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53407664 No.53407664 [Reply] [Original]

where would you go live permanently
usa is a scam

>> No.53407671

Italy Sardinia

>> No.53407682

Id go live in South America or Southeast Asia until I got to 10 figs then move to Europe.

>> No.53407688

Italy Corsica

>> No.53407689

My country BETRAYED and TRAPPED me inside it so I can't leave. So I'll just have to move to a rural town along the coastline and pray that God offers me salvation at some point.

>> No.53407692

Galway Ireland

>> No.53407728

italy or france

>> No.53407738

Greece, Italy, France.

>> No.53407762

I'm thinking about India. bottom heavy pajeetas get me diamondz

>> No.53407864

When you hit mid 7 is WHEN you want to live in scum of the earth LA / NY / etc. And you get to enjoy at least a little of them as playground

>> No.53407936

I like when they have a little treasure trail on the backside like they was written to life by the barrowmans.

>> No.53407948

>pray that God offers me salvation at some point.
he already did that in his holy word, the bible

>> No.53407965

I'm currently in LA, it's just frank ocean wannabe chinese children of corrupt CCP officials and they clog every single restaurant/bar/whatever

>> No.53407968
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Just marry a hot latina, take her last name, pop out a few kids and have only her show up at your local state's welfare center to collect benefits because if they see you there they'll likely tell both of you to fuck off. If she already has anchor babies, that's a plus. You'll have free housing, smartphones, discounts on utility bills, free food, etc.

>> No.53407986

Japan, Singapore or Monaco

>> No.53407991

begone kike
depends where you see the world heading.
for me, i see nothing but an endless grinding of humanity into a pulp, so rather than put down roots in my own country thats already 35% foreigners and my children will be raised in an open prison and force fed bugs, id take the boomer pill and just be a hedonist in asia

>> No.53408001

Were I am living now in eastern Oregon. Just buy a hunting ranch in the blue mountains, and build a Ark.

>> No.53408022

I like firearms but if weed is gonna bar me from all the cool Gucci shit I'd rather just move to nip land.
I have 109 million shiba inu tokens.

>> No.53408031

Asia,India maybe Russia as they seems to have good relationship in Asia and India.

>> No.53408035
File: 42 KB, 461x665, 1673679328408893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just live in Japan and aim to learn the language and nakadashi a Japanese office worker gf

At this point if you have 7 figures your life needs challenges and novelty with new experiences, I couldn't think of anything better

>> No.53408038

>frank ocean
Does this dude still rap? What the fuck happened to Odd future?

>> No.53408096

blonde was the best album until it got ruined by asians in los angeles wearing big pants and smoking weed

>> No.53408456

>asians in los angeles wearing big pants and smoking weed
Sounds cool.

>> No.53409070

japanese do have good fat distributions ;)

>> No.53409098

Iceland seems nice.

>> No.53409948

Zurich probably

>> No.53409986

I'd buy a small boutique hotel in the south of France and use the earnings to fund my NEET lifestyle.

>> No.53410259

Mid 7 figs isnt enough to say "fuck you" to your boss, in iceland.
Not even trolling, you people have no idea how expensive and how jewish these motherfuckers are.

You guys niggers?

Serious answer is:
When you make it, get the fuck out of Europe or NA. South Amerca or SEA are the only safe places

>> No.53410357

>if you had mid 7 figs
that's nothing in 2023

>> No.53410392

El Salvador

>> No.53410427

Correct answer. Or Vienna

Anywhere is better than burger tho

>> No.53410506

The Netherlands, just so I can get citizenship, buy a bunch of property, and import more and more refugees and ruin that country.

>> No.53410626

Same, but only if you're willing to learn Italian and integrate into the community. Otherwise... Now is a really bad time, the world is kind of in a weird place and it's hard to tell where is going to be safe and stable in a few years. Maybe head somewhere cheap in Southeast Asia and keep your ear to the ground.

>> No.53410676

>on the coastline

>> No.53410917
File: 1.73 MB, 1024x1024, DALL·E 2022-12-20 15.38.28 - porsche 911 parked outside row home chicago.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've said this in other threads
>townhome/3-flat in chicago (where I currently live and where my business is/employees are based) - I am VERY bullish on this city long term
>if not in the city, nice suburban home on the north shore
>beach house in florida (where I grew up)
>mountain condo in vail, breckenridge, or park city
>house/flat in dublin (where most of my family lives)
That's really all I need. Maybe somewhere in an emerging market would be cool too.

>> No.53410949

I'm moving to the Philippines. I already fucked almost an entire family there:

1) the 18 year old daughter, this all started with her. she was dtf a foreigner. 1 hour after meeting her I was barebacking her in my bed.
2) her 22 yo sister that I met while "dating" the 18 year old, she went behind her sisters back to get my creampie. Sister eventually found out. Drama....but we still fucked regularly.
3)the gay brother who was a ladyboy, sucked my dick and swallowed. Fucked him in the ass since he begged for it. Looked a lot like his sisters. 39kg and 5' 2". Prostate orgasm from being pounded. Pretty cute.
4)the 45 yo mom. I had known all of them for about two years at this point and she was well aware of what I was doing to her daughters. I seduced her and came inside of her.
5) the 35 yo aunt. I got her pregnant since she lived like 10minutes away and came over every day after he work to fuck and get a creampie. She was surprised she got pregnant (again). I wasn't. My kid from her is 4 years old now.
6) aunt 2. Met me through aunt 1. I fucked her while aunt 1 was in the other room. She knew. Begged me to cum inside of her. Had baby rabies since her sister was pregnant at the time and it was making her jealous.

Their other brother worked at sea on a ship so I couldn't get my hands on him. Dad was dead and probably rolling in his grave.

>> No.53411423

Weird I’m from Chicago too and have always wanted a Florida house and mountain condo/small home for skiing and hunting. Big time disagree on Chicago for the future though. Terrible place to live long term. Liberal shithole, taxes out the ass, and no criminal prosecution. Plus niggers everywhere

>> No.53411511

>I am VERY bullish on this city long term
tell me more. like seriously I am all ears, unironically. even better if I can profit from your perspective.

>> No.53411604

Singapore is a miserable country


Cool story fag

>> No.53411633

langkawi. stay there from november to january. head to phuket in february, then have a month in saigon. then spend the summer in a house in taiwan, in wulai or similar mountain place. have a house in langkawi and a house in taiwan and airbnb them when im not there.

>> No.53411645

I'm not telling you faggots because you'll either whine or insist you know better because you saw a maymay on the internet despite the fact you've never even gone outside and definitely not to where I want to be. Even if you do like my choices - fuck off they're full.

Coastal property, that's all I'll say

>> No.53411649

Is it? Admittedly I've only been there for short trips so may have only seen the good side

>> No.53411651

what about granddad and the uncles? ever fuck an uncle?

>> No.53411655

so fake hahah. proof or gtfo

>> No.53411821

>Die to diarrhea because the local witchdoctor treats you with gasoline

>> No.53411863

No way in hell I’d leave the US. Probably move to Traverse City or Marquette. Maybe Eagle River.

>> No.53411891
File: 272 KB, 1400x1547, chicago change in population by neighborhood.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've gone into this in threads before but Chicago is exceptionally undervalued. The good neighborhoods are amazing, the bad ones are ... well, you see it on the media pretty frequently. And the great news is those bad neighborhoods are emptying - quickly. Pic very much related.

You'll also see the talking point that Chicago, the city specifically, is losing population. Note the areas that are losing and which are gaining - the south and west sides are getting hammered. This is expected - this is where the vast majority of the crime occurs. A very localized, violent group of neighborhoods on the south and west sides.

You can see the gentrification happening in real time too. Take the north/northwest side for example - first it was Wicker Park, then Bucktown, then Logan Square, now Avondale - gentrification is following the transit lines further and further from the core of downtown. You can see this happening in real time in:
>Near West Side (not west loop, already fully gentrified)
>Ukrainian Village
>Former Cabrini Green Site
Et cetera.

Additionally, while perhaps not headquartered here, every major
>law firm
>tech company
>fortune 500
>large corporation of any kind
ALL have a presence here. Wages are lower than the coasts, but COL is MUCH lower, especially when it comes to housing. Taxes are undoubtedly high, but COL/housing makes up for this difference. Additionally, much of the city is walkable/public transit is much more reliable than the rest of the US so living here without a car is semi-feasible.

I have a LOT more, but this is a snapshot.

>> No.53411927

Chiang Mai Thailand, or possibly Bangkok if I ever learn some self control (unlikely).

>> No.53411928

Yeah I'm in property management (for peanuts) but this is basically what I've seen happening. At this point of night I'm about to knock off otherwise I'd definitely dig deeper. You voting for Vallas, though?

>> No.53411957

Shit laws thanks to niggers. They will never fix the laws because they keep whitey down too. I'll never live in a place where nigs have so much voting power.

I may consider Chicago if total nigger death (TND) purges the city, but even then the fags who lived there tolerated that scum for too long. They are cucks.

>> No.53411980
File: 148 KB, 1024x768, chicago skyline at night.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A couple more points:

Yes, the crime is certainly higher than your 86% white suburb in Bumblefuck Kansas or Indiana. The silver lining of this is, as mentioned previously, its almost entirely sequestered to those horribly blighted communities on the south/west sides. With migration from those neighborhoods specifically picking up in earnest, much of the crime there is leaving with it. This will only pick up in years to come as gentrification begins to push up against places like englewood, austin, humboldt park (already happening), etc.

>le live in a pod
LOTS of people in this country love urbanism. Living in smaller homes, being able to walk to amenities (grocery store, restaurants, public transit, etc) are becoming increasingly important to larger swaths of the population especially among rich (re:white) young people. Housing that already exists or is planned in Chicago is prime to soak up much of this demand. With the jobs to boot, Chicago is ready to absorb a lot of that le walkable city housing demand over the next few years. Rich, wealthy white people move in = the neighborhoods improve. Does that take the "culture" from these neighborhoods? Sure. But at the benefit of being able to walk through your neighborhood without getting shot? I'll take it.

This is another massive benefit. I don't want to be one of those people who thinks the whole world is going to go to shit in a few weeks, but it is a concrete fact that the west and southwest are running out of water. Chicago is by far the best major city climate-wise to benefit from Climate Change. Winters will become more mild, summers longer, water is of no issue, and there are millions of midwesterners living in states like
That will need a new place to live. Chicago, again, with millions upon millions of potential housing units ready to go or ready to be built as infill, will be there to soak up that demand.

>> No.53411991

>You voting for Vallas, though?
Obviously. He's the only semi-competent candidate we have. Anyone but Lori, but Vallas is my top choice.

>> No.53412005

i have mid 7 figs i still live in my parents basement im 36 years old and i haven't changed anything about my life

>> No.53412017

Get a load of this kike, trying to trick you guys into moving to Niggerville LMAO
I wish you guys could know the happiness I feel living on my dead end gravel road in Central Wisconsin. Urban cattlenigger will never know the joys of owning LAND

>> No.53412026

I'm not asking anyone to move here. Stay in wisconsin, I don't care where anyone moves, but I can see the trend developing and I'm going to capitalize on it.

>> No.53412052

Yeah you go ahead and capitalize on it, Jewboy. Have fun dying in a city who's leaders hate the American public and enable the most horrific crime
>I'm from Chicago
Sorry to hear that LOL

>> No.53412080
File: 947 KB, 1944x1490, F3B7A20D-B838-4BF3-8FEF-4544B4B8D249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can keep running but the world will eventually catch up with you. I’ll continue to retake our cities.

>> No.53412086


>> No.53412131

I've thought about this a lot, ever since the covid shit where I couldn't fly out of leafland.
If I was a US citizen I'd probably live in New Hampshire, one of the few places left that values liberty with the political power to defend it, and I like the nice nature everywhere.
Outside of that, I've looked a lot but nothing stands out, every country has its downsides.
The top of my list are the countries I could get permanent residency or citizenship with a low cost of living for a similar western lifestyle. Look up golden visas, the amount of places you can get in for less than a million is a pretty short list. From what I remember, I think it's mexico, some SEA countries, a bunch of caribbean islands, and portugal.
On the other hand, you could just as easily live anywhere and just travel every 2-3 months, or I know in some places you can just leave the country and come back to renew your visa every few months. Not a great foundation to build a future, but maybe traveling every few months could be a good way to find the right place.

>> No.53412145

You guys don't want to die where it's snowing, you want to live where it's always sunny,
>Paradise Valley
You are clearly ODing on copium if you think Chicago isn't a lost cause. What makes you so sure white people (with pitiful birth rates) are going to move to Chicago en masse to reclaim it? What makes you so sure niggers and Mexicans (with LUDICROUS birth rates) are trying to leave?
>muh statistics and articles written by cityniggers
Fucking zoom out you idiot, this nation is a lost cause and you are only accelerating your demise by living in The City(tm)

>> No.53412197

>just abondon your ancestral homeland, goy.

>> No.53412203


>> No.53412276

When was the last time you were in Chicago, out of curiosity? How far out of the loop did you venture?

>> No.53412357

>implying you're safe from diversity even in the loop
Went when I was a boy 15 years ago. I remember going to millennium park and getting pizza at Fox's, went to the board walk after. Very tame day but I wouldn't have agreed to go had I known what I know now. I don't know about you, but MY life is not worth losing so I could have the chance to look at some gay mirror reflective bean and LED towers that spit water. Pass

>> No.53412441

Oh yeah we went to the observation deck of the Sears Tower (what it was called at the time). How could I forget! The view from up there was probably the coolest part of that day trip.

Congratulations, the view from your massive tower is impressive even on a cloudy day.
The panorama of Phoenix is great, better even, the mountain ranges are iconic and you're treated to beautiful sunsets nearly every night.