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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53397182 No.53397182 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.53397208
File: 776 KB, 837x509, comcast-towers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kinda had a job like this. The walking around in a trendy tech center part, not the doing nothing all day part. Great food too

>> No.53397209

I'm using work WiFi to post this and I still seethe at these roasties

>> No.53397217

I came to this.

>> No.53397220

I prefer WFH, away from these disgusting subhumans

>> No.53397224

these tech companies really are daycare centers arent they

>> No.53397227

>parasitic HR roasties getting paid 200k straight out of uni to sit around in kindergarten offices drinking wine and taking tiktok selfies to fuel their narcissism, completely oblivious to what real work is and how spoiled and overpaid they were, all amidst a massive looming recession
>now all getting fired
once again roasties were the perfect bubble top indicator

>> No.53397231

Cope and seethe, she will have a better paying job that 99% of biz by spring (1 year severance package with all google employees)

>> No.53397234

Is roasties getting hit with mass-layoffs the bottom indicator?

>> No.53397242

Big bloated companies all are, at some point you loose the accountability of the individual, leading to lazy workers doing nothing, also happens at older non tech company, maybe not that bad

>> No.53397247

No that's the easiest fat to cut, bottom will be when real estate averages plummet

>> No.53397255

But what does she do?
No seriously, what the fuck is her day-to-day duties in the office???

>> No.53397258

The fuck did she even do at Google

>> No.53397269


>> No.53397281

bros how am i supposed to get a job now?
since graduating college ive been neeting learning web dev and solidity and making portfolio projects because i have no references or internships and now there are like 20k unemployed FAGMAN niggers out there competing with me

>> No.53397290

Just fookin look for it
I can hire you if you can fix cars

>> No.53397305

cant even change a tire
its fucking over

>> No.53397325

Learn to weld kek

>> No.53397328
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>once again roasties were the perfect bubble top indicator
so true kek

>> No.53397333

didn't they all get 3-4 months severance packages (i.e. probably like $40k-$60k)? They will be fine if they move out of kikefornia.

>> No.53397334
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Imagine drinking that generic black tea you get at Chinese restaurants, while driving your new Tesla. Suddenly, a squirrel runs in front of the Tesla and it slams on the breaks automatically. You spill your hot tea all over your new $60 jeans, then immediately get rear ended by a Ford F150. The doors auto-lock on your Tesla as the battery starts to ignite. You fight to escape, but the bulletproof windows won't break. Hot black tea is all over the car, burning your skin as you struggle to find a way out. Suddenly, the radio on your car turns on, blaring loud Chinese music. You look up and see a UFO abducting hovering above your car. A bright beam of light shines over you. You begin to dose off. It's over...

>> No.53397368
File: 46 KB, 274x274, 65E869B3-4D87-4BD4-88ED-53EB9143FEEC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I work even less
In fact, I’m “working” from home right now

>> No.53397381

silicone valley sisters, it's over...

>> No.53397403
File: 320 KB, 640x480, 1665946330033.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Notice how the first tiktok username is different from the second one?
Companies trying to attract top talent from new generations are behind making these "day in the life" videos. They show what you want to see and when its too late they have you under contract and a lot of stress to perform. Or they want retards to apply so they can say how many people try getting into their company so count yourself lucky if you do get in because you are easily replaceable.

>> No.53397406

The problem is that management should make sure such blatant displays of "I dont give a fuck" dont happen, but Google cut whole teams, which is smart: theyre contaminated and dont add any value. Should have happened earlier. If you make 150-250k a year for doing nothing, you better hide that fact.

>> No.53397413

There is justice in the world

>> No.53397424

Her entire video is ruined because of the entree. Old and crusty meal, old and crusty job.

>> No.53397427

I still don't understand why these companies hire these useless wastes of space that don't actually do anything productive, let alone produce anything.

>> No.53397457

Probably to keep people busy

>> No.53397463

It's clearly the same person. You can tell because of, y'know, their face. Also both usernames have "Nicole" in them.

>> No.53397476
File: 1.50 MB, 2020x1235, Q2MPXLAOJUI6VACUFCNO63RYUM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but the bulletproof windows won't break
thank god that's a lie lol

>> No.53397504


You just know they will spin this on evil capitalism and white supremacy.

Majority of people sacked being women, LGBTQ+ and black.

>> No.53397512


>> No.53397521


>> No.53397527
File: 276 KB, 1070x1105, Screenshot_2023-01-23-10-45-36-129-edit_com.zhiliaoapp.musically.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these people do realize that she's most definitely a millionaire, right?

The modern left is embarrassing

>> No.53397528

>google in LA
>hires bug lady
I don't understand, does the management fuck her every night or something? why do mutts feel the need to hire foreigners?

>> No.53397732

going into meetings
gong on facebook for virtue signaling
gong on tinder to get a free date for the night

>> No.53397745

But that costs a company a lot of money.

>> No.53397755

Can we have more of these videos? It's satisfying to see these fuckers what they deserve.

>> No.53397765

the government & companies are tools of the elites to keep commoners occupied and placid

>> No.53397835

Women live paycheck to paycheck even when they have $500k+ total compensation.

>> No.53397871

Professional toilet smelly shitter

>> No.53397885

the people who own shares at this point are retirement funds and mutual funds and stuff. so who gives a fuck, milk it for all the free wine and peloton its worth

>> No.53397943

this. all the 'blue chip' s&p companies are in the frail hands of boomers now let them crash and burn for all i care

>> No.53398028

back in the day it used to be so nice to keep an eye on the bathroom and dive in after a cute woman took a big ol shit and jerk off while sniffing and imagining being the toilet as she strained to push that smelly log into its gaping maw

>> No.53398057

milhouse will never be a meme. also 90% of office jobs are daycare centers

>> No.53398070

diversity quota also fill a seat to bill some customer client hourly 8 hours per day

>> No.53398107

Lose. Lose. LOSE
why can't you faggots write this word like a non-nigger?

>> No.53398119

Nothing. Big tech is basically welfare for shitskins and women

>> No.53398120

Not a chance they're millionaires. These people are peak consumers. To you and me 500k a year means 400k in savings. To them, that's dinner at a restaurant several times a week, $500 shirts and other clothing items and accessories, $1000+ rent per week, a bunch of expensive useless clutter for the apartment or house. You'd be surprised at just how wasteful most people with six figure income are.

>> No.53398141

I thought inflation was slowing. Why did these faggot companies wait until January to start firing people?

>> No.53398189

This. Only a handful of them are foresighted enough to save our invest their money.

>> No.53398191

Damn, you're right. If only you were on the board of directors, all of this could have been prevented.

>> No.53398193

and this is why AI must cut those useless jobs

>> No.53398229

>face like it was flattened with a shovel
>shitty ugly hand tattoo
>false nails
yaaas kween!

>> No.53398248


This is true and they are also the worst at accepting that their poor choices have consequences. I run a financial guidance side business and the worst clients I've ever had were high income women who downright refused to admit that they might spend too much. It's a little like having to teach children

>> No.53398285
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>> No.53398295

Why does the dick have one arm?

>> No.53398329

to do the sneedful

>> No.53398363
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>Suddenly, a squirrel

>> No.53398368

keep spamming applications, get chat GPT to write cover letters. google a company thats gone bust in some other state and say you worked there as a developer. tough shit being a US fag tho. tech in general is way overpayed there and companies are catching on.
>junior dev startin pay in the UK: £24,000 (30k USD)

>> No.53398376

It drives me nuts, too. I could make the distinction between those words when I was 6 yet the world is rife with dipshits that lack elemtary school grammar.

>> No.53398428

Yellow Goym Nigger Cattle

>> No.53398455

blessed lmao

>> No.53398483

Companies don't have money anyways. Its all debt. They are valued at billions of dollars and in millions of debt with no revenue to show for it. They juat keep getting loans based on their billion dollar valuation. The entire tech economy is fake and gay. Once the music stops and the lights come on shit is going to get real.

>> No.53398531

I looked at her tiktok and her function title is "Yelp Elite Googler"

wtf is that?

>> No.53398548


>wtf is that

A non-transferable job title lmao

>> No.53398550

big tech companies are fronts for warrantless spying operations. do you really think google makes $60-70 billion a quarter on """advertisement revenue""""

>> No.53398577

there's a reason why she is crying about losing her job, getting $250k to do some easy useless job for an hour a day while eating free food.
the bull run for her is over, it must suck to have that ripped away from you, she was probably imagining an entire lifetime on tutorial mode.

>> No.53398613

here's the real problem. we're way past beyond any pareto rule, and nobody is willing to acknowledge that
a couple hundreds engineers are enough to create most of the value in those gigacorps. 99%+ (as a real number, not an exaggeration) of the other employees are here for pretend work
code nerds who pride themselves of being "redpilled wfh chads" and draw a $300k salary while they create $30m of value are directly responsible for enabling all the bullshit bureaucracy and diversity
there's a reason we're seeing relatively scrappy startups like Stability compete with FAGMAN in AI. the levels of inefficiency and useless people employed for political reasons has gotten insane

>> No.53398645


>> No.53398654

We have to by law. You can get into big trouble if there's too many Whites

>> No.53398659

>a couple hundreds engineers
twitter is down to about 500 full time engineers and, contrary to codenigger and normalnigger outrage, the website works just fine. it's not just an HR roastie an DEI nigger problem. codeniggers need culling as well.

>> No.53398676

can confirm this happened to me

>> No.53398768

why do you have such draconian laws? I thought america was the land of the free.

>> No.53398831

Then why have you fired them by the thousands? Shifty law don't you think.

>> No.53398862

The real thing that drives me nuts is that retards will get hired anyway, no one is actually hired for /things they know/.

>> No.53398886
File: 97 KB, 982x588, tech layoffs 2022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Contrary to seething faggots waiting for the "day of the nerd shoved into locker", engineers are a very small part of the people fired.

There will never be a true mass layoff of software engineers or any other related discipline, tech will just become more and more integral to society with time.

>> No.53398913


>> No.53398916

AI-assisted coding tools, the dumbing down of coding in general with lower IQ frameworks (electron, node.js), and downward pressure on salaries in general says otherwise.
>tech will just become more and more integral to society with time.
gay dating apps for HIV+ 8 year olds or whatever it is that you """code""" isn't integral to society.

>> No.53398957

Weird that you could have just become a SWE in the time it took you to learn that shit instead of being a SeetheWE.

>> No.53398973


>> No.53398993

my undergrad was in math. i know how to code and i have coded for academic purposes. i chose not to pursue it professionally because it's for low IQ autistic proles, essentially white collar factory work. i look forward to your coping and seething -- tell me how many jobs you have or how few hours you work. at the end of the day you're a wagenigger being paid to pump out widgets on a software production line, being commanded by someone like me.

>> No.53399054

It never began

>> No.53399074

nice cope

>> No.53399189

Straight white men are like, what, 20-25% of the population? I’d love how they are always the villains despite being a minority by a wide margin.

>> No.53399230
File: 2.29 MB, 360x202, 15ycg5-1191568631.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The day of the rope is near, tick tock roasties/diversity hire faggots

>> No.53399243

I hope she has to resort to selling pics of her feet to make rent.

>> No.53399318

Fucking kek

>> No.53399342

the government literally prints free money to keep people busy

>> No.53399409

You’re a seething SJWew, or a woman. Can’t tell

>> No.53399417

watch your tone when you're talking to a superior mind, codenigger.

>> No.53399467

I work at a grocery store you like XD

>> No.53399482

i know it's been said countless times before but I cannot fucking believe that these people were being paid upwards of $75k a year, getting free food & drink, using massage chairs, getting free shit constantly, all while doing LITERALLY FUCKING NOTHING OF VALUE WHATSOEVER

these recent layoffs are just the start. The top tech companies like Google are going to shed most of their workforce and pivot completely to other areas like AI.

>> No.53399514

>devs make a company a ridiculous amount of value
>they should be paid less
Mega retard take
Why are you enabling corporate greed by falling for the meme that tech workers are overpaid
That’s how everywhere becomes a first-world shithole like the UK

>> No.53399533
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Painfully accurate. It's mindblowing how recklessly NPCs blow money. Worse than niggers. At least a gaudy gold chain can be resold for something.

>> No.53399545
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>whatever it is that you """code""" isn't integral to society
>anything that doesn't include shoveling shit and breaking your back isn't a real job

>> No.53399556
File: 26 KB, 900x840, 64575685455435.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Already happened. Microsoft, google and amazon already fired thousands of roasties and useless workers this january

>> No.53399585

the pieces of code that keep the country running (SCADA/PLC, banking systems, ERP software, non-IoT embedded systems, etc.) were coded by indians and white males in the 1980s or 1990s.

>> No.53399618

What did she actually do?

>> No.53399686
File: 18 KB, 332x360, 1653875260990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>once again roasties were the perfect bubble top indicator

>> No.53399722

They helped the bad guys win WW2

>> No.53399727

What did she mean by this?

>> No.53399735
File: 2.34 MB, 498x301, 7C8514BB-1816-4226-A94F-6967BB8738A3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lay offs have been ramping up in Silicon Valley. Let’s hope she doesn’t get fired.

>> No.53399796

Pretty much when you think about it.
You coding a faggy site so some black hoe can post pics online doesn't mean you're doing a valuable job, David Cohen.

>> No.53399865


>> No.53399902

She could lose some weight

>> No.53399946

or some life

>> No.53399948
File: 59 KB, 440x423, 1639604932063.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>once again roasties were the perfect bubble top indicator

>> No.53399977

Did you not watch the full thing?

>> No.53400111
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>> No.53400167
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>> No.53400174

Can someone explain this meme?

>> No.53400197
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>> No.53400285
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>> No.53400374

How could you get any work done in that environment? I would just fuck around all day I need to be in a soul crushing factory to be focused enough to work and even then i just stand around half the day

>> No.53400388


>> No.53400391

Good morning everyone! I hate women.

>> No.53400410

What song was it???

>> No.53400419

Yea I want her to continue her life on easy mode. Women are precious, chud.

>> No.53400458

Yeah, he's seething because he's missing out on a 6 figure salary lmao.

>> No.53400550

I’ve had a do nothing job
But when I wasn’t around nothing was done by anyone else. Turns out my job was just to inspire fear in the managers beneath me.

I’d literally have to go find work to do in sub departments just to keep busy.

>> No.53400723

Same reason they have free food and gyms. It's a flex to show off their wealth and they like having women around.

Imagine if Google was just a warehouse of efficient white and Asian men. That's not fun anon.

>> No.53400809

shes actually mad funny for that desu idc dumb bitch

>> No.53400827

>just a warehouse of efficient white and Asian men. That's not fun anon.
Sounds comfy desu

>> No.53400828

people live up to their salaries retard underage b& , that 3k shitbox becomes a 80k tesla, moms basement becomes 5k a month rent, etc...

>> No.53400900

You just saw them

>> No.53401092

Now back to kitchen or onlyfans

>> No.53401158

It's funny how at one point everyone thought these companies were prestigious to get into. Now we see the truth.

>> No.53401168
File: 42 KB, 500x382, Hutz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Imagine if Google was just a warehouse of efficient white and Asian men.

>> No.53401327

Narcissists will be exterminated together with psychopaths

>> No.53401350

>bottom will be when real estate averages plummet

>> No.53401448

that's exactly the bull case for DeFi
cobol back end scripts are worthless, might as well do everything with a pen

>> No.53401484

>Imagine if Google was just a warehouse of efficient white and Asian men
the solidity compiler would probably detect bugs and google would be a pillar of web3 instead of being a branch of the CIA

>> No.53401625

This is true, that is why I moved to working for HFTs 5 years ago. We are team of like 20 Engineers here, and almost everyone I know in the Research and Tech department is Math/Physics Olympiad Laureate, Advanced Math/Engineering PhD holder.

>> No.53401656

IT bubble bursted
Should’ve seen it coming from all the perks shown in the video

>> No.53401685

It's just a natural correction. IT will continue to grow as they invent more ways to enslave people. Give it 5 years, there will be WAY more people working in IT than today.
I guarantee it.

>> No.53401689

>Mandate Vaccine
>Lay-off before mass die off

>> No.53401710

AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I'm literally losing my sides

>> No.53401711

None of these people you see in these videos work in IT. You retards probably don't even know what IT is, because none of you have ever worked a real IT job.

>> No.53401735

>once again roasties were the perfect bubble top indicator
holy fuck you are onto something

>> No.53401759

It's a natural correction. I am not talking about the video, but you wouldn't understand that because you assume one thing and manage to assume yet another thing based on a faulty assumption.
You are an actual retard if you think there won't be far more people working in IT (not HR) in 5 years.

>> No.53401764
File: 393 KB, 660x574, 160746335425555169.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make a tiktok emphasizing the perks you get at work
>retards think you literally do nothing all day

i used to have a job like this. despite all the cool stuff to distract you there is actual work that needs and gets done everyday. but nobody would want to watch that video so instead these girls just post about drinking wine and shit. do you fucking retards even know how social media works?

>hurr durr you got laid off
no, i quit. corporate office jobs are soulless

>hurr woman, troon, etc
no. these thinly-veiled women-hate threads are tiresome and im dont pretending they're not

>> No.53401780

*done pretending*

>> No.53401975

>I was thinking about how much I loved my team and the project I was working on. How meaningful was for me to improve accessibility on Flutter

>> No.53402012

>despite all the cool stuff to distract you there is actual work that needs and gets done everyday

yes that's what all the autistic cave dwellers on Adderall are hired for so Stacy and Linda can make $250k total comp with a bachelors in Sociology and minor in Spanish

>> No.53402020


>> No.53402074

People were saying the same shit about engineers in the 80's/90's

>> No.53402112
File: 132 KB, 1260x866, rockets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is the team that successfully launched falcon heavy
we'd literally be living in a star trek-like universe today if this was the case across all companies

>> No.53402149

>It's a flex to show off their wealth and they like having women around.
unfortunately this is also true. boomer bosses like keeping attractive white women around just for eyecandy

>> No.53402183

The question is what does she not do?
She’s not having a family.
She’s not having children.
That’s what she’s really paid for with money printed by kikes that makes ALL OF US pay for it.

>> No.53402193

dumb bitch

>> No.53402215

>females and npcs

>> No.53402304

Chains can be used as bail money, it's one of the main reasons why rappers all have jewelry

>> No.53402329


Did she get laid off or what? I don't understand how that is supposed to be "OH NO NO NO".

>> No.53402348

>there is actual work that needs and gets done everyday

There literally isn't

>> No.53402388

God damnit zoomers
just skip ahead to 00:31 and see

>> No.53402399


>> No.53402415

the average attention span of zoomers and millenials are less than 5 seconds.
do better.
transwomen are real women.

>> No.53402452
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>> No.53402481

I guarantee you she’s in some sort of marketing/social media role. These people are legit parasites. I was working as a data analyst at a fintech startup and the marketing team literally did NOTHING all day. Just sat around and collected their paychecks and they’re all women too.

>> No.53402524

AI will btfo every other job before it does software. Engineers have always leveraged new technology the hardest and salaries have only gone up as we create more effective languages, frameworks and IDEs.
Also electron and node.js do not make things any easier, except the problem of cross platform desktop release. They're a pain in the ass when writing significant software because Chromium is a pain in the ass.

>> No.53402590

This was the top signal wasn’t it

>> No.53403323

A small price to pay for web3 disruptors

>> No.53403382

massive cope

>> No.53403383

>I dunno why i got laid off
>continues to posts auth link to social media
yeah it's a mystery

>> No.53405056

many such cases

>> No.53405100


>> No.53405179

semi-related question, why is it normalized for people to "work" using touchpads if it's scientifically proven a mouse makes you much more productive?

>> No.53405221

The closest I ever had to job amenities like hers was a break room that had a cabinet full of Cup O' Noodles and Nature Valley granola bars. I think there was a hot water spigot and a microwave as well in case you really wanted to cook the hell out of your crappy little styrofoam cup of noodles. I think I may have had two of the cups of noodles and a dozen or so granola bars over the entire time I worked there as a temp which was for about a year.

>> No.53405263

I wonder if I had that picture printed out, would he sign it for me at a meet and greet, if he ever did such a thing?

>> No.53405351

Y do people forget the 50% pay cut the government takes before it hits your bank account? My CPA friend did accounting for doctors and they hate their jobs. All that schooling and debt for the commies to take half. Many wished they just became a nurse or PA.

>> No.53405418

When I saw the news about that, whores like this one were the first to come to mind
Good riddance maybe now America can finally heal

>> No.53405569

the life of tradie

>> No.53406195

The thing with hiring women is that they just give the money right back to the firms that pay them whereas men hoard their money. Capitalists know this and that's why they push so hard for women to have jobs. It does come at a cost though, namely a reduction in efficiency and innovation as well as probably a bunch of other things that I can't think of right now

>> No.53406219


>> No.53406227


>> No.53406260

I was told that correlations are entirely coincidental and the only empirical evidence is supplied by the CCP

>> No.53406490

Bros what qualification should I be looking at to score a job like this next bubble?

>> No.53407364
File: 1.01 MB, 854x480, 1647367941787.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gets stretched out by big White peckers and that's what matters most

>> No.53407366
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>> No.53407970


>> No.53407993

I love how they disabled the comments to prevent the biz shitstorm

>> No.53408044

Wish that was me

>> No.53408197

Well at the end of the day the CEOs and managers want to make money.
These people loose money and destroy the public reputation of said company. As an investor I would NEVER invest in a company that hires idiots like that who are the public face of the organisation.

>> No.53408219

This, one contribution to society roasties have done be it by mistake is being the canary in the coal mine.

>> No.53408234

>tfw work in embedded with high IQ people so none of this shit applies to you

>> No.53408277

Looks like she gained 40lbs with all the crap she was shoveling down her throat on Googles dime. Can't wait to see more of these laid off TikToks.

>> No.53408278
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If you want lucrative federal contracts, and almost any company past a certain size does, you must have diversity hires. (((They))) won't give those contracts to companies that aren't diverse enough, as required by federal law. You can also get preference for government contracts if your company is owned by a woman or minority, though some people will out-Jew the Jews on this like a construction company's owner making his wife who has nothing to do with the company the owner on paper. (((Civil rights groups))) will also target you for discrimination lawsuits if your workforce is too white/male.

>> No.53408443

I basically pick new jobs based on the quality of roasties they have.
Cute Asian recruiting? +10 points

>> No.53409683

Niggas im not doubting it's effective. Just isn't as cool for the kingdom the owners want to rule.

>> No.53409807

>- Make-Work Job: A make-work job isa job that has less immediate financial or little benefit at all to the economy than the job costs to support. It may also have no benefit.

>> No.53409878

as a man there is virtually nothing to buy with that much money except shit that rises in value like an amazing house or even some cars
women have INFINITE shit to buy and it all changes to new shit every season. thats just fucking clothes, then at that amount they can afford jewelry and all kinds of crazy fashion shit. i look better in a $10 tshirt and jeans than anything else i can possibly buy maybe minus a nice suit and 10k rolex

>> No.53409896

what would 500 engineers even do at twitter? is that a realistic number for maintaining a slightly fancier basket weaving forum?

>> No.53409963

Any field that doesn't have any technical skill. Recruiting, marketing, project manager, middle management, etc.

>> No.53409976
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Hemline theory always holds true. When roasties get cocky you should get scared

>> No.53410012

non-IoT embedded is based as hell

t. autistic stm32 tinkerer

>> No.53410132

Heres another one. These people have a mental illness


>> No.53411302

many women like this just get pampered by google to be a paid positive voice for the company.

if the company ever comes under scrutiny a gorillion roasties put down their free lattes and fire back; "Google is an amazing place to work, the culture is wonderful and working here is like a dream"

thats literally what they are there for. a few dozen uggo engineers do the actual work, an algorithm does the customer support, and a handful of big wigs control the direction of the business and manage clients.

It is (was) the playbook for all of big tech companies because their algorithms are so shady they need a voice of a boatload of roasties to counter it.

>> No.53411345

yep. not a chance this woman on tiktok is investing that money or saving it.

>> No.53411365

>Shit spending habits
>No actual skills
>2 months of expenses saved
>Stay tuned
Please post her updates in two months.

>> No.53411378

Who has the Bitcoin dinner picture

>> No.53411446

>yet the world is rife with dipshits that lack elemtary school grammar.
>dipshits that lack elemtary school

Lol. Lmao even.

>> No.53411484

I’d buy them no cap

>> No.53411515

goyslop consultant

>> No.53411870
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they can just use their algorithm's and AI's to back up the company on social media. They never needed these people.

>> No.53412592

All of those wages are fake.

>> No.53413801

If this was a man Chad guy with right wing views you faggots wouldn't even be talking about them. I feel bad for anyone fucking laid off by these corpos if you can get a job that does nothing and make faggot incel rightoids seethe you should do it. I know I would.

>> No.53413856

>If this was a man Chad guy with right wing views
He would never make a video like that, or have a job like that. Are you retarded?

>> No.53413868

really shows who the truly "important" people in a company are

>> No.53413884

Amazing post

>> No.53413912

>resort to more and more ai/jeet coding


>> No.53413993

and now literally the only guy who was worth something at chainlink labs (patrick collins) jumped ship to his own startup
stinkies are so out of touch with blockchain ecosystem they likely don't even know the guy let alone his relevance

>> No.53414432
File: 5 KB, 200x202, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao chink white-washed sloots are the worst of all worlds

>> No.53414553

>already fired
It's gonna get crazier

>> No.53414583

He's right though. They're pushing hard for cyber and the talent I see is fuuuccckkkinnnng uuuuuussseeeeleeeesssssss.... They're basically HR tier. They don't know how to read network diagrams. I'm not looking forward to it.

>> No.53414643

They might not be acquainted with a mouse because so they do is sip Starbucks


Marketing teams are usually small. 2% is probably outsized.