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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53511705 No.53511705 [Reply] [Original]

Search ads are coming soon!
Something is happening!
Brendan got the vax!

We are making progress!

>> No.53512426

Two more weeks let’s go bat !!!!!!

>> No.53512440
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>Brendan got the vax!
At the least the other two are somewhat plausible.

>> No.53512971

they said they were going to release the roadmap in january. they lied. again. MAU has been decreasing for an entire year now. i cant wait to dump this fucking nigger coin.

>> No.53513216

you can market sell your 200 BAT now

>> No.53514136

i have more of this shitcoin than all you faggots combined

>> No.53514261


>> No.53514511

Agree. These fucking liars. I am just waiting. And waiting. For anything to pump it a little so I can dump. Already dumped 500k. 500k more to go

Remember they haven't really done anything in years. It feels like last few months they aren't even trying to pretend to care

>> No.53514546

Daily reminder that BAT will pump and I will bukkake Thotposter at the yacht party. Afterwards I will fuck one of your wives

>> No.53514561

did they say Jan 2023 anon? Pull your head in. They are talking about Jan 2024. Stop with your unreasonable demands.

>> No.53514562

I'm arriving to your party alone. I will fart up the bathrooms. BIG TIME.

>> No.53515050
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I'll bring my gas mask
My wife will break your balls if you try

>> No.53515074

Stop talking bout BAT, I need another year of slurping first.

>> No.53515185

Brendan won't be wearing one. You know how he feels about masks (and my farts).

>> No.53515343

Kek. I'm roofieing your drinks with powderized Beano

>> No.53515403

What really fucked me up today is that I drank passion fruit juice. In the future I'm mixing it with bananas in a smoothie. My intestines are going crazzzzy.

BAT community call in 20 minutes right?


>> No.53515468

BAT threads were never this bad. I guess most holders finally gave up after years of lying and under-performing.

>> No.53515511

What crypto hasn't underperformed? There is no success. The companies that IPO'd make money from defrauding millennials.

Community Call in 12 minutes.


>> No.53515902
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Brave Community Call. Get in here.

>> No.53516081
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Luke said he's going to check with the team about what he can say when I asked him about whether they are raising VC money in the future.

Why can't you faggots ask good questions like me?

>> No.53516707

What did they say about the roadmap?

>> No.53516722

I don't get why you guys care about the roadmap. They tell you everything they are working on...

>> No.53516755

what happened on the call i missed it

>> No.53517112

imagine being king based nigger of SV and having to answer to little shrivelled up cucked gamma faggots with nonbinary names like jamie and finn. id be walking around SF with a pocket pistol downing smirnoff by the litre daily

>> No.53517272

to know if they have literally anything at all planned for this shitcoin, or if they are going to just let it die.

but, i guess all the original shit from the previous bat roadmap was discarded anyways so who cares. bat is literally the biggest fucking joke in crypto.

>> No.53517290

Cheer up bub, apparently you are already incredibly wealthy. That's something. Cut your losses and go fuck whores in your Mercedes.

>> No.53517574

fuck you faggot im pissed about how badly eich fucked this up. this was the worst investment i have ever made and im not even underwater on it. the opportunity cost holding this trash is infuriating. they arent even attempting to do anything with the coin either. more lies and bullshit.

they cant even make a fucking SWAG STORE and people think they are really going to come out with all this nft keyword staking stuff? lol get real. thats never going to happen. they want to discard bat completely so that they can keep more of the profits for the search ads.

>> No.53517717

So sell? Sunk cost and all that? Just because you spent a lot of time making a mistake doesn't mean you should keep doing it.
Brave's gonna fizzle out. You won't regret selling your BAT. Promise.

>> No.53517833

>Sunk cost and all that?
yes. i cant sell at 25c. married to the bags at this point until it pumps enough that i can feel somewhat good about selling.

i have other coins that have performed much better but bat is my biggest bag and ive been holding it for 4 years

>> No.53517850

this. BAT was a very well-crafted long con. i fell for it too. all of us did. theres no shame in admitting it. even people much smarter than
uswere conned by these fucks. once it gets over .50 im out. theyve made it clear they dont give a fuck

>> No.53517899

jimmy dumped hes bat bags before he left too. i think it was around 2m bat iirc. i'd have to look. he must have seen the writing on the wall. hes been working at brave since the beginning and if hes quitting and dumped his bags at 20c then thats probably a bad sign.

>> No.53517968
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Yep. This fucking coin makes me rage so much
I've invested in shit that mooned. And shit that rugged hard and stole all the money. Bat makes me 100x seeth more. Because how long they drug it out. How they can't do anything. And they keep lying. And now it appears they have gone completely silent. Also there is zero online hype community. Which is not good. Every fucking other coins has active telegrams and discord. Not bat. They got hacked on telegram and never fucking bothered to make a new one.
>but we emailed telegram!
Tell your fat fuck boss to pull a string and get it back. Or better yet make a new one

The discord is even sadder. No one says anything. And the community calls are dogshit

Oops! They forgot to release the "state of bat" last week. Oopsy.

Like you my friend I have more bat than these faggot can even dream off. Already sold half. Was planning to see the road map last week and decide to dump the rest or not. But I'm dumping no matter what. Fuck this coin. Fuck brave. Fuck then being pussies. Fuck me for believing in them. From hells heart I press the sell button. Missed 2 bullruns.

Ah well feels good to let it out

God I hate you bat apologists. Bat will go to 1 or 2 dollars next bullrun. Again. I will be there to laugh when it's 25 cents in 2027
>but it's only been 10 years! They need to buidl

>> No.53518161

>jimmy dumped hes bat bags before he left
no wonder he was so unenthusiastic during the calls. he knew exactly how fucked up everything is. he probably tried to run some ideas up the flagpole and got shot down every single time. i cant stand these lying faggots.

>> No.53518195

yeah and everything they actually do come out with sucks or is way too late to the party because they drag their feet. the wallet blows cock, nobody uses the dex (has literally a few transactions per day). the browser is losing users, and most people use apps for everything now anyways. browsers will continue to lose market share. the search engine is ok, but its basically the same results as google with less features. nobody uses goggles either.

not that many people used brave rewards to begin with, then they lost support for a bunch of countries and now they are doing mandatory kyc so they will lose a bunch more. when search ads do come out, brave will not be incentivized to advertise it either because they will keep all of the revenue if a user sees the ad that is not opted in.

the entire thing is retarded and pisses me off. the ico really was a cash grab used for fundraising, and now they are going to quietly stick bat on the back burner for it to die.

>> No.53518212

yeah maybe. but their official excuse was that he was "stepping away to spend more time with his child"

which is obviously a lie since he dumped all his bags.

>> No.53518274

he himself said he had an opportunity to work in ai. i didnt know he dumped his bags though

>> No.53518342

yeah somebody close with the team told me about it and sent me the link to his wallet. checked out too, it was years worth of bat payments stemming from the team lockup wallet, only had a few small dumps of a few hundred thousand here and there over the course of the years, and then about 40 days ago all of it was dumped on coinbase. i forget the exact amount but it was some millions for sure. i'll see if i can find it again.

>> No.53518360

>he himself said he had an opportunity to work in ai
yeah someone ON the team told he quit to spend time with his kid. multiple stories means they are lying.

>> No.53518391

so why are you still holding stupid lol

>> No.53518556

All the jimmy stuff in this thread is fud btw he still works at brave

>> No.53518652

i already answered that question you fuckin retard >>53517833


>> No.53518952

if a brave employee sold their bags and you are still holding, then youre a retard jeez your dumb. are you waiting for brandon to sell before you do lol

>> No.53518967

then why did he say he was leaving and dump his BAT bags?

>> No.53519626

Don't listen to moronic Parker

It's FUD

Jimmy still works at Brave


>> No.53519697

he just hasnt updated his twitter bio dumbass he definitely quit

>> No.53519723

As long as Jennie still works at Brave, I'm bullish on BAT

Now go fuck yourself, Parker

>> No.53519740

im not the xmr pedo you faggot

>> No.53519804

>bat apologists
No, genuinely sell. Shit's fucked and the death spiral's begun.

>> No.53519948

They wont. You know that

>> No.53521637

Is roadmap coming or not what the fuck is this shit why is Brave not doing anything this is infuriating

>> No.53521761

also I wonder what will be Brendan's next cope like when MAU and DAU are negative again.

>> No.53523519

Cheer up boys. Brave isn’t going out of business.

>> No.53523732

Search queries are increasing

>> No.53523787

Which is where most of the focus has shifted in terms of making revenue. It's a long slog.

>> No.53523912

I have no idea. Why say it will be out last week. Then never mention it again.
Meanwhile eichs Twitter is utter garbage

>> No.53523920

absolutely but they should do something similar to Slice ads in the meantime. im earning sats with it but it wants me to turn off my Brave shields which i wont, so my sats earnings are minimal

>> No.53524363
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bats pumpin a lil bit this morning

soon tm

>> No.53524569

Maybe it's late because they are unironically making bit changes with BAT. If they are announcing keyword staking it could be quite an extensive article.

>> No.53524590

Big changes*

>> No.53524923


>> No.53524981


>> No.53526354

VC money incoming.

>> No.53526448

[Citation needed]

>> No.53526703


>> No.53526878


>> No.53527774


>> No.53528258

2 more weeks bro

>> No.53528354

That guy thinks he the only one dming brandon kek

>> No.53528355

sorry for the delay

>> No.53528389


god this place is such a shithole, people always have to complain and talk shit about literally anything.

WHERES THE ROADMAP everyone says for a week straight

"this is what eich said about it"


>> No.53528463

I havr used Brave browser constantly and have never ever redeemed a single BAT token. That is how useless you token is

>> No.53528502

That is why VC's are going to put in more money. Thanks for using Brave.

>> No.53528533

Remember when MAU / DAU numbers were always posted on the 1st of the month unless it was a weekend? Now it seems we gotta wait until the 5th or the 6th every month.

>> No.53528936

yeah cuz they are fuckin trash. they dont want to post shitty numbers.

>> No.53529136
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There's a rumor that Brendan doesn't like updating the page because he wanted the transparency page to be about Covid, but everyone else at the company was against it.

>> No.53529161


>> No.53529163

Brandon hasnt dmed u the numbers kek

>> No.53529257

im willing to bet my 35 BAT in my browser right now with someone the MAU is positive this time

>> No.53529332

Brandon dmed me. Its not lookin good

>> No.53529373
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What does he mean? It's hard to understand the rantings of people like this.

>> No.53529425

how do you not get this? hes saying that eichs depopulation theory about the vaccines is incorrect and that the decrease is actually due to less people being needed due to automation in the work force

>> No.53529483

this is bullish as fuck

>> No.53529550

you guys only get excited by schizo shit. figures.

>> No.53529569

everyone here is retarded. but at least they didnt get vaxxed like you kek

>> No.53529632

Says the guy who bought bat kekek

>> No.53529642


>> No.53529779
File: 540 KB, 1242x1537, 7DF3790B-F368-4D52-9FEA-50CA283F797D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes we all have outstanding mental health

>> No.53529789

especially you and your disgusting tranny posting.