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File: 198 KB, 2848x926, men.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53517573 No.53517573 [Reply] [Original]

What are the ramifications of this?

>> No.53517595

millions of white* men
its because for the last 400 years whites dominated the world because they were able to steal from everyone else, but now that other countries like india and china are getting stronger white parasites have no more host and thus are dying off

>> No.53517597

we are on strike

>> No.53517671

Boomers are getting old, and have enough retirement money put away that their children can move back into the house and focus on taking care of their parents instead of slaving away meaninglessly for money they are going to inevitably inherit in the next decade

>> No.53517702

>its a matter of national identity
kek pay more or go out of business you fucking coping boomer retards

>> No.53517715

Woman in the work force.

>> No.53517718

You get what you fucking deserve

>> No.53517719
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>> No.53517731

The juice is no longer worth the squeeze

>> No.53517740

Global internetalisation necessarily lead to more redpilled society

>> No.53517748

also, not letting illegals flood in like the border doesnt exist is a matter of national identity

not selling the country to china is a matter of national identity

the pure unadulterated chutzpah of these boomers to claim that men not working for slave wages is a matter of national identity while ignoring these other issues is palpable

>> No.53517784

Pff cope, we dpminated you because we are better. Today we are not ebven trying

>> No.53517807
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>modern women are useless whores
>society will try to brainwash your kids into degenerate tranny

there is just nothing to look forward to, society isn't giving men their basic need, the possibility to have a family and be happy, something worth slaving in a shitty job.

>> No.53517836

who cares? more zoomer pussy for all us that already made it in crypto

>> No.53517880
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I didn't leave the workforce, I just became a digital nomad freelancer making my own living without paying taxes, that's why you can't see me. Ha. fools.

>> No.53517883

> society isn't giving men their basic need,
Its not even that, men need authority and responsibility to have purpose. Responsibility is now optional and it no longer comes with authority.

>> No.53517921

no pussy no work

>> No.53517936

you sound insecure lad

>> No.53517959

About what?

>> No.53517992

go back

>> No.53518012

I'm working but fuck this system. I'm not going back thousands of years genetically into some third world brown mongrel shithole with culture derived from the bottom of Africa's worst. Too much on the line to cooperate with the present elite.
Either they will fix things or we will do it for them,the hard way.

>> No.53518034

Things are going to get a lot worse.

>> No.53518062

Capitalism is more about enforcing scarcity than creating supply.

I won't "compete" against a foreign candidate they have in mind so I can share a 1x1 with five other men at the same company. Therefore I've "dropped out" and they have no choice but to hire that scab labor. Everyone's really playing their part you see. This is the intention all along.

>> No.53518071
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What'S N. E. E. T. S.?

>> No.53518123

Not enough companies are suffering.
I just applied for an entry level role in my city (Australia) and the recruiter is a jungle gook outsourced from America (already a redflag). I have a Bachelors and 10 years of work experience and my application got rejected in less than 24 hours. I genuinely wonder how many females and brownskins make up the first stage.

>> No.53518127

>article has quotes from Mike Rowe
Oi vey! Get back to work, goyim! Mr. Bernstein needs to buy a yacht for Abigail's bat mitzvah!

>> No.53518153

give it ~8 years and most will be neets because AI replaced their office jobs and demand for manual aint there. It will be interesting how they will get rid of all the useless eaters.

You probably wont even know whats going on by then cause currently they are pushing for "disinformation" shadowbans on the net. You will post your neighbors are gone and nobody will see it.

>> No.53518154

"NEET" is an acronym that stands for "Not in Employment, Education or Training." The reason for the increase in the number of NEETs, particularly among men, is a complex issue and can be attributed to various factors such as changes in the job market, declining industries, lack of job opportunities, skill mismatch, and economic recessions.

The ramifications of this trend are significant, as being NEET can lead to long-term unemployment and a decrease in income, which can have a negative impact on overall well-being and economic prosperity. Furthermore, it can lead to decreased social mobility, increased poverty, and a decline in economic growth. Additionally, NEETs are more likely to experience poor health outcomes and mental health problems.

Therefore, it is important for governments, policy makers, and other organizations to address the root causes of the increase in NEETs and develop programs and initiatives to help these individuals re-enter the workforce and improve their economic and social outcomes.

>> No.53518165
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Boomerang millennial here who did the average burger thing - moved out, took out a mortgage, stayed nauseatingly loyal to one company - then quit his job to move back in with his family.

Here's why I'm part of this "troubling" statistic:
> Once you work for a corporation, you'll be blackpilled and realize only the popular dudes and broads who get along with management are the ones to be promoted, while those uninteresting nerds (aka me) who do all the work will get passed over for promotion and overwhelmed with all the work, while the high school preps get to do none of the work and get promoted to the top.
> Every year, minimal pay raise and twice the work while living expenses far outpace wage growth (here's a hint: owning a house is a vortex of doom for your finances!)
> Eventually quit job when I see inflation far outpacing wage growth - aka less and less pay for more and more work every year
> Forced to sell house as it's getting too expensive to keep up with - repair costs competely fuck you
> Moved back in with parents. The end.

There, that's the reason why so many dudes are moving back home with their parents. Basically, they're getting blackpilled about the corporate world and inflation is completely destroying society.

>> No.53518179

>its because for the last 400 years whites dominated the world because they were able to steal from everyone else
sure thing, jeet, keep telling that to yourself

>> No.53518192

What kind of dilapidated crack shack did you buy? lmao

>> No.53518193

Chatgpt is very diplomatic in describing that men are disposable and are currently being disposed of
>maybe the government will help!

>> No.53518197

we (the whites) are tired of doing everything and now the thanks we get for propagating western civilization is now constantly being shit on. now that we (whites) are taking a step back watch the world go to shit.
you dumb fucking OTWs (other then white) will beg for us to come back, but it will be too late. OTWs seem to forget that WE made western civilization what it is today. yea yea we did some very bad things but if you live in Western Civilization you got the good life because the sins of our fathers now your flushing it down the toilet.
this mixed/ melting pot society aint working

>> No.53518211

>white kid who never worked a day in his life thinks he's part of the club
many such cases

>> No.53518240

It was a house built in the early 90s. Yes, I know, I made a huge mistake buying an old house. It wasn't exactly a dumpy house either, it just had many unforeseen issues that the inspector didn't catch before I bought the house. Of course, I didn't do my homework on the inspector and all of the potential issues that could happen, as I was young and stupid and fell for the realtor's guilt trippin' doom saleslady tricks ("omg if you don't buy this house someone else will!!!")

>> No.53518390

Your big problem is falling for the corporate loyalty bullshit. I switched jobs 3 times in 5 years and over doubled my income. Now I work less hours, have less responsibilities and make far more than my first role lmao. I'm in tech so it was easy but other industries have similar opportunities

>> No.53518402

Pretty much this. The laws and culture make it so you have to absolutely get fucked over. The young women are aggressive and defile themselves in high school. College is even worse. The boomers are waking up and realizing what hoes their wives are. Im just waiting for the world to completely shit and then I'm going to raid peoples houses in liberal cities.

>> No.53518417

I was in the military. They promoted nigger women left and right. Theyre extra retarded with that combo. The curtain has been lifted on the rat race and everybody is over it.

I don't have skanky women near me all day fuckin with my emotions either.

>> No.53518419

No woman, no reason to work hard.

Need government mandated gfs for the good of society and the economy and I am 100% serious. Should be a service you sign up for and you get an arraigned marriage that you cannot back out of. Kind of like what parents did for their children for millenia

>> No.53518443

Pretty much this. Generations of simps gave them unlimited power, most of them are cooked in the head from multiple dudes loads, add in some birth control and brain washing about hating men.

Young women literally cannot not participate in social media. They get assaulted by every chad and nigger. They fuck one and it's all downhill from there.

>> No.53518457

This. I can make money by skinning and stealing as you niggers say I did. We tried to be nice bbut looks like my colonial soul is screaming to make a come back.

>> No.53518479

>muh white
shut the fuck up, retard
the reason is simple. High barrier to entry and waging full time = lower quality of life. Also no jobs are stable. Employers are assholes in general. They need to become less strict and offer actual training for anyone instead of ask for 3-5+ years of experience

>> No.53518481

This thread turned into an incel support group disgustingly fast. Isn't there a subreddit for you losers?

>> No.53518534

>omG iT's aLL rEdDiT

>> No.53518546

What's the format again? r/incel?

>> No.53518572

format for what, dumbass?
Also incel is a reddit term. Stop pretending you're a biz resident

>> No.53518588

Yes, continue to ignore the issue and shame the consequences instead of addressing the underlying problem, it surely will help to improve the situation.
Surely society isn't going at Mach 10 against a concrete wall. Better continue to shame and insult men and see what happens. :)

>> No.53518596

Based. Look at them squirm and sperg out! Hahaha

>> No.53518604

Yo stop shitting on white people. I think they've had enough. They've mostly realized their global atrocities Even if they are annoying as f mainly the older ones. Majority of the racists here aren't even white they're all like south american or asian retards just look at the pol meetups, it's eye opening

>> No.53518608

listen, uh............................. i just don't want to wage for GNC

>> No.53518617

reminder arabs invaded and brought slavery to europe before europeans invaded anyone. Whites didnt start shit.

>> No.53518710

Bro I am pretty good at pulling pussy and it's the same thing. They're always on social media, all want to flirt with other men, all vote for stupid faggy girl shit.

Ive run a restaurant with many a woman working here and all of the young ones have tons of hyper sexual makeup on, flirt however they want, they all drink and not one is a virgin but acts like they deserve some mega rich 6'7 Chad. If you try to focus they just bug you more. They would promote women in the military and then the women leave to have kids. Effectively fucking over some dude in his career. We have the fattest longest living fucks ever telling us to nut up and work harder as they pop pills and watch Deadpool 2 for 5 hours straight. On top of that you have our federal government and it's agencies letting niggers and illegals fuck up everything while they promote the aame thing to the young women. They get defiled as stated and are nothing but a liability.

Nigger would eat the world if they could invent a way out of Africa already. Whites are the Tom Brady of the world. Everybody hates the best because almost everybody is a jealous fag loser.

>> No.53518742

Of course it is, that's where the incel support group started.

Not my problem. Pull yourself up by your bootstraps and fix your own life, loser.

ngl I stopped reading the LARP after the makeup rant lmao. Military retards are just high school dropouts that didn't have the skills or smarts to make money anyway.

>> No.53518743
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You know what was the first thing africans did the minute we gave them independance in the early 60s?
They rushed to kill all the arabs they could find. Not the whites, the arabs. Because they were the ones owning the slave markets. Biggest slave market in the world was in Zanzibar in Tanzania, and was owned by muslims for centuries.
Hundred of thousands arabs were massacred in the span of few weeks.
Completely memoryholed, like 99% of real history..


>> No.53518754
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Historically, having a gorillion, angry, aimless men is a really fucking bad thing.

>> No.53518791

It's kinda funny, incels believe they're superior to blacks, but they have more in common with the black community than they realize. Instead, they're political cucks for wealthy white men who want to keep them poor.

>> No.53518796

This basically. Boomers had the right idea: firm handshake and look them in the eye. Once the employment agreement becomes undesirable for you, for whatever reason, you dust off the old CV. REMEMBER: you don't need them, they need YOU.

>> No.53518801

You know makeup is a way too feign attraction. So basically they appear to be turned on often when they aren't. You're going to be run over by niggers and chinks soon. Rememeber Laqueefa as she rallys the transgender troops

>> No.53518815

>white men
Jews aren't white.

>> No.53518826

I just got a job after 3 years of being a neet, I start Monday

>> No.53518839

Whatever you want to call them, they own you and you do every single thing they instruct you to, like the good goy you are.

>> No.53518842
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>> No.53518852

you make no sense, redditor.

>> No.53518865

Wtf Niger bros, i don't feel so good...

>> No.53518941

It's all Jews fault.

>> No.53518951

Not workin, free food aids, n lotsa n lots la sex. Feelin GUD muffuga.

>> No.53518965


Good shit Anon. Think of it as a life experience. Go into it with open eyes and an open heart.

>> No.53518979


Same. His >>53518165 problem is that he was still playing by the old rules, and he didn't understand the new meta of the game

>> No.53518989

When btc died everyone and their mom that
were leveraged got liquidated and here we are.

>> No.53519001

It took me 18 months to get a job after uni.
I then worked 18 months as a mechanical engineer. I was poorly paid compared to my peers yet I still earned more than 65% of people my age. It was a horrible job, a shit company with a culture of over promising and under delivering, the owner was extremely difficult, senior engineer left half way though my time, and the job was extremely painful consta try dealing with angry customers and underperforming suppliers.

All this pain got me what? Not a single improvement in my quality of life. I still live with my parents, drive the same car, eat the same food. The stress was no good for my health. No time for personal projects. It certainly wasn't helping me progress towards things I actually want, like a girlfriend, or any sort of positive future. I know its cringe to say but as Stirner put it, cringe is nothing to me.

>> No.53519005

A cost to benefit anyslis was done by these people and they worked out it’s better to do nothing.

>> No.53519023


Anon this was exactly me (twice). I went to another job and it was the exact same thing. You can't move out because then your take home income gets cut in a third. It's awful.

>> No.53519074

>Not workin
>free food
>n lots la sex
I'm not sure I would brag about that third one

>> No.53519101
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>"t-they don't wanna work"

>> No.53519196

Also this, there are a lot of threads here and there on social media where men are talking about applying for tons of jobs and giving up.

>> No.53519246

I'm so done chasing down 100 different hr women over emails trying to tie together these interviews they keep forgetting about for a job listings they replied to 4 months after I applied to them.

>> No.53519262

It really is scary. Back then you can work an honest job and an honest 14 and be content with life. Little lunch breaks but the work was fulfilling. Now this generation is lazy and just wants to play video games all day. My heart sank when my boy said he wanted to be a streamer or YouTuber and my daughter an artist or model. It actually makes me mad that this generation’s work ethic is in the toilet. Who the fuck let this happen?

>> No.53519292

kek this is a good one. Yeah I wonder who, it certainly can't be the generation that came before them, you know, the people who raised those kids.

>> No.53519352

Nothing, nothing of importance ever happens.

You however will wake up, work, and pay taxes.

>> No.53519455

we let it happen, but we weren't involved. it's those fucking social networks crap. retarded people really believe everything they see on the internet and, well, kids are retarded.

>> No.53519517

Nigger you what, my house was built in 59' and I haven't touched it in the over two years I've lived here

>> No.53519535

there's plenty of people taking jobs. they're just not the right people. it doesnt matter how many browns or women you have on your staff, at the end of the day you need someone there to do the actual work, and it is those people who are not taking jobs anymore.

>only net-productive demographic is white men
>demonize white men
>white men stop working
>system falls apart

yeah i'm thinking they should have thought this one through a bit more

>> No.53519581

>yeah i'm thinking they should have thought this one through a bit more
Collampse this the goal
Stability (slightly upward trend crabbing) isn't good for business

>> No.53519623

>be code monkey
>80% of workforce is straight white men
>10% pajeets
>10% women
>80% of promotions go to women and pajeets to support their ESG initiative
>not allowed to say anything or your racist
>fuck this i quit let the pajeet woman take care of it

>> No.53519685

Your stance is valid only if you're a 40 year old man with 20 years of experience. Sadly, you're just a fat lazy neet who like to larp as a strong independent man.

>> No.53519717

No pussy no work taxes are slavery and the US dollar is a ponzi scheme America is a scam and a corporate oligarchy every single business gets bailed out from covid no point in trying to start one when niggers get bail outs every time student loans moratorium enhanced unemgoyment moratorium on mortgage payments world is fake and gay one giant ponzi scheme tipping is a scam

>> No.53519855

Its considered a rite of passage bigot. Without aids you only have a bbc. With aids you have a BBC.

>> No.53519879

no wars to kill off the beta men in the last 3 generations

>> No.53519960

working is beta
Unironically though that pic is a good thing because that's the first step in transferring LEVERAGE from employers to employees

>> No.53519977
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mc. wagies has a shortage because welfare literally pays more.
the good jobs aka tech jobs just laid off a bunch of people.

>> No.53520074

Try this without literal affirmative action laws for hiring not whites and see how things go.

>> No.53520367

What am I supposed to do? Every company either wants slave-labor to do manual jobs or experienced technicians to do entry-level jobs. If you rig your AI to auto-reject my applications and ghost me after every interview because I'm not a chad or cute girl, it's not really my fault that I'm not working is it?

>> No.53520419
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>browns and women are paying for my NEETbux
whitebros keep on winning

>> No.53520433

Shit colored, seething hands typed this bullshit.
>w-wypipo be stealin!
We were all playing the same game. You were just shit at it, and now you're trying to turn your stupidity and weakness into a virtue.

>> No.53520445

uh like the 1790's?? the fuck do you mean old
there's no job in there you couldn't have done yourself aside from the fucking basement walls heaving in two

>> No.53520451
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>> No.53520465

Does anyone have that graph that is "as a group, only white men pay taxes" graph? Where it shows the civil services spending vs the tax income by groups.

>> No.53520478

They haven’t dropped out, this is propaganda to allow more shitskins in

>> No.53520557

what makes you think they aren't already including shitskins in this study? fucking idiot

>> No.53520598

>you do every single thing they instruct you to
except work for them apparently. that's where you come in. wait a second... who's the buttgoy here?

>> No.53520604

there's only 1 race the human race, chode

>> No.53520619

What national identity? Now you wanna go on about national identity? Ok hitler. We're global citizens now and I expect global welfare to pay for the neet lifestyle to which I am accustomed. Thanks

>> No.53520681

Good women exist in abundance outside the USA/woke west, and the ones still in the USA/woke west are incredibly rare and competition is fierce. As for the kids, get as far away from urban as you can get to rear them.
All of this is leading to a productivity strike anyways, on top of the outright NEETing occurring now. People aren't going to give anything 100%, or even 50% of their effort, when society is in shambles.
Just look at the police forces and military now, recruitment is desperate, and the quality of recruits is suffering. This will happen across the board. People would rather work for themselves or not work at all.

>> No.53520998
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America is pig demon
America sold its soul for a bigass party in the 1950s
America is now paying its debt to satan

>> No.53521123

this is a pol meme and it's not true
there were always tons of betas

>> No.53521164

No, it's all about the dosh. Just 4 years ago a garbage man making a paltry $25/hr could easily afford a house in all but hcol cities, now that guy is making $27-30/hr and completely priced out. There's no reason to wage if wagging doesn't improve your material standing.

>> No.53521172

I don’t believe this, ever male I know works

>> No.53521179

The reason these articles are being put out is because the strategy of muh endless workforce has backfired and people just quit the kinds of jobs that ghost you for no reason anyway, driving wages up. But I do laugh at the
>muh wageslaving is national identify
Sometimes it makes me wish the "laborpocalypse" was real, so all the boomers whose pensions were taken out specifically on the assumption everyone born after 1980 would just be slaves for them go bankrupt. Sadly it's probably not happening.

He's an indian moonboy, they're always simping hard for chicks and thinking that pointing out whores are disgusting is 'being a incel'. They also only come here when bitcoin is pumping.

>> No.53521185

I WANT a fucking job but none of them ever reply to me. >>53520967 so I'm not clear on where these stories come from.

>> No.53521191

>/pol/ is simultaneously all about beta white men and alpha white men fighting (((them))) but also all about killing off those betas
Nigga u wot. Also it's /biz/ not biz. How is it so hard for you newfags to get this right.

>> No.53521196

>it's a matter of our national identity
>gib muh dat fo free, employim

>> No.53521206

>What are the ramifications of this?
Last time the white man was kicked to the curb he started the computer revolution, (circa 1978-1980).

This time however, the Jews' assault may simply result in direct, violent retaliation.
Time will tell, I suppose.

>> No.53521209

Can't fault them for at least giving it a shot.

>> No.53521241

Amd yet, you are powerless to stop what's happening. You rage as impotentl as they do. A lot more impotently than them, in fact, because they have the momentum of events on their side, whereas you just have snarky remarks, like those biting satirists in 1934.

>> No.53521242

>millions of citizens decide to turn away from the ideological imperatives that supposedly unite them, invoke the same ideological imperative to unite them again so they can ‘decide’ to get back to work

wow that was easy

>> No.53521251

good luck anon, i also stopped being a neet during covids lockdowns faggotry, im doing a shit job in a factory but everyone is nice and im making money to invest. my life looks better now after wasting so much of it
im going to gym, having friends and eating well and im much happier
being neet really sucks

>> No.53521257

It's literally all porn and video games. Young men think that real world is as easy and instantly gratifying as those and when it isn't they can't handle it and come up with all this da jooooos cope. It's communism tier mass delusion.

>> No.53521268
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>> No.53521281 [DELETED] 

This is maybe the world meme of all time

>> No.53521288
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>> No.53521292

fat white (mutt) zoomer detected. you haven't worked shit you fucking lazy nigger. your strong boomers and Gen X worked.

>> No.53521300

>india and china
Don't lump us chinamen in with you poop skin stinky cucks. India will be conquered and wiped off the map in 50 years. There won't be a single pajeet. You stink charcoal skin money. China own India within years and your smell of poo will vanish for good

>> No.53521311

I thought india would be a good source of gutter oil for you chinks

>> No.53521333
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>There a swarms of shitskins on /biz/
It's so obvious where all the mumus come from. The stock market dying means a racial revival for whites, and death and destruction for shitskins in the west. No wonder bulls are the most histrionic plebs ever

Mumu (niggers) vs Bobo (white people) is literally a turd world vs white nationalist struggle

>> No.53521342

jew detected

>> No.53521344

You dumb nigger check the monthly, bear is over why do you think there is so much fud?

>> No.53521385

The jew always accuses his enemy of that which he is

>> No.53521387

Southern rural wagie here, here's what I've seen/heard develop in manufacturing/labor work down here over the last 3 years.

>covid lands, supply chain goes to shit, gov't mandates shutting down "non-essential" businesses
>laborers get pissed off that people are getting paid as much or more than them to stay at home
>housing prices and rent steadily increasing means a lot of men said fuck it and changed their living situation if they could
>no company wage is keeping up with inflation, anybody who can afford to leave for green pastures does so
>turn-over rate has skyrocketed, manufacturers can't even get people to take jobs, or stay beyond their first week or two
>new hire orientations at places like FedEx tell the newcomers that they can freely quit their job if they need to, they can be hired back later without issue
>one plant nearby started supplying food daily, including expensive steaks, to their employees to try and improve retention
>at this point the only men staying at jobs are ones who have to have the money and/or don't find the work conditions terrible
>more guys than ever are walking off the job at the first sign of bullshit, I finally walked off of mine last summer after 5 years because the company was becoming more demanding without making any improvements to our job conditions or increasing pay

Waging is fucking bullshit, I'm supposed to get buttfucked at the grocery store so the government can launder more money through hohols? Watch my investments lose value while I'm being taxed to death to pay for Shakeema and Guillermo? Try and start a "family" so I can become a victim of the court system? I'd gladly accept $1000/month to never leave my house again.

>> No.53521392


the deal was pussy and a family

now the deal is you get to buy plastic garbage

women are much more interested in instagram lifestyle garbage and plastic than men

we're caged animals being jewed of our money, time, health and emotional well being

i've inherited 1.5 million usd, got 1 mil working, when i reach 3 mil i'll fuck off to a low cost of life area and stop working.

>> No.53521443

>dropped out of workforce
That's a funny way of saying that the boomers are retiring and the workforce is shrinking.
Read Zeihan. It'll be fine.

>> No.53521446

>I still live with my parents, drive the same car, eat the same food.
>It certainly wasn't helping me progress towards things I actually want, like a girlfriend, or any sort of positive future.
So you worked for nearly 2 years while living with your parents and not paying a single expense, saving everything up, and that head-start hasn't gotten you closer to having enough money to hold a wife? Get your head out of your ass faggot.

>> No.53521538

It is strange how you in the absense of this parasite have failed in creating anything of value and still to this day rely on infrastructure left behind by said parasite.

>> No.53521551
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>the deal was pussy and a family
>now the deal is you get to buy plastic garbage

>> No.53521597

Because I couldn't care less anymore, just a few years ago I was motivated to learn, work and research. Mainly because I thought I would have a community to work for, that feeling of community is dead for most people nowadays. What would I work for? An empty house without any real friends? no thank you.
And top it all of, you can't just get a job by showing some motivation and skill anymore. NO you have to be active on linkedin, have ConTActS. Fuck this, I am out

>> No.53521604

Anime is causing the increase in NEET. Notice how much anime is made these days? Japan is doing this to turn the USA into a NEET country and ruin our economy.

>> No.53521676
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>Why are millions of men turning into NEETs?
Made my money and bought my things, never working again.

>> No.53521698
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I'm making about $800/month on various side hustles while living with my parents. I see no reason to change, it's comfy as fuck here, I work less than 10 hours a week and my living expenses are basically zero so I'm actually pocketing/investing more money every month than most rentcucks could afford to. The only thing that could entice me to work full-time is if it paid well enough for me to own a home AND have at least $1k/month in disposable income. I'm not going to spend my life working just so I can piss all my earnings down the rent drain. It would just be a downgrade from my current life in every single way

>> No.53521709

What is Maddox doing at a library, he can't read

>> No.53521720

The anime is also killing them off. A true kamikaze attack.

>> No.53521751

Prices are going up and wages are stagnating. Work is becoming less and less worth doing. I can get NEETbux and barely live above the poverty line or I can work and... barely live above the poverty line.

>> No.53521984


>> No.53522066

>one post in and the glowies are already trying to divide and conquer by bringing politics into it
pay more for less
that's all you have to do

>> No.53522068

I want this for my children. That is why I must wageslave and invest. I want them to be neets till they're financially independent so they don't get assimilated into the trannydemon dystopian hellscape that my once nice clean white society has become. Gotta get that generational wealth. Before I had kids, I was the neet.

>> No.53522087

Maybe when your parents stop paying for everything you'll realize how massive inflation actually is and why working for 2 years just sees more and more of your money eaten by the same shit you always bought.

>> No.53522167

No pussy, no family, no appreciation, few or no friends, constantly increasing taxes and prices, no property., no authority or responsibility, no belonging. Constantly being portrayed as violent and dumb rapists. People are literally made fun of just for not engaging in promiscuous behavior. There's not even any wars or conflicts worth fighting and dying in any longer, its all just globohomo business revenue. What's gonna happen when the next generations are treated even worse? We're already treated like subhumans.

>> No.53522170

It's a circular problem, no pussy no work, but if you don't work you can't get pussy. Either the pussy needs to be provided or young men should get ubi from 18-30 so they can get pussy and then they'll get jobs because of said pussy

>> No.53522191

I work full time but my parents want to kick me out so I can "experience the world" . Feels fucking bad man

>> No.53522205

>get ubi from 18-30 so they can get pussy
this wouldn't help anon
the price bar would just be raised on pussy
e.g look at the poorest country
a meal a day can secure a wife
society has a fundamental problem in the valuation of everything due to a variety of things like advertisement and politics etc.

>> No.53522214

Men only really want pussy and they're not getting it so why wpuld they work 40+ hours a week

>> No.53522258

>They promoted nigger women left and right.
I'll bet they were fat, too.

>> No.53522302
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That's fucking retarded. I don't know why so many boomers are like that. Thankfully, my parents are pretty financially savvy, so they understand that renting is stupid. At least home ownership is an investment and you get to build equity. Renting is just pissing 50 hours of your life away every month for no lasting benefit - stop paying your rent and you'll be kicked out and left with absolutely nothing to show for the thousands of hours that you poured into it.
I really think the death of homeownership among younger generations is the reason why people don't care about working anymore. Home ownership is the American dream, and it's also a fair system (when it's affordable). You get to keep the money you put into it, and eventually you'll have the whole thing paid off and you'll be able to enjoy a comfy retirement and have wealth to pass down to future generations. Nowadays, that dream is all but dead for most people because home prices have gone up 10x faster than wages. There's no light at the end of the tunnel for today's workers, no reward, even the very concept of retirement is a pipe dream for your average wageslave. Just slave away at work so you can rent your tiny goypod while everything continues to get more expensive. It blows my mind that so many boomers are so out-of-touch that they don't even see the issue with this

>> No.53522366
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Ned Ludd was right all along.

>> No.53522382

What they really mean by "experience the world" is "produce grandchildren" and they fail to realize how dysfunctional dating is today. You're right about homeownership, which ties directly into getting pussy and having kids, too. It is mindblowing how they manage to stay in denial about society's rapid decline. Before 2008 it was easy to ignore, but after 2020 there's no excuse.

>> No.53522427
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>It is mindblowing how they manage to stay in denial about society's rapid decline.
Life is still great for retired boomers. They have wealth, and they exist in their own bubbles of luxury where they can pretend it's still 1980 but with cell phones. They think, if society is really in such decline then why does it feel so "normal" to us still? I can still go to Golden Corral and stuff myself just like always. Everything is fine, you just need a better attitude!

>> No.53522430
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>> No.53522472

No pussy. No work. The currycels in this thread cant comprehend this because they are currycels.

>> No.53522523

Did they also chop your dick off?

>> No.53522587
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im taking SMS-loans and buying low-cap coins

>> No.53522620

All made impotent by easily obtainable porn, toys, video games and goyschlop you mean. Revolution comes from utter misery and suffering, not from modern day's >I CAN'T GET LAID problems.
So shut the fuck up, finish your goyschlop and back to jerking your dick off or your shitass video games faggot, you won't do shit. None of you won't do shit.

t. had sex 9 times this week already

>> No.53522626

t. Poonjet DaMarcus Chang from his home in a white country

>> No.53522677
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They have the means to do so, or are living off the charity of others. Sadly, no one expects it to ever evaporate, until it does.

>> No.53522694

>struggling to fill jobs
Supply and demand. Pay more or keep struggling.

>> No.53522779

This is the funny thing though our fathers worked there hands bloody so that we could live the life that we have. They made it possible for us. Now we aren't required and you will be whitey wins again.

>> No.53522820

i'm retarded my life is embarrassing and i have no future so i cut contact with my friends and became a neet

my long term plan is to become a homeless bum after mom dies and hopefully die in a ditch

>> No.53522843

I laughed anon. It took a lot of effort and everyone ignored it but I laughed. They can't take that from you

>> No.53522850

Based, what the corpo media is is indirectly attacking is the family support system, “ boomers kick your out of the home and make them work in your soulless low paying slave job.”

>> No.53522858

Rich parents.

>> No.53522861

You're on a board for crypto saying its waging or youre a parasite. Lol

>> No.53522898

kek @ all them whitey inceloids here, pathetic waste of carbon fr fr

>> No.53522923
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>You're on a board for crypto saying its waging or youre a parasite
Is it? I thought it was a slightly financial savvy version of r/antiwork.

>> No.53522984

because catgirl is pumping and you fkin ignored it

every boy turning into cat

>> No.53522994


>> No.53523073
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>> No.53523187
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well even someone working a trivial wage job at a restaurant is making more than these neets are.
gibs bux is like $800/mo
imagine trying to live off that as a 30yo white male just living with family, rent free.
i have more respect for the employed than the willfully lazy and unemployed.

>> No.53523199

Wars disproportionately kill off the brave, reckless and overconfident, though. This isn't ancient Sparta with man-to-man combat lol

>> No.53523206
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this is a psyop, designed to discourage men from participating in the labor force, as a pretext for more turd world immigration.

>> No.53523220


>> No.53523232
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If you make the median wage the median home price mortgage payment is greater than 100% of your take home pay.

More people would want to work if they were able to get ahead by doing it but they demonstrably can't.

>> No.53523499

Even then, you think the Spartans were sending their betas to fight in wars? I'm not sure what that guy's point even was

>> No.53523529

It's almost as if you demonize and mistrest the only people who are capable of keeping society rolling, they might eventually get tired of the BS and quit. The elites unironically got too cocky. They thought human beings were fundamentally fungible assets, when they are not.

>> No.53523556

I'll work when my money actually could buy something of value in this over puff bullshit. Can't afford a house, gas prices are still fucked and damn niggers and homeless trannies are everywhere. No point of being a slave to a system that abuses it middle class.

>> No.53523586

The lives of your kind have only ever gotten better as a result of European stewardship. You are not capable of maintaining an orderly society without us. The simple fact is that now the incentives aren't there for any of us European men to keep fixing your trains and ships, making sure the water keeps coming to your tap, and the power is on. So enjoy watching everything slowly come apart. I will be safe and warm because I know how to provide myself and family with water and power. Can you?

>> No.53523629

Honestly, I work, but I only do the bare minimum and spend most of my time shitposting and watching anime at work.
Hell, I'm doing it right now.
I'm never sacrificing shit for corpos.

>> No.53523674

wagie with 3 jobs here (60-80 hr weeks). main role is as a college professor. just filled out the foodstamps paperwork a few weeks ago. its really sad that taking my wife out to eat at a sushi place (like 45 bucks a plate) and trying to enjoy myself is something I have to think about. everyone I know is existing on credit. bills are through the roof and everything is a scam. health insurance covers nothing but costs a ton, food prices going up like crazy, car insurance/phone bills, etc. its honestly ridiculous. for example, went to the doctor the other day (texas).

the clinic i went to used to be locally owned. now it is owned by chinese billionaires. they bought the entire franchise and attached ridiculous fees to every service imaginable. i got billed for a covid test I didnt take ($125).

bunch of faggot boomers had a totally dominant economy and invested in the stock market. then, they opened the floodgates to international investment and china/europe pumped their bags to the moon. now, foreign money puts upward pressure on the price of goods and my generation is expected to compete with 7 billion, not 300 million. people are somehow surprised

>> No.53523691

Yes, I have 85k saved which I use to fund my algo trading business.
I'm not a NEET, but I'm not being productive towards society.

>> No.53523737

Because you honkies prefer to keep sucking Jew toes and being good Christcucks instead of going Islamic caliphate mode and simply taking women

>> No.53523786

i don't think the united states will collapse in my lifetime but i think we are in the middle of a long downward slope that will yield a total collapse within the next 100-200 years.

>> No.53523788

Who is John Galt?

>> No.53523854

Our national identity has been overwritten with globohomo now.

>> No.53523919

>be slammie
>never invent internet
>never invent planes
>never invent stonks
>use planes to move west to complain in english stonks board about inventors of internet and planes and stonks and women
your holy text was centralized into one document after your prophets death while every other copy was collected and burned
you read this in english using the internet that you did not invent
your welcome

>> No.53523977

This is some great bait. Here's your (You) nigger

>> No.53523989

The No Pussy No Work meme is becoming a reality

>> No.53524016

i want to work but companies wont hire me despite being so "desperate" for workers

>> No.53524039
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>Minimum Education: Master's/PhD
>Years of Experience: 8-10 years
>Experience with this hyper-specific technology that's only existed for 2 years: 5 years
>Roles and Responsibilities: Written in such a vague way where you are expected to be all the roles of: Design engineer, Project manager, Manufacturing engineer, Safety officer, Salesman, Administrative support
>Remote Work: Not an option
>Listed pay-range: 30-50k/year

Boomers are fucking insane

>> No.53524053

Balance the world until you can't, then burn it all down and rebuild it from true harmony.

>> No.53524110

Nothing. Many more need to do this including special operations soldiers, and they won’t.

>> No.53524249

A character from a book written by a hypocritical hack writer.