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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53319052 No.53319052 [Reply] [Original]

Why do I get a bad performance review at close to every job I've ever been to? When I think about it, I've been a failure in every job I've ever been to.

I'm an ugly, shy, quiet, autist beta male.

>> No.53319192

Have you tried beginning all of your company emails with "UwU" ?

>> No.53319200
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>nobody wants to work
>make everyone that does miserable

>> No.53319313

what are they telling you in your performance review? Is there a pattern?

>> No.53319329
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this is you fyi

>> No.53319490


Poor communication. Don't take ownership. Non-existent leadership, even though I've never managed anyone.

>> No.53319525
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Learn leadership

>> No.53319565

I think its because you are an autist. I know you will ignore this advice but you should start going to the gym. It develops self co fidence and discipline and a lot of other traits like not being shy in front of random people, being more outgoing etc. It was my first and most important step when i was trying to unfuck myself. Would recommend to every autist on this board

>> No.53319764

Literally because you're beta.
Just do your best but don't overwork youself.
Any alphas they hire will eventually jump to another company for a raise and your manager will have no choice but to retain you.

>> No.53320009

how's it going, londonfrog?

>> No.53320053


Can confirm. There’s always some beta at each new job gloating about how long they’ve been there. They usually have twice the workload and half the salary of me.

>> No.53320084


I am definitely not someone who sticks around for a long time in jobs.

>> No.53320128
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Hit 1/2/3/4

>> No.53321550
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Less religion is the cure too boost intellect

>> No.53321597

> I'm an ugly, shy, quiet, autist beta male

There's your answer. In the corporate world, it's literally who you know, and not what you know. This is why autists struggle in the corporate world - it's literally high school carried over into a paying job. You have to be best buds (with strong social skills too) with management to get ahead, based on my personal observations from corporate life. Those who know everything get taken advantage of and told they aren't being sociable enough (just an excuse by management to not promote you because they personally don't like you), while the cool funny guys (and women by default) can slack and get all of the promotions because they're buds with management.

Tldr - your autism is screwing you over, social skills matter in the wagie life way more than how hard you work.

>> No.53321612

I work in management and wow do i love making my employees miserable and sucking cock

>> No.53321641


>> No.53321669

Can confirm funny and charismatic guy here I’m like forest Gump level retarded compared to the team autist that really knows his shit on my team but management still loves me and in my recent review I was told both of my bosses had good things to say about me to our manager in the city I work in. Meanwhile the autist that does all
The work sure got a 5k raise and a promotion to a senior level position but he literally works 5x as much as me and ends up working on his off days/extreme odd hours of the nights to fire fight problems from devs jobs not running correctly in our erp.

>> No.53321687

you got your answer.

>> No.53322106

>blah blah blah promotion blah blah blah raise
lmao why do you faggots care about that stupid shit, as if you will ever liberate yourself from dependence on the hand that feeds by chasing salary
I sit around and get shit performance reviews and continue to sit around and do nothing and be lazy all because dipshits like you all think they're very alpha and hop around for a few more goybux

>> No.53322131

sounds like a lame way to go through life anon tbqhfam. Id rather attempt to achieve and (without expectation) be rewarded for it with nice bonuses and raises. I dont expect it though, which makes all the difference. Stay mediocre faggot

>> No.53322173

ascension to middle management will not save you from mediocrity but it will earn you a shit body and a receding hairline

>> No.53322180

>be me
>at job interview
>interviewer is some italian guy
>end of interview he gets my last name wrong
>i correct him
>he apologizes
>shake his hand and say 'no problem Mr. Fagoccini'
>got the job

>> No.53322200

I dunno bro I'm a blunt autistic tard and I just got a pay raise from my positive performance review.

>> No.53322222

Did you and him both clap, or was it a high-pressure panel interview and you got a standing ovation?
Genuine question. I always end my interviews by thanking the interviewer for their time, complimenting their interview method, and giving them a polite round of applause, but their face always twists like they smelled something sour and they ask me to leave,

How do I interview better bros?

>> No.53322292

I see no mention of a tip. That's your problem.

>> No.53322331

i always wondered how I got such good performance reviews when i didn't do shit and slacked off most of the time. yet come review time it was all high marks, boss telling me "great job keep up the good work". I realized he didn't have a clue what was going on. Almost felt guilty about it. Like I was living a lie

>> No.53322411

Waste of digits

>> No.53322428

its because your ugly

t. shy quiet autist beta male but handsome and /fit/, people think im like a "cool" quiet guy or something idk

>> No.53322435 [DELETED] 

I've never gotten trips, quads, or quints to a post of any quality whatsoever.
I shitpost, I get digits. Thems the rules. Nothing personnel kid.

>> No.53322519
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That's a sign that you need to quit your job and go full schizo on dextools gems, i did that and im pretty fucking good. Not 6 figs or anything fancy but believe me, you get to make far more a year from that, then your lowly minimum wage job

>> No.53322539


>> No.53322606

I'm in management because I kissed ass and fucked my coworkers over, but honestly fuck them, shut the fuck up during business hours and do what you're being paid to do so I don't have to jump in and do anything and can be free to do my paperwork

>> No.53322716
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based appreciator
they know they can't afford you. throw in a custom wagie dance and you'll go straight to management

>> No.53322785


>> No.53323104

wasted, kys

fuck off back to plebbit