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53355897 No.53355897 [Reply] [Original]

Needs to see this video

How to profit from young men killing each other?

>> No.53355900

qrd for people too scared to watch? (me)

>> No.53355909

Blood is on putins hands

>> No.53355913

Russian soldier tries to capture 2 ukrainians as prisoners, they hesitate and Russian soldier shoots them both and then rolls out of the manhole.

>> No.53355924

Also yes, but the blood is also on zelenskys Hands and on the Hands of every single Idiot that enables the war by sending money and weapons to Ukraine.

>> No.53355925

>guy shoots two guys
>one of them says "U kraint be serious" as he dies
>laugh track plays

>> No.53355938

>t. NAFO trannie

>> No.53355950

No, Russia flat out invaded a sovereign country. The onus is solely on Putin.

>> No.53355961

The sovereignty of Ukraine is tenuous at best. Fake fucking us puppet nation

>> No.53355963

Chud, just because you hate the US doesn’t mean we will stop sending weapons.

>> No.53355977

based, my war socks be doing a lil sum sum

>> No.53355978
File: 116 KB, 1093x797, 16721967095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The main culprit is the US Empire and their expansion of NATO onto ex soviet soil, but, this is a tragedy of all parties involved.

The working classes always loose and die in a war waged by wealthy plutocrats and politicians.

>> No.53355983

Ukraine is a puppet state of the US since 2014.
Furthermore, this puppet state has been bombing the Donbass Area, where russians live since 2014.

>> No.53355993

Very true.

>> No.53356005

That's fucking sick! Anymore videos of frags like that?

>> No.53356051

There has been a constant stream of horrific videos from the Ukraine war on /pol/.

Somebody post the Video of the tank blasting the group of ukrainians that are only like 50m away.

In my opinion these videos should be on mainstream Media so everybody can see what is being done with the weapons and money sent to Ukraine.

>> No.53356064

Yep. People live their nice little vicarious desensitized lives and never come close to experiencing the horrors of war.

>> No.53356075

my lockheed doin a little sumetin'

>> No.53356086

>Every Idiot
is an internetfighter nigger brainwashed by social jew media......

>> No.53356091

pyccкий cлoн!

>> No.53356119

Always been this way. I have no idea how people support going to war for Jew boomers when we have the internet to show us the reality of this shit now, if there is a draft no way in hell am I ever going

>> No.53356138

You need to go back. Every hohol/ruskie dead is blessing.
>t. pole

>> No.53356142

Ok why did he roll out? That was darksouls as hell

>> No.53356157

Whats a pole

>> No.53356163

>30 years

Countries voluntarily join NATO because Russia is a shit country that offers them nothing but misery.

You left out the part in 04 when Russia tried to cheat an election. Got found out and then poisoned the real winner after their puppet candidate lost. Also amazing how the separatists were nothing before Euromaidan pissed Putin off...

Next you will be telling me about how Georgia is also a puppet state as well because Putin conjured up some flagrant bullshit about South Ossetia as soon their President preferred dealing the West over Russia.

>bombing the Donbass Area
Plenty of military targets there, including Russia regulars. The presence of which made the Minsk II accords invalid since Russia was unwilling to admit that it was a participant.

>> No.53356166

A large post that sticks out of the ground

>> No.53356174

Russia and China is controlled opposition of the Jew and anglo Masons. You won't get this game.

This is already a big unipolar occult world order for a hundred year. They are just eliminating subhuman slav males and reorganising parts of the world economy.

>> No.53356176

>No, Russia flat out invaded a sovereign country
stop crying, get your facts straight

fucking msm sheep retard

>> No.53356182

IQ100 = Putin is le bad dictator.
IQ130 = Ukraine is ruled and exploited by the western elites.
IQ160 = It's the Jews, on both sides.