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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53552302 No.53552302 [Reply] [Original]

>have a patreon where I sell my stuff
>see how I bleed subs nonstop
>look at the stattistics daily
How dl you retards do it? How you do nt go insane looking at the charts anf seeing how you lose money by the hour

>> No.53552316

what do you sell?

>> No.53552333
File: 71 KB, 657x1030, just stop caring.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic rel. Seriously, take this advice.

>> No.53552343

Become a content whore.
Just make a bunch of milk toast bullshit for teenagers with no social skills.
Like playing video games on twitch.
Low effort, easy content, effortless income.
Even better if you can stir drama, talk shit, and get attention by canceling other people.
You're overthinking it.

>> No.53552362
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>milk toast

>> No.53552379

>just be the 1 in a million who makes a livable income making content

>> No.53552398

Better than being an Etsy/Patreon slut.
Like anything valuable only a few people can be at the top.
>Farts out a big Mac
That's copitalism for you

>> No.53552430

the current meta is to make a bunch of channels, all seemingly unrelated different names and then upload basically the same content with slight variations on all of them.

i have been doing that with "meme compilations" most recently. i just take existing ones, then rearange the clips with like 2 or 3 cuts and reupload them with my channel name in it. then i scamble it again and it goes on then next channel.

>> No.53552455

You just have to have faith.

>> No.53552462

Now we're fucking talking.
Tip, create back links in all your sites referencing each other so they rank higher in Google.
You can even get chatGPT to shit out content for free.
Then use clickbank to sell bullshit to retards

>> No.53552476


>> No.53552501

i do the backlink shit, i should get into chatgpt, but why do it myself when i can just copy some literal who kids work who is more in touch with my audience anyway.

>> No.53552520

wdym what? make a bunch of accounts reuse content and profit

>> No.53552551

You can throw the content in quolbot too and get like three renditions of the same bullshit.
Easy money has never been so easy.
You can even shit out testimonials for affiliate crap

>> No.53552566

Checked and based

>> No.53552617

how do you get your initial views

>> No.53552838

literally spam this shit out, hope the algorithm picks up a few of the channels, then only focus on the winners. I started out with 100 channels, now i run like 8 with 50 to 800k subs each. Use different titles and title formats, see what works.

>> No.53552859

spamming aka reupload same shit? dont promote anywhere?

what are the earnings?

>> No.53552940

easy, look at the hourly or minute chart while im making money, look at the daily or weekly chart while im losing money

>> No.53552988

Do you have a different IP for each channel? Seems like YouTube is ip nanning now

>> No.53553151

>see how I bleed subs nonstop
You need to figure out why you're losing subs and not gaining any more to make up for it. Maybe the quality of your content has noticeably declined? Also, some people are the type who will sub for one month, then leave and come back again 4 months later. Times are tough these days, people don't have as much money to throw around for frivolous bullshit, and it's inevitable that people will try to min/max the value they get out of your paywall.
People usually tend to leave just before the end of the month before their subscription rolls over, in my experience, so posting your best content at the end of every month might increase retention rates. People generally only think about pulling out when it's time to renew. It's easier for someone to be like "I'm not getting much value from this, I'm unsubbing" when the last good thing they saw from you was 3 weeks ago. That's plenty enough time for somebody to lose interest. But if you posted something they liked just one day before? They might be more inclined stick around. And above all, ask yourself, would YOU be willing to pay [insert amount here] every month to see your content? If the answer is no, then why would you expect anyone else to? Quality and quantity both matter when it comes to internet content creation

>> No.53553236

Pretty reasonable post in this shitpile of a board

>> No.53553316
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>milk toast

>> No.53553343
File: 381 KB, 600x692, 1659718628991354.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>milk toast

>> No.53553488

Checked and based

>> No.53553496

i make a few channels per account, but yeah all on different ips and not obvious vpn ips either

3 to 8k per month, some months pay better some worse.

>> No.53553519

>Frg (frog) ID
>Green ID
I'm thinking absolutely based

>> No.53553708

My assumption would be create niche YT channels: for example food channels and just spamming diff variations of the same content and posting a website link in each description?

feeling mildly autistic and just wanna understand better

>> No.53554154

Holy shit whitnessed

>> No.53555440
File: 1.17 MB, 1024x1024, reversengineer_Russian_comrade_bear_wearing_sunglasses_uses_Blo_bd046ac4-9b9a-4cce-a3ee-c7bb5d9b047b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, pretty based. I've been in doomer mode for the last couple of weeks about ai and the singularity and this is the best advice for coping with the crushing anxiety. Life truly is better if you just don't give a God damn.