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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53441573 No.53441573 [Reply] [Original]

Hey friends, just dropping by to remind you that everything you need is in pic related. Most posters on this board are only here to shill you their rugpull shitcoins and do not have your best interests at heart. WD Gann had your best interests at heart, and he wrote this book nearly 100 years ago to help you. Hidden within it are all the secrets to predicting the movements of all stocks and commodities. And all of his other books are great as well, I just finished rereading the full collection of all his published books today. Each time I read them I gain more wisdom and knowledge. It may not be as much fun as talking about the latest cat coin and rat coin, but this is the path that Will lead you to real wealth. Good study friends!!!

>> No.53441637
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>read my book
Unless your name is Hitler I'm not reading any self help book

>> No.53441682

Hi anon, you're probably the one who shilled this to me and did a bit of spoonfeeding when I was about 1/3 in. I thoroughly enjoyed it and have enjoyed the rabbit holes thereafter. I appreciate the recommendation. Thank you.

>> No.53441698

>Hi anon, you're probably the one who shilled this to me and did a bit of spoonfeeding when I was about 1/3 in. I thoroughly enjoyed it and have enjoyed the rabbit holes thereafter.
>Tip Amount: Thank you I appreciate the recommendation

>> No.53441700

Glad you are continuing to study- there is a great reward ahead for you if you continue on this path.

>> No.53441728

In what order should a newbie read his books?

>> No.53441730

The first word on the top left and work your way right and down

>> No.53441787

its a good book ngl

>> No.53441789

What if I'm Arabic

>> No.53441811

If you are serious about this path read Tunnel Thru the Air 3 times cover to cover. Then read all of his mainstream books in order of publication and The Magic Word. Then read both the Master Stock and Commodities Courses.

>> No.53441838

Just ordered a copy. Lets see what this shit is all about.

>> No.53441874


>> No.53441883

Ok I'm going to need the cliffs notes

>> No.53442029

It doesn’t work that way. This is about mastering time and price so you can have enough to supply your every need on earth. Reading a Wikipedia entry is not going to cut it. But there is a reward for those who will diligently study to show themselves approved.

>> No.53442040
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>> No.53442060

>everything you need is in here
>not the akshaic records

>> No.53442113
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>WD Gann had your best interests at heart
He was a (((freemason))). Kys.

>> No.53442124
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>> No.53442130
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>> No.53442145
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>> No.53442236

Yes WD Gann was a high ranking mason, all students of Gann are aware of this. Most educated and prominent men of society were masons back in Gann’s day. I don’t know what is wrong with some of the posters in this thread, but this post was made to help you and if you set aside your obsession with Jews, masons, and hitler for a moment you might find an opportunity for a better life through reading these classic works on finance and investing.

>> No.53442302

Your IQ will be too low to read so it won't matter, just draw funny shapes and you won't be called an infidel

>> No.53442489

fake quote. the other ones you posted are thus likely fake as well

>> No.53442496
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>enters antisemitic thread
>>thats fake
>doesn't elaborate

>> No.53442506
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You're doing God's work OP.

>> No.53442683

Have you made it?

>> No.53442847

I'm about to tunnel thru your as using my dick.

>> No.53442938

Is this the clock that was built by a master clockmaker and her was then blinded by the king so that he could never make another one?

>> No.53442967

americans are so fucking stupid

>> No.53443019


>> No.53444119
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based, but i like picrel more

>> No.53444160


>> No.53444168

What is this book?

>> No.53444387
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Kill yourself, jew.

>> No.53444399
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>> No.53444623
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Gann's other book "The Magic Word" is all about glorifying the jewish god Yahweh and claims that the name Yahweh/Jehovah is divine and magical. His "Tunnel" book, the one OP is shilling, is full of (((Bible))) quotes and glorifies Israel, mentions Israel 25 times. Not surprising at all, coming from a Freemason.

>shilly-looking post, 1pbtid, probably is OP phoneposting
>shilly-looking post, 1pbtid, probably is OP phoneposting
>shilly-looking post, 1pbtid, probably is OP phoneposting

>> No.53444676
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>i made this thread to help you set aside your obsession with Jews, masons, and hitler
And there OP, who's shilling a book by a Freemason, fully exposed himself.

>> No.53444934

OP destroyed

>> No.53446250
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Freemasonry was not always jewish. For example the Founders of the US or the French Revolutionary were Gentiles and they made it lawful to be part of any other religion that is not Christianity or Judaism.
Also even today there are Gentile Freemasons even if they're good goys and they can do good just like sometimes politicians do it. Freemasonry is just the spiritual tool of the jew just like political parties are political tools.
There can still be valuable information in the book shilled by OP.
Is it about astrology?

>> No.53446300

I'm schizo enough to believe in Astrology, that said Freemasonry is just Kabbalah for goys. That said, it doesn't mean it's not a good worldview.

>> No.53446644

i know masons and i have never interacted with a jew in person
it's just a boys club
sure, there's probably a jewish only lodge somewhere in america but there's also probably a female only lodge too and a fucking rasta lodge to boot
there's no secret to it, it's just jobs for the boys and nepotism plus
0 agenda besides securing cushy jobs and keeping them

>> No.53446658

lol somebody has deep interest in not advertising this book just look at this thread. one more reason to read it.

>> No.53446735

not readng your gay riddles deigned to complicate life
i will not be recruited into the war between 'good' and 'evil' megalomaniacs
my family and i will live alongside my neighbours in peace
i will not concern myself with pseudophilosophical pilpulshit
i will spend the time required to read your shit book admiring trees and listening to birds singing
i will point out the squirrels in the trees to my nephews and nieces and partake in their unadulterated joy

>> No.53447205
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>> No.53448132


And the light shined in the darkness and the darkness comprehended it not.

>> No.53448497

Can you offer just one piece of advice / secret information you've gathered reading this book? I'm asking because I get the sense that people are LARPing when they pretend to have gathered muh secret information from this book. I don't doubt that it's there, I just have a hard time imagining any /biz/tard would pick up on it or have the will power to read a book 3 times.

>> No.53448578

He didnt make any money from his theories and his kid said most of his gains came from selling his books. An OG guru shiller

>> No.53448606

Shills ahoy. You niggers need to learn when to just let a thread die.

>> No.53449346

well to me his books didnt really give me the right recipe to trade, but he gives you a kind of historical understanding for trading, a basic knowledge of numerology and how time spans in trading correlate with mass psychology. for example in one of his books he mentioned general motors and general electric its stock prices (he used synonyms) and descibed certain bull market phases in the beginning of the 20th century, how many weeks they went on, when they began and when they ended and connects everything with historical background and his numerology/ astro type knowledge.

>> No.53449381

to me there was a good anount of information to analyze which i thought would be useful. if you cant squeeze anything out of his works youre probably just ignorant or fucking stupid. thanks for reading bloggo

>> No.53449621

Numerology and astrology are so gay tho

>> No.53449634

not really, it's just gay that they're real

>> No.53451068

Me and the Jehovah thing, we go way back. You don't have to be Jewish or a Freemason either.

>> No.53451233

I am that I am and that is a fighting man I’m Popeye the sailor man
I’m good to the finish cause I eat my spinach

>> No.53451282

>low IQ
Pick one

>> No.53452343

Fuckin A bro.

>> No.53452610

The only book you need is the actual Bible.

>> No.53453193
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>> No.53454409

No, you will spend your time shitposting and larping to look cool to a bunch of other losers, just like you're doing right now.

Anonymity has truly been ill spent here, you people are able to delude yourseves post by post. One moment this fucking reprobate is genuinely convinced he's some virtuous warrior of god, then the next thread he's spouting all sorts of vitriol, dick in hand whilst clicking on every coomerbait picture he sees.

I'm sure the god that says to love unconditionally, be fruitful and give up your possessions, let he who is without sin etc. is looking down admirably at your valiant efforts to denounce anything Jewish on 4chan lmfao
Kill yourself

>> No.53454430

A few days ago, maybe last week I made a thread with an image of JP Morgans quote "Millionaires don't use astrology but billionaires do", asking how the fuck we learn this stuff, and you posted this book. Some gay ass jannie deleted the thread. Are you that anon?

>> No.53455385

No. But I am.

>> No.53456892

I've put it on my list thanks anon

>> No.53457008
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>anonymity bad!
Glowy and jewy language. Also:
>implying the jewgod yahweh is real and would under any circumstance support any anti-jewish anons
Totally asinine.
>while simultaneously trying to make being anti-jewish look like a bad thing, with the "valiant efforts to denounce anything Jewish on 4chan lmfao"

Your post couldn't have been written in a dumber way. The way you write glows with a million lumens.