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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53575789 No.53575789 [Reply] [Original]

>imagining myself on those business podcasts I listen to with cool interesting people
>"So, JCal, for the first 32 years of my life I lived a boring, friendless, non-entrepreneurial, asocial basic university to middling corporate job life with no spark whatsoever. And then I decided to start working hard, partly due to [some random thing I've done in the past week]..."

>> No.53575857


>> No.53576053

>It’s a Truman starts talking out loud to an imaginary interviewer about his life philosophy until his mom comes in to check if he’s ok episode

>> No.53576071
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Literally me but 25 instead of 32
No cap

>> No.53576856

I've been on a business podcast. Nothing will happen once you are on one.

>> No.53576919

That's literally what happened to me though. Never broke a B average all through college. Majored in communications just to get the degree out of the way. Worked shitty MLM/sales/corporate drone jobs and learned absolutely nothing and languished at shitty wages for 10+ years.
Decided to lrn2code, but didn't like it. did like tech, however. Worked my way into help desk, then sysadmin. Then IT manager.
Now i'm in my late 30's making $150k as an IT manager. I have a few certs and heavily focus on project management/agile methodologies.
Because of this my management experience, I do private coaching on the side to help people who need to work their way up. I charge $100/hr for coaching services and am always in demand.
I also have worked as a consultant for small businesses who want to adopt and implement agile methods into their business.
Sometimes I feel sad when I think about, "what could have been"... maybe if I'd focused more in high school and college, taken my jobs more seriously, etc. On the other hand, I also have accepted I may only be where I am today because I had to struggle and live in the shit to appreciate the power of getting out of it.
You can do it anon, literally only thing holding you back is you and whatever preconceived notions have been put in your head by people who don't know you and what you are capable of.

>> No.53577058
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>> No.53577112
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>If I work really hard I can be a middle aged IT manager


>> No.53577143

Yes, being debt free, saving up fuck tons of money, working on a growing business, and living a self directed life is so bleak. Next time I'm traveling worry free and enjoying myself, I'll be sure to remember some 22 year old anon bag holding dog coins thinks it's "bleak".

>> No.53577144

keep it up champ
I'm sure next time you will win

>> No.53577150

KEK this little middle manager wagie is pissed lmao

>> No.53577162


>> No.53577226

it's kind of true except my wife is dictated by external factors
after my wife left me all i did was get a job after covid gibs and a drivers license. then
after my gf left i made the choice to fix my shit, grind hard, manifest money and not just rely on crypto to make it

>> No.53577246

Based. Plus, more money you earn means more money you can invest. Being able to throw $20k into an investment is a great feeling. Much less of a gamble. Banking on some dog coin to solve all your problems must be a terrible feeling.

>> No.53577684
