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53565748 No.53565748 [Reply] [Original]

>come home
>dad is screaming like a toddler and rolling on the floor
>mom screaming at him to take his valium
>he already did and has been drinking
>says he can’t take it anymore
>says he doesn’t know what to do
>says he feels like a useless piece of shit

He was forced to retire from an administrative government position after 35 years. Our house is paid off and with what my mom makes and his retirement pension he doesn’t have to work ever again and doesn’t even have to adjust his lifestyle.

He worked 60 hours a week since I can remember, missed many family events, many of mine since im 15 years younger than my siblings and he was already very busy by the time i was born.

Why are boomers like this? I never want a job or career if im gonna end up like this.

We’re trying to get him to do community volunteer work.

>> No.53565777

they were the first generation to experience "modern" television advertising. between that and leaded gasoline fumes, their brains and literally mush. they were born and bred to be the most perfect goyim slaves. without wageslavery and a jewish boss breathing down their neck, they are quite literally lost.

>> No.53565818

You’re so right. He literally days israel is our outpost of freedom and democracy in the middle east. Holy shit.

>> No.53565981

yeah ive met people like that, when i worked at a factory full of boomers. bringing up israel and how we should support them, completely unprovoked. it's the most insane and mentally deranged shit imaginable.

>> No.53566207
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My grandpa flew glider planes well into his 80’s with the other old geezers there. Then theyd drink beers later in the afternoon and predict the weather from the coming week.

How can you not have a hobby to do when you retire?

>> No.53566237

The only reason I work is to invest into crypto so I can quit working.
I would absolutely love to be “retired” and have enough time to actually live. God fucking damn it I hate life.

>> No.53566239
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>Why are boomers like this?
Thrill of the hunt, my weak zoomer retard.
Your father is a man, a man needs to provide for his kin, he needs a challenge, no work? No challenge, no thrill of the hunt.

>> No.53566259

Israel, IS, our greatest ally!

>> No.53566268
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>it's the most insane and mentally deranged shit imaginable.
They fire bombed Germany and now German girls get passed around by niggers and Muslims.
Boomer better keep quit about the Jews if he knows what good for him.
109 countries couldn't kill the Jews.

>> No.53566323

my dad is the same way. completely lost without an employer telling him what to do. zero hobbies other than going to the office and losing all his money in the crypto market.

>> No.53566449
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he looks like me

>> No.53566515

I feel this on a spirtual level. Dont worry bro, wagmi

>> No.53566824

Thanks, you too.
Just having a bad day. Take care.

>> No.53566840

Valium turns you into a fucking zombie. Your dad's brain is unironically toast. Benzos should be illegal. It's medically sanctioned lobotomy.

>> No.53567342
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Yeah, this guy's right.

OP your Dad's probably got a benzo dependence and the rolling around is closer to a seizure than he'd probably like to admit. Cue weeks of no sleep and worse outbursts til he is recovered..

>> No.53567641

>You’re so right. He literally days israel is our outpost of freedom and democracy in the middle east.
On that he's actually right though

>> No.53568027

My 70 yo dad is such a lazy, irresponsible dipshit that he lost his job and turned to drinking and drugs, then lost his wife, then lost his house, then blew every last penny on more drugs, then lost my brother, then turned to meth for 20 years and lost his mind, then got diabetes and lost his leg because he treated a third degree burn with bleach instead of going to a doctor because, and I quote, he 'doesn't want to be controlled'. Now he's on his deathbed and spends his days watching clickbait on YouTube and blaming everything and everyone one for his problems and is going to die alone, poor and fucked because he is pathologically incapable of accepting responsibility for his atomic failures and insists on insulting and degrading the only person left to bail him out of his own retardation

>> No.53568046

He already won at life and bred everything else after that doesn’t matter

>> No.53568143

Kek, he's not happy, literally zombified by years of meth and Alex Jones, no thoughts in his except hating trannies, leftoids, and women. It's almost based but they live rent free in his head and he can't have a conversation without steering it to a topic that will make have impotent fits of rage, like you'd expect from a toddler. He yells at the tv. It's fucking horrifying what's happened to his body and mind and he only serves as an example of what not to do

>> No.53568369
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I don't know anon
that sounds pretty based

>> No.53568379
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>he already did and has been drinking
>says he can’t take it anymore
Based dad

>> No.53568386

Like I said he already made you anything after that doesn’t matter he made a smart son that browses /biz/ using his own father as a roadmap as to what not become, his genes will live on until they donr

>> No.53568415

Thanks for the laughs and the tears anons I'm going to try to improve myself today

>> No.53568479

Kids don't give him the same ego rush that cursing out his co workers did.

>> No.53568510

This is the equivalent of hitting the wall for men. Having zero spiritual life will end you up like this too. For those who are not too far gone I recommend reading Jung.

>> No.53568527


>no thoughts in his except hating trannies, leftoids, and women

It's a start. Does he like to read at all?

>> No.53568586

He used to. Do you something to suggest?

>> No.53568727

get a hobby, drone

>> No.53569626

he's american. americans have no culture or interests besides work.

>> No.53569724

Give that sue mushrooms, LSD or DMT
I promise he’ll chill the fuck out for at least a month

>> No.53569744

his son won't pass on his genes so did he really

>> No.53570812

I run my dads company. He sits at home chilling, occasionally stops by the shop during the day. He worked countless hours building his company. I really do enjoy going in and working. Maybe I’ll tire of it in 20 years.

>> No.53571914

When you've been conditioned for 35+ years to work 40-60 hours you lose your mind the moment it's taken away. It's consumed your entire life; you have nothing else to live for; it's why so many marriages fail when workaholic boomers retire and suddenly have to spend time with their spouse. Always be wary of people who say they love their jobs and act like you're a deadbeat for not wanting to slave away your entire life, because they're thoroughly broken people.

>> No.53572382
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Sorry anon
My dad is nearly the same age, but he's the man. He still works hard but has been self employed for 40 years or so, so not applicable to OPs dilemma.
Boomers just love working

>> No.53572453

your dad sounds like a self absorbed asshole.

>> No.53572473

fpbp with them digits

>> No.53572794

Whites unfortunately have too much compassion so we didn't just genocide them 109 times but instead chose deportation

>> No.53572803

>babe its 5pm time for your valium

>> No.53572818
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Sweet another Charles to add to my collection

>> No.53573086

>We’re trying to get him to do community volunteer work.
that's good. try to find some hobbies for him as well. enroll him in a cooking course for example

>> No.53573116

for most people their job is the bulk of their identity, and the remainder is usually vapid, inane bullshit like consuming electronics/fashion/politics/travel. When a modern got stops working, it fries their brain.

The amount of people who have told me they would get bored if they didn't work, my god, can you imagine having that mindset?

I work hard but my main goal in life is early retirement

>> No.53574491

Working at a grocery store while doing school. There are a few of these people that legitamately say they'd be bored if they weren't do this. What the fuck?

I am staying for a possible pharmacy position

>> No.53574514
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Work sets you free

>> No.53574708

Teach the filthy goyim how to use the internet and get him addicted to video games, problem solved

>> No.53574757


The real answer is that people like OP's father are running from something inside their head. They need to fill their time as much as possible to escape it. They are not able to just let it sit in their head and process. It's an abstract emotional/psychological thing.

It's the same thing as someone who games 24/7, or drug addicts and alcoholics.

>> No.53574903

Doubling down on what this anon says

>> No.53574955

Underrated post. Fuck big pharma, trying the brains of the young and the old alike.

>> No.53574969

Sorry didn’t have my Ritalin today

>> No.53575177

This is probably the best solution if he has no hobbies. Get him off the drugs and get him to waste his time on WOW or what ever the fuck the latest MMORPG is. He can berate the zoomers in raid chat to feel good about himself.

>> No.53575408

yeah, he's going to need to make some adjustments to his headspace. He can easily find volunteer admin work, every locality needs a lot of that, but he's got to get rid of the idea that the work is more important than family and smelling the roses. At the moment he's acting like he's unemployed not retired.

>> No.53576486

Kys thats the only way to true freedom

>> No.53576534
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Checked and correct ser.