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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5351666 No.5351666 [Reply] [Original]

Twinklevoss JUST said on live TV this is just an average panic and it will go right back up before EOY.

>> No.5351702

Means they're gonna pump us up bros

>> No.5351720

Orly? Normies and their emotions making me money every time.

Trips of truth btw.

>> No.5351746
File: 39 KB, 640x633, 14c2af8efbbd446efbb3b10cce595b43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy my bags

>> No.5351826


>> No.5351831
File: 42 KB, 500x500, 0285704452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this guy actually has to go on fucking TV right now and try to not call the hostess a nigger or start breaking random objects out of frustration
and I thought my morning sucked

>> No.5351835

Can't wait to see these fags kill themselves

>> No.5351903

Why? Winklevoss twins are bros

>> No.5351963

Link or something ?
I had to watch that facebook movie but they seem way friendlier irl than in it.

Anyone that managed to fuck the zucc and get rich by sueing him deserves my respect.

>> No.5351988

Chads must die

>> No.5351992

i trust chad desu senpai

>> No.5352023

hi zuck

>> No.5352026

>average dip
I love crypto

>> No.5352036
File: 72 KB, 788x685, 307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit these guys are desperate
crypto is finished

>> No.5352061


>> No.5352063

buy my bags pls

>> No.5352143

The fact that it's crashing this badly in the lead up to Christmas and after the new tax bill is a bad sign. Bitcoin is completely useless now, it's completing 4 transactions per second. There's over 200,000 unconfirmed transactions. It's utterly unusable.

>> No.5352189

Man, I don't know if any of you newfags remember or not, but the last time the Winkledinkles decided to show their faces was right during the peak of the 2013 bubble. They did an AMA on Reddit saying that the price was going to 50k 'sooner than anyone thinks'. Then crypto winter happened.

They don't understand the market at all. The bear has left it's cave forever. BTC is dead.

>> No.5352210

this is such FUD ive been moving btc around for the last few days and ive had it where it needs to be confirmed within the hour

>> No.5352237

Because you're paying ridiculous fees or you're using GDAX and not transferring it from a wallet.

>> No.5352272

I fucking hope bitcoin dies and we can actually make good profit by investing in good crypto projects and stop being slave to this shitcoin mood and manipulation.
We'll get to trillion cap valuation without this shit.

The boomers saying "the tech is good but bitcoin is going nowhere" were actually right.

>> No.5352292

yeah but not everyone wants to pay 50$-100$ fee'd just because the devs of bitcoin are absolute morons

>> No.5352334

everyone with a brain knew that the thing is the coinbase normies dont even understand what blockchain means

>> No.5352337

winkletwins are the precise definition of people you shouldn't take advice from

>> No.5352347

Bitcoin Core will die.

>> No.5352379

bitcoin went mainstream so no more normie money.

if tether doesnt rescue us, thats it

>> No.5352404

nah they cool

>> No.5352441

zuckface detected

>> No.5352470

Why are people even transacting BTC at $50 fee? It's literally just a speculative instrument. Just use VISA you fucking plebs.

>> No.5352486

The chad bitcoin maximalist...

>> No.5352516

Can't use visa for arbitrage dumbass

>> No.5352607
File: 575 KB, 1536x2048, l630FXs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5352651

so you buy fucking litecoin or ether and send it over then convert to bitcoin

>> No.5352655


who is more an ((ourguy)) zuck or them? they are chads through and through. cucks.

>> No.5352718

>not call people niggers in public

yeah, that's usually the hardest part of my day too

>> No.5352721


the overall crypto marketcap is jackshit compared to something like the main stream stock market.

>> No.5352778



>> No.5352811

>who is more an ((ourguy)) zuck or them? they are chads through and through. cucks.
Yeah but Zuck is a jew.

>> No.5352945

Sauce nigger?

>> No.5353018

>Jews and niggers is why I'm doing bad investment choices!
The gymnastics the normies of that board do..

>> No.5353032

Anybody not buying at 12kish is a fucking retard
>it will go to 10k
No. It won't.
>There's no buy volume at 12k!!!
Yes, there is.

I thought /biz/ not wanting to be rich was a meme, but fucking hell, still see FUD about how it's in freefall even though it's reversing as we speak. Twinklevoss is right.

>> No.5353087

Fuck off pajigger, this bear market is going to last for years.

>> No.5353224

show us your resume

>> No.5353280

Everyone knows this is going to shoot back up. Buy the dip you fucking retards

>> No.5353317


they never learn

>> No.5353331

>$500 difference between btc on two exchanges
>buy altcoin instead and sell for bitcoin immediately on 1 exchange and sell for btc on the next exchange
>congrats you made zero profit and wasted your time

I don't think you know what arbitrage is.