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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 4 KB, 200x200, flare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53487398 No.53487398 [Reply] [Original]

You have two choices:

>> No.53487424

>Walks into the room
>Kills ChainShit
>Kills Ethereturd
>Says nothing

>> No.53487547
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based millionaire is based
I only made this thread for the karmic debt purpose, so I will be able to point to it and say: "look here, I tried telling you"

>> No.53487615
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Fuck that scam. Imagine buying into that shit unironically after the way they dealt with the airdrop. Taking a picture of your retardation.

>> No.53487630

I was trying to dca, and only ended up with 50k before the price shot up. I want it to go back under $.04 so I can get to 100k before the next airdrop, but there is no sell pressure right now.

>> No.53487672

Flare is an IQ test and guess what

>> No.53487674

>Ignore fomo and ignore or rope
ok, got it, continuing to not care about this scam coin.

>> No.53487712

huge buy orders keep coming in, trading volume keeps growing, first projects are about to go live, airdrop schedule release this week, FIP-02, FTSO's comity, first bridges, FLR finance going live and with another airdrop for holders - there is only one way this train is going, sorry anon.

>> No.53487726

it's not a coin lol

>> No.53487740

This. It's going to pump hard purely off fip1 passing, never mind all the rest of the imminent utility.

>> No.53487766
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>and guess what
We know you're single digit IQ, save your limited "brain"power.

>> No.53487800
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>> No.53487831

Just bought $150 worth. Now what? Do I have to delegate it now or what?

>> No.53487865
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I don’t have enough and I won’t sell a single xerp for it

>> No.53487882

Flare schizos are my favorite. Three years now of "Where's my FLR" and now it's "Buy my FLR". What in the fuck are they even talking about?

>> No.53487954
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>> No.53487973

nah nigger, none of us is selling a single FLR
this is paying off our carmic debt by giving you droolers a chance to hop in early
see OP

>> No.53488010
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lol imagine not holding the future

>> No.53488037

Yes, kind of. Go to flare portal network, connect wallet, wrap, and delegate.

Go to flare metrics to choose delegator.

>> No.53488079

have a scroll, check Flare related tweeter accounts, Flare Community on youtube/twatter

>> No.53488097
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>was holding 52K xerpies at the time of the FLR snapshot
>on Celsius

>> No.53488115

Way ahead of you, I got a decent bag, will see what it does in due time.

>> No.53488123
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have a drink anon! you are rich!

>> No.53488148

Airdrops were cleared for Celcius. YGMI.

>> No.53488150
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Definitely feel better about buying another 10K on Uphold since the airdrop then.

>> No.53488180

Honestly I'm still trying to figure out how to get the rest of the airdrop. I guess I'm too dumb for this.

>> No.53488185
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You will also get a few DFLR from FlareFinance and you will be able to participate in various defi products to grow your stack even further, F-Assets and LayerCake are coming
Wagmi, have a great night, keep learning about Flare, it will be huge VERY soon, people will be forced to use it

>> No.53488193

you only need one action for that: to wrap it. it's one click inside your wallet (bifrost), come on anon

>> No.53488213

Thanks frens.

>> No.53488220
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Speaking of Uphold...should I assume that their staking is a Celsius-like scam, or is it legit POS staking? I stopped keeping track of what was going on with Flare after Celsius went tits up.

>> No.53488241

I would not stake on Uphold. Basically, they are wrapping and delegating for you. I don't know which oracles they are delegating to, but I'm around 19% apy this epoch, and Uphold is only paying out 7%.

>> No.53488261
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PS. wrapping and delegating to FTSO's is done only by marking your FLR inside your wallet, you don't send it anywhere and it never locks, it stays yours and you can use it at any moment.

>> No.53488278

I will sit on my airdrop and collect but holy kek I am never putting a penny into this project now

>> No.53488281

>you only need one action for that: to wrap it. it's one click inside your wallet (bifrost), come on anon
I have my flrs in a ledger. Can't it be done from there? And once I wrap them what do I do with them?

>> No.53488369


>> No.53488382

they have unlimited funding, check who invests and backs them kek
imagine them wanting to dump on your 2k FLR specifically lmao come on nigger

>> No.53488408

Flare is going full DAO with all funds being sent to community treasury, spending which FLR holders will vote on
the only real FUD is that you are already too late

>> No.53488426

once wrapped - nothing
you will receive more to the same account that you hold them in, monthly, for 3 years

>> No.53488434

Thank you friend

>> No.53488466

>he doesn't think the fomo created by the proposal will be perfect to slowly bleed the suckers dry over the next year or two while the produce nothing
hope you don't buy too much

>> No.53488591

>600k TVL

>> No.53488755

try 6 billion
just because Flare doesnt make you transfer your tokens anywhere doesn't meant that you are not "locking" (wrapping) them to use in staking or defi
you are just an ignorant brainlet, who doesnt know about recent advancements in the blockchain world, Flare is at the tip of the spear of innovation

>> No.53488768

I moved mine to Bifrost, wrapped them and then delegated 50% each to ftso.au and flare.space.

>> No.53488820

But is SGB still going to dump?

>> No.53488822

welcome to the machine, anon
just claim the rewards every now and then (3.5 days minimum) and they will be auto re-staked for bigger returns on the next epoch and occasionally you might want to switch to different FTSO's.
Keep your eye on the Reward Rates here:
sort by price
and try to keep "current delegation" under 2.5%
as anything above slows down their reward rates

>> No.53488844

look at Kusama and Polkadot
SGB around 4x of FLR IMO but then again, I personally dont like beta networks, just because of autism, DYOR

>> No.53488887

have a great night anons, I'm out!

>> No.53489004

Nice digits. Looks like NORTSO has the current best rewards if i'm reading that right. Thanks sempai

>> No.53489147

Look at the Current Delegation column, it needs to be below 2.5% if you want max rewards from the Reward Rate column, if I understand it correctly myself
best is you watch a few videos about it, Flare Community on youtube is the go to channel

>> No.53489237
File: 118 KB, 1349x741, flr ad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This has got to be the most bullish AD chart ever
1. few bad player ftso's dump on getting their tokens 1 day before everyone, yeah bad move by Hugo too, doesn't matter at this point
2. actual airdrop - people start buying up all the early dumps, they know
for two weeks it HOLDS remarkably well, this is unprecedented
3. you are here

>> No.53489412

How high we going, bros?

>> No.53489492

>4.6 billion mcap fully diluted valuation

I’ll maybe consider buying when FDV is 500 million so price being ~90% cheaper then now

>> No.53489510

thats exactly what it is right now
each FLR you buy actually gets you 9 FLR if you wrap it
wait till biz finds out, kek

>> No.53489567

Won't happen. This board has terminal brain damage. They'll probably be coming in here soon to call us all jeets.

>> No.53489581

There are two problems with the type of thinking. Even if the market cap stays the same for 3 years, you would you would proportionately have the same amount of flare, so you wouldn't have less money. However, I the token inflation is not going to be that simple. You need to wrap and delegate to get all of you airdrop, so you aren't going to see 1.6 billion of these dumped onto the market every month. I'm not saying this a guaranteed get rich quick scheme, but you can roll the dice with a relatively small investment now.

>> No.53489610

Okay fine i bought a bag anon, my coins are on Kucoin, now can you tell me like i'm retarded what should i do with them ? What is this wrapping thing?

>> No.53489620



>> No.53489644

>sgb went from .31 to .62 in a couple days back to .35 in 2 weeks back to .65 over 2 weeks later back 2 .35 3 weeks later back to .53 almost 4 weeks later and then plummeted from there
yeah that one was bullish too, until it wasn't

>> No.53489649


>> No.53489654

Get coins to MetaMask on the flare network. Then connect MetaMask to flare portal network. Wrap and delegate.

>> No.53489659

I saw a comment from hugo on twitter where he said that as long as you go with the top "suggested" ftsos you'll be getting the best rewards. Said the 2.5% is taken into consideration when ranking them.

>> No.53489686

I genuinely don't understand the songbird comparisons. It's a test network. The airdrop was a one and done. The reason the price shot up to 62 cents was because there weren't many exchanges that allowed you to buy or sell early on, so there were hardly any in circulation.

>> No.53489696

songbird was beta test, you are told that from day 1
look at everything they are doing with Flare, listen to one recent Hugo interview, they implementing adjustments across the board based on everything they learn from the beta
The main thing is, what IS Flare?
When people start to realize that it's what's been missing in crypto, an underlying protocol to connect it all, in a decentralized way, and that they can migrate all their ERC20 projects, smart contracts etc. that Flare has native decentralized oracles (rip Chainlink) man....

>> No.53489723

could be, anon
I'll figure it out in due time, right now the differences are too small for me to care

>> No.53489735

I don't trust flare finance, the betatesting phase was a mess. not putting my zerps and flares there. I'll have to see how it shapes up later

>> No.53489770

Got'em thanks anons. Is there any downside of delegating right now? Can i unwrap them then send them to my exchange anytime i assume? Is there any fee for unwrapping or undelegating ?

>> No.53489868

minimal fees, like less than a cent...no downside, they stay in your wallet, you can unwrap at any time

>> No.53489885

forgot to tell you, always keep a few (like 5-10) FLR unwrapped, for these fees
but it really is like 0.001 per transaction or something stupid like that

>> No.53489935

I converted nearly my entire portfolio at the time of around 650K to XRP the day before the snapshot and immediately changed back to BTC/ETH after the snapshot.
Then when I got SGB I dumped that and I dumped FLR as well. Free money.

>> No.53489948

Yeah it warned me about that thanks. I delegated everything, left 10 flares.

>> No.53490011

I hope you enjoyed your one time payment because you're not getting anymore. 150,000 flr would have turned into 2.5 million by the end of the distribution period. Maybe you made the right call and it will dump below $.002

>> No.53491269

This is how fucking corrupt this project is, a testnet that has value is not a testnet, its a fucking mainnwt, but these fucking lying scammers invent new definitions.
I hate them so much its unreal

>> No.53491303

Bitrue has a 30 day 7% APY lock up, could it be worth it? What’s the APY on flare?

>> No.53491324

Just wrap it an delegate yourself.

>> No.53491339

>ERC20 projects
I already said I'm holding but I will not be putting any money into it. I will not be surprised when this crap implodes. Too many red flags. Hopefully it works out but I have little faith.

>> No.53491360

Yeah but if the APY is actually higher on Bitrue might as well stake with them, I did it with ALGO, it’s governance staking shit is retarded and it even worth it anymore, might as well put it on a CEX

>> No.53491381

I'm around 19% this epoch, and my flare is not locked up at all.

>> No.53492253

The fuck is flare doing? I was hoping it stayed lower for a bit while I bought more. Fuck.

>> No.53492439

>Flare is going full DAO with all funds being sent to community treasury,

This makes me more interested in the gem as i am a huge fan of DAOs, another project whose intention to go full DAO caught my attention lately is AllianceBlock.

>> No.53492450

600k inside your ghost chain enterprise meme

>> No.53492458
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>almost no github activity concerning it
>only listed on 2 swaps with under $500 volume
yeah its totally the next big thing guys

>> No.53492650

>another VC ghostchain with the same Jewish insiders as XRP and XLM
You goys are such good toilets

>> No.53493083
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I had my xrp on xumm and i think i did the steps to get flare. I was drinking heavily back then and don't remember much. I'm sober now for 90 days and i'd like to see if I can get these flares. Can someone point me in the right direction?

>> No.53493979
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feels good to be a baller

>> No.53494064

Has anyone found out what percentage of the initial 15% airdrop has been wrapped?

>> No.53494415

You needed to sign to get the initial airdrop, you got nothing

>> No.53494704

you are a brainlet
you don't know SHIT about Flare
TVL doesn't mean shit for Flare because you don't send your tokens anywhere and they dont get locked in order to participate in the network
TVL is 6 billion on Flare
see it here you dumbfuck:
got it? now fuck off and kys you utter tranny nigger

>> No.53494714

kek 1flr?
wrong token or weak bait
either way you are a mongol

>> No.53494982
File: 6 KB, 300x168, tired.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hold the majority of tokens
>"community" can not make proposals
>only hugo can make proposals
>"2 more weeks" for multiple years
>give ftso's 2 day head start, they dump ahead of launch
>IOU crash 90% 48 hours before launch
>"nothing to see here!"
>everyone blames everyone except hugo
>hugo makes proposal to change airdrop
>airdrops "never" work
>we need to be "fair" to those that didn't rearrange there portfolio and take tax consequence to max xrp to max there airdrop
>original airdrop recipients will be forfeited out
>act like proposal is community driven
>own multiple twitter sock puppets promoting fip01 as "good"
>even (((david schwartz))) repeatedly calls out your bullshit
>post wallet data from dev generated small wallets to make it seem like 20K small holders all voted for it
>launch songbird testnet
>call testnet "canary"
>canary is really a mainnet with value(fucking lol)
>delete evidence that flare would develop them
>delete evidence that flare would launch with fassets ready to go
>rugpull f-assets, the thing that makes flare useful
>say fassets must be developed by community
>say everyone that shows evidence this is a total change is a liar
you are here
I have a few 100k bag of this shit on the extremely narrow chance that it may somehow at least briefly get to the iou price, but the part of me that would hurt myself wants this to fail and hugo to go to prison for security fraud ethics failures.
its me, its all so tiresome

>> No.53495359

>this is unprecedented
bro, this level of delusion is unprecedented

>> No.53495497

They're way too complicated and reek of scam.

>> No.53495635

This but unironically, no f-assets at launch basically makes their token worthless. Their original justification for 100bil supply was due to the amount that would be locked up to bridge other coins on chain

>> No.53495949

ignore. it already run out of steam

>> No.53497472

This is exactly like tezos without the 250 million 'donation'

>> No.53497525

worse. another ada. only that we are in the middle of a correction and nobody takes xrp shitters serious, most despise them. By all means this shit could pump, but anybody building on it or using it, never

>> No.53498354

You keep posting this. If you don’t believe why not sell now and get something out of it? If you think it will reach IOU prices why would it do that yet not be worth buying now?

>> No.53498440

They are just fudding to keep other bizlets out. Let them, the ones who were dumb enough to believe them will rope afterwards as usual

>> No.53498587

>>>53494982 (You)
>You keep posting this. If you don’t believe why not sell now and get something out of it? If you think it will reach IOU prices why would it do that yet not be worth buying now?
I posted it one other time, and I still had that tab open so i thought it was apt.
I do have a bag, its gambling. I made a 10k bet I can afford to loose, if it does a 10x great, if it goes -99%, so be it.
If I had waited, I could have filled a bag 25% bigger, it may continue to support 4c but it is just simple odds that this is going to bleed continuously to under 1c.

>> No.53499074
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this an uninformed brainlet take from a chainchink maxi
f-assets and other parts of the blockchains are ready to go and will be implemented one after another to insure smooth launch. They have been given to launch to 3rd parties to maximize visible decentralization to avoid potential legal troubles with the SEC and to protect investoors.
Trust the plan, two more weeks, unironically.
Flare connects everything and is backed by Ripple 200%
You can seethe and cope or you can join the future and get rich, your fucking choice.

>> No.53499149

this is written by someone who holds a lot of FLR and who is having fun gatekeeping /biz/ for shits and giggles
DYOR none of that matters or is even true, it's all twisted and distorted facts to FUD
I also make posts like that but for this one thread I'm giving you the truth.

>> No.53499385

every single thing in that post is a verifiable fact

>> No.53499455

it is not, I have already addressed it
believe what you want, it's not my intention to change your mind
I only encourage /biz/ to DYOR

>> No.53499521

>it is not, I have already addressed it
you literally did not address a single thing.
you are exactly like(probably are) one of those fucking twitter shill accounts.
fassets were supposed to launch with the genesis block

>> No.53499609
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it's called expectation of profit based on the work of the company, one of the Howie test prongs and you going to shut down your securities platform because, we the SEC will tell you so
can't shut down a platform that is developed by independent 3rd parties, can't expect profit, you are safe

yawn you fucking brainlet

>> No.53499700

I'm delegated, but I have no rewards. Have they been paid out yet, or are you calculating an expected future reward rate?

>> No.53499887

Takes a while. Every epoch lasts 3.5 days, and you have to be delegated at the start, and you don't get rewards until the end. If you time it badly, it could take up to 6 days to get your first rewards. But it's always best to delegate asap of course.

>> No.53500028

>>give ftso's 2 day head start, they dump ahead of launch
>>IOU crash 90% 48 hours before launch
Your stupidity shows anon. Why are you trying to conflate the IOU market with the flare market? The IOUs never had anything to do with the flare team, they were created by a 3rd party, unaffiliated with flare to represent your share of the airdrop. It would be like people trying to say that BTC is a scam because the solana wrapped BTC went to 0 because it was a scam.

>> No.53500057

>It would be like people trying to say that BTC is a scam
Well to be fair bitcoin has become a scam

>> No.53500095

Ya makes sense. Looking at flare explorer, I wrapped and delegated 20 days ago tho. I haven't claimed any rewards either. But now that I'm looking at the flare portal, there aren't any ftso delegations. Do I have to delegate them manually every epoch?

>> No.53500099

how? Because the price moved down for a period of time that was different from the past?

>> No.53500122

I kept losing my delegations too, I think the FTSO providers possibly changed wallets, or shut down, I usually cant find them on the list after I get kicked off. I am just making sure to check the delegations are still active each epoch end

>> No.53500126

No, but it looks like the delegations didn't take. Guess you need to do that again and double check.

>> No.53500164

This. They say publically there is no connection between flare and ripple, but I'm convinced that there is and they've all been planning this shit out for a long time.

>> No.53500203

Mostly because the market have become too heavily manipulated, but it's the same for other markets as well. It's all a happy big scam. I have no problems with this tho

>> No.53500226

Thanks. What a bunch of niggers. Who spools up a delegator then winds it down in less than 3 weeks? What a pain the ass. The portal even showed my delegations earlier today when I checked it. It shows the delegation 20 days ago in the explorer too. If these weren't free I'd sell and send the money back to eth/arbitrum/ftm

>> No.53500277

Ah. Well, if your price models suck and you aren't getting any rewards, the cost might be more than the payout. And there are some who have simply lost faith in Hugo and pulled the plug, though I only saw the one on Twitter selling his code.

>> No.53500312

>the market have become too heavily manipulated
so the issue isnt bitcoin, but rather, the people who have commandeered BTC...this is a huge difference. What needs to happen, is for everyone to shun these guys who manipulate the market behind closed doors. This sort of trickery cant be done if they were operating on the open blockchain. Once people stop using them, it will become clear how many BTC, and other tokens the exchanges truly have for themselves. I am guessing most have close to nothing, making everything they do a scam, since they are creating the assets out of thin air by lying that they have them.

>> No.53500317

Checked. And great point. For sure I picked delegators which had low utilization to avoid the haircut. But obv that speaks nothing of their cost structure and whether it's worth it for them to keep running

>> No.53500589

David doesn’t understand FIP.01. His opinions on it were based on “buh, FIP.01 means you don’t get your static, low number monthly airdrops anymore, and this somehow magically causes more inflation”

People complaining about not getting 100 FLR per month versus a PERCENTAGE of your holdings which you have full control over increasing or decreasing to adjust your monthly amounts is a lot better.

But “buuuh, that means EVERYONE can make free money, not just me and my XRP frens ;____;”

>> No.53500625

I know this is bait, but..
1FLR isn't FLR lmao

>> No.53500685
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>The IOUs never had anything to do with the flare team
no of course no, the flare team didn't make life changing money on the IOU market, of course not, ridiculous.

>> No.53500786

I have a small stack of 12k feeling quite comfy. XRP will make me a multimillionaire anyways so this is just a fun small passive income stream