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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53454164 No.53454164 [Reply] [Original]

i just delivered a grilled cheese sandwich on uber. the customer was charged $12 delivery fee, of which i got $5.74 and uber kept the reset. who the hell is paying $12 plus tip for sandwich deliveries? the boomers were right about millenniels. stop eating the fucking advocado toast

>> No.53454183

that was me, i felt i should treat myself after liquidation bobos

>> No.53454191

>yfw there’s poor people who door dash and uber eats posting on 4chan
fuck off wagie

>> No.53454211

Sometimes people have a little extra cash and decide that they don't want to cook that night.

>> No.53454244

Tell us champ, what's the vibe like at the bottom? How much lower do you think society can sink before a rebound?

>> No.53454248

if you make like $30-40 an hour or more its worth it not to waste your time to go out and pick up food

>> No.53454271

I got a friend who gets $150 monthly Uber eats credits. Why not then?

>> No.53454361

its not good, i had was on uber today for 5 hours or so total. didnt get any orders at lunch, and the sandwich was my only night delivery so far. i think most people are broke af now plus theres probably a ton more broke af people trying to work a sidegig doing uber deliveries. so theres less customers and more work competition. a couple years ago i would get like multiple orders a trip and average $25/hr or more. it makes me wonder about the upcoming societal collapse when all the millions of unskilled 3rd world migrants start chimping out when food gets too expensive and the gibbs stop

>> No.53454371

Where can I unsubscribe to this blog?

>> No.53454380

Loser shut ins who don’t go outside
There’s tons here who order shit like that

>> No.53454394

>uber keeps $6 for doing literally nothing

>> No.53454403

Can covid lockdowns be factored in? Have you noticed the prices creep?

>> No.53454435

but the delivery fee alone would buy you a loaf of bread and stack of cheese to make 20 sandwhiches

i dont know, they stil make you do gay little shit like wearing a mask to deliver and go into the stores. the food is definitely more expensive, i dont see how much the food cost on my end but when i go inside the restaurant to look at the menu im shocked at how much stuff costs in general. like a burrito at chipotle is over $13

>> No.53454449

Last question, ever coomed into someone's meal?

>> No.53454470


so for example if you wanted a chipotle burrito delivered it would be like $25 before tip. i dont know who the fuck can pay for this shit and im pretty sure it means eventually all the wagies who work the $15/hr chef jobs at these mcrestaurants are going to get laid off because there isnt enough inflow of money. im sure the companies are losing money ight now like crazy theres no way they can sustain this. they are for sure going to start doing mass layoffs soon i think they were just hoping inflation was temporary and people would go back to buying their goyslop like normal. but if you are a $15/hr worker at the bottom there is no way you are going to order a $30 burrito for dinner or lunch unless its a special occasion like your birthday or something. its literally over. if i had money i would be shorting all these companies and buying puts on uber. stack up the SPSX its going to get ugly out there. the average normie is clueless about the upcoming depression

>> No.53454507

no im not a degenerate filthy subhuman you faggot. i deliver everything in a professional and clean manner and always get extra napkins and condiments and keep the hot and cold items in separate cooler bags. i am a man of integrity. i have a job. that job is to deliver the food from point a to point b. i drive to the restaurant and set my timer. if the foods not ready in 5 minutes i leave. i pick it up. i dont break traffic laws. when i arrive to the customers destination i look for parking. if i cant find any in 5 minutes, i leave. if the customer has a gate or forgets to put the apartment number down, i will call. if they do not answer i set my timer. if i dont hear back in 5 minutes, i leave. i look around when im at the destination. if i see niggers, i leave. im hired to drive the food. i offer my expert services and expect professionalism in return. nothing more, nothing less.

>> No.53454522


>> No.53454560

Maybe they’re sick.
Maybe they can’t drive.
Maybe they’re on house arrest.

>> No.53454581
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Consumer niggercattle OP.

The Kikes were right about the Goyim. They are literally a consuming underclass.

>> No.53454663

This is what a K recovery looks like. A bunch of poors delivering food to wealthy retards, and it COULD BE WORSE.

>> No.53454698

I tried it once, and it actually wasn't bad. On the other side of it, it's an easy gig that I hope can get to a sustainable level somehow.

>> No.53454704

fuck you OP. Those retards are literally supporting an entirely new industry that's really only 10 years old. The recovery from 2008 recession would have fucking blown dick if it weren't for the rise of Uber and Doordash and other gig economy work. Millenials simply value their time more than previous generations, they'd rather pay a fee to spend more time playing video games, or jerking off, or even working in some cases. Especially for the working poor, someone working 14hour days at two separate jobs, for them to come home and be able to get a restaurant meal delivered is considered an easily attainable luxury. These are the people who if they were degenerates would be buying an $80 gram bag of cocaine before the weekend, but instead they'll stay in and spend more than $80 on food delivery because it's necessary for self-care. Let these people order their food, and continue to profit from it

>> No.53454748

How does it feel that they can terminate your account the same day without any explanation or compensation? All that effort for an uber gig lol.

>> No.53454838

Why are your taking you glasses off?

>> No.53455140

Some napkin math here. Let's assume I eat one of these every single day for a year
>$17.54 × 365 = $6,475.10
Wow, so you're telling me if I gave up getting grilled cheese delivered to my house, I could accumulate a 20% down payment on a home in my area in a mere 30 years?

>> No.53455168

The same people that value their time to deliver a sandwich at five fucking dollars in 2023, basically

>> No.53455196

This read like the opening monologue of Drive except it's about pizza delivery instead of crime

>> No.53455217

there is virtually no difference between any amounts of money/debt under a million dollars now

>> No.53455228

You can argue that they keep too much but you're using their service you dumb fuck.

>> No.53455332

i dont care i use them primarily for paid advertisement. they pay me to steal their clients. i print out business cards and offer my services on a personal basis for half price. i have a tiered payment system, for people within a 10 mile radius of my home i charge $6 delivery fee. people 10-20 miles get charged $9. people 20-30 miles get charged $12. its printed neatly on my card so everyone knows. most of my deliveries arent on uber anymore they are people who text me directly and ill swing by and pick up the order of chinese they called in for pickup or grab them their subway sandwich. uber pays me to steal their orders. i dont expect most drivers are smart enough to figure out how to do this but im sure eventually enough of us will steal enough business and start to make uber unprofitable.

>> No.53455342

btw, i am based and redpilled.

>> No.53455352
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trash take. get rid of these fucking clowns and let us figure this shit out for once you fucking nobodies. whoever gives a good reason for this bullshit to exist is the very hindrance of human evolution. as well as people design keyboards and slur their speech. god damn stupid ass world filled with stupid ass people making this bullshit even harder to fucking cope with. i grab weed once and i'm a fucking crackhead villain i can't wait to not listen to people speak english anymore.

>> No.53455386

Do you not realize a serious proportion, maybe even majority of zoomers, have no clue how to cook? Give them a six figure job in the tech bubble or as "a consultant" and they will eat out every meal with the exception of LARPing every now and then by cooking a steak. Also in some cities it's a huge nuisance to get groceries and cook if you're a bugman living alone.

>> No.53455416

I tip about $25 on top of the reg fee, but I only bother if I want like $100 of Chinese. As far as fast food is concerned, I can drop pretty much anything in my fridge in a skillet and do better than Taco Hell or McVinegars. That shit isn't fit for niggers.

>> No.53455422

they literally ordered melted cheese between two slices of bread if zoomers cant figure out how to make that at home we are fucked

>> No.53455464
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I didn't know there were people like this , I'm literally the opposite I drop people's food in my car when I hard break. Felt a bit bad but oh well what can you do. I just deliver food and leave simple

>> No.53455506

Their service means shit. They didn't make the food, they didn't deliver the food. They are a middleman who could easily be removed from the picture. You retard dumb fuck ugly cock snorting shit for brains neckbeard bitch ass cunt sodomite std ridden rat face pimple dick no jawline or chin manlet.

>> No.53455534


>> No.53457256

Good for you that people will pay that

>> No.53457500

The correct terminology is normalfags, nigger

>> No.53457530

based. this is exactly the additude i had when i delivered food and now im a millionaire. YGMI. the seething neets triggered by your post wont though.

>> No.53457995

>Makes $30+ an hour and hasn’t invested in a wife who cooks for food him

>> No.53458034

i make $50/hour and i refuse to use delivery apps. the cutoff is more like $75/hour.

>> No.53460263

based I would hire you to be my driver.