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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53408959 No.53408959 [Reply] [Original]

Boss won't let me WFH..

Do these brain dead gen xers really think that anyone will put up with this BS in 2023? What is their logic?

>> No.53408982

If you're still working there looks like you will in fact be putting up with it

>> No.53409001

Only been here 3 months so far... they said in the interview there was wfh.

>> No.53409011

Comply or find another job. It's quite simple, really.

>> No.53409026

Sounds like you got outskilled. Did they tell you there would be free chips and candy too?

>> No.53409078

If you’re actually employable (in an economic downturn) threaten to quit.

If they don’t let you WFH, actually quit and find a job where you can.

>> No.53409125

I hope she has a dick OP because I'm about to masturbate

>> No.53409160
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>she only dates White men

>> No.53409190

Gen X got fucked by boomers so now they're boomering out and making everyone else get fucked.

>> No.53409200


>> No.53409408

I will quot in 2 months, I wanna get a few more paychecks and 2 techs(I'm not a tech..) are leaving and my boss will be left alone with the production line
What do u mean outskill3d? I got lied to.. there is hella free chip and candy and good booze but I'm a college grad and deserve wfh
I'm an rf engineer, I never spent more than a month looking for a new job. If u know about rf engineering field then u would understand how stupid they are. I didn't threaten to quit but keep telling them about how wfh is standard and every engineer in the main office in a different state is 2 days wfh...
HE just might.
Lmao, make total sense

>> No.53409465

kek im sure seething on /biz/ about it will make them change their tune

>> No.53409742

you type like an esl
Unless you have a decade of real knowledge and experience, you're not going to be taken seriously as an RF engineer. RF technician contractors unironically make more than you.
Shitposting aside, I work with a lot of RF projects. You could try applying for a position at the Tempe/Carlsbad Viasat offices for a cushy job with decent pay. Atlanta is full of lazy do-nothings that all wfh, but they also get paid dogshit for being in Georgia.

>> No.53409768

>being empathetic to incels
yeah, that's what they need, empathy
lot's and lot's of empathy
cry them a river
that'll work

>> No.53409791

good go quit and find out no one wants to hire WFH parasites anymore lmao

>> No.53409825

>What is their logic?
We grew up unsupervised and instinctively know how to handle it. You little shits need constant management.

>> No.53409845
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just quit anon and good luck finding a job with the 60k coder let go from MSFT GOOGLE AMZN...

>> No.53410013

I just don't understand how someone can publicly post what a fucking blow-off gig their job is and still have a job.
Shareholders ought be bitching about shit like this.

>> No.53410051

I'm staying in Denver.. I have plenty of excpeirnce I have designed SDRs and now I'm at a phase noise analyzer and rf synthesizr company.
No one wants to sit in traffic anymore, seeth harder..
U are a pathetic and forgoten generation, seeth harder..
I can actually write programs and firmware, u are out of ur element commenting on this, seeth harder

>> No.53410078

>No one wants to sit in traffic anymore, seeth harder..

you're the one creating a thread to seethe about your boss calling you back to the office lmao

>> No.53410109

>seeth harder..
Every post you have in this thread is seethe. I'm laughing at your predicament. I couldn't seethe harder than you if I was an associate VP at Seethe, INC and Seethe Analyst was my WFH job.

>> No.53410111

I love that I do even less but make more than this girl.

>> No.53410119

OP your posts are horrendous, your boss is probably trying to get you to quit

>> No.53410120
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>> No.53410133

I’m actually 1/32 Labrador Inuit so I guess I’m out

>> No.53410143


I was a Communications Technician (working on radios) for a big Military Industrial Contractor and I made double what the engineers made.

OP should “downskill” and become a technician.

>> No.53410300

I never got called back, there was no wfh in the first place, I've only been here 3 month and yes I'm seething cuz I'm getting unfair non standard treatment
Jokes on him when I do I will snitch about all the shit he's been talking about the higher ups and the round the clock at work drinking going on..
Haven't had to solder since internship, a lil harder pls..

>> No.53410318

I care more about wfh than u do about money. My last job was 3 days wfh. First 3-4 months I spent 60+ hours working and learning shit and by the time I got laid off I was able to complete designs so fast I was spending half my time waiting for them to fab(not why I got laid off but pretend it is if it makes u feel better about ur lol iq job)... if u don't mind me asking, how much were u making??

>> No.53410332

>Jokes on him when I do I will snitch about all the shit he's been talking about the higher ups
That won't save your job and if your boss has any savvy at all it'll be easy to write you off
>the round the clock at work drinking going on..
They already know

>> No.53410344

then quit
let the employers feel the worker shortage

>> No.53410363

I don't want to save my job, it's a dead end, I want them to pay for wasting my time..
It would be smarter for me to quit in 2 months for multiple reasons so for now I will seeth

>> No.53410370
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If I marry a negrees and start a comapny in her name I will be able to get any government contract I want cuz they automatically give it to comapnies with women and minority owners first..

>> No.53410395
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>> No.53410414

Im a power maintenance engineer looking to make money doing something other than wage. Is government subcontracting worth it? How does one get into this?

>> No.53410422

Just quit mate. I am in the same position as you, tried requesting for WFH and got turned down.. Explained that i take 1 hour to commute, go to uni part time and all my work can literally be done at home, they said nope. Its not worth arguing with them, I just put in my notice on friday, I'd rather be NEET than not have WFH

>> No.53410451

It wasn't power or rf but I do know design engineers making 300-1.5 million a year doing contract work but u need a LOT of excperince. Like 15-20 years. I love engineering and will never retire so 15 more years isn't a lot of time to me.. at that point honestly you would be better off just opening up ur own firm.. Idk how the power market is like though... People ALWAYS need small scale power systems designed for their products though..

>> No.53410489

They don't understand that we spent the prime of our youth paying to learn surrounded by sweaty nerds.. when u factor that it it dilutes our salary really hard. If they can't give basic standard treatment they deserve everything coming to them. That being said if u are still in uni for an undergrad then u should have thoughed it out cuz u need that magic pieace of paper to make demands..

>> No.53410539

I ask my boss to WFH from time to time and I can tell he's getting more and more reluctant to let me, lel. He's a millennial too, only a few years older than me

I will keep asking until he doesn't let me, and then I will consider quitting. I'd honestly take a 10-20% pay cut or more to WFH full time

>> No.53410571

Yeah that was my plan initially, but its near impossible for me to do uni and a full time job at the same time, plus like you, they told me there would be 2 days WFH in the interview.. Regardless i'm just gonna focus on getting that degree first and probably find a part time job instead of a full time one

>> No.53410601

Simping for a theoretical business we don't even know exists is peak 2023

>> No.53410687

I do medium voltage maintenance. Ive been working 3 yrs now and im burnt out. Lost interest in engineering and hate the idea of doing grunt engineering for the rest of my life. I enjoy more high level and big picture engineering dicussions. I guess the only business i can imagine running is MEP (construction). I hope to make it next bull...

>> No.53410726

Sounds like u gotta to get that masters degree... my school is offering me 2k a month to do it.. EE IS interesting but if u work a thankless job were all the other engineers are cubicle engineers who just got the degree to satisfy their parents it will wear u out. Go watch a Nikola tesla documentary. He was a volcel for the sake of engineering and science. He could have had any bitch he wanted to and had girls chasing after since. Choose since over hoes. How can u not be inspired...

>> No.53410728

To answer your OP question, i think the only reliable wfh these days is consulting/design work. Hard to ask for wfh when you interact with people who are always onsite like technicians.

>> No.53410775

I was an EE draft monkey. After 4 months I was fed up with doing the same commercial/residential designs. Profit margins are slim and work is repetitive. Coding/cloud/devops is way more interesting. A lot of people in my company are former mech/civ/elec engineers and it's a lot of fun.
The downside is that competition may be harsh based on your skills, but once you have several years behind you the companies will prefer local developers on important tasks to jeets across the globe.

>> No.53412593

Last full financial year I worked (2020-2021) I made $217k aud before tax.

>> No.53412613

I still don't know what she does.

>> No.53412619

thats 3 months too much

>> No.53412642


>> No.53413563

80 hours weeks or something? Wtf?!?!

What is a technician able to do that an engineer cant????

>> No.53414384

working in the office in this day and age is a god damn spiritual humanitarian crisis

save your soul from that slavery OP, we're all in this together

>> No.53414476
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Being at the office at the start of a new job is good tho.
I just talked to a Brazilian cutie and I wouldn't have done it if was working from home.

>> No.53414494

threaten to kill your manager