational wealth.. Everyone else invested and left money for their kids and grandkids, not only had property for them to live on together, but actually made it attractive to live with them/were decent people.. boomers now are set on spending evrey penny they got before they're sent to hell, and they don't give a shit if they fuck over the economy and their country on the way down there..

>> No.53590150


>> No.53590152


>> No.53590190
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It's called the debt based inflationary system. Now proof-of-work (Bitcoin) is coming to set things right.

>> No.53590197

This. My grandfather had 2 houses and 2 cars and several businesses. About 10 years before his death when he started getting too old he sold it all and spent the following 10 years blowing all the fucking money on booze and random trash. Both of his kids only got $5k each from him. His grandchildren didn't get anything. There's a reason most rich people are old money, because you can't just fucking make it in one generation, you have to accumulate that wealth and pass it down. Fuck selfish pieces of shit like that.

>> No.53590232

I can relate to this, my dad took over his parents house and land.
He renovated the entire thing and built a garage, much of which he did himself.
All of this shit is literally my retirement plan when hes no longer around and I cant afford a house on my own.
I could not imagine myself a reliable future if he had not done this.

>> No.53590240

You know who is at fault

>> No.53590256
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>How did it get this bad?
Pic related.

>> No.53590264
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I love the Antichrist.

>> No.53590293
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>> No.53590299

I don't see how this shitshow of a society lasts 30-40 something years anywho

>> No.53590324

It won't. I'm getting strong "last years of the roman empire" vibes from modern civilization.

>> No.53590337

Yep, that's a good thing. Means people are waking up.

>> No.53590348

The psychological explanation is that an evolved organism co-evolves with its environment. If there is some very stable system along which it can optimize, it generally will. An example would be the reliable cycle of day and night, which leads animals to develop a day-night-cycle where they use the night to rest and the day to be active. We have adaptations to quite a few of these systems in us, but we have made our interaction with them abnormal, and as a result, we are psychologically and physically breaking down. For instance, the production of intracellular melatonin is tied to the exposure to sunlight, and it is an essential regulator of oxidative stress. Since we mostly live indoors, our production of intracellular melatonin is very low - while one can remain more or less stable in the absence of environment challenge, a particularly strong breeze is enough to blow you over, so to speak. We see this at play in the high rate of COVID deaths in Europe and the low rate of COVID deaths in Sub-Saharan Africa (people in India and China do not get a lot of sunlight either, by the way).
Some mechanisms which have become dysregulated in us:
>we are not around small groups of people with whom we are intimately familiar, but rather around thousands of strangers, thus we feel lonely
>we restrict our sleep to 8 hours or less, leading to sub-clinical neural degeneration over time in the population
>we suppress despair pharmacologically, thus prolonging the lives of doomed systems on which despair would make us give up
>we eliminate mating in the most fertile years and delay it to >30, when potential complications start to mount significantly
>we receive the stimuli of overabundance and famine at the same time on dating apps which present us with thousands of hot potential mates, and then people refuse to go for anyone but a 1-in-1,000 ideal partner

>> No.53590358
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How? That's literally what SBF looks like.

>> No.53590420

>we are bombarded with a thousand issues from around the world every day by the news, whereas we used to listen to our small tribe's gossip
And so on. All of these stressors degrade us physiologically (due to chronically elevated cortisol) and psychologically. We collectively fall into despair, rage as a threat-response, drinking to lower constantly elevated anxiety, and belief in outlandish theories. This is why a quote-unquote sane person can tell you matter-of-factly about the Flat Earth nowadays. Your body actually tells you the right thing, but you consistently suppress the signals. E.g. if someone is stuck in some dead-end job and is crying every night, we give him antidepressants and tell him to apply elbow grease and ignore the root problem. It's like putting non-transparent stickers on the "check engine" light in a car. Or, to take yet another example: a child naturally wants to engage in dialogue with adults to learn about the world, yet we put children in classrooms and forbid them from talking. That and the tests make you scared, which is largely why a majority of people is afraid of mathematics in particular: they literally encoded the fear-response into your brain; the "don't think; run"-response. The thinking-process thus comes to involve the "don't think"-signal constantly firing, with the imagined efficiency.

>> No.53590439
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Guess what happens when you die?

>> No.53590445

You're getting Psyop. This place is an incubator for depression. Meanwhile normies are living the life and procreating.

>> No.53590452

No they arent

>> No.53590469

If women don’t want you that’s now anyone’s fault but your own.

>> No.53590470
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The benefits we derived from living in our ancestral environment are not optional - well, they are, but only up to a point. Our mode of production has been "extracting" profit from moving these systems from their optimum (getting people to sleep less to work more, moving them into cities to have more of them to employ, etc.) and producing it as output. As part of the post-industrial economic boom, we've harvested our own collective human capital, and it's pretty close to exhaustion, which is both the result and cause of our political systems breaking apart today. To put it into other words: we've been working ourselves to death and have neglected everything that keeps us thriving: the sunlight, our families, our friends, our children.
It's a consequence of our mode of production, which optimizes only along the single axis of profit (this was true for the Soviet Union too, though there, the profit was measured in the tons of steel produced and such). A company mines a hillside, it suck up an oil deposit, and it exhausts the humans. It's not "evil", it's just how the system works. However, is a finite resource that'd be needed for other things. We chose to forgot that with the "stiff upper lip"/workaholic mentality which has its roots, I suppose, in 19th century positivist thinking, out of which the similarly obviously wrong theory of behaviorism, which posited that people essentially have no minds. Imagine what a sort of profound confusion you would have to have in your brain to say, as a conscious human, that humans have no internal state. "We'll all go into $200K debt and then work 85 hours/week, and it'll be fine forever" is an instance of the sociological analogue of that theory.

>> No.53590471 [DELETED] 

we ran out of people to exploit. that's literally it. turd world slaves are demanding higher wages so the ruling class looks at the domestic cattle for exploitation, rather than the foreign cattle.

>> No.53590480

what makes you think you'll live to 75? life expectancy is going down

>> No.53590489

That goes both ways, anon

>> No.53590506

lots of big wordy posts in here, everyone make it complicated. Life simple.
Work hard
Drink beer
Scribe on clay tablet
Bake bread
deliver good copper
go to brothel
and I can't see a thing, I guess I'll open this one.

>> No.53590514
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>the future of chuds in here who hate women and think a hot read wife will fall out of the sky for them

>> No.53590525

Thanks, anon.
I feel your pain. Just in fairness to the boomers: people weren't used to getting grifted this efficiently back then. The nice investment banker told them to put their money into suchandsuch, and he wore a suit and everything. The movies showed them how cool it was to be a yuppie and shit. I'm not saying that there was no selfishness on their part, but they didn't grow up in a time like today, when more people know what a triple-leveraged ETF is than know how to change a bicycle tire.

>> No.53590528
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Joke's on you.

>> No.53590529

It's literally over, holy fuck

>> No.53590569

>twatter screenshit
>outrage porn
All fields

>> No.53590598

>Business and Finance
As usual, the jew lashes out as it gets hurt.

>> No.53590621

I didn't mean to imply that the situation was hopeless. It's maybe shocking when someone writes this all down in one go.
This sort of pressure can't keep on going forever, so something (likely multiple things) will give at some point. But humanity won't just die. Human capital is replenishable, and once a stressor disappears, we do go back into equilibrium there. People are already moving out of cities, for instance, which will make crowding less of an issue. The workaholic-mentality is also crumbling under its own weight. But if you're aware of more of the problem, you can at least give up on the pointless "solutions", like hating the latest boogeyman or gambling on shitcoins. So I hope you don't despair.

>> No.53590782

Many different and complex reasons led us to this.

It's definitely NOT the jews.

>> No.53590871

>How did it get this bad
Inflationary monetary policy combining with human nature's tendency to try to hide problems. Everything will get shittier over time as costs need to be cut and more effort needs to be expended to make the same as you did in a previous period. I'm not exaggerating when I say almost every institution in the U.S. broadly speaking is imploding right now. The government is completely non-functional, the healthcare system is having its wheels fly off, banks are completely disorganized. Everything is breaking down. You have a few years at best to get the fuck out before the structure comes down on top of you.

>> No.53590883

I financed a new car just last week

>> No.53590949

>How did it get this bad

The bad guys won WWII

>> No.53591001
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Maybe you and your parents should have visited him more often and acted like you gave a shit. I don't blame gramps at all. From here you all sound like a bunch of disingenuous shits to me. I had close ties to my grandparents. Gramps literally used most of his retirement money to me and put out a small equity loan to renovate his/ my current house before he died. Now I have a house paid for with a low interest equity of about 5k remaining

>> No.53591172

I love reading about people who don't get anything from their grandparents because they are entitled little shits, I am living in my grandmothers house after she left it to me after I started taking care of her in the nursing home while the rest of the family ignored her, maybe next time don't abandon your family.

>> No.53591249

good for you, nobody asked

yes that's how families work but the logical conclusion is selfish boomers won't get to continue their bloodlines
as unintuitive as it sounds, the best approach for those in the same situation is to forfeit their chance at reproduction and end their continued lineage

>> No.53591337

I had extremely close ties to my grandmother but her young boomer trophy husband 15 years her junior rewrote her will when she had dementia and spent it all on a Filipina boy wife.

>> No.53591380


>> No.53591433

my father lost his house and blew the money on drugs and he unironically thinks hes fighting the WEF by renting everything and encouraging his offspring to do the same, because the responsibility of ownership is 'how they get you'

>> No.53591465

they vooted for it

>> No.53591479

Bad? Work gives you fulfillment and makes you productive. Only ungrateful parasites regard working in their later life as "bad". We should be THANKFUL for the opportunity to even make use of ourselves at that stage in our lives.

>> No.53591493

that's gonna be me except maybe ill have a house

>> No.53591530

the government will all but outlaw it because youre being selfish, and the people will clap and cheer

>> No.53591783

The nuclear family is a lie. People lived in tribes/villages. Retirement on your terms is a lie. You support your community and then when you're useless they recognize your service and let you fade away comfortably. Capitalism is a lie. It's just exploitation.

>> No.53591937

You are a great poster. Thank you for writing all this up. It's one of those things that makes complete sense and I feel like I knew mosto f this instinctually or separately., but putting it all together is eye-opening. You have a good way with words. I would read your blog/watch your youtube vids if you ever had one

>> No.53591954
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Not true for communism though. Eastern Europe had healthy birthrates until they became part of the capitalist west

>> No.53592008

The role of slavery and globalist exploitation in enabling the run-up to the Industrial Revolution can't be understated. It's not (just) 19th-century positivist thinking, it's literally dehumanization for the purposes of justifying the kind of (self) exploitation you describe. When people talk about decolonization, it's not (just) a matter of reparation, it's a matter of self-preservation.

>> No.53592019

If I don't succumb to the effects kf my adolescent drug use ill leave my fortune to my favorite nephew

>> No.53592038

Boomers sold the entire West to Jews.

>> No.53592047
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>How did it get this bad?
>a century of financial mismanagement
>a century of media gaslighting
>a century of tv and film tearing apart our traditions, history, and heroes
>a century of politicians making deals with international financiers to dilute our race for profits
Gee I wonder who could be behind literally all of this

>> No.53592076

God shut the fuck up.

>> No.53592105

I would literally unironically rather live in the wilderness hunting and fishing than wage slavery. Why don't more people do this?

>> No.53592175

What's your portfolio? Tell me what you're bullish on and I'm going all-in.

I'm 100% serious, everything you wrote is all seeing truth of our current reality

>> No.53592182

Hopefully by the time I'm 75 androids with torpedo tits will be walking around and hopefully I'll be able to afford one. Either that or just plug me into the Matrix.

>> No.53592213


>> No.53592251
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how boring is life after 70?

>> No.53592261

at 75 you'll just want to be dead already.

>> No.53592275

Neoliberalism is cancer. It will keep growing until the host dies, taking the cancer with it.

America will keep inflating its currency and selling its culture/people to corporations to stave off the death of its brain. Everything exists to protect the brain. If you remove the brain from the body, what is it?

Nobody dares treat the cancer, but who is to say it's even treatable at this stage.

>> No.53592278

>millennials* now are set on spending evrey penny they got

>> No.53592281

And this is a huge part of the problem. We only want to listen when our preexisting views are vindicated. If you wanna solve the problem GP describes, understanding P is necessary. The affirmation of the existence of that internal state starts with recognizing where we didn't and strayed from the path.

>> No.53592301

>2 kids
>wife who was virgin when we met
>bought a house in 2011 even though I was single just for the garage
>currently 35 and a hair over $2m net worth so not likely
Just like, I don't know, lift weights and go outside or something.

>> No.53592307

Your raids do nothing Ivan.

>> No.53592322

>the other politician would have saved me!
Why are you nazi fags so retarded? the other guy was running a literal dictatorship.

>> No.53592357

I've got a wife, a baby, lots of ammunition and guns, survival rations, gold/silver, lots of fiat saved (over 300k usd), paid off vehicles, a house, lots of camping and survival supplies, and my family has land in a relatively empty area of a pretty full state
I wonder where i stand
Yes i also have crypto, but not a ton

>> No.53592380

you retards sound like larping zoomers that spent too much time on /pol/. your portfolios are probably LINK, GME, BBBY, and a couple hundred bucks worth in silver

>> No.53592392
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>Why are you nazi fags so retarded? the other guy was running a literal dictatorship

Cool story, get in the gas chamber.

>> No.53592393

Congrats on the baby bro. I'm on #2 and lovin it.

>> No.53592404 [DELETED] 

Democracy is rule by jewish banks

>> No.53592418

30k link, 32 eth, almost 4 btc. The best portfolio and you can't convince me otherwise.

>> No.53592422 [DELETED] 

with jews you lose

>> No.53592485

Yup the baby is 11 months. Doing great. Eating tons of food. Their poop smells like shit. Talking, doing great at daycare. Lots of fun to play with when i get home. What a feeling

>> No.53592559

smart money hasnt been in link for years at this point

>> No.53592607

Then get rid of the Central Banks, they're communist in nature anyway, but don't go full retard nazi dictatorship. That's just begging for government cock in your ass.

>> No.53592622 [DELETED] 

>just vote the jews out

>> No.53592697

There's 3k jews in Japan.
1k of them are tied to open borders organisations and movement.

You cannot vote your way out of it.
You cannot educate your way out of it.
Behaviour is 100% genetic, only complete genocide can work.

>> No.53592722

Andrew Jackson did it, without going Nazi tard too.

>> No.53592734 [DELETED] 

>There's 3k jews in Japan.
>1k of them are tied to open borders organisations and movement.

yeah? and how's that working out for them? Japan still as xenophobic as ever.

>> No.53592746 [DELETED] 
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I am certain this kind of blatant pilpul is very effective on goylems.

>> No.53592765

>error: coherent argument not found
yeah that's what I thought.

>> No.53592770

Apparently thats why his attempt was futile

>> No.53592780
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bro, it's not too late to get help.

>> No.53592831

Never claimed to be smart just said you can't convince me otherwise.

>> No.53592837
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>> No.53592846

It wasn't futile, he killed the Central Bank and it didn't return for 80 years.

>> No.53592852 [DELETED] 
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They literally cannot help themselves lmao
Theres a reason the entire world thinks your race is full of parasites

>> No.53592872

And yet here we are

>> No.53592873

Jews are just smarter than you, keep seething.

>> No.53592894
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>> No.53592899

lmao all we need is nuclear powered automated vertical farming and we're good to go

>> No.53592904

Yeah, you cant help yourself.
Which is why you love a jacksonian pussy that lets you live to try again

>> No.53592906

beyond the point really, he showed it could be done, which you inferred could not.

>> No.53592918

A temporary solution to a permanent problem isnt a solution, its ultimately futile

>> No.53592920

My grandpa was still fucking women regularly until he was like 90.

>> No.53592928

hmm whats the permanent solution Moshe?

>> No.53592938

Youre mixing us up, anon

>> No.53592939

>Jacksonian pussy
Andrew Jackson was better than Hitler in literally everyway. You retards worship a guy that gave Jews permanent victim status for all eternity, stained nationalism forever, got his country destroyed and split in two, saw tens of millions of Europeans killed and then blew his brains out. That's you're hero, you're the retard.

Andrew Jackson on the other hand outwitted and outplayed his opponents at every turn. Showed strength and dominated them, dying peacefully. His last words and legacy "I killed the Bank."

>> No.53592955
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>miserable peasant lives

>> No.53592957

No, the country that Jackson ruled gave Jews permanent victim status, kike
Thats why you pretend to love him so much

>> No.53592959


>oh it can't be done! you can't vote them out!
I show it can
>oh no it's only temporary!

>> No.53592967

Yeah, he didnt remove the kikes, anon, thats the point

>> No.53592971

Go suck on Hitler's bones you dumbass, too bad we can't send you to the past to die for him while he eats cake in his bunker. kek fucking idiots.

>> No.53592981
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Quantitative hyper antidisinflation

>> No.53592991

"kikes" don't matter, what matters is the banking system. That's what gives "kikes" their power, literally everything you bitch about when it comes to Jews is made possible by their control over money creation, without it they're nothing.

>> No.53593001

go suck a kosher dick

>> No.53593015

my bad lmao

>Jewish ethnostate is as retarded as most middle eastern countries
what a shocker

>> No.53593027

And noone has ever removed banks from the US either.
You're completely losing it at this point.

>> No.53593044

Israel is only like 70% Jewish

>> No.53593058

literally me in about 3 years

>> No.53593059

Imagine the stench

>> No.53593060

>And noone has ever removed banks from the US either.
Andrew Jackson killed the Central Bank dumbass. That's like ending the Fed. Go google some more.

>> No.53593097

Thats one bank, not all banks, are you retarded?

>> No.53593106

america is 60% white and it still has an average iq 10 points higher than pissrael

>> No.53593113

LOL man you're a retard, you don't even understand how the financial system works. Shows how dumb nazi fags are I guess. okay I'm done with you.

>> No.53593118

First 3 won’t happen to me for sure now lmao

>> No.53593130

Jews were thrown out of countries long before central banks existed, you stupid cunt

>> No.53593144

This is what happens when you "empower" women" and make them equal to men. Convince everyone that they need to work, and devalue money to make sure that happens.
You can't build a family when everyone is a boss, you have to have roles, traditionally men work and women took care of the house and kids, now the roles are jumbled up and you have this mess

>> No.53593425

Our nation was Judaified long before feminism. Who do you think SIMP'd and let Jews into European nations to begin with? European women had no power, they weren't in politics or in the work place, most were illiterate and couldn't leave the house. You, dumbass white man, did it with your religious superiority complex, thinking every decision you make is the right one.

>> No.53593607

fair, just don't say we didn't warn you.

>> No.53593651

Stfu you parasite. Your “people” have been slavers since before the dawn of time. Your first temple and thus first community in the Americas was built on slavery. Why don’t you decolonize Israel first? You beastial monster in sub human form

>> No.53593694

The jew cries out in pain as he strikes you.

>> No.53593731

WORDS WORDS WORDS kys faggot, your kind want to hold humanity back. Only through innovation and advancing technology can we make meaningful improvements. Your wanton lust for some imagined pre-industrial eden is nothing more than a death cult.

Choose life everyone. Choose an actual future. These people seek to make you believe that they offer truth when all they offer is cynicism and a belief that nothing will get better. Facts are, we live better now than we did a century ago by just about any metric you care to name. Far better even than 50 years ago. A century from now, people like this poster will look at our age and claim it was oh so utopian, oh so edenic--and they'll be just as off-base as this faggot.

>> No.53593738

And yet you are the parasite and not the host. Only a psychopath would view lying and cheating and undermining as the smarter move.

>> No.53593887 [DELETED] 

>WORDS WORDS WORDS kys jewslave, your kind want to hold humanity back. Only through returning to living as one with nature can we make meaningful improvements. Your wanton lust for some imagined futuristic technological eden is nothing more than a death cult.

Choose life everyone. Choose an actual future. These people seek to make you believe that they offer truth when all they offer is cynicism and a belief that running further and further from nature and their ancestral cultures will get better. Facts are, we live worst now than we did a generation ago by just about any meaningful metric you care to name. And our current generation will have been better than 50 years in to the future if things don’t change and soon. A century from now, people like this poster will look at our age and claim it wasn’t oh so a Jewish utopia, or oh so hell on earth for the rest of humanity--and they'll be just as wrong. As soon as the globalist class is hanging enmass from lampposts a new dawn for all of humanity can be achieved and faggots like this poster will be buried in mass graves for treason against all of planet earth.

>> No.53593961

>the poltard cries out - I've been discovered