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53418537 No.53418537 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone else have anxiety about a bull market? Last bull I was up around $40k and I never sold. I’ve been stacking through this bear and I have a make it stack of my preferred coin. I’m working on accumulating some others now so that I can diversify a bit.

My worry is that for the next bull run what if my portfolio caps out at around $200k or something like that, and I get left holding the bag again waiting to be a millionaire. Of course I should sell if it goes up that much but what if it goes up more? Imagine selling Bitcoin as $100 because you’re up 100x. Of course not all coins are going to make gains even close to what Bitcoin did, but you just never know and I truly believe in the future of my coin.

This is hard anons. Can someone give me sensible advice on how to take profits during a bull market?

>> No.53418557

Literally nothing could make me happier than watching her be impregnated by a young stud BVLL

>> No.53418567

In 2025 when you see parabolic green candles, you should sell.

Thats about it

>> No.53418596

what's with her skin, my man senses are tingling

>> No.53418609

>up around $40k
tell me it's your first 'cycle' without telling me it's your first 'cycle.'

>> No.53418666

>and I never sold.
Your greedy ass will make the same mistake again. You fools never learn

>> No.53418671
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Last cycle was my “first cycle”, but in 2017 I saw a friend get really rich but I was too young and dumb to pay attention. I actually bought the top of that cycle and watched my money pretty much go to zero kek. Last cycle I made it back and more, but I didn’t sell because I was retarded. Now I’m worrying a bit that I could find myself in a similar predicament when shit starts to pop off again. I just want enough to buy a house. I’d love to make a shit load of money but I’d be happy with like $300k.

>> No.53418719

That's what your senses are telling you. Still though, it's a very attractive boy.

>> No.53418725
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>> No.53418732

What's her name

>> No.53418741

You basically have to DCA out somewhere relatively near the top the same way you DCA in somewhere relatively near the bottom, not all at once. You won't time the exact top, just like you won't time the absolute bottom, so average out.

Start taking 10% profit once your portfolio feels screenshot worthy.

>> No.53418764

What if the bvll was Black?

>> No.53418785

When you feel like bragging about your gains, when you start imagining the life of luxury that awaits you, when you, when you start getting a dopamine hit just by looking at your portfolio, start selling.

>> No.53418790

Wide shoulders

>> No.53418800


There will be a slow accumulation up to $60k btc (all other crypto will follow) by the end of 2024. Then there will be an explosion in price in 2025 and peak mania will set in. That’s when you sell.

Things to look for:
People talking about Ethereum flipping bitcoin
People talking about a “Supercycle”
Anyone saying “this time it’s different”
The emergence of new retarded crypto-only acronyms (think; NFTs, ICOs, DApps etc)
Getting ads on social media from Tai Lopez types telling you how they can make you Lambo-rich with “crypto”.

When these things happen, you’ll know it’s time to sell everything.

Best of luck anon.

>> No.53418812

you're delusional
the fact that you didnt sell last time just proves that

>> No.53418834

part black

>> No.53418859

I see the Americans are on their lunch break.

>> No.53418914

$40k just didn't feel like a lot of money, also I didn't think that was the right valuation for my coin. I thought, and still think it's higher than that. I think what I'm struggling with is what I think the price will be in 2030 versus what price I should sell at in '24/25. It's hard to pull the trigger on these things for some reason. Idk maybe I'm just retarded.

Knock yourself out coomer

I think this is good advice. Just have to wait for the retardation to hit peak and start DCA selling. A bit easier said than done IMO, but nonetheless good advice. The euphoria can be intoxicating.

>> No.53419343
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Well previous BTC ATHs will give you an easy level to Sell out some. Whatever price your alt is at when BTC is at $60k, is probably a safe place to take profits. Could hold some for $100k.

You can use an exit ladder.
Take some at 10x, some at 20x, some at 50x, some at 100x,

>> No.53419368
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I do have a feeling this pump wont go beyond $25 to $32k, then retest lows.

>> No.53419511

Shalom rabi!

>> No.53420417
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I am kinda anxious about the bullrun. What if i don't make it this time? The halving is close and it could be the last time it pumps. If i don't make it this time then it means im going to be stuck fucking working like a wagetard, forever cucked into the machine.
On the other side, i just found out about this low mcap kycd coin that could really pump in the mid-to-long term considering a big pump is expected for Q2 2023, whales are already arriving, the reward system is smooth as fuck and it is a major competitor in the arbitrum ecosystem. Makes me wanna be bullish again bros, should i be more cautious?

>> No.53420422

token name?

>> No.53420440

That's absolutely a man on estrogen tucking the dick upwards so only the small balls are visible which looks like pussy lips

>> No.53420441

oh yeah, it's hamachi finance (ticker HAMI)

>> No.53420481

shift the btc chart the right you dumb gorilla

>> No.53420874

she's into fitness and has comical bodybuilder proportions, probably took roids, not irl wife material, barely better than leanbeefpatty

>> No.53420989

bros id stick it in her pussy so hard

>> No.53421011

Have a ladder
Have stop losses
Perfect trading is impossible
Have a “make it and walk away” number (note that 2M is middle class)

>> No.53421093

"never sold"

You will never get a house if you can't sell when you're up massively.

>> No.53421484
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I'm 31, it's over if you don't own a land by 2030.