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File: 428 KB, 1242x1129, 37F349C9-60B2-4A6D-A56C-892259849B6D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53353564 No.53353564 [Reply] [Original]

Is the “people can’t make a $1000 emergency payment” thing a meme? I don’t actually believe it could possibly be true.

Where does their money go? Maybe they’ve got it all in investment accounts? How is it even possible to work full time and just not have any money?

>> No.53353577
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7 out of 10 people are living check to check with debt
its not a joke dude

>> No.53353597

They watch advertisements and do what advertisements tell them to do (ie, spend all their money and then borrow money and spend all that money too).

Basically, they're cattle, and you should be exploiting them. If you don't, they'll just be exploited by someone else anyway.

>> No.53353602

That can’t be true

What do they spend it on?

>> No.53353611

I know a woman who lives paycheck to paycheck. I make less than her but easily have 100k to throw around and buy stocks and shit because I manage my money well. She wears expensive clothes, eats crap all the time and is also consequently obese, and pays rent. I live with my parents. Her bank account never hits 4 digits.

>> No.53353631

I'm always trying to redpill neets on this. They are the best savers in the world. If they just get any paycheck to start coming in, money automatically accumulates. For normies the moment they have money they need to spend it on food, clothes, nights out, mooovies, luxury good, holidays, car debts etc. etc. This scales from 40k to 400k.

>> No.53353641

>have nothing but clothes and personal belongings entering adulthood
>work and earn 30k per year
>live in perpetual debt and spend around 40k per year
>interests on debt and random emergency spendings just push you further into debt spiral

>> No.53353645
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be gentle

>> No.53353668 [DELETED] 

its the norm.

>> No.53353674

cope consooming everything from expensive lattes to drugs and compete with coworkers buying expensive cars and clothes


>> No.53353688

The consumption of the dumbest shit like pastries, chocolates and other sweets and the endless amount of drinks. It baffles me to no end. People literally look at me weird because I don't eat anything other than the regular 3 meals. Meanwhile my dentist says I'm God's gift to the world because my teeth aren't completely rotten.

>> No.53353694

Cars beer vacations brand new phones in-app purchases """charity donations""" private school for their children which is still garbage, it goes on and on. Oh, and the biggest house they can't afford with an adjustable rate mortgage.

If you want to milk the cattle most efficiently, run a """charity""".

>> No.53353712
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its the norm. Normoid wagies rely to much on their paycheck.

>> No.53353735
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yes I wonder why

>> No.53353742

Tfw my only subscription is FFXIV, internet and phone.

>> No.53353762

This guy woulda been so much happier if he was living alone and just fucked some side chick time to time

>> No.53353783

I live in a rich area around people that make a decent amount of money. The money can disappear easily. Imagine a high earning household, maybe they make even 300K/yr. Taxes take a lot, then they're living a typical upper-middle class lifestyle. 4K/mo mortgage for a nice house, 2K/mo for two luxury car payments, 1K/mo in family health insurance premiums for 2 adults and 2 kids, 2-4K/mo for private school for the kids, another 1K/mo for food. You can imagine more expenses. Notice a lot of this are recurring non-variable expenses that you can't easily get rid of too. I make a decent amount of money myself (200K+) but my recurring non-variable expenses are maybe 2.5K/mo. Everything else I spend is variable (my total spend is normally around 3.5-4K/mo). That means if I lose my job tomorrow I can cut out most of my variable spending and fall back on only 30K/yr like a NEET. This is my secret sauce to my financial well-being. I do not make long-term commitments to recurring non-variable expenses. That's how no one ever has any money. Once they get it, it's gone to their next payment

>> No.53353787
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>be homeless
>throw min wage shekels into crypto
>tell mom about it
>>omg anon I'm behind on my taxes wtf do I do
>didn't actually ask but the implications made me giggle
>offered financial support if she can get a payment schedule setup
Yes the 1k isn't a meme

>> No.53353850

This gay Jew bait is low effort

>> No.53353904


>> No.53354012

How fucking old are you ?
Are you paying your own bills or just sit in a basement right now saying " wtf no money peeps" ?

>> No.53354022
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>> No.53354504

Damn. No wonder I can't get laid. How is my HDMI cable supposed to compete with this?

>> No.53354516

>Where does their money go?
Bills, little timmy.

>> No.53354532

>That can’t be true
Jobs pay like ass and cost of living goes up every year.
You're a child in my eyes.

>> No.53354546

>I live with my parents.
Oh lucky you, you get to be a child and have mommy and daddy lick your asshole clean.
Your life is on easy mode

>> No.53354551

Fat people are disgusting.

>> No.53354562

>Are you paying your own bills or just sit in a basement
What do you think? Dude.
He's a trust fund, they're manchildren, dumb as fuck and don't understand how anything works because daddy coddles him.

>> No.53354572


my mother lives paycheck to paycheck

I dont think she has ever saved meaningfully in her entire life. When I was a teenager I used to get pissed at her and tell her to save money for emergencies and she never would, and would attack me and belittle me. I've since realised there is no point telling her to learn to save money, she is just retarded and will live paycheck to paycheck until she dies, I just hope that retirement still exists in 15 years.

This experience growing up poor made me autistically pursue money and invest, its going well for me.

>> No.53354663

Cope and seethe, faggot. Stay poor. Better listen to the Jews and buy another house.

>> No.53354778
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But when I hear this I think “those people probably have tens of thousands in their 401ks”. So, they’re technically not broke...

>> No.53354911
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They have a wife, kids, and a large mortgage.

Life to them isn't about saving money, it's about going into debt and then playing a game of chicken with earning enough for the monthly payments.

>> No.53354947

Champagne boy on a lemonade wage

>> No.53355015

they dont have 401ks kek

>> No.53355053

People living at or above their means. Big mistake. Got to live way lower than your means to survive. People who hoard money and don't do anything with it are equally stupid.

>> No.53355134

>life is now!
>just get in debt as much as possible and have fun
(((they))) don't really want you to be in debt paying interest for many years, they allow you to be in debt so you can have fun

>> No.53355351

Most people have a lot of unavoidable payments every month; rent, gas, electricity, fuel, heating, food, childcare costs, pension contributions, etc; these things all get more expensive all the time. Wages do not - and tax constantly increases. People are lucky to save $500 a month to be honest and to do it, you have to live like a monk.

>> No.53355456

>t. demoralised subhuman

>> No.53355476

Because I can't get a job, and EVERYTHING I use is becoming more expensive.

Fuck you.

>> No.53355747


Most people aren't spending it much after they pay their bills. For most people:
Rent + utilities + transportation + phone + groceries
Is well over 50% of their take home, well over. So now they have to live like a hermit and never go hang out with friends if they want to save any money. Inb4 sacrifice. They are sacrificing. But it's soul sucking when you make no progress and people deserve a little happiness here and there so they go out to a restaurant or buy themselves something every once in a while. And then comes the unexpected expenses. New tires, auto repairs, medical bills, vet expenses, family care.

Being poor keeps you poor.

>> No.53355778

Living with your parents is smart. For some reason North Americans have fooled themselves into believing that leaving home at 18 to pay your own rent is what being an adult is. All it does it keep people poor (aside from the boomer whose house you're paying off with your rent cheques, lol).

>> No.53355785

my brother earns way more money than me, but he's always broke due to children, divorce, and renting a nice house

>> No.53355796

I don’t get it either. Currently trying to figure out how much money I’ve actually got left over on an average month (gotta move soon and holy shit, rent is ridiculously expensive if you’re not on an old contract like I’m currently) and it appears it’s approx. 1000€ per month last year and was 500€/month in 2021, because I was on parental leave for 4 months.
And I feel like I’m not that well off financially. How can you even live paycheck to paycheck and not realize that you have a problem?

>> No.53355798

not really. almost everyone can afford putting $1000 on a credit card at the drop of a hat. but if you tally net worth of liquid and near-liquid assets, you get households carrying debt month to month, which is the same as pretending they have $0 available on demand.
if you survey people and let them self-report, then even if they do have the money, they tell you they don't. checks signed by the president have happened too many times now; all self-reporting is basically information warfare these days.

>> No.53355831

>iCloud 2.99
WTF, /g/ lied to me! I thought Apple was expensive!
Besides, I doubt that ANYONE would have that many overlapping subscriptions at once. But a few? Probably?
And in the meantime, I’m contemplating if I should ditch prime, because with the (((new and improved))) prime music, they made it worse, again and it’s more expensive again (still the cheapest streaming service, by far, afaik).

>> No.53355912

Let's see
>Company pays me $800 per week
>Rent $450
>Food $100
>Fuel $150
>Utilities $46
>Car registration and upkeep $38
>Car loan $150
>Phone $25.38
>Internet $23
>Dog food $35
Hmm where does my money go?

>> No.53355928

this is true. as >>53353564 say it seems crazy that people are unable to save. but this anon is exactly correct for the majority of people.

they get paid, go on amazon, buy random junk. simple as that. very sad.

>> No.53355934

People has personal problems and maybe investing crypto will help better.

>> No.53356045

I don't have a job, I have about 300 bucks.

>> No.53356053

It makes me happy to see many people are suffering financially because of shit decisions they've taken in their lives. It makes me happy to see people are living paycheck to paycheck because they can't manage their finances and control their impulses. I spit at those people i.e. the ones who spends money on pointless materialistic junk off Amazon, buying the latest iPhone, spending money on 10+ subscriptions, getting into (student) debt and not choosing a field with that degree. However, I do feel sorry for those that were born poverty and raised in a shit environment. I don't feel sorry for those that continue to live in a shit environment and leech off others by committing crime and getting handouts from the government from doing nothing.

>> No.53356061

Most people are financially irresponsible and cannot resist spending as soon as they have some money. If everyone was given a million dollars 90% of people would have no money left within a year.

>> No.53356079

Ignore me, I'm wrong. I despise parents who give birth to children and cannot feed and raise them. Those children will inherit the same financial problem their parents are facing.

>> No.53356099

Those numbers are not weekly costs are they? If they are you doing something wrong wtf

>> No.53356115

>Food $100
>Fuel $150
>Utilities $46
>Car registration and upkeep $38
>Car loan $150
>Phone $25.38
>Internet $23
You need to cut back on all this. You can survive on beans on toast and canned spaghetti. Also catch the bus. Instead of using electricity you can watch the grass grow. All of this will free up some money for when we increase rent next.

>> No.53356124
File: 163 KB, 1300x866, if only I saved more money.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's be honest here for a minute: most of us ITT are merely coping because we save first and foremost because we're friendless losers dreaming of "living life" one day through hoarding money and not spending it on anything but basic necessities delaying/missing all the gigantic life stages everyone else goes through way before.

I really doubt that when all these normalfags are on their deathbeds they think "uhhhhhhhhhhh if only I saved more money!"

>> No.53356159

>How is it even possible to work full time and just not have any money

>> No.53356171

Then you suddenly die and your money goes to your parents, kek.

>> No.53356191

Precisely. I always have some fiat, stocks
Mostly VTI
And crypto like BTC, ETH and even some decent market cap alts like ALBT.
I may not live as lavishly as I want to right now but I'll fucking have a back up for the future at least

>> No.53356197

>Ignore me

>> No.53356200

make $300/wk . rent is 1100. 100 a month to save spend and live on

>> No.53356252

Once you stop living with your parents you'll get it.

>> No.53356268

Make more money

>> No.53356277

>How is it even possible to work full time and just not have any money?
its simple. just be an infantilized slave completely owned by some other faggot. do everything they say or die of exposure to the elements. this is how most people "live"

>> No.53356601

>on their deathbeds they think "uhhhhhhhhhhh if only I saved more money!"
no, but they did spend the last 15 years living below poverty line on gibs, during this time they will be counting regrets every single day.

>> No.53356683

kek this. many poorniggers are oblivious (or willfully oblivious) to their future. here's how it goes:

>live in an apartment or dilapidated house until 70s
>cost of living increases while social security pays a fixed amount
>diet becomes shittier to save pennies for rent/utilities
>physical and mental health declines until no longer able to live alone
>join a 5+ year waiting list for state assisted living home
>(not a nursing home, there's a big difference)
>can't afford state assisted living
>facility administrator cuts a deal where they take 99% of social security check each month
>$20-50 left each month for essentials (laundry detergent, toothpaste, soap, etc.) not provided by facility
>literally share a 1 bedroom unit with another stranger, only privacy is a curtain
>spend the next 5-10 years of life being treated like a child
>watch the other residents die, one by one

>> No.53356782

I went to uni for a high end degree and earn the equivalent of $32k pre tax. Rent is just under $2k a month. So not only do i not save but i actively accrue a little debt every year.

My salary is above national average, my rent below national average.

>> No.53356797
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Let's say you make 50k out of school in NY
15% 401k - ($42,500.00)
Income tax 12% - ($37,400.00)
Rent studio 12*1650 - ($17,600.00)
Car insurance 2*2000 - ($13,600.00)
Parking 12*150 - ($11,800)
Gas and tolls ~ (10,000.00)
Food 80*52 - ($5,840.00)

They haven't started yet, but student loans 600*12 - (-$1360.00)

You're already in the negative,
I didn't get to paying utilities, gym membership, car services, beer, birthdays, and many other things...

>> No.53356800

I'm a high-tax europoor and still easily invest 40% of my post-tax income while living alone top kek.

>> No.53357089

Convince me not to just move to the US and do waiter work.

Im a UK doctor and the wages and savings americans talk about make me want to tell the NHS to fuck off and just go do some comfy low end work and not have to look at British girls anymore either.

Not vaxxed though so that may be an issue.

>> No.53357128

How about not having a car in NY, boom +35k lmao

>> No.53357141


>> No.53357183

Can confirm. I have no idea where people spend all their money. I neeted for a while and I hate working but I can work for a few months, buy everything I want and still save up enough to neet for a few months. My problem is I cant work for long stretches without wanting to kill myself. But normies typically wage slave constantly their entire lives so I dont understand how they dont save any of it.

>> No.53357224

I honestly think its a meme to convince people that they are the goodest goy and make them feel better about their shit lives

>> No.53357260
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I don't habeeb it.

>> No.53357293

I think its a meme. Either articles get data:
1) by surveys where people bitch (and lie) about being pay check to pay check or
2) they survey average account sizes. I have two accounts one with 100K, one with $50. Boom 50% of people are paycheck to paycheck

Doubt me: Just look at COVID, so many people lost their job and it took about a year for any stimulus.

>> No.53357400

Ok then just go ahead and take the subway with the animals

>> No.53357404

>how is possible to work full time and not have any money
Eggs cost $10/dozen, gas is $4/gal, rent is $2200 for a 1br, you need a college degree + 3 different certs + 1-3 years experience to get a job that pays $50k.
>yeah but I make $120k/yr and WFH in Nebraska
Ok most people don’t. There is a very big barren wasteland of a job market gap between $40-60k year and $100k+yr.
Beyond that I think a lot of high earners are low impulse control monkeys who think making $120k/yr means they should have a $3,000/Mo rent, go out to dinner every night, go on 3 vacations/yr, and have a new car.
I talk to people who work in finance all the time and they can’t figure out how to just stick to a simple budget and pass on every stupid spending urge they have

>> No.53357456

The people who lost their job during COVID were mostly young people in the service industry and lived at home. They also were getting unemployment with an additional $600.
t. Restaurant manager

>> No.53357961
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In all honesty, actually having money and not having to freak out about every single expense is such a luxury it's insane.

>> No.53358038

They tell you 20% going to savings is “a lot.” The thought of getting ahead doesn’t occur to most people, and it certainly isn’t encouraged.
They’re paid so they can spend it. That’s the consumer economy.

>> No.53358065

See this is just plain retarded.
Downgrade. Go live in someone’s basement for $700/month until you make more money.
How are you even alive?

>> No.53358103

Mom, may I have a friend over tonight, please? I'll take the trash out. Pleeeease.

>> No.53358201

I see your point but isn’t the main benefit of living in a nice studio in NY that you don’t need a car?
That changes your maths quite a bit.

>> No.53358301

Only if you live and work in the city, let's say you work in the bronx and need to drive for work, plus you don't want to be stabbed in the chest on the subway,

Studio prices are that high statewide

>> No.53358309

"cost of living"

>> No.53358346

Then either move out or don’t be a pussy and take the subway. It certainly isn’t as bad as Fox News wants to make you believe.

>> No.53359326
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The average American spends 35% of their take-home income on transportation costs and 50% on rent. The remainder goes to uberEats.

>> No.53359539

That’s fucking bananas. I try to keep my total spending at 30-35% of my net income.
Once you get your income into the $125k-$150k range it’s pretty ez and from there you just keep pouring into investments and every extra $50k you bring in gets you an additional ~$1,000/Mo net to spend on anything. Once your investments are massive it’s so much easier to bring in like $400-500k+ by selling a couple percent of your portfolio, the cash flow from other investments, and your job.
People just get too comfortable right as the enter the income phase where you should be investing aggressively and instead they think they made it.
$500k/yr in 2023 is making it anything else is cope.

>> No.53359565
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When in doubt, pull out the handy dandy $spy ruler

And we have a SHORT here!

Buy spy puts!!

>> No.53359625

You have to understand how utterly retarded and obsessed with status the average normie is. They literally get upset if they figure out you save money and invest prudently. Boomers start offering you up shitty investments as cope/sabotage. I still drive a 2001 pickup truck. People think I'm poor kek.

>> No.53359629

They should just pay me 100 dollars a month to teach them how to type “[TV show] free streaming” into the Yandex search bar. An extra 50 dollars for the “ad free premium” package and I install ublock to their web browser

>> No.53359649

no one except incels and third worlders watches movies on their laptops

>> No.53359682

Pay me 75 dollars and I’ll teach you how to plug the HDMI cable into the television

>> No.53359760

>Food $100
>Fuel $150
>Car loan $150
Is this per week? if so, you might be tarded.

>> No.53359793

Seething poor lol

>> No.53359817

150k in Missouri actually. Living in family guest house so no rent

>> No.53359834

Poor people live with roommates

>> No.53359860
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> 150k in Missouri actually. Living in family guest house so no rent

>> No.53359875

>Where does their money go?
Credit card debt. But then again, if you asked me to make a $1,000 emergency payment I could do that no problem.

>> No.53360005
File: 34 KB, 576x472, 1673090613341541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you telling me only incels and third worlders are not retarded enough to pay big corporations for something they can get for free anyways just because it's more comfortable?

And you dare to tell me i'm on the wrong side of evolution?

>> No.53360050

I have a good job, wife has a good job. Not broke but def not rolling in cash. Do you realize that owning a house and having kids is fucking expensive? Virgin crypto faggots won’t understand this. You balance happiness with money and find the happy medium. I may not be wealthy atm but I love my life.

>> No.53360060

>living in the Bronx
Yeah I don’t want to get killed and looted by fat Dominicans in skinny jeans

>> No.53360110

If your feeling poor give this a go


>> No.53360123

People live paycheck to paycheck also many people don't know anything about saving.

>> No.53360226

This. everytime you turn around it's $ for this or that. Then not to mention going to the store is $100 just for a handful of stuff. Going out to eat for one meal is easily $100-$200 for a family of 5

>> No.53360256

Don't buy spy puts, that's a bad idea.

>> No.53360263

> However, the purchase price shouldn't exceed 35% of your monthly income.
I’m ESL, but doesn’t that mean if I’m earning $3k a month, I should buy some $1k rust bucket?

>> No.53360268

>fox news meme
The bull market won't be back until people who were mindbroken by people disliking obama have killed themselves due to being unable to afford food.

>> No.53360300


>> No.53360318
File: 62 KB, 834x1024, 1674171041949801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's up with .99? I mean how can this trick work if 9 is the biggest number possible? What's the psychology behind zis? Should I use this trick for selling my paintings?

>> No.53360353

$9.99 always looks cheaper than $10

>OMG its $10, i can't afford that
>OMG its under $10, I can afford that

>> No.53360394

its ok to consume. you guys just want to feel better about having shitty things

>> No.53360415

>Mom can I bring my gf over tonight?
>Well I mean she’s not *actually* my gf but we are hanging out

>> No.53360449

Note women are like this because from the moment they hit 12 years old, they become aware (subconsciously or not) that they have a credit card with no limit accepted everywhere, right between their legs. They may not always take advantage of this, but make no mistake, they know it’s there, and they WILL use it if it’s ever required.

>> No.53360476

You are supposed to spend all of your money every pay period. Its call being good with money. If you have extra money left over then that means you can fit another bill in. If you horde money under a mattress you are a dangerous schitzo and the police will come take it from you.

>> No.53360617

>How is it even possible to work full time and just not have any money?
Why the fuck do you think they work?
That example is from a particularly bad place but it shows an extreme version of the real problem. Only 45% of people there have jobs. There are tons of people not in the workforce and not even wanting to be in the workforce. Neetdom is already here and it's exemplified by homeless people, not zoomers living with their parents (although that is a growing problem too). There are just too many people who are on drugs or have psychological problems or who are perfectly fine living a shit life avoiding work so long and they can survive on handouts.

>> No.53360633

>dog food $35 a week
are you feeding him steaks

>> No.53360650

people suck and also don't make enough so it combines. Using YNAB has really allowed me to make better choices and planning though, myself. Keep encouraging my friend to use it but she just relies on whatever her bank tells her and goes by how much money is in there so she always overspends even though we probably take home the same amount after we both pay our student loans. Whack

>> No.53360651

You sound like bait but here anyway


>> No.53360718


$80-100 per week on food is normal if he is buying slightly above average whole foods products.(clean meat, eggs, dairy, honey, fruits veggies spices herbs etc) Its one of the few things poor people should spend more on as investing in your health allows you work and be disciplined. Getting sick is a death blow for poor people's savings. You have to avoid goyslop as much as possible and cook high quality meals from scratch in bulk as a poor to move to the next level.

Next is avoiding alcohol as if your life depends on it. It drains your pockets outrageously fast.

If he is paying $150 a week on his car loan and gas each that is retarded though

>> No.53360823

I personally feel like I've always spent way too much on food. Grocery budget for me alone can run up to $400 and I still spend money on eating out.

>> No.53360832


>> No.53360874

Anons, I've realized that society is crazy and is trying to sell us so much shit that we simply don't need. Would I be crazy if I just moved out to Montana or Wyoming and bought a $70k house and started a little farm? What more do you really need? A cheap car to get groceries. A basic job. I honestly don't see why people are always striving for all these materialistic things. I simply don't see the appeal and I'm only 22...

>> No.53360964

Random house supplies

Those are the big three, in my experience. Sometimes a person has other expensive tastes like drugs, clothes, etc.

>> No.53361002

>living check to check
I have never heard a definition of what this exactly means as far as the study is concerned therefore I will assume it's clickbait bullshit

>> No.53361060

Montana and Wyoming are expensive as fuck

>> No.53361065

It seems to be true. I work a government job and we all got a small percent increase in pay. Other coworkers will ask what things I'll be spending money on. Another kept insisting that I should sell my perfectly good Mazda and buy a luxury vehicle. It seems to scramble their brains whenever I say I just save up the extra money.

We make six figure salaries, but I'd swear most at my job live paycheck to paycheck. It certainly shakes what little faith I have in humanity.

>> No.53361118


>> No.53361147


>> No.53361172


You ironically should. This was how I was able to invest in crypto significantly.

Anyone and I mean ANYONE can get a job waiting tables and make $20 an hour minimum. I live in the Midwest so that is decent but I was often making closer to $26-$28. This was about 5 years ago though. Its unreal how much I was able to save up with a tip based job and being somewhat frugal.

You just have to be good at your job. Appeal to the customers 5 senses. Be presentable, attentive, smell good, style your hair, smile a fuck ton, make jokes etc. Of course the main point is to get their orders right 100% of the time in the rare instances immediately correct everything. The customers also never really saw me fucking around while they waited for their food. I was always busy because management would give me a lot of tables simultaneously. I also had fast turnover for my tables as well.

You don't really need to be intelligent or have good memory. Just organized disciplined and energetic. Its the perfect mid IQ job lmao

I was making more than a lot of the young girls even Eventually management will notice and give you the busier shifts along with customers will come back and legitimately ask for you to serve them. You build a clientele. You do have to be personable somewhat. Eventually do that for a year or so and start applying at more upscale steak houses or bartending in trendy areas.

You just have to be on top of your shit but if you have a game plan then its easy to do the grind. Either use savings to build some kind of online business ideally for cashflow or go full retard with averaging into crypto. BTC ETH LINK. I did like 10%-10%-80% respectively.

>> No.53361240

What constitutes an "emergency"? For some people, it's a health issue, or car repair. For others, it's not having the latest tech gadget or trendy clothes.

>> No.53361330


In the US at least, I'm not sure how it is for other first world countries, but 38% of all food people buy is wasted and/or thrown away. That is a substantial amount. So in essence the average person will buy $400/month from a grocery store and then simply waste nearly $150 of it.

I have the same ingredient list I buy each time I go shopping that only changes with about 10% of the items depending if there is a sale or I want to try a new recipe. I'm buying the exact same whole food products that I listed in my last post 90% of the time.

I still have a lot of variety though for recipes I can prepare out the 80 or so different ingredients I keep on hand and I usually craft out what I'm going to do with something ahead of time. I.E. What different meals should I make with this ground beef for the next couple days. Burgers, Bolognese sauce, stuffed peppers, taco meat etc. Same applies for

Getting a dry stock built up of essential spices, flours, honey/ cane sugars, salt, oils, vinegars, and white rice etc is key as well. I'm going to start making my own pasta and freezing it soon. You can buy solid quality of those things online in bulk for decent prices.

Each week I'm mostly just buying fresh foods at the grocery store.

>> No.53361391

I hate working so every chance I get to stop working because I've saved money up that's what I do.

>> No.53361467

Same applies for other meat. I usually craft meals around proteins and then supplement with small amounts of veggies, rice, sweet potatoes, sauces and relishes I.E. Basil pesto spread onto a roasted chicken breast.

Cooking is a massive time sink at first though but you get good at it fast and develop systems to streamline it for efficiency.

If you are poor though you don't have a choice. The mark up on eating out is too significant and the health costs of eating low quality food kills your savings momentum too quickly or kills your flow at your job etc. You miss too many shifts. When you are chronically ill or low energy from bad food choices the problems snowball quickly.

I balance my pH levels and it allows me to avoid being ill pretty much all the time. Most people eat a highly inflammatory diet stemming from way too much acidic consumption.

My autism could allow me to go on about this topic for hours.

>> No.53361572

It's not always due to bad financial decisions, sometimes it's just called having bad luck. For example I was a victim of medical malpractice and there was a time in my live that I had to spend 80% of my wages in medical bills so I basically could barely afford to eat.

>> No.53361656

How much did you payd in total?

>> No.53361721

About 35/40k but I'm an europoor and I had just bought a new car, that fun fact I never got to drive more than 2 months because I was injuried shortly after and I still can't drive to this day.

>> No.53361950

110k wfh in Indiana reporting in. My PITI is under $600/mo. I could easily pay off my mortgage but I earn more keeping my surplus in bonds

>> No.53362407

More info on the pH level stuff?

>> No.53362847
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>How do people NOT have money?
past two months I bought about $5k worth of luxury poker playing cards as an investment completely spontaneously

>> No.53362942
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You want your body to in a state of a slight base.

7.4 pH level.

Check out the book The pH Miracle or a few videos by the author, Robert Young. You don't need to go vegan or vegetarian by any means and shouldn't. I see a lot of these types of books suggest it and I think a symptom of controlled opposition. You just need to high base level foods in order to balance the acids.

The most nutrient dense foods like meats, eggs, dairies, fats etc are completely needed however are highly acidic.

More alkaline foods like green vegetables or lemons are relatively low in nutritional density however their purpose is for detoxing and pH balancing.

I do green vegetable juices at least every other day because I eat mostly a clean animal product based diet.

Carnivore and Vegan are two different extremes. Carnivore would be better overall but both are not ideal for long periods of time. They do have short term purposes though if done correctly.

Carnivore hits nutritional density well but will put you in a chronic state of cortisol maxxing and stress over time.

Vegan will make you wither away from lack of proper nutrients.

I know I'm over the mark here because I try to make these threads on /pol and I get slid in the catalog, distraction shill posted with in the thread, slid to /bant, then if discussion continues there thread deleted and I get banned for 3-7 days kek

Diet is the number one key to starting to gain sovereignty over your life and honestly can create dangerous and free men. Also the pharmaceutical industries require illness for profit and will kill, frame, and use the legal system to hamstring people who help others achieve results.

The author of that book was imprisoned because he was helping people in his home which wasn't legal and they said it was dangerous and he was a grifter etc. Character assassination even though some of the information I applied helped me.

Also The Gerson Miracle documentary is excellent.

>> No.53362994

I'd not that I don't eat a ton of vegetables but supplement through vegetable juicing. You do need some of the plant fiber but a little goes a long way. Probably 70/30 split on juice to eating the actual plant.

As I said I mostly eat highly nutrient dense animal products and a little high alkaline foods to balance everything.

>> No.53363300

Please tell me you’re joking. That’s retarded!
Sure, no one wants to drive some ugly ass shitbox (I at least don’t, my car cost like 3 times as much as the car that I *need*, but that’s still way, way below that 35% figure).

>> No.53363364

i drive a 1990 buick century and i make $66k while being worth about 150k kek

>> No.53363482

> More alkaline foods like green vegetables or lemons
What? Lemons are probably the most acidic stuff you can eat.

>> No.53363515

Or maybe not live in a degenerate shithole

>> No.53363637

>live with parents
>pay all the bills myself
>still get to consoom sometimes
>still get to save 60% of what im earning
Id be ruined if i had to rent, honestly rent is the biggest money drain out there besides taxes, the housing market needs to crash its the main reason society is collapsing

>> No.53363648

I really really like that image!

>> No.53363765

>i live with my parents as an act of rebellion against the jews
>choose to live in NY in your 20s
>choose to own a car in NY in your 20s
>spend a total of $35000 on said car every year
what is going on in these calculations

>> No.53363792

My income pumped from $17k in 2018 to $110k in 2022, 2/3rds of that increase I save, 90% of my current (low 6fig) coworkers live paycheck to paycheck. Yes, wages are shit, but normies are legitimately horrible with money

>> No.53363835
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>go through poorfag life the hard way with no debt
>finally have a well paying job
>due to zero debt have tons of spare money
>everyone else crying about mortgage rate increase etc. Blah blah

>> No.53363858
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>i N E E D a $70k car that I only use to commute to "hang out with friends"
The Jew is right about the Goyim.

>> No.53363955

Either this or living under a rock, as anon said - posting from their basement.

>> No.53363984

nigga you want your ph around 9

>> No.53363998

I've a wife, she's good with money too, we save because we want to be free from the nightmare hellscape of modern society

>> No.53364142

>it took about a year for any stimulus.
Nigga what? CARES passed before any lockdowns, ++unemployment was in full swing before any layoffs

>> No.53364316
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>alkaline foods like lemons

>> No.53364375

my gf for example buys the exact same pair of shoes every six months, for example. Something about how they are not usable anymore.
>I've been debating for the last month whether to replace my 5yo gym shoes that are torn apart inside, have a small hole in the sole and are generally buck broken but still do the job so whatever

>> No.53364538

Rent is no joke in some places. A lot of people should really just move to smaller towns with lower costs of living.

>> No.53364668

My mom simply can not understand what could possibly be the reason for me to want to save money. Of course she does not consider the fact that they were able to build a house by selling their grandpa's land and now their only expenses are maintenance.

>> No.53364717

I don't know a single person who has more than maybe five of those, max. But I also live in bumfuck rural impoverished USA

>> No.53364736

Rent, car payments, health insurance, groceries, bills.. yea no it’s not a meme people generally don’t have a lot of money

>> No.53364747

That's right. Enjoy throwing thousands at your dilapidated cube mr faggotstein

>> No.53364760

People are retarted with money.Only one of my friends is able to save money and does not ask for favors every week before salary so they can go to the pub with us.And it goes like this: They need new shoes and have at least three pairs of them; they also need a new shirt and jacket. They also need to subscribe to all kinds of services. A new phone that is 1-3% faster and has some bullshit new app? Give it to me now! My favorite jacket is 8 years old, and I wear it with my 4-year-old boots shirts that my ex-girlfriend bought for me and this christmas i did get some new socks.... People buy shit to impress others when, in reality, nobody cares; Or maybe I'm autistic, but I don't understand why I should admire someone for having new boots... I rather invest and maybe retire in my late thirties with some 20 years old chick than living like moron.

>> No.53364860


>> No.53364896

wait is that...

>> No.53364914

I posted this

>> No.53364915

He probably cleaned up working in gas

>> No.53365106

>dollar shave club

>> No.53365311

This is what I did. I got 13 years old shitbox. Maybe not 35% more like 50% so I don't deal with complete dogs. You can get small car for this money with low (relative) mileage if you look hard enough. Or at least it was possible 5 years ago. 5 years later I still drive it spend several times what car is worth on fuel and probably spend more on tyres and oil change than the car is worth. Ding on the hood from stones - I don't care. Someone scratch my door in parking lot - I don't care. Headlight goes out - it is old and simple car - 3 bolts and 15 min and 4$ for new bulb later you and is good as new.

>> No.53365542


>> No.53365915


>> No.53365928


You'd think that but they aren't. They are alkaline not acidic

>> No.53365942

Maybe if you are actively fighting an illness you would but it doesn't need to be that high otherwise

>> No.53365958


Again look it up. They are alkaline not acidic

>> No.53365970

nobody tell this retard about buffer solutions.

>> No.53365971

Because most people either overspend on shit they don't need, or just have massive amounts of bills to pay for, especially if they're parents, and their wage increases are not matching with inflation.

>> No.53365973


When metabolized lemons become alkaline to be more specific

>> No.53366021


Friend you can believe whatever you like but I'm 32 and feel incredible. I'm beyond blessed. I've been following this diet since I was 19. No drugs, alcohol, or medications of any kind. I've been to the doctor twice in my life for routine check ups. Its been years.

I've conquered illness.


>> No.53366141

You disgust me

>> No.53366165


reads like a pajeet. you should be happy we let you come here

>> No.53366205
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>The article said to itself, out loud.

>> No.53366259

Ayako's weight gain

>> No.53366268


20% is a lot of savings. Most people don't save anything. Usually people mean pre-tax, so that'd be 20K a year at 100K or 10K at 50K. That's significant given cost of living. Again, the issue is most people save absolutely nothing. I'd say most people probably have one of those fake 'savings accounts' that give you 0.01% APY with one of the big scam banks.

>> No.53366283

I refuse to believe this. Even when I was poor I had money saved

>> No.53366329

>website that literally just wants you to give all your money to support Africans while billionaires continue to just pump methane gas in their faces

nah i'm good. i'm not buying nets or meds for africans for some mining company to then have them live another week before they die of dehydration in a mine somewhere. like charity is such a fucking scam in like 99% of cases. in my mind charity is something you can see or do personally not some nameless faceless donation system

>> No.53366881

Shut up, low iq retard.

>> No.53367076

thats how the system runs. if people suddenly became all intelligent and started saving and not getting crazy debt the system would collapse.
since its not possible to have infinite money there has to be losers so there can be winners

>> No.53367136

>Rent $450
>Fuel $120
>Dog Food $35

Where the fuck are you getting these numbers lmao

>> No.53367499

Exactly, just get a $2000 used car with <100,000 miles that will reliably get you to work every day.

I did it in 2002 so I know it's possible to do it in 2023. Nothing has ever changed in history, everything is exactly how it was when I first experienced it.

>> No.53367608

Saving money isn't real. Anyone ITT talking about saving is trolling or completely out of touch.

Saving is what you do after you already make money. Saving doesn't make you rich or do anything for you really other than make your life suck more. Increase income. Everything else is a LARP.

>> No.53367732

>wah wah wah muh life script

>> No.53367735

You are confusing money with value. There can 100% be infinite money as our money is based on nothing. This doesn't change the total amount of value though, only reduces how much value each piece of money is worth

>> No.53367753

If you live with your parents, you aren’t even entitled to speak with the adults. Go sit at the kids table

>> No.53367782

i dont get how chuds that never even leave the basement can shit on living in the inexpensive midwest constantly

>> No.53367827

im sure you know what i meant. main point was that the whole system relies on spending.
people stop spending then business owners have to close then no jobs then eventually no income for anyone then no tax and so on. if the retarded spending stops it will be the end of the current society

>> No.53367891
File: 712 KB, 720x780, praise kek.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i never worked, i just bought bitcoin with my mom's credit card in 2013 while i was in high school and maxed it out
she was fucking livid with me but i knew she couldn't kick me out, she didn't have the guts
i've sold it sparingly and still have 102 coins left, i only sold as much as i needed to survive and for my current computer i built in 2017, i'm giving my mom back a little bit occasionally as gifts for holidays or her birthdays

>> No.53367914

When metabolised citric acid becomes......citric acid. It's called the kerbs cycle.

You keep doing what makes you happy, the placebo effect is positive and poweful

>> No.53367917

Seething. Im thinking of buying another Lambo to share with my family. Enjoy your lack of wealth, poorfag.

>> No.53367941

Looks like you caught the big one anon. On this side I focus on crypto and I have huge expectations for Senate, Ride and Mana in the next bull cycle for huge profits

>> No.53367962

>What do they spend it on?

Cars and trucks use to be the worst for blue collar types. Some people really tie their ego/self worth to them. I knew people who almost homeless but leased pre own acura/honda at a dealership i used to work at. . If your somewhat sensible you can make it in the trades.

>> No.53367964

>bro just make double the median wage
Shut the fuck up nigger

>> No.53367972

Based, trust your instincts.

>> No.53368324
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>> No.53368470

Drugs. Things to use drugs and drugs to work on till they get home to do drugs. Followed by gas. Then a tire pops. Down 600. Then the car breaks down from 3 shit tires popping

>> No.53368499

bro zoomers are going into debt just by dating, kek. It's rought out there for normies these days.

>> No.53368631


You mean the Kreb's Cycle which again you are just wrong regardless.

Fruits and vegetables are high in alkaline nutrients such as potassium, calcium, and magnesium. Basically lemon juice produces alkaline byproducts, which make the urine more alkaline even though its acidic prior to digestion

>> No.53368794

>4k Car Insurance
Jesus Christ, how many car accidents have you been in?
>Gas and Tolls 10,000
What the fuck? How much are you fucking DRIVING? That's 2500 gallons of gas. At 20mpg that's 50,000 fucking miles a year. Bait.

>> No.53368812

Link research paper or its pseudoscience.

>> No.53368879


"Poast Sourceeeeeeeeee"

My guy just google what I said. Its not a secret

Literally just google "Lemons acidic or alkaline" etc

>> No.53368954

>completely out of touch moron with no knowledge of where the jobs are
I used to think communism was good. Then I learned about the gulags and mass murder of millions and thought it was bad. Then I got more life experience and learned about the mass murder of landlords and other freeloaders and now I think communism is good again. At least the violent revolution part.

>> No.53369074

Guess its pseudoscience then. I pity you.

>> No.53369225

that's me
i spend all my money on self-improvement

>> No.53369250

>What do they spend it on?
dates, clothes, supplements + herbs, gym subscription, super high electric/heat bills, $250 equivalent for social security, etc.
there's nothing left to save and i don't care about having money in my 60s when i retire i want to live now

>> No.53369374

>I pity you.


One of us is right. I already did the research. You refuse too. Godspeed man I suspect you need the blessing

>> No.53370067

At least make it a roth IRA.. 401k are retarded

>> No.53370101

>there could be jannies here

>> No.53370161

Frugality comes with age and experience and is tied up with overall satisfaction with your life. When you're young and you're fresh into work everything is about doing what you always wanted to do but your parents wouldn't fund. For some people that's buying all of the trinkets they wanted and for others it means partying and excess. Overspending can almost always be tied in to depression and dissatisfaction with other aspects of your life. I never spent more than I had but my only investment was my home and pension scheme, I bought everything I wanted because I was unhappy and buying new things takes your mind off of your problems for increasingly brief periods of time but it's like a hole that can never be filled, everything you put in slowly vanishes.

>> No.53370231

Peak tardation. Time is the exponential factor in compound interests your 20s and 30s should be the time for frugality so you can have passive income by the time you turn 50

>> No.53370273

social security goes up faster than wages bro

>> No.53370275

Living with your parents after a certain point makes you a fucking loser and no amount of "b-b-but muh savings" is ever going to change that.
It doesn't make you a savvy investor, it makes you a creep and a weirdo.

>> No.53370302
File: 91 KB, 1124x1466, FF50F56B-B0DE-4BD6-AF80-4186DC5C4CF9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because they keep falling for shitcoin scams and miss out on real coins
>pic related

>> No.53370308

I can't imagine also actually having friends+gf and all the expensed associated with that
and things will only get worse

>> No.53370314

>once you have 95th percentile income its pretty easy
yeah i fucking hope so lmao

>> No.53370432

just buy a used honda with cash

>> No.53370487

drink bleach live forever

>> No.53370595

>single childless male with no responsibilities wonders how people with actual lives wind up having money problems

many such cases
its hard to understand when the biggest decision you make every day is what type of degenerate porn to masturbate to, and if you should take your rotting pile of garbage to the curb, or not

>> No.53370708

Your gf is retarded, but doing sports in way too worn out shoes is so too. All the fancy stuff they have only works for a certain amount of time (but more than a few months for sure, unless you’re a pro athlete). If you wear them way beyond their best-by date, you’re fucking up your joints and shit.

>> No.53370774
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based. i live on an illegally constructed ted shed at the back of my parents property. i'm buying everything in bulk to stock up my illegal dwelling incase there's shortages. i hate spending money and enjoy finding new ways to not consume goyslop. it's like i am the kike and jews are the goyim. my only subscription is a 4chan pass.

>> No.53370850

when i wasn't living with my parents my grocery budget was ~$22 a week. with inflation it would be $30-35 now at the high end. i guarantee you are trash at saving money. most people don't even realize how trash they are at saving, they don't even track their spending at all or try to find ways to become self sufficent. you probably aren't even growing your own vegetables.

also, having a car is like a soul sucking destroyer of your wealth and your time. it's one of the most insane goyim traps unless you need it for work (as in you work some kind of trade and need to cart tools and shit around). but 99% of /biz/ (that isn't neet) aren't doing trades. you're a faggot commuting from a place with a desk and a computer to another place with a desk and a computer. peak retardation. either go remote or take the bus.

>> No.53370869

this post really need to be taken to heart by "investors" on /biz/ who have never invested in life and dont even know why they want money at all.

>> No.53370954

I’m a normie with a wife and kids, enjoying his life NOW and I still have money left over every month. It’s not totally easy and I’ve got a moderately well paying job (lol, 40k€ before taxes) and there’s plenty of places that I simply can’t afford, but most of all it requires two things:
1. Not being retarded (and not marrying a retard)
2. Not being a total consooomer that defines his hobbies, well being and social status by how much they spend on shit

>> No.53370955

Id rather be a millionaire creep and a weirdo than be some poorfag struggling to pay rent. I can take care of my ailing parents AND not pay rent. If you mutts so enjoy having to buy another house/pay some landlord to live alone, be my guest. But when you start complaining about being poor then youre faggots. Everywhere else in the world, children live with their parents unless they want to start their own families or if their work is too far from their homes. Its literally only in America I think that people MUST get their own house by 18. Its absurd and unrealistic to build endless amounts of houses and have ridiculous sprawl just so someone can be "independent". This is hundreds of years of capitalist brainwashing speaking. Spending more instead of saving up money and ensuring future generations of your bloodline are set up for success is not logical. It is highly illogical, but you people will defend this idea to your last breath because you've been programmed to consoom

>> No.53370965

people are suffering from a special kind of delusion which we might term a magical delusion. the car is an example of a magical object which is creating magical delusions for most people. other examples of magical objects are pornography, and also fast food. they're things that offer an illusory utility that actually isn't real if you think about it for 5 minutes at all (there's some exceptions for the car though). generally, the car creates the desire to travel which it fulfils. you think you can go anywhere but you can actually only go in straight lines (roads) which have been delineated by other people who are probably jews. if you deviate from the road you will probably be arrested.

actually, the real utility of a car is that having a car signals adulthood because it is expected that an adult will have a car and drive. it's like a rite of passage. it's not even remotely about the actual object, just the appearance of an object. the latter is the magical object. even if you never use your car to do any meaningful action which doesn't just further fuck up your life and lead you away from individuation, you will be more appealing to women and their subordinates by having a car.

most people should probably just get cars overall because they won't be able to overcome the stigma of not having one and it will create trauma that they won't be able to identify. having a trauma you can't reintegrate is more damaging than ~30% of paycheck or whatever which goes to car use and upkeep.

>> No.53370993

you shouldn't take any kind of ideas which incorporates the word "creep" to heart because it's just a word that is repeated by women and their subordinates in an attempt to convince themselves that they have an intuitive ability to identify bad/rotten/malicious people using external signals, which they don't actually have. that kind of nebulous language always reveals more about the conditioning of the person using it than anything else. i think anons on here subconciously understand that (women certainly don't) and use it ironically.

even if "Living with your parents after a certain point makes you a fucking loser" is true, it still requires an interpretation.

>> No.53370999
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is there any reliable data about the percentage of people in the US and their financial state? Not their income. but things like savings debt or whatever.

>> No.53371016

even if you complain, you won't change the social trauma and brainwashing. you will be at a disadvantage for finding a partner for example. you can't change the nature of people in current year. basically there are real tradeoffs to living with your parents.

>> No.53371106

>you will be at a disadvantage for finding a partner for example
Im not nearly stupid enough to get a partner in this day and age. Not paying alimony. I have my video games, why do I need women? You losers need to face reality for what it is. If you want to delude yourself into thinking this is the 70s, by all means go and get that trad wife. Hope your alimony doesnt destory you.

>> No.53371302

Nope, it's a word that perfectly defines what someone who lives with their parents out of choice well into adulthood. I have a cousin who still lives with his parents and he's almost 40, he's not a cool dude, he's a creep and honestly it's probably for the best that he lives at home because he'd likely be diddling kids or raping and murdering women if he was out there in the real world on his own.

>> No.53371388

you sound like someone in a deeper level of negative individuation than most regular people.

ditto. if you function under such a large level of delusion for too long you may create a huge amount of tension in your own life. the attitude you have is traumagenic.

>> No.53371412

The absolute state of you.

>> No.53371438

what you are seeing is basically a horseshoe theory where you are at one end and that anon is at the other end, and you are both blindly reacting to stimuli based on engrained beliefs and a feeling of being personally hurt.

>> No.53371551

I lived my entire 20s paycheck to paycheck and eventually I moved back into my parents at 29 with 10k plus of credit card debt. The main reason was my take home pay was about 2300-2400 a month net and rent alone was 1260. I lived in the ghetto in a 1 bedroom apartment. I had 1k a month to pay everything else. Even being frugal I was in the red eventually. A net set of tires becomes catastrophic on those margins.

I’ve lived at my moms for a year and a half now and have never felt so rich. I make more and still live the same as when I was broke. I was hit with a 500 bill unexpectedly and now it’s a two week setback, not a nightmare

>> No.53371579

not a chance
You should be making 80k starting at least
>Car insurance
Too expensive ditch the car you're in NY
>Gas and tolls
You can easily save 40% of take home pay if you stop being retarded
Exactly. I bought my father in law's old Volvo and I'm driving it to the grave (either mine or hers). Car loans are the biggest consoomer trap foisted upon 20 year olds

>> No.53371589

I spend $2000 on hookers every month

>> No.53371597

People will still buy things they actually need to survive, getting rid of all wasteful spending is a natural consequence of getting off a fiat monetary system

>> No.53371608

Most people who learn to be frugal only do so out of necessity, if you want to make it you need to develop the right mindset while you're young and skip out on the retarded consoomer phase

>> No.53371619

Sharing expenses with a spouse allows you to live better while paying less

>> No.53371638
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>Google: [Movie Title]+Stream

500 saved

>> No.53371645
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>> No.53371704

Looks like a good thread to tell a story about my father.
I live in a third world country as an upper middle class family.
My dad's salary is equivalent to $80,000 a year. in a third world country. that's big.
However, our family live paycheck to paycheck and I probably won't get even a dollar of inheritance.

How is it possible?
Well, 1st, the biggest, the primary... actually maybe the ONLY reason: My mom. She's EXTREMELY RETARDED with money. She's a MASSIVE SPENDER. Her hobby is "hiking and going on an adventure", also begging my dad to buy new phones and... cars. and recently a "house-exclusively-for-opening-a-store" (I don't think there's an english equivalent) to run her "business" that's most likely gonna fail because she'sretarded.

Thanks to all this, my dad, in his early 50 has bunch of monthly installment payments and mortgage, having almost 0 for non-necessity at the end of the month. and even in the past 3 months, my dad had BORROWED MONEY FROM ME just for necessity like gas and other necessities. A guy with $80k yearly salary, is borrowing money from his son with only $8k yearly salary to buy necessity goods. Imagine that.

All because my mom is retarded with no self-awareness AND my dad is a huge pussy who can't say NO. a divorce would unironically be cheaper than maintaining her life. My mom used to be a good wife who cook, did housework and bunch of other family stuff, but nowadays she just SPENDS, SPENDS, SPENDS AND SPENDS. do nothing to take care about anything related to family. Also, my dad didn't invest early and he let my mom manage his money when he was young. pure retardation.

I've written this on /biz/ before but I'll write it again. Here's a great life tip from my dad: Never, never, ever trust your money to your wife. never let her manage your money no matter what. women can't manage money. period.

Though, I interpreted his life lesson as: Don't get married.

Thanks dad for the life lesson. and fuck you for no inheritance.

>> No.53371703

I've lived as an adult without a car. Even as a student, that meant often relying on people who do have cars to help me for moving anything or going anywhere not easily walkable or accessible by public transport. Now with a car what would have been a 1 hour bus/train trip is a 20 minute drive, what would have been a 30 minute walk to the shops is now a 4 minute drive.
Cars are freedom.

>> No.53371761
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Public transit in NYC:
> I'll be there in about an hour
Car in NYC:
> Maybe I'll be there 30m sooner than a public transit pleb, maybe I'll be there 30m later and fight with an uber driver for a parking lot, and surely I'll spend more than him, but at least I won't have to face those HORRIBLE PEOPLE who use the subway (the same people who I see on the streets anyway)

If you want to have a vehicle, a motorcycle is a saner choice. Car spergs are weird.

>> No.53371819


>manlet who lives with his parents

>> No.53371832

i live in poor part of yurop and everyone here is a wagie. i once wrote an essay in HS about not working your whole life for others and being in debt and the zombie teacher highlighted that part with a question mark right beside. the bus is really the worst place to be hahahaha, so many normies working for 700/mo. I feel bad being compared to normies, i wanna be compared to g s so i look weak and wanna improve

>> No.53371864

you can't even do that with a house you rent out because you are stuck paying bills and have no time to get a girlfriend. Boomer faggot.

>> No.53371885

>letting women make important decisions
I thought this worlders could at least get this right lol

>> No.53371912

It's baffling, but I'll not repeat the same mistake.
I'll get rich and retire early for my own sake.

>> No.53372177

> I had 1k a month to pay everything else.
What is “everything else”? Sure, you ain’t living in luxury at 1k, but for normal, comfortable living, that is plenty! I’m feeding a family of 3 and a half on €500 of food a month (and I’m buying lots of organic stuff and at the expensive farmers market), so even at US prices, a single guy should eat like a king at $300. Where does the remaining $700 go?

>> No.53372244

No, you are suffering from cognitive dissonance and are unable to consider the tradeoffs (monetary and time) of one action over another.

The cost of owning and operating a car will easily outstrip the cost of hiring a moving van to move dwelling unless you move all the time, which would indicate a high time preference or poor life strategy. likewise, the cost of travelling to the shops rather than buying everything in bulk and having it delivered is also counterintuitive, but if you do the math you'll find you aren't saving any money, especially if you factor in how much your time is worth, because time isn't free
at least if you had walked 30 minutes you would have at least got some exercise, which most people desperately need.

>Cars are freedom.
you are free to go places which are either actively harmful or just divert you from what you should be doing, which is probably buying and reading a book on how to unravel and integrate your traumata.
this is how 99% of people use their cars. to go to either work (which they hate and is not aligned with their interests) or to bars / restaurants / clubs where they spend their money, or to shops where they spend their money on stuff they can buy online for much cheaper, most of it junk.

>> No.53372306

low pay, bad spending habits (either taught or to make them feel better), having children even though they shouldn't (yet) and being unironically retarded (most important point)

>> No.53372779

You’re nuts man. 2 months on tinder/bumble you will see how poor everyone really is.

>> No.53373033

this. the individualism that kikes push is one of the most retarded things ever. i see what the rent, utilities and car jews are trying. gotta admit that they are good since they got so many people to think like that other poster

>> No.53373070

Tranny post

>> No.53373131

these rent amounts always surprise me. where i live you can get a decent place for ~$500. the good sides of renting like this is that you skip all the responsibilities you would have when you own the house. no need to repair stuff in the house with your own money and no need to work on whatever is outside. now if you buy a house you have to get it from very specific places if you want it to maintain value and have to look after everything yourself

>> No.53373147

for anyone paying attention somone added the "my supscritions" part later. it was just a tally someone wrote down.

Also my coworker and i are both non land owning single persons making 30/hr and he was astonished to find out i have 5k in my bank account and invest everything over that, about 1500 a month.

>> No.53373208

>plays video games all day
>calls others losers

>> No.53373261
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Australian here. I work for a bank. I've seen thousands of accounts for thousands of customers. Most of them barely have $1000 in their account and have about $10k-$50k worth of personal loan and credit card debt. The few with savings have 5+ home loans.

For poorfags most money is eaten by rent and their multiple loans/credit cards, and most personal loans are to buy cars, fund weddings or funerals, or for holidays. It's all very depressing, I wish interest bearing loans would be made illegal.

>> No.53373262

its a viable option in the current society. you are a slave of the system if you proudly grind through the school>work>buy house>have kids>die cycle

>> No.53373276

I work at the biggest stock brokerage in my country and most high networth people with big portfolio have massive floating loss. what's up with that? it's a mystery. maybe they're so rich they just don't give a shit

>> No.53374205

I don’t remember all my bills but I can remember some of them.

Rent 1260
Electric 100
Internet 80
Cell 40
Gas 60?
Car payment 275
Insurance renters/car 150?
Food 200?

My luxury’s I could have cut but refused to. I worked and felt like I deserved something besides working to live.

Audible app 15
Bjj school 110
P.O. Box 7

I pretty much broke even unless I worked overtime. What killed me is shit I forgot. Car needs to be registered. Tooth pain and insurance covers 80 percent. I can’t think of others but something always pops up.

>> No.53374319
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Too add on the one thing I did that was good finically my entire 20s is I put away 5 percent of my 401k to hit the match and switched it to sp500 when I started. I then never looked at it again until I moved back in with my mom. A breakdown of my current bills are followed.

Net pay 2800-3200 a month.

Rent 500
Car payment 275
Gas 150
Food 250
Savings 200
Stocks 1000
Bjj school 110
P.O. Box/audible/YouTube premium 50

I have no credit card debt, over 6k emergency fund, over 10k in stocks, and bumped up my 401k to 8 percent. Pic related was me paying over 10k credit card debt

>> No.53374327


>> No.53374474

This is Arkansas people, unironically

>> No.53375653

>freak out about every single expense is such a luxury it's insane.
This. Money may not buy happiness but it buys security and a good nights rest. During covid so many of my peers were freaking out while i didnt. Somehow didnt even get laid off but the comfort of knowing I dont need a paycheck for months is quite empowering.

>> No.53375719

You pay 1800 for rent? Lmfao

>> No.53375762

>That can’t be true

you most not know any normies, gambling addicts, drug addicts, or consoomers

>> No.53376061

I'm a single mom who recently started struggling financially. I do everything right: going to school, working full time, being a good mom. I cut corners and try hard to be responsible but started struggling with affording food so I finally said screw it I'll try it out. I'm not comfortable actually having sex so that didn't happen so it's mostly massages. I don't like doing it, it makes me feel dirty but I've been in need of extra grocery money. I just applied for food stamps yesterday but when I applied this summer I got denied for making barely too much. I did just get a second job so I'm hopeful things will turn around quickly but I don't start till Saturday so I won't be getting paid for a while. I guess I just needed to get this off my chest by confiding to strangers on the Internet since no one in my life knows. I'm really careful about it- I use a fake first name, and none of my clients know where I live or work. I've only done it a few times so far and am selective about whom I do it with. Most of it has been only online or on the phone and the couple people I've actually met in person have been upstanding, businessman type guys my community so I feel safe. Thank you for listening to me get this off my chest. (No pun intended)

>> No.53376217

tits or gtfo

>> No.53376472


Being fucking broke sucks man. Not having enough resources is maybe the most fundamental issue of the human race, you don't need to come up with a cope for it. Let the NEETs take a dub on this.

Also a lot of people are on their deathbed thinking "damn I wish I wasn't such a broke ass nigga, maybe I couldn't afforded better healthcare, or lived a better life, or left something for my family"

>> No.53376663

Normies are weak to commercial psyops and spend too much in ways they don’t need to. It’s a test of willpower for modern society.

>> No.53377139

>my only subscription is a 4chan pass.
you're the biggest goy of them all

>> No.53377199

My wife stays home i make just under 100k/yr. All our money goes to the mortgage, groceries, and bills. We dont save much and have barely any money

>> No.53377215

>single mom
>work full time
>im doing everything right
My dear lady i gate to break it to you but you’re not doing anything right

>> No.53377582

Euros ITT: explain why you hate the freedom of having a car.
No, you're a stupid European communist who lives in a fisher price bubble of safety and security so you assume public transportation is a valid method of getting around for everyone else.

Cars are freedom and independence and you enjoy being a slave because you live in a bubble. There's no cognitive dissonance on our part, only crystal clear thinking. Cars are a necessity in America (where real people live and have to protect themselves from danger. the police even have g-g-g-guns!)

tl;dr europeans are sheltered faggots who don't understand real life so they fear cars

>> No.53377636

It has nothing to do with europeans, that guy is just a retard regardless of his nationality.

>> No.53377666

Service based work isn't doing it right. You should be looking at businesses that are divorced from time ( think a website that sells digital content you don't have to manage v.s a hotdog stand) read the millionaire fastlane to learn more.

Also post tits.

>> No.53377685


>> No.53377707

India, do you ecen need to ask?

>> No.53377727

>replying to reddit pasta

>> No.53377775

Assuming that's you, something doesn't add up.

What does you dad do to make $80k per year?
And what kind of business does your mother run in a thirdie shithole that eats up the entirety of that leaving you with no inheritance?

>> No.53377797

>Reddit pasta

I wouldn't know what that looks like anon I don't use reddit.

>> No.53377941

No, I was saying he was probably a pajeet. Wrong poster

>> No.53378358

Find cheaper ones and stay comfy. I went as far as getting a HOLD visa card to reduce the charges I get from my online payments. Inflation keeps rising but there will always be alternative measures.

>> No.53378391

Evil faggot who will burn in hell for eternity. He’s a fucking monster

>> No.53378533
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Yo, if ya got da dough, den dis a solid pick. As a degen, I'm stackin' up QRDO, C98, UTK, and DYDX every month. Hopin' dis sends mah portfolio straight to da Bahamas, faggot.

>> No.53378754
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you know it'd be super simple to just say something like
>family life ties up a lot of cash flow
or something like that
but sure enough, without exception, the people posting this shit say it in the most malding, seething, vein popping way possible

why is that, 4chan?

>> No.53378803

All he wanted was some anal, give the guy a break.

>> No.53379157

This isn't a real person's subscriptions iirc. It's from some internet ad.

>> No.53379175


>> No.53379557
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The issue is that sex-havers are mentally ill.
I make $350 a day, soon to be $500 a day. In two years that moves to $800, and in six? 1200 a day. The best part though is that I work four weeks on, four off. So I get to NEET in my parents basement for half the year, and the other half I work in the maritime industry. No kids, no responsibilities outside of my job. I stack the money I make and have a net worth of 150k at 24. A lot in stocks and crypto, and a lot in CDs at fixed and flexible rates (right now at 4.5%, WOAH MAMA)
Meanwhile, let’s look at my coworker who works beneath me. I have over a dozen of these guys come and go every year, but let’s focus on this one in particularly.
We’ll call him Sneed because he’s black. While I make $350 a day, sneed makes $190. Sneed and I work on a cruise ship, and cruise ships are infested by sex havers. Sneed is one of these sex havers. In fact, Sneed is so good at having sex that he even has it when he’s supposed to be working! This led to his first write up. And his second. Then Sneed gets a girl pregnant, and she decides to keep it. Sneed is gonna be a father! And when she goes home to give birth, Sneed gets another girl on the ship pregnant. And woah, guess what!? She decides to keep it too, and now both girls are aware of each other. Neither will marry Sneed, both want child support.
Poor little Sneed is basically giving his entire paycheck to these two women, and all he can do to ease the pain of being a wagie is to have more sex. Attractive fella, this Sneed guy. Ends up convincing a girl in Covid quarantine to let him in for some fuck and suck. She gets fired, I actually protect this nigga and give him one more chance against HR’s wishes.
And then he starts fucking the nurse while he’s supposed to be doing security sweeps. And the nurse lets him stay in the medical office all alone, at which point he steals a bunch of medication because hey, why not?

>> No.53379603

you can't realistically save money if you make less than $25 dollars an hour, which is 80% of American workers

>> No.53379645
File: 96 KB, 1024x944, D706FC78-9E81-40F2-8B71-D6DFDA484F9E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So right about as this nurse is gonna get fired for losing all these meds, she tattles on Sneed and says she let him take naps in there. Of course, she’s fired. And Sneed’s fired too! I have to be the one to do it to him, 6 days before Christmas. And he doesn’t understand why I’m firing him. He looks at me like I’m the bad guy. (I am a bad guy, but for completely separate reasons). So now Sneed is jobless during the holidays, and isn’t welcome at either of his baby mamas homes. He has no job and a mountain of child support, all because he was a SEX HAVER.
In my eyes I am the winner because I live a lazy life and have a successful career. In his eyes, he is the winner because he gets to have sex.
Who really won? Might be him, since reproducing is the end game of biology and life. It’s not for me to say. Maybe I’m the mentally ill one, in fact I definitely am! But I’d still prefer my life to the life of a poor sex haver.

>> No.53379825
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Good story anon
That's why I pay top tier escorts 500/hour to have great sex. At the end is way cheaper with all benefits, zero risk.
You can fuck whatever age and race you want and the top models (models ussually do this as a side job)

Pic related

>> No.53379852

Literally none of this is true.

>> No.53379856

Your on 4channel, of course there is only black and white and no nuance

Seems like you describe a seemingly mindless low inhibition guy that is blowing all his money.
On the other hand you life the frugal, anhedonia, ''responsible'' life
The thing is tough, none of you guys are at the end of your lives.

You for example are 24, basically stopped being a kid last year. Under all circumstances you are trying to accumulate wealth, as fast as possible. This is probably not a sign of mental wellbeing. You are running away from something. Maybe you turn 29 being a millionaire, and a drug fueled ride in your foreign ends off the bridge, because you realised material wealth wont fill the void for you.
Maybe your ''sneed'' guy will be living paycheck to paycheck till, and in debt working till age 78 and dropping dead. or maybe he gets a change of heart at 42, because he actually wants to leave something for his kids.

everything and nothing could happen.
the thing is tough apart from 4chan alarmism, most of the population are capable of living a fullfilling not anhedonia filled life with experiences and free time, and at the same time going after some skilled trade or profession
4chan has everyone wanting to be millionaire gamblers before turning 28.
most of adjusted skilled working population, gets into wealth building terrority at age 40+

>> No.53379889
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>material wealth

Bro you so wrong

Money > Power > women

Haven't you realized yet money is all that matters?

>> No.53379980

>NEETs take a dub
>leeching resources from people who actually do work (ie their parents)
Yeah, NEETs are certainly winning! That's why they spend all their time on anonymous internet messageboards, right? Because they're happy with their lives? Right?

>> No.53380089

based tooth fairy

>> No.53380253

It's real but it's mostly because normies are retarded. They often spend everything they could have saved on eating out, delivery, drugs/alcohol or other consumerism BS.
>t. Friend has no money to move soon, but is budgeting for tattoos

>> No.53380308

that's illegal in the land of the free

>> No.53380328
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I don't only care about how I spend my money but also about what I am eating.
Both are very similar. I notice that fat people always find excuses like "I never order junk food, I always cook at home and have veggies and fruits. I even work out. Must be bad genetics!". Then you watch them and listen carefully for what they like to eat and find out: This mofo thinks drowning potatoes in gravy and drinking gallons of smoothies is healthy.
They don't even know where the calories come from and think "being exhausted" at the gym means "getting fit".

Same with finances. It is incredibly easy for people to spend $20 each day on bullshit they don't need (ironically enough, most of the time it's sweets, drinks and other food items). Not only that, but amazon has made it incredibly easy to buy even sub $5 items with prime.

I noticed it myself. There periods where I go months without buying anything other than the groceries I need and just pay my bills. Then there are months where I burn $300 on amazon and actually have a hard time remembering what the fuck I even bought.

>> No.53380381

> consoomer on demand

>> No.53380390

>That's why I pay top tier escorts 500/hour to have great sex
Do what you want with your money, senpai, but no nut is worth 500/hour.

>> No.53380482
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>not worth it

I will make this threat glow af

15 yo virgins worth it bro
Pic related

>> No.53380565

ESL rant

>> No.53380758

feels good to live in a first world country. no worries and comfy life also free healthcare if i were to need

>> No.53380776

i would rather gamble a random crypto from the /biz/ catalog than pay to put dick in hole

>> No.53381236

>You want your body to in a state of based.
Well duh.

>> No.53381254
File: 7 KB, 202x249, 2Q==.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are literally free to move to latinamerica where you can find good looking women and all is cheap af

>pay to put dick in a hole
Chad move here anon. Now that I remember some of these girls don't even care about money but the idea of money. If you are american you can get them for free in first date, poor latinas are an easy target

Pic related

>> No.53381311

i talked with a latina girl once and she said that almost no one there speaks english. may be a little challenge since its not a overnight thing to learn a new language

>> No.53381430
File: 40 KB, 720x480, hot-girls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meh... "hablo poquito espanol" and google translate are enough. Spanish is not that hard.

>> No.53381520

don't give me crazy ideas. been having thoughts a while because that girl was really cute and in those parts of the world even pocket change seems to be lots of money. like if you have $500 spare cash it could be more than someone there makes in a whole month

>> No.53381635
File: 56 KB, 750x512, D-93-SURF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep you are right anon. A Teacher in CostaRica with a degree makes roughly 500 USD a month.

>> No.53381751

man that sounds depressing. where i live even neets get about 1k and they don't have to do anything hard for it

>> No.53381850

Kek its all true and I'm attacked viciously whenever I post it. I've conquered illness friend. I hope you can one day come to terms with being wrong and internalize new information.

Its what I had to do and was rewarded handsomely for it

>> No.53381865

Kek that's pretty good

>> No.53382266

OP, I just don't know how to make money actually.
I'm able to recognize good crypto projects and made a lot of money trading pumps last bullrun.
Now that it's over, I don't have any skill but my shit I learned from the university, which I can't turn into a side hustle to be self employed.

I finished my university now, live from my old funds right now and can't find a service that I can sell, so I'm currently draining my money.
Not sure what to do.
I'm thinking of starting a social media marketing agency just for lulz although I have zero experience in providing services or in the art of sales. But I can't make any money off of AI Art atm, which is my only obsession, so I'm utterly fucked.

My investments are parked (around 10k)
And yea
I do not have any source of income and I have no fucking idea what to do.

>> No.53382296

Also, since the market is hella volatile and we're about to hit a 2nd depression, I'm not sure about hoping for another round of a bullrun, as the last one went softer than expected, so I think the next bullrun will be even worse