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53352304 No.53352304 [Reply] [Original]

Boomers actually watch movies more than once

>> No.53352318

autistic chud who can't socialize detected
you will never make it because you are to emotionally invested into your financial decisions on a personal and political level, aka, lose money.

>> No.53352320
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you bet

>> No.53352367
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>He doesn't watch Rocky movies with his old man around Thanksgiving time
I pity you

>> No.53352421

Some movies are worth a rewatch. Like the new top gun.

>> No.53352457
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interesting. That's what these boomers are watching for a second time

>> No.53352468

I never understood people who had movies and shows they'd watched 10+ times. You saw it, you know what happens, you know everything about the movie.. why are you watching it again?
Do they just want to numb their brain and zone out?

>> No.53352472

Sounds like you’re a contrarian retard. Jump off a cliff, not many people do that and it’ll certainly make you unique, faggot.

>> No.53352484

great movies deserve to be watched more than once
easily forgettable goy slop doesn't need to revisited

>> No.53352483


>He hasn't watched Killer Klowns From Outer Space at least 10 times...

>> No.53352503

business and finance?

>> No.53352509

boomers listen to their music at 1x speed too

>> No.53352512

you'll forget a lot about basically every movie after 10 years

there are only a few movies that I can really remember like most of the scenes and key events, like heat, scarface etc

like 90 percent of the movies you watch you'll forget like over half the scenes in them

>> No.53352516

>people can't enjoy things!

>> No.53352522
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>there are people in this board that still don't watch movies or listen to music at 2x speed

>> No.53352524
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Off topic conversations by the water cooler chud

>> No.53352543
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I rewatch Harry Mack rap reactions

>> No.53352572
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That's not the way the artist intended it to be experienced
I watch jewtube videos and listen to audiobooks on max speed to get the data into my brain faster though
Movies worth watching and music worth listening to isn't just data to absorb, it's an experience to be had

>> No.53352580

>more contrarian retards who are desperate to be unique

>> No.53352604

That's not what I said you retard please understand the conversation at hand before posting your peanut brained reply thank you.

>> No.53352976

The youngins are so doped up these days that 2x is the new 1x speed.

>> No.53353013

Where the FUCK did the waterniggers go in the last part of the movie?

>> No.53353037

From what I understood, its a comfort thing. If you've ever experienced multiple traumatic events, had an abnormal stressful life, lived in an unpredictable state, it comforts you because of the fact that its so predictable.

>> No.53353118

This is accurate. It's the mental equipment of comfort food.
OP is a zoomer and all his movies involve people in stupid costumes with capes repeatedly punching each other. You don't have to watch the same movie more than once because every three months, another one just like it comes out.

>> No.53353244

you've seriously never rewatched a film and picked up on something new you didnt notice first time that redefines entire scenes?
its my litmus test of decent cinema to be able to watch it again and see it in a new light

>> No.53353299

Wow I thought this Reddit site hated all jew media...clearly you were all lying faggots.

>> No.53353447

are you one of those retards who refuses to listen to music as well because youre afraid you might start thinking about niggers or something?

>> No.53353945

I play the same video games over and over again for thousands of hours, so i understand the sentiment

>> No.53354045

I only really do that with practical information
I have rewatched stuff on off chance years later but I was more refering to the type who could watch friends or family guy or something on repeat for years on end etc.

>> No.53354048

I’ve seen Interstellar at least 100 times
I’m 43

>> No.53354058
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Imagine watching them even once

>> No.53354093

Have you ever remembered things? Why would you do that, you already lived it, why live it again as a memory?

>> No.53354122

I get a very different emotional response thinking about my memories compared to a movie. Is it the memory of the feelings the movie gave you that you like or you want to remember the lines/what happens?

>> No.53354195
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Back when I was just out of highschool in 2010. I watched Hot Fuzz at least once, every day for 5 months straight.

>> No.53354271
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>Zoomers actually listen to music more than once

>> No.53354582
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Holy fucking chad I was going to mention interstellar I seriously think it’s my favorite movie of all time. Can’t wait for Oppenheimer

>inb4 Nolan is the original goyslop
>Inb4 midwit or other insult bashing interstellar

>> No.53354746
File: 173 KB, 1280x720, 9j31za-0kolp1;lk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you love (love) movies and you need a career change or want to look into investing in cinema there is literally no other choice but this gem right here. it's the next netflix, with titties, hairy AND shaved bush, dick, political risque, you name it nigger faggot. it's at least a lightyear beyond un-rated.

>> No.53354764
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Boomers still listen to music from the 60s, 70s, and 80s over and over again without getting tired of it THOUGH

>> No.53354765
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>he doesn't know about cult cinema
grow up little dude

>> No.53354945
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thanks to public places i'm tired of 80s, 90s and 2010's and 2020's music which they play incessantly. now i'm actually an oldfag who listens to all types of underground zoomercore music. i know for a fact no grocery store, restaurant or mall will play that shit ever

>> No.53354967

>A bunch of people dressed up as "the dude"
>Tells me to grow up
The replies I am getting are quite telling

>> No.53355027
File: 25 KB, 641x530, 8048D3F9-9BDC-44C0-80B3-DD3B85253566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember my father calling me a stupid retard for rewatching the simpsons movie on blue ray, after I already saw it in the cinema.
‚Why would you need to watch something twice? Only dumb people do that.‘
I still remember how stupid I felt.

>> No.53355048

the memories are useful to avoid watching a two hour movie twice for no reason

>> No.53355063
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>he doesn't want to go bowling with jeff bridges and chris hemsworth
you're a fuckin square holmes. you good with numbers at least?

>> No.53355074

The crazy thing about boomertards and millennialtrannies is that they watch an entire movie for an hour and a half instead of just watching a summary or best clips on YouTube/tik tok. Fucking time wasting faggots. No wonder this country is so fucked up

>> No.53355105

Yeah it's always better to get your information filtered through a 3rd party. You never know what they're protecting you from

>> No.53355119

Yeah we get it you were le redpilled baste from watching Black Panther and Schindlers List you edgelord fag

>> No.53355121

What does he do for a living?

>> No.53355124

That doesn’t even make sense. You’re stupid.

>> No.53355136

Why you so aggressive? I'm agreeing with you

>> No.53355145
File: 142 KB, 1280x720, how to m3gan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whatever fag. every zoomer i know has already watched M3GAN more than once. not everyone is a loser shut-in such as yourself

>> No.53355157

It makes perfect sense you samefag retard

>> No.53355161

I don’t even know what this is. Looks pretty shit. Grow up you loser. It’s time to get a job

>> No.53355175

>multiple people think I am unreasonable. >they must be samefag

>> No.53355225 [DELETED] 

>chris hemsworth
That faggot comes to my country to larp as what I am.

>> No.53355241

You're a midwit larping as a genius and coming off as a retard. This is distinctly different to the genius larping as a retard to come off as a midwit.