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53410903 No.53410903 [Reply] [Original]

Why do men hate women for working towards their own career?

>> No.53410929

id prefer them working towards my mouth with their toes if you get what i mean
Verification not required.

>> No.53410941

We don’t hate women for doing it. We hate the Jews for brainwashing them into thinking they needed a career

>> No.53410946

I hate women for not being INTP/INTJ.

>> No.53410948

Family > some wage slave. Women are behind in that realization

>> No.53410964
File: 19 KB, 800x800, 1674402954651995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate the way she creepily stares at the camera as she gets closer and closer. Fuckign really freaks me out - I dunno if anyone else has ever noticed this but it's super bugged out

>> No.53410968

Only incels think there is any conceivable downside to women having careers

>> No.53410980

Men are insecure about not being able to control us anymore.

>> No.53410988

united states of you will never be a womanVerification not required.

>> No.53410990

Women more unhappy then ever. Definitely a woman.

>> No.53410991

Horrific Pepe sir.

>> No.53410993

Codemonkey bros I think we should all switch to HR

>> No.53410998

Well they actually do if you can't provide because they have double the workforce and can offer lower pay now. Women are the losers at the end of the day.

>> No.53411000

Because I'm horrified, sir

>> No.53411002

It’s cause she looks like the Crimson Chin. She’s trying to hide her strong jawline.

>> No.53411004

The fuck is this cunt contributing to society

>> No.53411008

horrifying trips with a pair of dubs gee golly

>> No.53411023

Can't wait for her layoff cry tiktok.

>> No.53411029

it doesn't show her actual work. its just a bunch of food shots.

>> No.53411042

probably privacy law related?

>> No.53411043

We can beat the fuck out of you whenever we want lmao

>> No.53411049


>> No.53411059

It's because they don't do any work and this is the nature of corporate America since affirmative action and diversity quotas complete with HR and recruiting sections staffed by blue haireds. Also this is a bait thread.

>> No.53411071

Damn this bitch eats frfr

>> No.53411083

because it's mostly downside. very few women in the workplace are taking the flak that a man takes. they go to the office and go through the motions of working but at the end of the day they are relying on some male autist to get the actual work done. (yes, I know there are exceptions, you know some woman who actually carries her weight blah, blah, blah.) In exchange for women working these make believe jobs, men have another hurdle to settling down and getting married. you now have to make more than this woman. at the same time your wages over the last 40 years have been diluted by more women entering the workforce. sure, you can just try to work harder to earn more but the company has to respect their dei goals, so maybe a woman will get that promotion instead of you. you end up in a position where everyone is miserable. women can't find male mates because they have become more selective. men can't find female mates because women are being accorded higher pay and status than men.

>> No.53411127

And the Jew makes more money while paying the same and destroying the family unit at the same time. It's two birds with one stone.

>> No.53411130

>>53410980 Yeah the top jews that control you now suuuuuuurely woman haha

>> No.53411220

she must think it's cute or something

>> No.53411363

>Why do men hate women for working towards their own career?
A man wants his woman working for their family, not some soul crushing corporate globohomo.
Not to mention she'll be surrounded by men who want to fuck her and steel her from you.

I get though that a women would want something more stimulating in her life, and I'd hope she'd want to work in our business. I'd also encourage her to have other hobbies, writing, art, music, or side hussles where she can feel accomplished and even make some money, but still be able to put family first, and no risk of other men trying to get in her pants.

I think these happy corporate NPC videos are absolute COPE. Notice none are much about work, and more about food and break time. Most jobs are shit, Most bosses are shit, Most co-workers are cunts that play office politics. And after a day of putting all her energy into that, how much will she have left when she gets home?

I'd much rather wake up, have some great sex, get ready while she prepares delicious cooked breakfast. Go do my work done for the day, come back to our beautiful home she stylishly decorated, with the smell of dinner cooking, greeted by her our happy beautiful kids. After enjoying an evening with the them, take her upstairs and give her another hard dicking.

>> No.53411369

it is rather strange

>> No.53411379

That's because that's a man.

>> No.53411391

Doh da big bad JOOOSE strike again!

>> No.53411398

go back

>> No.53411422
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always has been. look into who took over cosmopolitans magazine and the shit it promotes

>> No.53411433
File: 317 KB, 732x812, cosmopolitan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here you go

>> No.53411448

Women fought for the privilege of being hurled into a meat grinder.

>> No.53411462

>t. pump and dump roastie
enjoy your cats.

>> No.53411503

>Listen to a little pencil neck virgin mindfucked by radical right-wing propaganda tell me what's going on
Yah ok kid

>> No.53411519

That creepy forced smile, those dead eyes, being brown. She will die alone I guarantee it.

>> No.53411547

You'll die alone, anon. No woman wants to be a sexual slave/glorified housemaid for housing and food. Think about from a female POV of view: Imagine wasting your only life cooking food and having sex with a frogposter overweight fag who plays call if duty and thinks he's a sigma male. And having his children. I'd literally kill myself if i was a biological woman of the female species

>> No.53411564

I know what you mean. What the fuck could compel her to do such a thing? Stupid ass woman. You just know any child she raises is going to be fucked up and turned into a tranny.

>> No.53411571

I honestly feel bad for women when I see them wage slaving all day
they wage slave thinking somehow that makes them empowered or something
(((they))) brainwashed women so hard it's sad
maybe when they are like 50 and realize they spent their lives working they'll understand they fell for a trick

>> No.53411573

Make sure to freeze your eggs, hun. For when you eventually meet Mr. Right.

>> No.53411575

>YHWH loves you

>> No.53411587

Nigger tranny, this is a nazi website, now gtfo.

>> No.53411620

YWNBAW. This is only how faggots and trannys see it. Instead, it is a partnership rooted in propagating the species. You are a failed genotype. Not even a hundred years ago you would have been slaughtered and your bones left to bleach in the sun. The world didn't have room for you then and it doesn't have room for you now. You time is coming.

>> No.53411640


I'm actually a man actually

>> No.53411643

Did you even read my reply?
>I'd hope she'd want to work in our business. I'd also encourage her to have other hobbies, writing, art, music, or side hussles where she can feel accomplished and even make some money, but still be able to put family first,

I dont want a slave. I want a partner. And once she gets past the jewish brainwashing, and back to her base instincts, raising a family will be the most fulfilling rewarding thing her biology craves.

it would be cool af if my wife made a bunch of Art, and we engaged a professional studio to host and exhibition, and she sold a bunch of pieces for $10.'s of thousand of dollars.

>> No.53411679
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Fyi, i gamed 4 times total last year. And each time was when a friend dropped by and wanted to play something. Zero online gaming.
Also i work out.

you can ad hominem me, but it doesnt change the facts.

Ironically, that weak nerdy "white" kid stereo type mostly comes from Sitcoms played by JEWISH actors.
I could lift you off the ground by the neck with one arm.

>> No.53411710

Same kek

>> No.53411743
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This is a total abomination of modern society, in reality the workforce has doubled so market forces naturally determine each worker is now only worth half of what he was used to. Instead of a man working a career and providing for his family now you have both adults working and children need to go to daycare where the adults have to fucking PAY for the services and the kids get pozzed and turn LGBT and develop mental issues. Even without the indoctrination it's now a net loss for everyone involved except for the megacorps who can fleece common men and women of their time and energy.

>> No.53411755

If you want a partner you should marry a man, unironically. We're here to provide. At this point maybe even monogamy is a questionable endeavor if your endgame is having children. Imagine limiting your options to a woman "you're in love with" Maybe it's you who has been brainwashed with Jewish propaganda. Maybe you should do a full 360 and rethink some ideas, bucko

>> No.53411758
File: 906 KB, 1165x1481, BD3A57E1-88E3-4687-AEE6-627884F60ABE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this some sort of brainstorming app for NPCs?

>> No.53411759

>wasting your only life
And we definately wouldnt waste our life.
Prior to having kids we would have already enjoyed the world together.
And even after having kids, we'd enjoy it with them, great family holidays, weekend trips to cool places.

Jews have tricked women into thinking family = boring slavery.

>> No.53411765

I want a slave woman who is excited to swallow my cum, raise my children, and have food on the table for dinner

>> No.53411767

/pol/cels are scared of the fact that they are losers who are surpassed by women

>> No.53411770

You will never pass

>> No.53411779

Men own the companies you work for retard.

>> No.53411801
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It's a no brainer why they are now pushing feminism hard to further divide the sexes, since each individual now doesn't earn enough to support a family the only way to eke out a stable existence is to join forces but family courts will rip apart any man who decides to try. This is all to get everyone dependent on the state and pretty much enslave the entire population. We are headed in a pretty bad direction.

>> No.53411825

because it's all cope and the downfall of civilization

>> No.53411840
File: 90 KB, 329x283, 15131613216.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I was single for a while, I used to fantasize about having a gf to take care of since I make almost $200k a year. Now I have a gf that makes fuckall at her $15/hr job and I resent her for being broke all the time. Why am I like this???

>> No.53411852

>fewer children born
>children that are born get less maternal attention
>dilute the labor pool and drive down wages
8/10 l, I replied.

>> No.53411861

You got greedy. Spend some money on her. Don't be shellfish

>> No.53411899

Ive still yet to meet a scrawny "Chud" that wasnt a teenager. The type youre describing is urbanite leftist cuckholds en masse

>> No.53411937

I have respect for women who actually do shit and accomplish things for purposes bigger than themselves.

What I don't like is the popular brand of feminism that just wants the bar lowered for women and have them handed high paying careers for a fraction of the work and acting like that's somehow combatting sexism in the workplace despite how patronizing it is.

>> No.53411960

Because they're women

>> No.53411963

she ought to be really good at arranging stickers

>> No.53411969

What career? Attending a meeting twice a day at your adult daycare isn't a career. I know a bunch of women like this. They have no actual professional skills besides "networking" (socializing). They belong in a harem, not an office.

>> No.53411977

>get freedom
>vote to import third world scum and destroy the constitution
You need to be controlled, retard.

>> No.53411983

see >>53411643 >>53411759
And of course she'll love my unvaxxed cum, its worth millions.

Well there are PLENTY of couples where both are working, and the vast majority arent happy, are they? So i reject this notion that a "Career" is the missing key of a woman's happiness.

Maybe if she became PM, that would be an acceptable compromise, because then we'd control the nukes.

> Imagine limiting your options to a woman "you're in love with"
Ive already accepted i have to find a woman that loves me. Thats the most important thing.

>> No.53412010

When does the work start?

>> No.53412016

Why the fuck would you let her waste her life away for $15/hr? Her financial contribution is basically nil. She could make a whole lot more of herself, and live a far more fulfilling life if she was freed of that decrepit wage cage and was allowed to pursue her own interests.

>> No.53412032

Well women are more miserable than ever measured in the past 60 or so years going by that happiness scale while men are getting happier steadily over time so…

>> No.53412038

wagies only flex the times they're allowed out of the cage. food breaks.

>> No.53412045

She sucks at cooking and cleaning. If I let her live her best life, she'd be sitting in front of my TV for 12 hours a day getting fat.

>> No.53412054
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Its absolutely true that by giving both the sexes jobs, doubling the household income, they've made the cost of housing rise to the point duel incomes are needed just to afford a home. And then yeh the kids get dumped in globohomo child "care"

>> No.53412055


This chick and I have mutual friends

>> No.53412074

post body

>> No.53412096

>I could lift you off the ground by the neck with one arm.

Hahaha you couldn't do shit I'm bigger than you and I would literally kill you if you even looked at me the wrong way you little fucking virgin

>> No.53412108

Lmao this homo thinks niggers love him back. Bruh.

>> No.53412202

It pays more to be a single mom than a married woman with a child in a lot of western jurisdictions, all because of government gibs. Only way it's going to stop is if women collectively step in and do something. They won't.

>> No.53412209

Fem Anons,
TELL US, which jobs are better than raising a family ???

Genuinely we want to know?

>> No.53412212

Who said I liked niggers you pussy? Just cause I'm not brainwashed like you it doesn't mean I'm in love with blacks or Jews. You're just a dummy that's been had by the propaganda of the elite

>> No.53412222

It’s almost as if Jewish people are actually decent human beings and want equal rights for everybody. Geeeez! Who would of thought!

>> No.53412240
File: 216 KB, 1170x1042, 927B071E-BB11-4CF2-89B4-243977B381B3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>would of

>> No.53412249

One thing I realized from these videos is the fact that I don't eat/drink as much as I need to.

>> No.53412318

80% of them are willing to leave the second some dude says 'babies?' to them, which makes them incredibly less valuable.
and then there's the side effect of them taking jobs from young men, who could have been working their way up if they could have gotten her job, and then would be able to continue working after having kids

>> No.53412371


Where the fuck did any work get done there? Consulting is such a bullshit job.

>> No.53412391

It's not about the job it's about the social opportunities that come with having the job. Move to city, have disposable income, access to thousands of high status men.

>> No.53412392


Job creation for plumbers and sewerage maintenance from doing nothing but eating all day

>> No.53412406
File: 613 KB, 417x550, feminism smoker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If feminism was about equal rights, it would have ended decades ago.

How has feminism worked out for women? A
re they happier?
Or are they wage slaves at shit jobs for $15ph, and single mothers struggling to raise kids on welfare?
Why are there so many women on anti depressants if feminism freed them to enjoy their "best life".?
Feminism in fact DE-FEMINISES women and makes them masculine and disgusting.

Feminism is from the same minds who gave you communism, and critical theory. They hate traditional values and hate family.

Just to highlight how badly they manipulated women with feminism
>pic related
How "empowering" it is to be a stonk smoker, for tabaco profits. (((THEY))) didnt give a fuck about women's happiness or health or future. Not even a little.


>> No.53412418


>> No.53412421

>access to thousands of high status men.
none of which want to settle with you.
enjoy the cats disgusting whore.

>> No.53412430

Reddit tier post

>> No.53412455
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Feminism is the ultimate proof that women just fuck up if they are given control

>> No.53412469

Some statistics from the fed itself:
90% of scholarships are given to women every year
60% of college applicants and graduates are women
Uneducated men earn 35% less inflation adjusted then they did 40 years ago, women earn 10% more
Uneducated men have had their suicide rates double everyone else’s growth
Uneducated men are 70% more likely to get addicted to drugs or commit a violent crime then other groups

The fed didn’t go into it, but I bet if you put racial data behind these statistics as well, and eliminated any data variance for things like higher felony count ect, white men come out on bottom.

Just fucking think about those statistics for a second, if you’re a woman you’re 1000% more likely to get a scholarship than a man and you’re just under double as likely to graduate as a man

If you’re a man, you’re likely to be uneducated and have the worst fucking earnings potential of any demographic

Society is economically murdering men, it’s not like your growth opportunities look any fucking better if you go to college, in fact capitulating seems like the smart move to me. The giga brain move is to outplay and outmenuver the women, don’t go to college get a fucking internship ANYWHERE instead and start soaking up college jobs with your experience alone. Choke college out of the fucking workforce, it is NOT an education it is a biased government institution.

>> No.53412486
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While she eats all day I must work the double to cover her work as well.
Women in workplaces are a fucking disgrace.

>> No.53412497

You will never be a real woman.

>> No.53412505

Yeah i am sure it has nothing to do with the government, womyn just too strong

>> No.53412568


Lmao at this thot e-bragging about her shitty consulting "career" at a big 4 sweatshop

> Surrounded by insufferable faggots who got rejected from IB jobs which at least pay decent bonuses for the wageslave work done

> Need to travel constantly to some shithole towns in the middle of nowhere

> Salary is shit, bonuses non existent, yet asked to work 70 hour weeks. Even joeblo who's younger than you working a CS job downstairs is making more money than you with less hours worked

> Live in airports and hotels, can't have a family life

> Basically 35, still on tinder getting creampied by 20-somethings to feel like she's still young because she can't settle down due to her "career"

> Literally has a 1/100 chance to make it to partner at her firm where she can start making real money, otherwise she's basically fucked and will probably get fired after 5-6 years if she can't move up further in the ladder

> Will basically end up doing NGO work or moving to a smaller boutique firm making half her current pay and claim on linkedin and she did it for the "work life balance"

> Will find some cuckold who makes enough to pay the bills and finally settle down with him when she's in her 40s and already beaten up by all the young college student cocks she's been taking

GG, really lol

>> No.53412576

Also, to point out something I think people don’t realize with this data, it fucking hides the “wage gap” women crow over, or even let’s it continue. Sure if adjusted for field of study ect, women make the same. But there’s more of them. You’re likely to not have a college education if you’re a man entering the workforce within the last 5 years. Overall men are making less, men’s wages are going down, men are less educated. That’s hidden among the data though.

>> No.53412728

now it's just your boss controlling you

>> No.53412765

>propaganda of the elite
>as soon as you mention jews even remotely negatively theres a shitstorm
listen im not one of these jew scapegoat guys but if any group of people are the elite its them

>> No.53412958

>he thinks married people **** twice a day

Goodness you have the right goals more or less but prepare to be disappointed

>> No.53413101

>Why do men hate women for working towards their own career?
i hate women no matter what
greetings from Kazakhstan

>> No.53413179

It should have the post eating shots
>this is my first shit of the day after eating breakfast.

>> No.53413213

Reading car magazines and m2 about how to be a cool man never turned me into a childless frog poster, being a lazy sperg did.

>> No.53413246

none of these are valid

>> No.53413252

She'll have whaled in no time. You can see the urge to nail a few tubs of Ben and Jerry's every evening in her. She's "allowing herself" that food because it's fancy looking.

>> No.53413348

My GF sucks at cooking but she knows how to clean, and despite having a job is an interesting person who takes up completely new hobbies like guitar and needlepoint and practices them on her own looking to me for approval of her works
You just have a loser GF, sorry dog. Not because she makes minimum wage but because she seems like a 0-motivation slug

>> No.53413349


>> No.53413606

I think your bullshitting, no one asked me for my opinion.
Why do you make up bullshit?

>> No.53413673

Your own webm just proved you wrong. All we saw was an adult daycare centre.

>> No.53413746

because they think they deserve applause for doing half the same shit that men have been doing always
and also bitter incels and amish-adjacent religious folk

>> No.53413846

And now she can resent her husband for not giving her as much money as her boss

>> No.53413864

Working as a product management consultant consultant for globocorp is not a career lmao. Her 'job' consists of eating company snacks and sending emails. These type of jobs are just welfare for roasties otherwise we'd have millions of young women with psychology degrees who are unemployed.

>> No.53413939
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>> No.53413953

I also hate them for falling for it

>> No.53414044

>Implying women want to be attached to you.

>> No.53414049

Unironically though.

>> No.53414073

>they wage slave thinking somehow that makes them empowered or something
People have bills to pay, fattie.

>> No.53414080

>You time is coming.
T W O M O R E W E E K S.

>> No.53414316
File: 887 KB, 646x738, FmjUoWBXkAAkPd7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ive thought of these kinda vids with disgust, seeing that they are barely working and living like royals despite seemingly contributing little.

I thought this, as i was just eating my pizza at work. Listening to LOTR soundtrack, currently Lothlorien chapter. Not supervised. Ive been at work for five hours today. Answered two mails and a call. Reading esoteric rwbb-twitter. Was supposed to do some work on a website, but too tired. May do some chinups and barbell rows when pizza has settled. Granted work is not always like this for me, but alot of it is. And as for these girl videos, they are filming cozy days.

Im making about $70k/yr.

Everything is now fgt, that is how it is. But for me, the two years of gayvid changed something. Prior to c19 i was working hard, almost all the time. But liberalism, blue hair, etc, is so prevalent everywhere now that i have very little faith in the institutions, including my own organisation. Its very demoralizing, and i feel increasingly less like its worth it for me to contribute seriously.

>> No.53414344

Imagine seeing that an employee of one of the Big 4 accounting firms being paid to do nothing but snack all day and even being brazen enough to post TikTok videos all day and thinking that the bottom is in.
The economy can handle millions more layoffs until Jerome needs to pivot.

>> No.53414464
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>But liberalism, blue hair, etc, is so prevalent everywhere now that i have very little faith in the institutions, including my own organisation. Its very demoralizing, and i feel increasingly less like its worth it for me to contribute seriously.
I agree with your sentiment. I really want to work hard and be successful, but the thought that my contributions to society will do nothing but delay it’s destruction is gut-wrenching. What’s the point of working hard when all your suffering achieves is making a problem worse? Even worse is being constantly surrounded by people who still seem to think that pursuing this ‘grind,’ will amount to anything other than a number being pushed up, when beyond a certain point, it doesn’t really matter. It hurts to see these people just ignore everything else around them in the pursuit of nothing beyond that which is expected of them. There is value in doing things that aren’t productive, and to claim that everything must be done on the dot is absurd if one wants to not blow their brains out doing something. Society is about to implode, and these people will regret not enjoying the good times while we still have them. Things are bad now, certainly, but they can be a lot worse and will be.

Or maybe I’m just high idk.

>> No.53414497

Damn she likes to eat shit. I bet she likes getting pissed on too

>> No.53414535

Because half if their day consists of bullshit self help crap and meals. While the man is pulling her weight back at the office, she's out there living her best life as a protected class employee.

>> No.53414755
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No drugs my bro, if you pain (being bored is a kind of pain too) you need to deal with it constructively, drugs and other things just postpone the inevitable and make the comeback harder.

I feel like you 100%. Women getting into positions are a part of it; they have so high ratings of agreeableness (bless them) that society accepts way more than it should. This agreableness is designed to go towards being empathic to your offspring and to your husband, not cucking the entire west in ways irreversible. But women is only a part of it. Being honest about where we are, these days its alot of the men too. The uncucking has to start somewhere though, and unironically i think getting women from public life is the logical start. When dominance hierarchies are 100% male, with less agreeable ones in the top, subservient males and cucks can at least serve and follow the narrative set by disagreeable males. But i fear this wont happen.

I think most men wouldnt articulate it like this or come to same conclusion, but i think most males feel a demoralizing effect they cannot put into words. It robs organisations and institutions of male zeal. As society does not and can not offer honor and glory, men zone out. Some go into spheres that are still allowed competitive non-bs edge. Some businesses, sports, etc. Some just go vidya.

>> No.53414816
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>> No.53414823

women should be working towards my dick's satisfaction, my clean house and my children's education

>> No.53414846

Look I'm the only one who's gonna be honest with you, but every single civilization in history agreed women had to be on a leash else they start getting uppity
Am increase in sexual degeneracy and women rights always brings those civilizations to collapse

>> No.53415165

I’m gonna reply to this bait too to make it look even more incendiary

>> No.53415172

Even in women-dominated industries it's just men giving them money for free from the FED printer for existing. Shut down the printer and 99% of women are suddenly unemployable.

>> No.53415177

That doesn't even make sense. I literally can't handle the way she gets close to the camera with her creepy chin and smile.
You must be a roastie.

>> No.53415184

/pol/ is leaking into /biz/ again

>> No.53415201

>entire day is stuffing her face with goyslop

>> No.53415235

>implying she worked towards a career on her own and it wasn't her family ties that got her the job
Anon she looks dumb as shit. As someone who has been overworked in the medical field, I can tell you the last thing on my mind is being in the mood or having the patience for making one of these stupid fucking videos. You wake up early as shit, chug coffee/stims, hope you have enough energy/sanity to make it through the long day then crawl your ass back to sleep. Anyone who is making a fucking tiktok video with a smile at work and then has the energy to go out partying during the weekdays contributes fuckall to their job and is usually deadweight. I've actually met women like this and their family is 110% friends/family with someone in management.

>> No.53415273

Lmao that's like complaining your dog shits all over the house if you don't train it
It's very simple, make a list of tasks, print it out as an excel file so she can fill in the blocks once she has done the task and can see her progress over time

If she refuses start by physicily taking her phone/tv
The key is to not be emotionally invested at all, just tell her exactly what to do and how

>> No.53415301
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Gee, isn't it a coincidence that record breaking inflation of the 70s happened to coincide with more women working. But no, just a coincidence, it's clearly DAH JOOOOOOOS

>> No.53415485

Why the fuck is she even going to the gym? Walking on a treadmill and using 0.5kg weights. What a waste of time.

>> No.53415829

Women entering the labor force en mass is largely the result of labor saving devices eliminating the hours of time it took to do housework. Incels are literally angry at washing machines lmao.

>> No.53415893

I noticed this too

>> No.53415900

Imagine the shits from eating that goy slop all day long

>> No.53415943

the left can't meme, kys

>> No.53415999

Same my gf makes shit 15/ hr and tried to do real estate as a career and hasn’t sold anything for an entire year lol. At least she tried something but now I’m wondering what direction to guide her to next so she isn’t broke all
The time.

>> No.53416029
File: 2.94 MB, 450x738, 1674463513297086.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have a keks, on me

>> No.53416056

if she's really in consulting at deloitte she works long hours (doing meaningless work.) the tardtok video isn't her workday, it's just clips of her eating goyslop to generate views.

>> No.53416076


>> No.53416083

No one’s replying to my post. Let me put this into context, if 30% of the population seeks higher education for good paying careers, that means 10 million more women are graduating with a degree every year than men. This is fucking INSANE. This means one of two things, either A. The narrative of productivity breaks as society funds its own detrimental costs or B. The narrative of education breaks down, which also starts a breakdown of fundamental logics behind rationality and science

I think it will be B, I think the current state of education will be one of many factors that leads to a breakdown in the logics behind modern global society

>> No.53416098
File: 2.74 MB, 1900x1920, 8db.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why'd you need to use so many words in this meme? subtlety and humor beyond you, chud?

>> No.53416124

is she low IQ? my gf is low IQ (2x college drop out) and she's also making joke money. i'm pushing her to get an ez certification like medical coding. i work in accounting at a major insurer. there are tons of jobs at my company (and other companies) for people who work in claims processing or medical coding, and many of them are WFH. or she could always work as a receptionist at a hospital or dental clinic, since she has experience with medical terminology. the pay for this kind of work isn't great, maybe $20/hour, but it's a lot more dignified than being a retail or restaurant wagie.

>> No.53416152

GF is a highly payed lawyer that earns (and works) 2x as me. She's unhappy as fuck with it. When we get kids, she'll never want to work full time again.
Work=life is pathetic. Women are right.

>> No.53416337

>stimulist of brutal well-being and identity efforts
>self-serving culturalist of variable user states
>visual sultan of reclusivity

>> No.53416397

Imagine paying Deloitte for her consulting services. Only the most retarded boomer would think this chick can bring anything of value with her retarded post it’s. That’s the thing with public accounting firms, they are filled with midwife who think they are important.

>> No.53416421

consulting isn't public accounting. audit and tax are legal requirements. but w/r/t consulting, i agree. my employer pays tens of millions a year to deloitte consultants to make our 3 or 4 concurrent SAP implements even shittier and more fucked up.

>> No.53416468

Gradually I came to hate them (and their willing tool golems)

>> No.53416478
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>> No.53416504

>not being able to control us anymore.
your boss is a man controlling you retard

>> No.53416616

kino, i saw this the other day

>> No.53416647

all fucking tech workers must fucking get laid off

>> No.53416655

I don't even oppose women having careers, but this is a retarded "argument."
>le man who cannot fuck woman BAD

>> No.53417178

Women are experts at making it look like they are accomplishing something

See the sticky note walls they love to show off

>> No.53417209

Quite frankly I don't give a fuck, the bitdao embassy does not discriminate. Unless you're an insecure man-child, you shouldn't give a fuck either.

>> No.53417329

Well I agree Sanja Kon a CEO of a web3 payment processor is my inspiration she has done wonders and taking payments to next level.
Only jeets and Morons will bs women.

>> No.53418032

It’s more about the destruction of the nuclear family and leaving the kids to be influenced more and more by outsiders, and government entities. Not sure why people think work and paying taxes to central bankers and leaving parrot slaves behind to grow up is good for you or for society.
It’s those that prioritize money and careers over everything else, never wanting to commit to having a family until well into their 30s.
“Men” are pathetic these days and have their own issues too. But the kids and the future has suffered the most by this terrible trend change

>> No.53418206

Men have the highest suicide rate, and the most dangerous jobs, and have been considered cannon fodder for all human history.. women graduate college and high school at much higher rates and get tons more assistance from the government while now the government and big business have acquired 50% more labor and tax slaves at the expense of children. Men are being bombarded with estrogen in the food and water for decades, leading to weaker jaws and narrow shoulders and boobs and fat stomachs. Girls are developing earlier and quicker. The ultra career women fall into the same trap as greedy bankers, wanting more and more money, cars, vacations, instagram followers and don’t care about raising critical thinkers and independent children, letting their kids be influenced by outsiders.
Women in the west are the highest consumers of anti depressants and alcohol and spend the most on therapy while men are attacked for wanting to be protective.
Men these days prioritize video games and porn and gambling and fantasy football. Everything is ass backwards and society is collapsing while everyone wants stuff for me me me now now now instead of kids and the future.
God help me please get me out of this literal hell

>> No.53418233

Wife is INTJ, I'm INTP.
I wouldn't replace her for any woman in the world.
But don't expect them to come without their issues.
If you're not into femdom you might not have the best time.

>> No.53418876

finance and jews go together like ur mom and my diyuck, there is no seperation.

>> No.53419017

>The Jews are why I can't read full sentences
Lol it's not a meme, people are just laughing at you.
>2 more weeks

>> No.53419670


Because it means they will be out of the home and around other men for extended periods of time. The 40 hour work week means they will spend more time with those men than their family. Since work is what's done at the start of the day they also burn away all their energy with those other men, leaving nothing for their husbands or children.

That much is guaranteed. Whoring around with their "work husband" is also a possibility, but doesn't need mention, as it's incendiary incel flame bait. The important thing is that men don't like the idea of there being less time and energy for them and their interests.

To make matters worse, it's not like the income will help secure the financial future of the family. Women will inevitably just expand their consumption to match the income, feeling even less guilty about it since she had earned that money. The family unit ends up no better off financially.

>> No.53419746
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Why the fuck are they always eating so much?

>> No.53419762

MashAllah I have once again received my daily dose of demoralization by visiting this online community.

Also there's a distinction between thinking this is wrong, and thinking this is wrong because it's not you doing it. Surely you crypto ""hustlers"" should not get angry with this women as she's leading the life you regard as good; minimum work and maximum amenities.