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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53372782 No.53372782 [Reply] [Original]

il Capo of Cope

>> No.53372790

"the trend is your friend"

>> No.53372829

Capo is based

>> No.53372847

He's right this time

>> No.53372848

brutal. His next tweet will be something like this


>> No.53372854

damn he actually is right now tho

>> No.53373114

since when did bobos resort to pajeet style shilling wtaf

>> No.53373166

he is of correct this timing though ?

>> No.53373174

He didn't close shorts at 15k. He's a retard who opened shorts at 15k.

>> No.53373177

what will he say once we break 25k... these fucking people.

>> No.53373199

The Mr.Whale of 2023.

>> No.53373224

he's been entirely incorrect in 2023. if it suddenly dumps not that's no a validation because as a self-confessed swing trader he has missed out on a massive rally. he has failed at his own job and likely liquidated hundreds of people in the process, perhaps thousands.

>> No.53373290

The bottom is 10k or less so whoever that guy is he's right about it being a bulltrap.

>> No.53373308
File: 13 KB, 406x422, 1657766473124.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. And remember that /biz/ is very good at predicting BTC bottoms. In the 2018 bear market the vast majority of our bears predicted the 3k bottom many months in advance (for newsfag lurkers reading this, here's a collection of over 60 screenshots of posts months before the 3k bottom: https://a.cockfile.com/PqhaCN.rar ) and the vast majority of our bears predicted an 8k-10k bottom for about two years now (contrary to what the paid shills wanting you to believe otherwise will tell you).

To the newfags who aren't aware of that, see: >>/biz/?task=search2&ghost=yes&search_text=bottom+10k&search_subject=&search_username=&search_tripcode=&search_email=&search_filename=&search_datefrom=2021-02-04&search_dateto=2022-11-07&search_op=all&search_del=dontcare&search_int=dontcare&search_ord=new&search_capcode=all&search_res=post

That search result shows posts mentioning the word bottom and 10k before the so-called "FTX" dump (didn't happen because of FTX). The reason for displaying the search results that way is that shills claiming 15.5k was the bottom and saying it won't go to 10k are now claiming the 10k calls were only made after that "FTX dump", which of course is totally false. Hence why the results are set to show posts before that event. Scroll down to the bottom and click on the [+24] etc buttons to view older posts. Naturally when anons say "10k" they also expect a small dip below that, not for the price to stop at exactly 10k, and sometimes anons said 9k and 8k and 9500 etc, and also posts like "11k to 9k" etc, so that search result does not show all 10k-related posts; only those saying specifically 10k. Unfortunately there were even more 10k posts on /biz/ than what warosu is capable of showing, because many were archived only on wakarimasen (warosu wasn't archiving during that time) and wakarimasen is down.

>> No.53373317

omg this whole thread is full of bobo cope this is a proper skull emoji moment

>> No.53373326

NICE we got the ai writer in now, my bingo list is filling up!

>> No.53373341

holy shit, is that THE Godfather!?!?

>> No.53373351

cool story bro

>> No.53373359

It may very well go lower but calling this a bulltrap is a bit funny. I'm sure every bull feel so trapped :D

>> No.53373414

So much cope
Trend is your friend

>> No.53373530

if you get your opinions from literally who's on Twitter you are NPC cattle lol

>> No.53373653

This soab will not be missed. Convinced me to not buy back as it first dropped to 30k all the way up to 69k
Rest in piss

>> No.53373677

incredibly satisfying to see this fraud finally getting exposed. He's trapped in the purest sense of the word, mentally and emotionally. The market will continue to move against him and instead of looking at things clearly, he will continue to look at it from an adversarial perspective, too encumbered by emotional baggage and pressure from his public image to consider the fact he may be dead fucking wrong.

It's incredibly satisfying to see. Another fraud exposed.

>> No.53373727

He's a swingtrader and a bad one at that. He missed out on a good swing because he is married to his shortbags.

>> No.53373813

I highly doubt he's heavily involved right now, the problem is he has to save face so he keeps acting like he's right. A lot of his followers are losing tons of money right now though, that's the problem with these twitter cults, they hurt the plebs the most.

>> No.53373832

hey its the same copypaste retard from the other thread. Maybe if you spam it more the market will make it come true (it won't)

also your gay little compilation missed my pinnacle achievement of calling 3k in mid-2018, so your collection sucks. I also bought the 20k lows and have been accumulating for the last 8 months.

>> No.53373833

imagine missing out on a big move and being convince you were smart to do so. il cope'o

>> No.53374344

he's not even smart
all the analysts say basicly the same shit
>global economy bad, inflationg too high, macro bad, there is no reason for a true reversal

those retards think that bitcoin will start going up only once the economy is back on track, inflation sub 2% and stock market rallying, when in reality bitcoin will be already breaking new ATH by then

small cap assets like btc or crypto in general always move 2 steps ahead of everything else, but nowadays everyone is a macro economy expert waiting for 'clear signals' lmao keep waiting cucks

>> No.53374904
File: 131 KB, 788x762, DubDubs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Step Functions
Would have to look for the same history of this number of step functions.
Not sure what even causes these Bart Patterns to occur, but I'm surprised that /biz/ has never looked into them.

>> No.53375038


>> No.53375093

this faggot will keep milking bear market engagement the same way he was during bullrun - non-stop calling for new ATL (new ATH during 2021, check his older tweets, 200k BTCUSD, lmao). If you take advice from these mong-friendly influencers - you're a total retard

>> No.53375311

I cant handle the fact I swept sol for 8. I feel so trapped even though im getting bullrun performance in three weekly candles

>> No.53375629
File: 288 KB, 511x613, CDD0F135-24BD-49C5-974B-3C631A2BFBE4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People need to remember that others aren't solely mocking him for being a bear, but for failing at his self-professed profession of being a SWING TRADER.

A swing trader is meant to be proactive. While you might be biased to a certain long term trend, you are meant to react to the short and medium term movements to maximise profits. This idiot with his 700k followers has actively refused to engage with a market that is clearly, in the short term, trending upwards. He has missed out on a big run up, MASSIVE if you account for leverage trading.

He's an emotional bobo and he has destroyed his reputation. That latest tweet? So many big accounts mocking him that have never, ever engaged with him, and there are others accounts now thinking he must be larping because of the engagements.

Regardless, on a surface level presentation, he has failed utterly and completely as a swing trader, and THAT is why the hilarity and mocking really stems from.

tl;dr swing trader can't even swing trader lol lmao even

>> No.53375723

most of the people who "called" this bear market were either idiot permabears or sycophants of the elite that got the tip off. they stupidly extrapolated either their idiotic thesis was correct (it wasn't) or that they would get the same tip off for the start of the bull market (they wont) or even worse they traded poorly through the market despite knowing the direction the whole time and are holding their hands out for more after the most relentless and rigged bear market in history.

>> No.53375768

sure, mumus... it's going to 100k! fucking reres

>> No.53375812


while i agree that most people on biz called 10k way before the ftx scam there's something people are ignoring now.

Covid fiscal stimulus, if you adjust btc price to inflation 15k is that value adjusted to the money supply.

>> No.53375823


also, i believe we will see a hard crash between 25k-35k back to 15k in couple months.

a scamwick like 2019

>> No.53375881

You trannies will keep saying $10k is the bottom when btc is at $500,000

>> No.53375890

>The bottom is whatever I calculated
typical keynesian retardation
you cannot predict the market

>> No.53376006

>People need to remember that others aren't solely mocking him for being a bear, but for
Lol you're so wrong. Being a bear is now illegal on any crypto socials. The biggest fucking retard traders I know who were calling the bottom literally the entire way down are now doing euphoric cartwheels in gcs about how smart they are. No one is calling them out publicly but everyone knows.
Be your own judge of what that means.

>> No.53376371

The trend is literally bearish you mongoloid.
Based. I remember when people thought $32k was the absolute bottom and when price was $40k everyone said how if BTC ever went to $28 they'd reverse mortgage their house to buy it.
These seemingly unbelievable prices come, typically after a rally everyone (bulls) thinks is so obvious that only the most deluded bears are missing out on it. Then it sells off. The shorts are gassed. The OI flips to longs and all the faggots buying support are drained of their liquidity. Then some big bear cock comes unzips and pushes everyone's shit in because just like the rally from $32k to $43k died as everyone called it the bottom, so will this.
Anywhere from $8-12k sounds good and to be honest even though that's a portential drawdown of a little over 30% the risk is to the upside at that point and I won't be holding my dick in my hand waiting for the exact pico bottom because my bet will be that the worst is over.
If this rally doesn't die here then I admittedly don't have much of a plan so I'll be working on that over the next week but I do entertain the possibility it's not a sucker's rally and is the beginning of a new move up, though I don't think that's the case.

>> No.53376426

this faggot will become a meme and open a new anon twitter account hiding his identity

>> No.53376469

His reputation (if he ever had one) is irremediably ruined.The only followers he has are paid followers.
He's doubling down with autism, he has nothing left to lose at this point, only to gain if accidentally BTC crashes again. In this situation I would do the same.

>> No.53376515

il capo dei faggots

>> No.53376931

he can't open new accounts, that would take a long ass time to get any organic engagement but he probably has been running manny accounts for years posting different trades and narratives on each one, like many of the twitter crypto celebrities

>> No.53377017

Dont see how it can be a natural and sustainable move up. FTX crashing and losing billions of customers money, on top of all the shit that happened over the summer doesn't feel like its right for it to pump out of nowhere. Economic news still isn't great either, I think its going to slow down next week and mass sell offs will drop it back down to where it was.
I'm also just salty that I haven't bought into anything yet and I'm on holiday so want the prices to go back to where they were.

>> No.53377083

he is right. this space is one big scam and bulls are laughing in bears faces, meanwhile im being scammed on discord

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>> No.53377120
File: 261 KB, 1080x769, 1672488353411541.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's right. It's SBF manipulating the market again. You think it's coincidence this started one it was released on bail? He is going to pump his bags, short and liquidate all the longs. His court date in in October. We have months of this new volatility.

>> No.53377649

market is always manipulated by someone

>> No.53377675

best thing about this pump is all the twitter TA fags coping hard

>> No.53377689

In the trash it goes along with PlanB or whatever current trending faggot

>> No.53377690

Mumus are mass replying. Im selling
>This poster again
On second thought maybe not

>> No.53377793

Imagine shorting something that's above the 200 day moving average.

>> No.53377853

This is the truth. We have had at least 30% inflation since 2019. One variable that the bobo’s be missing

>> No.53377874
File: 81 KB, 1070x773, 0_ShMO_haGZ4FtNYRj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does this faggot even know how halvings work? we literally won't have a major dump until late 2024

>> No.53378222

>muh bobos
Everyone can see your 'crypto tech" for what it is, a big ponzi.

>> No.53378228

This guy is retarded

>> No.53378274

Ahhhhhh the expert with a Capo name and picture so full of himself watching charts and follow the rules of chart
k mate watch the demand then

>> No.53378295

If this il capo faggot ends up being right and we revisit 10k you know he will never stop shit posting his tin shit opinions

>> No.53378312

uh anon...

>> No.53378332

You don't understand. 4chan has too much power to glowies try push these twitter meme faggots and make them influential figures so they can try sway our autistic hive mind.
Why do you think retards always say twitter is better than here. They want you in a space they can easily control.

>> No.53378347

Imagine the cope if (when) he gets his told you so moment.

>> No.53378383

what cope? ever since FTX, everyone has there eyeballs peeled hard for any bad actor fuckery. i guarantee everyone is sus about this pump and are looking in on it to make sure it's legit, checking all transactions under a cryptoscope

>> No.53378399

yeah well he will cry and forever be silent then
>hopefully if his daddy don't save him

>> No.53378453

>i guarantee everyone is sus about this pump and are looking in on it to make sure it's legit, checking all transactions under a cryptoscope

>> No.53378639

yeah bro and Ukraine are totally heckin winning!

>> No.53379135

Just go on reddit crypto subs, they are all Eurphoric, so the rug will be sometime next week

>> No.53379276
File: 116 KB, 2220x768, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lots of bears there still, most are in disbelief.
See that 2019 pump? That was runup from 3k to 14k. See this latest pump? We still need more retards to fomo in before the dump.