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53427914 No.53427914 [Reply] [Original]

>White parents kick out their kids as soon as they turn 18.
>willing to sell their house to enjoy their final years of retirement by spending the money.
>entitlement to their kid’s success if they make it out.

Then they have the nerve to say it’s other people's fault, like Jews and immigrants, that ruined their wealth...

>> No.53427922

My parents ruined the generational wealth by making stupid financial decisions for 20+ years when everyone else was making free money in the 20 year long bullrun.

>> No.53427930

>white guilt

>> No.53427941

Jesus Christ you have no idea.
>aunt and uncle sell family farm that's been in the family for 100 years
>use the money to go on a luxury cruise
>still don't have money saved for retirement

>> No.53427973

thanks for the bump, and sharing your story. My white friends are telling me of the god awful things they do to their kids like not planning the future for them. Like WTF? Very strange, and I do believe they could be at the top of the wealth chain ahead of asian if things like this didn't happen.

>> No.53428002
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>mother asked family for $10k to help buy a house in manhattan in the 90s
>they said no because new york real estate "is one of the worst investments you could make"

Guess how much that house is worth now.

>> No.53428030

Don't forget to move them into the worst coon filled elderly care facilities in Chicago, Detroit, Flint etc. Repay them for all of their stupid financial decisions and narcissistic "me first" mentality that meant you got no college fund because they just had to have more toys and more date nights at Olive Garden and Red Lobster.

>> No.53428033

Stupid cracker dad cheated on my mom with some korean slut at work and was gonna get me too'd so he killed himself. All my 12 y.o buddies and girls got invited to the funeral to look at my dead stiff dad kek.

Needless to say I had a ruined childhood, any life changing career connections burned, and its over.

>> No.53428036

Something inside white people's genes, especially Anglos that makes them narcissistic to the extreme.

>> No.53428048

>>White parents kick out their kids as soon as they turn 18
Yeah because sitting at home being a fat leech is saving the white race.

>> No.53428055

>White boys playing the victim again.
No one owes you anything.

>> No.53428058

Yes paying some kike's exhorbitant rent so you can never put money down for a home is saving the white race.

>> No.53428062

I tried my best. I'm struggling through a masters degree. No luck on internships or jobs yet since I have no nepotism on my side. too young to be getting this blackpilled

>> No.53428064

t. Tyrone Lopez living at home seething at yt who pays for his momma's welfare

>> No.53428079
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>whites still not learning why they're losing to the jews yet again who easily defeat them using their powers of nepotism

>> No.53428083
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>>White parents kick out their kids as soon as they turn 18.
You fags become fat slobs when daddy pampers you anyway.
>>willing to sell their house to enjoy their final years of retirement by spending the money.
>Mommy and daddy spending their money on their retirement! Nuh uh, little Timmy needs that money so he can sit at home and play video games!
>>entitlement to their kid’s success if they make it out.
You should help your parents, they spent 18 years raising you, their reward? The fat fuck sons want to sit on their ass and do nothing all day.
Go get a good paying career, go get a house, go get married and go have kids and take care of your parents when they're older.
You fucking faggots are born with a silver spoon in your mouth.
Your parents feed you and housed you for 18 plus years, go get a job and contribute to the family, fucking faggots call yourselves right wing. Lmao.
Go make your own money.
I see Africans buying houses and starting family, what's your excuse?

>> No.53428098

It's worse than that, my parents actively tried to drag me down and stop me from being successful in life.

>> No.53428102

Why would he get me too'd for cheating? Blackmail?

>> No.53428103

>I see Africans buying houses and starting family, what's your excuse?
Imagine flexing your shotgun shack in the ghetto. I'm living in a six figure household but I still can't afford a fucking home. Kill yourself.

>> No.53428104
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>> No.53428115

He basically recruited the slut out of grad school, was her boss determining her wages. He eventually nope'd out of fucking her and she started acting crazy and went to HR to screw him over. He basically made her career and his own downfall and did jack shit for his own only son

>> No.53428165

your dad should have ran off with the gook girl and lived happily ever after on a beach and still left you with nothing faggot

>> No.53428167
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Don't distill your father's life down to a series of his mistakes. I'm unironically being serious. It will never satiate the part of you that is still hurt, while making your own life feel cursed and pointless.

>> No.53428183


>> No.53428192

wouldn't change anything
well its an easily manageable situation if you aren't a complete faggot and kill yourself before you even talk to a lawyer. It should be distilled to that.

>> No.53428240

Feels good being a based father. My reincarnation (aka Son) already has gold, Silver, Cash, stocks, and guns that equate to about 20k and he's only 3 years old.

>> No.53428254

>Something inside white people's genes, especially Anglos that makes them narcissistic to the extreme.

To be honest, I had no idea how toxic and rude Canadian culture is until I lived in Mexico.

White Canadians are aggressive, passive jerks. Or they insert a phony chirpy personality. Their sense of humor is sarcastic and irritating. They make crude remarks to each other while passing it off as banter.

White Canadians advertise themselves as "friendliest," but they never invite each other to dinner. When they run into you, they may say "sorry," but that's it.

>> No.53428255

holy based
the jew fears a learned goyim

>> No.53428259

my white dad said he wouldn't mind me living with him until I was 30 because the housing market is so fucked. I loved that man :)

>> No.53428261
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Anyone else is tired of white entitlement, especially white Canadian waitresses?

Entitled little shits demand that you pay 15-20% tip for the bill. The bill is $200 and they THINK the deserve $40 for clearing some plates and asking "is everything okay?" (in their shrilly voice). You don't tip them? They shame you on social media or SPIT on your food. Canadian white culture is based on entitlement.

Female bartenders make $300 - $500 during a good night. They make more than a labourious UPS driver or studious accountant for POURING drinks. White males have enabled snarky, entitled white females through rules and social norms.

>> No.53428265
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>especially Anglos

Dining in Toronto is a stressful and unpleasant experience.

The 45 year old white bartender with the permanent scowl on his face DOES NOT want to be there. The white Karen waitress gives you a fake bullshit smile and interrupts your meal with "is everything okay?".

She stares into your soul as you pay the bill. You tipped 10%. She gives you a passive aggressive "Thank you very much!" in her shrilly voice.

Later that night she complains and whinges to her friends on social media that you only tipped her $20 (10% of the bill) for carrying a plate of food.

What the fuck is wrong with white Canadians, seriously.

>> No.53428279

>especially Anglos

White Canadians are assholes, cultural traits that they had inherited from the Anglos. They pass off insults as "bantering". They like to be passive aggressive at the work place, home and school. White Canadians don't lend each other a helping hand, hence the massive white homeless population in and around Toronto and Vancouver. At least the poojeets have souls and lend a helping hand to their own kind.

>> No.53428308

>what is qrong with canadians
Hmm lets think here
>country ran by globalist jews
>selling it out slowly to the chinese
>buying a basic house in toronto is millions of dollars
>bag of milk (kek) costs $12
>sky high taxes
>meanwhile wages stagnant
>whites continually growing poorer snd become a second class to rich chink overlords
>universal healthcare a massive failure and cant get quality health providers to literally save your life
>government agents will knock on your door and potentially take you to jail if you get fed up with all this and say le wrongthink on facebook
but ya its a mystery why they dont seem chipper all the time

>> No.53428327

Who is to blame?

Look at parliament, it's all white people.

They're the Anglo boomers that are making things worse for everyone, including the hidden force (Anglo boomers that voted for said politicians in)

Do white Canadian boomers give a shit about the country's future? No. They kick their kids out once they turn 18, what makes you think they care about anything else?

White Anglo boomers sold Canada to WEF. Blame it on Anglos.

>> No.53428339
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picrel, you dumb ass whites voted for trueturd.

>> No.53428363

Tell me more

>> No.53428376

>dad is a poorfag and puts all his extra money not used on his small business into guns for years because he is a doomer
>guns now way up in value ever since obama
good job dad you retard

>> No.53428390

boomers just think the world that applied to them will apply to their children
they're massive, massive retards
it's the worst generation ever imaginable

>> No.53428399

They turn into slobs cause their parents turn into shit and parents don't help because they think their kids won't help.
It's a circle of hatred made by you know (((who))) and approved by the eternal boomer

>> No.53428666

As opposed to nigga families generational wealth ????

>> No.53428677

Because they're hylics and don't know what they're doing, if they have a soul or spirit it's asleep. Unconsciously evil motherfuckers.

>> No.53428687
File: 271 KB, 1917x937, 51F6771A-006E-4D56-B642-4AD06B2C3E24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> You should help your parents, they spent 18 years raising you, their reward?The fat fuck sons want to sit on their ass and do nothing all day.
Go get a good paying career, go get a house, go get married
Shouldn’t have given birth to me in this low iq hellhole

>> No.53428705

Kek this thread reeks of demoralization honestly. I can’t tell if this is one poster changing IDs with a bunch of terrible scenarios or what.

It’s also confusing how everyone acts as though everyone in the past was rich, like I grew up pretty middle class but a lot of people thought I was rich growing up and by today’s standards we were poorfags back then

>Just because electronics are cheaper doesn’t mean things are better!
>just because houses have hvac standard now doesn’t mean things are better!
>just because cupholders aren’t a feature in a car anymore doesn’t mean things are better. It’s not fair boomers had to buy piece of shit cars without AC and crank windows!

The car argument was always particularly funny because you could obliterate it easily. Only issue now is Covid wrecked the market and supply chain so because of a macro event losers will have an excuse to use

>> No.53428772

Tyreek my son it is time to pass on our family nikes. May they serve you well and make you fleet of foot when stealing the white man's family wealth.

>> No.53428782

ahh, the dedicated anti-white thread
bit on the nose with the titles today
me? i'm more concerned with the rate of consanguinity among non-whites than what boomers do to their grandchildren

>> No.53428839

Watch this video, it details the types of family structure, I think it pretty neatly explains why children get kicked out.


it talks about the american absolute nuclear family at 30:04

>> No.53428853

Because they are chaotic, israel-loving christians, and narcissistic in nature. While the goyims party and get wasted in college earning their meme degree, their cattle parents will have a reverse mortgage underwritten by my lovely Brooklyn New Yorker cousin, Benjamin. If they don't repay at exorbitant rates, us smart jews will repossess their homes and sell it for 2x profit. Shalom, goyim.

>> No.53429088

literally no white family does that
it's only ameriburger culture, and ameriburgers have mutt DNA (african, etc.). hardly white
if anything, actual white children are staying with their parents to the point it becomes a problem. which is not the fault of the children or the parents, but rather jews (americans) stealing all the wealth and making us poorer with every year

>> No.53429122

Yeah fucking stupid parents. How couldn't they know that selling their house and going all in BTC @ 0.01c was the best financial decision they could ever make? Fucking losers and now i have to wageslave because of it >:(

>> No.53429190

My father tried to convince me to pay him rent on a shitty flat in my shithole hometown in the UK. He referred to it as 'buying me a house' and expressed that 'it would be mine'. Essentially he would buy somewhere with the copper and flooring ripped out. Expect me to refit it, pay him rent, have him increase rent due to variable rate mortgages etc... Then when he's 70 he would explain to me how the interest rate on 'the family home' means he needs to sell his flat (my flat) to cover the mortgage shortfall on 'the family home'. Meanwhile driving brand new bottom spec mercedes c classes and telling all his mates who actually did buy their kids houses or gift deposits what an ungrateful piece of shit I am.

Since I said no he now tells all his friends he said he'd buy me a house buy I refused. So he can project being a successful human despite being a full of shit narcissistic alcoholic.

What did he get out of a remortgaging his house to 'release equity...' in the 2000s... He financed 2 brand new modest cars in the 2000s. So he could larp as having money while I had holes in my shoes and a single coat.

>> No.53429258


>> No.53429281

Whitoids be high on individualism, they are like crack fiends on it, especialy boomers with their "i got mine" attitude.

Individualism and nuclear families, not even once.

>> No.53429316

>expecting anything from a dogfucking race
Thank God jews are in power, give power to literal demons but never give power to anyone whose main objective in life is to be ''happy''.

>> No.53430129

Based boomer putting millennial faggots in their place.

>> No.53430456

My family essentially owned a large portion of one of the wealthiest states in the U.S. and slowly pissed it all away over about 150 years. It's funny because the puck stopped (as in, no more money, land, houses, etc. being passed down) with my Mom who became destitute. This forced me to get the dog in me that I assume my early ancestors had, and I'm not the success of the family.

My ancestors came to the U.S. in the early 1600s and were given nearly 2,000 acres of land. It would have been nice to have a bone thrown my way once in my entire life, but I suppose that's just a dream.

>> No.53430501
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>> No.53431122
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>> No.53432095

At 18 I was going to college. My mother and her derranged partner took me to a dive in a shithole town in the UK with half muslim population and after me being disturbed about the shit hole I was expected to live in she asked me to go thank him for the lift. When he did he just put his foot down and drove off. Thanks Mum.


>> No.53432150

Ah you 2 man? my parents were given about 1700 acres of land. wanna know how much of that is mine? 0....they sold it all off over the last few hundred years. my parents sold the last of it when I was a kid. I had to buy my own land and own a 2000 sq ft property. I would have had 1700 acres of land and a shitload of money. my parents btw are like your mom destitute and have almost no money. I barely put together this shit shack life and am slowly fixing it with investments in dividends stocks and crypto. in 10yrs i'll be doing alot better.. fucking some family lines just arent made to have success since everyone will fuck it up for dumb reasons.

>> No.53432169

>Save a shitton of money
>give it to your 18 year old kid
>they spend it all on dumb shit, gone within a couple of years
Yeah nah
I will set it up so they get it when they're at least 27

>> No.53432201
File: 6 KB, 295x302, blue (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill yourself faggot ass glowie bitch

>> No.53432208

my parents saved like 5 bucks per month for me and put it in a low risk fund kek
basically nothing

>> No.53432264

So just don't go to restaurants?

>> No.53432335

>my parents were given about 1700 acres of land. wanna know how much of that is mine? 0....they sold it all off over the last few hundred years
Damn how old are your parents?

>> No.53432363

great great grand parents holy fuck on just parents typo

>> No.53432369

You guys have some shitty parents.

>multifamily building in blue chip neighborhood of the city I live in
>very nice house in the suburbs
>condo in very nice ski town
>beach house in florida
>multiple properties across ireland (where we're from)
>7-figure investment portfolio, plenty saved for retirement off interest alone

All headed my way when my parents eventually kick the bucket. Sucks to hear your parents weren't as shrewd.

>> No.53432380
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>you are supposed to save you money and give it to me when you die, while i waste my life smoking weed, playing video games and watching tiktok videos

zooms are truly something

>> No.53432409

Nice demoralization thread. Fuck off, I will always love my people.

>> No.53432429

Why the fuck would your kid be only 18 when you die? Assuming you have a kid at 30 and you die at 80 they should 50 when they inherit your wealth. You should only be helping them with smart financial ventures while you’re alive.

>> No.53432432

At least you didn’t have to deal with ducking troons and cancel culture. You could actually just have fun in public without everything being documented online

>> No.53432774


I legitimately don't know how it's possible on a chemical level. As in I don't know how their evolutionary instincts aren't kicking in and prompting them to do everything they can for the benefit of their children.

I became a father 5 years ago and it's all I can think about. I was a ranked queue degen throwing away all my free time and instantly turned into a dude that grinds food deliveries after the kids go to sleep. My wife is the same way; all hours of the day one of us is working to benefit the family while the other keeps watch at home. Working to benefit my children is even more compulsive than ranked was for me.

>> No.53432845


>Should help your parents out

Core axiom of boomerism. They should be embarrassed to ask their kin to help with anything they can do themselves. It should feel worse than collecting welfare.

Hell, it IS collecting welfare, except only their kin pay the bill.

>> No.53432857

Check out the book titled Tough Love and then look who wrote it and their religion. I'll bet you can guess. But that book was incredibly popular and the ideas it promoted were spread verbally as well. Be sure to read some reviews on the book.

>> No.53432942



Visiting Canada was eye-opening. They treat "sorry" as a magic word that absolves them from taking any action, or helping to resolve the issue. I was at a $30/plate steakhouse and asked the waiter for a toothpick so I didn't have to leave my party, I was told "We don't have those, sorry" and they just left. I saw them as I came in; and it's a goddamn steakhouse.

Where I'm from if a shopkeeper doesn't carry an item you're looking for they'll either direct you to the place that does or at least make a suggestion of a similar item that they do carry. In Canada you get "sorry" and the conversation cuts there.

Sorry in Canada basically means "Tough shit, you're on your own". I'd be fine with that if they owned it; but they genuinely think this makes the friendliest population on earth.

>> No.53432992


Canadian culture is the intersection between faux posh British entitlement and French douchebaggery. Just something about the presence of the French language always makes anyone a total cock.

>> No.53433057

White families always have this "you're on your own and that's how it should be!" attitude. Meanwhile, rich families like the Bush family are full of nepotism and maintain generational wealth. baka. I don't understand why they don't notice what their masters are doing.

>> No.53433111
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>help your parents out

Why would I help those narcissists when they did nothing for me?

I'm sure this is what they expect but they're in for a big surprise.

>> No.53433127

Kids are only as good as the parents that raise them and the society they raise them in. Africans are smart enough to still beat their kids.

>> No.53433163

My grandfather and parents are not spending a dime. They have more then 10 million invested in the stock market. I plan on doing the same for my children so that one day we can be wealthy and have real fuck you money.

>> No.53433198

Based dad. I will be like you one day.

>> No.53433253
File: 138 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20230125-095520.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If you really want to have your mind blown look up boomerisms like "tough love" on Google ngram viewer to see how often those words are printed in books. It gives a picture of how pervasive a cultural concept is. Almost all of them see massive spikes in the 1980s when these boomers became parents.

Pic related was mind blowing. I was raised under the impression that this notion was just a ubiquitous and timeless concept in Christianity and it made impressionable boys into spineless cucks. It's from the bible, it's gotta be ancient, timeless knowledge. In reality, it's something that popped off so boomers didn't have to put in the effort to properly dispense justice or maintain order.

Tough love, suck it up, no pain no gain, spare the rod, you callin' me a liar, look them in the eye, firm handshake, and just about every other shitty boomerism that sounds like "old school" timeless adages all popped off in HARD in the 80s. These ideas got pushed, and boomers went all in. All so they could avoid responsibility or give proper life lessons to their children.

>> No.53433254

Why are your kids smoking weed and playing video games etc? Do you take any responsibility for their upbringing? When you see asian or indian families living together in multi generational houses do you think their kids are smoking weed on tik tok?

>> No.53433277

americans confuse independence with handing over 50-100% of your take-home pay to jewish landlords.

>> No.53433279

Imagine satan laughing at you for killing yourself over a literal whore HAHAHAHAHAHA

>> No.53433281

Spotted the BOOMER.
Narcissist boomer wants his children to take care of him because he is the Jews special golem. Only boomers think kids in there 20s and 30s should be taking care of boomers in there 40s and 50s, then taking care of the boomers in there 60s 70s 80s 90s.. See the problem Narc.

>> No.53433333
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This is wrong. Like We Wuz Kangs level stupid. "Every Irishman is royalty!" nonsense. Oh boo hoo they sold off pieces of a farm over the past "couple of hundred years"? You would-be blue-blooded Amerimutts. Fuck everyone who says their family came over on the Mayflower. Who's to say that you would be the "main line" and that you, personally, would be the patriarchs out of all of your literal thousands of relations that descend from that one married couple, five generations ago. I hate risto-kids like you. This is America, go make something of your own instead of counting your imaginary entitlements. None of that shit is even true, it's just fables warped across generations of hearsay. Could you even write a book about your own parents' lives and times, much less your grandparents? Pissbaby risto faggots.

>> No.53433344

Because White people are fucking stupid with no group consciousness. They think the individual is supreme, which is why they believe in "equality".

When you believe that the individual is all that matters, then you don't care about the group and about other people. You don't think people are connected. So you do what you want, you think only of yourself and have a selfish mindset. You don't think about the next generation.

Yeah, White people deserve everything they're getting.

>> No.53433377

implying other races dont have that same problem in its own ways. nice lil whites getting what they deserve. I can think of plenty of races that need to get what they deserve but I dont go around throwing it out there. racist shit

>> No.53433401
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I'm sorry your parents asked you to finally get a job at 30 years old anon. I'm sure you are traumatized.

>> No.53433450

Other races aren't stupid enough to believe in "equality" or even worry about the welfare of people outside of their own race.

>> No.53433597


The point is still relevant. A*glos got a fresh start on a brand new continent and squandered their opportunity. Farmland, the stock market, whatever else. Fortunes were definitely made and lost over such a prosperous time, and things would have been great for the descendants had they done literally any amount of legacy building. If you had just one ancestor dating back to 1900 that invested his tithe instead of giving it away your family could have been blue bloods. Their lineage fumbled it.

You don't have to know shit about your family to know that they existed in the US and had at least three generations of untold prosperity to build something, and they failed.

You're right though. These "risto-kids" are losers and doomed from the start. Their ancestors were losers who didn't take advantage of opportunity, and the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. They should be looking inward and analyzing the mistakes of their ancestors so they don't repeat them, but they won't.

>> No.53433979


Seriously. I'd say it goes beyond "belief", it's part of their DNA. It's something they feel and act on like it's instinct. I can't fucking stand it.

It's a goddamn nightmare. I bought the bottom of the housing crash in 2011 and was renting to my buddies for half the rate they were paying. After I paid their part of utilities 100% of the remaining cash went to buy cool shit for the house so they wouldn't need to get their own. Got a full gym setup, personal mini fridges, guest PCs, and set up a home theater in the first year. When I ran out of shit to get I was bulk buying whey protein. Soap, toothpaste, razors, and other shit I got free with coupons. I'd hit up food banks and people could just take what they wanted. The whole point was to give them as much space to save and get their own place before the prices went back up.

I was afraid the deal was too good and they wouldn't ever want to leave. Turns out I got the opposite problem. Their need for independence was so strong that they either moved back into their own apartment or cut their working hours to the point where they got laid off.

You can't even get white people to act in their own self interest if it somehow undermines their sense of "individuality" or "independence". You can offer them free shit, but because they didn't select and pay for that shit themselves it doesn't resonate with them.

They won't even collaborate to benefit themselves. Zero chance they'll meaningfully collaborate for something greater than themselves unless you start a religion.

>> No.53434767

This 100%, you summed up the causes perfectly. I read a study recently how the church banning consanguineous marriages and attacking clan-based kin groups (i.e. working with your extended family instead of being an atomized couple) helped cause democracy and individualism to prevail. Compare this White behavior to East and South Asians, who treat their extended family almost like a corporation

Why waste digits on insults? I sympathize with them because their families could've rented out the land and done the 19th century equivalent of living off dividends instead of pissing it away.
>This is America, go make something of your own instead of counting your imaginary entitlements
>imaginary entitlements
entitlement in itself isn't a bad thing a priori, people are entirely justified in feeling "entitled" to the assets that their parents inherited from the previous generation. Your mindset is the exact thing people are criticizing in this thread.

>> No.53434835

Ultimately it's because white people believe in the just world fallacy. They believe that the world is fair and that everything is 'earned' by yourself personally based on merit, when in actual fact most successful people today got to where they are because they came from wealth, they were given assistance by family/connections, etc. Whites think that, because the world is fair in their minds, to leave your child an estate which he didn't work for or earn is grossly unfair, and will lead to him becoming spoiled. In fact, it's usually people who come from wealth/ were raised wealthy that are most afraid of poverty and are least likely to squander their wealth. Poverty to those who have never experienced it is much scarier. Those who grew up in poverty are less afraid of it; they're inured to it. And if they grew up having never handled money (because their parents gave them nothing) then they'll be worser at handling money if they do get rich.

>> No.53434850

Well yeah, the government will pay for that!
Imagine boomer faces when social security gets shitcanned in time to fuck them and how they now finally lack the voting power to actually fuss

>> No.53434924

Good post
I have learned a new word today

>> No.53434927

>Voted for
Lmao no. The fag got nothing of the popular vote but the system has kiked cronyism built into it.

>> No.53435037

How many kids do you have? Get at least five. Wouldn't want all that wealth to go yo waste if one or two happen to be fuckups

>> No.53435083

That doesn't make sense anon. Have you considered that perhaps your mother is lying?

>> No.53435099

Some do, but I think there is at least another type that is more directly selfish. These are often middle-class people who had kids with their own careers, but they'll look at their kids and themselves and feel like they're not so different. The inequality of the parent-child relationship isn't as materially strong, because it appears as though the kid basically has an income trajectory comparable to the parent in their career path, so the parent looks at the wealth they've accumulated and feel like it was what they earned so they should get to enjoy it, and then the kid can enjoy the wealth they accumulate.

It's similar but I think different because it isn't so ideologically rooted in the idea of the "just world", and when the "just world" comes up for those kinds of people it is more a rationalization than a true belief. There are rich people who refuse to give their children an inheritance, those people are near psychotic "just world" true believers. But I think a lot of middle-class people just feel selfish about what they've accumulated and want to enjoy it, and it is the comparatively equal position of their children that makes them feel at greater liberty to enjoy it. I've also seen some middle-class families with children who are floundering who seem to put more thought into leaving them with a house or something. I know that isn't always the case either, sometimes the parents just get enraged with their incompetent children and basically throw them out to the world in frustration. But I think there must be some fairly common personal calculation based on relative position of the children. People feel less bad about being selfish if their kids are doing well, because they can justify it by saying "well what I owed to you was setting you up for personal success, and you're doing well for yourself. My familial obligation to you is fulfilled, I'm selling the house and moving to Florida".

>> No.53435151

Boomers are living in the past where an alcoholic high school dropout could trip into a middle class job and win a house in a boardwalk game.

>> No.53435237

My dad literally dropped out of college and still managed to get very good paying jobs in very technical fields, working as an engineer at numerous aerospace and tech companies
He somehow still squandered it all and now rents out a room from some Mexican woman's house

Boomers are the most fucked up generation ever

>> No.53435259

The boomers you described love Jews and immigrants. Jews and and immigrants are 100% responsible for the culture we live in and the subversion of boomers to be materialistic individualistic cunts. They are responsible for fucking the job market and monopolizing all the wealth. Fuck you for simping for Jews and immigrants you bootlicking faggot

>> No.53435299

You have no idea how easy is to buy a house and start a family back in Africa man, I got a literal McMansion over there only took 10 years to build and it would be worth 10ths of millions of euros if it was built here in yurope

>> No.53435324

And just to add, the cultural difference from older society is that close family did live together longer and often shared in some kind of familial wealth more directly. The grandparents lived in the house, children might work in the family business and the head of household was the holder of the family wealth. There were multiple angles of obligation, the father and mother knew that at some point they may have to be taken care of by the children, and the children may not directly own much but rather just contribute to the family business. They did that with the understanding that they would come to inherit the family business. Though there were also often the younger children who had to have more considerations of their future plans, because there wasn't enough of an inheritance to parcel out, or perhaps even a way to parcel it out effectively if it wasn't a very liquid inheritance (a house, a shop, a farm, whatever).

So a couple of major differences from the way society used to be structured is that most people work for wages now, so there aren't as many productive properties to pass in the family. Also, the close family was split up for the nuclear family, so that grandparents often rely on their retirement savings for their senior years, and so there are less direct, strong familial obligations between the generations. The obligation to pass on the wealth was partially an exchange, for your loyalty and dutiful observance of the family structure I give you the household, and you promise to care for me in old age, and this obligation is passed through the generations. To fail to keep faith in the deal on either end threatens to lose something valuable.

>> No.53435328

>I did a terrible job raising my kids and now they all just sit around smoking weed, playing games, and watching tiktoks

Boomers are truly something

>> No.53435382

This is a recent phenomenon and took hundreds of years of Jewish subversion to accomplish it never used to be like this and things would change rapidly if Jews got kicked out of all positions of power. But yeah it’s very depressing, I’ve heard many boomers say they don’t give a shit about what’s happening as they’ll be dead before it becomes a problem for them

>> No.53435385

My ancestors owned most of Virginia at one point. 0 of that legacy made it to me. I think Millioneals who managed to have kids will be more mindful to set them up for success. I lived at home until I finished school and got my first adult career job and then moved out.

>> No.53435389

Neokikeservative psyopping in the baby boomer generation who worship material luxury above all else (while being the most "christian", really makes you think)

Ive warned my parents that if they sell either of their two properties and squander their money on vacations and RVs, that I will commit them to the shittiest, 3rd worlder staffed public nursing home I can find when the moment comes

>> No.53435422
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>> No.53435515


Three, and three it will be. Gotta have time for them too. Taking a gamble here, I will admit.

>> No.53435556

why would it not make sense? Crackers can act like cowardly degenerates too.

>> No.53435703

So many boomers listen to Dave Ramsey. I know mine do. It just affirms their beliefs while they tell their kids shit advice.

>> No.53435708

I am convinced christianity and individualism prevented anglos from turning America into an Anglo China.

>> No.53435994

>White parents kick out their kids as soon as they turn 18.
>>willing to sell their house to enjoy their final years of retirement by spending the money.
>>entitlement to their kid’s success if they make it out.

I'm white and so are all of my friend's and I don't know anyone whose parents did that. I think this is just a meme, or if it actually happens, it only happens in low class/poor/white trash families. Every white family I know saved money for years to pay for their kids' college and the kids' only moved out at 18 because they went to college somewhere else.

I had one friend whose parents forced him to pay them a couple hundred in "rent" (which they saved and gave back to him when he moved out) because he used drugs in high school and was on diversion and stuff. Otherwise I don't know any boomers who kicked their millenial kids out right at 18.

>> No.53436272
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It's surreal when you really zoom out and think about it. There's relatively little controversy in these threads; you almost never hear people insisting that their parents aren't like that or some sort of #NotAllBoomers type rhetoric. They're literally all the same, and were all parroting the same memes like a hive mind. East coast, West coast, North, South, Urban, Rural. Doesn't matter, everyone had the same experiences and people parents who repeated the same memes.

I really want to hammer this home. Boomer advice isn't "outdated", it was actually the latest meme at the time. It was shit from the start and did everything in its power to dismiss the suffering and challenges faced by the next generation. No introspection, no personal experiences, just catch phrases they heard from somewhere else. They were never trying to help or make you stronger through adversity, they were only ever trying to beat you down into submission and immediately discount any concerns or problems you had.

Try it for yourself. Every boomerism goes from next to no use to exponentially greater use starting in 1980. It's no coincidence or accident.

>> No.53436434

Based. Now teach the kid some good morals and he'll be a 1 percenter in no time.

>> No.53436490

>These ideas got pushed, and boomers went all in. All so they could avoid responsibility or give proper life lessons to their children.
>So many boomers listen to Dave Ramsey. I know mine do. It just affirms their beliefs while they tell their kids shit advice.

I think a lot of this is due to economic reasons, especially among upper middle class white collar boomers. As the American economy shifter away from manufacturing and into service, the jobs that boomers had changed. Many of them were transferred to other cities during this time. Millenials were really the first generation since their ancestors immigrated to the USA that had large numbers of them grow up in cities away from their extended families. It used to be that people immigrated to the US, moved to a city with good jobs (like Detroit) and then successive generations stayed in that city and made it their own over time. With factories shutting down, race riots, and the transformation of the midwest into the "rust belt", a lot of these boomers took jobs farther west or in the southwest. A lot of millenials grew up just seeing their grandparents or extended family once or twice a year, if that. Boomer parents weren't able to rely on their parents and siblings for childcare duties or even regular advice and conversation. Instead they bought up parenting books en masse. This was so common it was parodied in shows like Rugrats where they dad "Dr. Lipschitz" who was a renowned child psychologist, mocking many media figures of the day.

Point being, given the economic changes and distance from their parents and family, it's not surprising that boomers turned to media for life advice regarding child-rearing. Plus to be fair, a lot of boomers literally suffered abuse when they were children and didn't want to raise their kids the same way.

>> No.53436525

Based dad. When he's old enough teach him about sensing jews

>> No.53436574
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>my 65 year old mom still works 5 days a week and will regularly give me, my sisters and my niece/nephews most of her money

>> No.53436885


>This was so common it was parodied in shows like Rugrats where they dad "Dr. Lipschitz" who was a renowned child psychologist, mocking many media figures of the day.

That hits different all these years later. You're totally right.

>Plus to be fair, a lot of boomers literally suffered abuse when they were children and didn't want to raise their kids the same way.

This I disagree with entirely. The practice of abuse would not be broad enough for there to be such cultural uniformity. Besides, in one of my other posts I show how the biblical phrase "spare the rod" (spoil the child is the rest of the verse) popped off in the 80s. In the early 90s the notion that maybe you shouldn't spank your kids was controversial, enough to where you'd get local news stories about parents who refuse to do it and the pushback they got from their communities. First media reference I can recall showing the message that spanking your kids is bad would have been "Hurricane Neddy" from Simpson's Season 8, and even then they felt like they had to spin it in such a way to make the spankological protocol look ridiculous without taking a hardline stance. The season 3 KOTH episode about spanking in 1999 was the first I recall to outright take the stance that it's wrong and say it point blank.

In my life it feels like I got the shitty parts they grew up with (being hit) and the fucked up new age psychological shit from those books. I know I'm not the only one; boomers repeated mistakes and added more of their own.

>> No.53436925

White masons, stupid braindwashed women environmentalists etc.. all working for you know who.

>> No.53436959

You're not your father bro and it's still your life to figure out

>> No.53437299

>In my life it feels like I got the shitty parts they grew up with (being hit) and the fucked up new age psychological shit from those books. I know I'm not the only one; boomers repeated mistakes and added more of their own.

That sucks, my parents spanked me as a kid if I fucked up, but that was as bad as it got. When my dad was a kid his dad would tie him to a chair and throw glass soda and beer bottles at him with full force. Then again he was the child of immigrants

>> No.53437492


I genuinely wonder if your dad's story is true. The older I get the more I learn just how much they made shit up when it's convenient or to justify their behavior. At the very least they escalate and exaggerate the details for long enough to where they genuinely start to believe it.

It was pre-internet. You could say anything and it would be social faux pas to question it. In my other post I mention the phrase "You callin' me a liar?". That has some serious social weight, and it makes you out to be the asshole for calling someone's honor into question.

They never seem to have any scars to show you from this abuse, but will always proudly show you the ones they got goofing off playing outside as kids.

>> No.53437609

because they don't care about you

>> No.53437875

>I genuinely wonder if your dad's story is true

I've had it confirmed by his friends who claim to have witnessed this punishment when they went to his house to see if he wanted to play/hangout. Point being, corporal punishment was much more common with the boomer generation, and often in a way that's more severe than spanking.

Boomers themselves felt like they were raised in a fucked up manner. This was especially the case in the 1980s when they started having kids. They would think "man, I did a bunch of drugs in the 60s/70s, I was fucked up! How can I make sure I raise my kids better than I was raised, so that they don't end up doing drugs and being a degenerate?".

Of course, they were sold a pack of lies about child-rearing by the media, but I don't think the desire of boomers to look for outside answers was completely selfish. They genuinely wanted good advice, they were just sold shit.

>> No.53437958

> i asked for 10K to buy buttcoins with when it was $100
the answer was no
> i wanted them to buy me a studio for 60K
the money was easily available, answer was no, and a studio is now worth 3X as much

yeah i dont think im gonna do much for them in older age, sorry buddy.i could have had a much better life for a little bit of help.

>> No.53438027

America over-values freedom and independence, to the point where individual freedom (the parents) trumps the responsibility that you may have over others (your children, your community). Everyone is out for themselves and never works towards a bigger picture.

>> No.53438064

Because stupid tradcucks are like "Muh muh muh, make a man of you, no easy route, gotta make it yourself!" rather than build security around family units and the community. And soon you'll be raped by a Somali in a pod while fat anti-white anti-racist educators buy $2 million houses.