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53468162 No.53468162 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>tired of the grind
>nervous break down
>switched jobs to night security because it's easy
>literally get paid to chill in my car and patrol every hr
>overheard one of the supervisors for the wagies say "what does he even do?" when talking to another supervisor. Basically having a tone of disgust
>awkward eye contact ensues
>it's a factory in a remote location so inclined to agree because nothing ever happens
ngl. That hurt my self-esteem some more. I coped last year because I had 6figs, but I'm basically broke now. Barely have 5 figs. Had the money to potentially change shit up, but I blew it. Now I have to wait for the next cycle (only newfags and normies think bear markets last forever)

>> No.53468171

Who cares Nigga holy shit why would you let the words of some wagie get you down and out

>> No.53468177

fuck off wagie scum

>> No.53468197

you have self esteem issues. you are a lot better than you think you are anon. don't worry about those assholes. next time just tell them you are here for your good looks and charm. :)

>> No.53468199

Beat him up when no one else is around.

>> No.53468214

Bro where are you going to share/find alpha for next bull? Biz has been super dead

>> No.53468227

Yeah. Don't ever feel bad about being happy or at ease. Those who are hating are just narcissist and using you for supply. Fuck em

>> No.53468230
File: 2.76 MB, 828x1792, B92C5D24-1376-4DB8-B886-1B2FFC6D2802.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ve been sharing alpha nigga you boofy ass niggas on biz stay sleep glad to know I helped one anon though here’s a hint CPH

>> No.53468254

Is that a shitcoin? No actual product/usecase?

Shill it to me

>> No.53468313

why would you care what some giga-wagie is. Your a night security guard, you get paid to be there. Its obvious you do nothing. That guy was probably just seething at how relaxed your job is. You really going to let this clown influence how you feel? Now you SHOULD feel bad about having your crypto profile get JUSTed

>> No.53468317
File: 28 KB, 736x933, meme face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one thing you have to learn about bottom of the totem pole NPCs is that due to their robot brains and incapability to have independent thoughts, their GO-TO train of thought is shit-talking the people they interact with on a daily basis

I see this with middle management all the time. It's actually self-preservation. They shit-talk, criticize and put down everybody else around them. They NEVER look introspectively at the job they're doing, in fact they're incapable of honest self criticism

it's just something you have to learn to deal with in the 4HL. The goal is obviously to make it out and never having to deal with these hilarious bots ever again, but in the meantime just don't take them too seriously and NEVER take their retarded criticism personally. They're basically programmed to do it, it's not even their fault

>> No.53468369

This. Just look up the description of narcissist. They always look for genuinely good, innocent, harmless and sincere people for their supply. You must be a good person anon.

>> No.53468371

im convinced people just love whining. most people have no actual issues

>> No.53468376

Who cares you wanted a do nothing job and you got it. Your thread sucks

>> No.53468392

Lol every supervisor I had is a lazy cunt who does mostly nothing and hates everyone he works with. Doesn't matter what u do

>> No.53468414

Should I see a shrink bros? I have issues with boundaries and don’t know how to tell people no without feeling guilt. I also have an issue with going on tbe offense

>> No.53468440

Did your parents abuse you when you were young anon?

See that one was free. You didn't have to even pay for that. It'll be more of this anon.

>> No.53468454

Yeah. Using guilt everytime I wanna do anything parents never around I was molested by my cousin aswell.

>> No.53468490
File: 155 KB, 864x1280, 1674665251301266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quick fix right here anon. Get a woman to lick your bootyhole. Things will feel like they have evened out for you.

>> No.53468517

The girl I feel for just left me. Trying to find a new one but I suspect finding a new hole won’t fix my issues

>> No.53468528
File: 272 KB, 500x775, tuxedopepemindset.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gets paid to do nothing
>wagie supervisors seething
anon you are living the tuxedo pepe lifestyle but you're still stuck in samsara. just make sure your crypto investments are solid and stop caring what wagies think (hint: they don't).

>> No.53468529

By just left I mean almost six months ago.

>> No.53468549

How old are you? Maybe it's time for you settle down

>> No.53468618

Boomer bro. I want to settle down, made six dogs last cycle but need one more to be able to move onto the next project. I don’t think I’ll ever be “free” until I can completely remove my self from my

>> No.53468628
File: 561 KB, 982x1505, BA639DA8-BDFB-4DCE-8B9C-F51674D5BEB0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well when you put it that way.. it is pretty based.

>> No.53468642


>> No.53468649

A new hole might not solve your issues right away but it sure can help a lot. Go find one and pound your troubles away

>> No.53468670

Thanks bro. I don’t even know where to look. Im on the dating apps but I’m not getting shit. I might just have to go to a bar or something

>> No.53468739

He's seething because he's jealous.