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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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53315605 No.53315605 [Reply] [Original]

Is the inevitable takeover by younger generations bullish or bearish? Would investing in them be profitable?

>> No.53317286

I am zoomer. do not invest in my generation.

>> No.53317305

>inevitable takeover
Not going to happen. Even if they are supposed to take over, they will avoid the responsibility.

>> No.53317330

How do I short an entire generation?

>> No.53317351

Millenials are in their 30s and 40s and they still hold barely any power. Why would it be different for zoomers?

>> No.53317636

AI will take over everything, if it hasn't already. Anyone "in charge" will answer to the machine.

>> No.53317670

shame the current establishment we'll probably be the ones coding and deploying that ai otherwise it would probably be a good idea

>> No.53317680

Every day old people retire and young people are hired. This has been happening all of your life. This is nothing new.

>> No.53317829

Take over? lol
There is no more economic mobility
By the time millennials are old, the income tax would be higher, we probably would have 100% death tax, and even reparations and paid money for pregnant blax women all over usa (California reparation commits, San Fran actually paying black women of ANY income to bring in more kids , San Fran wanting to pay 5 million to every black person( even immigrants), San Fran wants to pay 70k to every black individual for the next 240 years etc all from, you guessed it, militards and zoom zooms)
They won’t have any power
But they fucking deserve all the pain for voting for this shit
Hope they enjoy the fruits of their labors (probably won’t, they be too brain dead by then, with the drugs, vr, ar etc. they might even do an assistant sui before turning too old who knows)

>> No.53317869
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Nigga you already posted this today. Kys.

>> No.53317868

as a millenial incel how can i seduce a zoomer female? should i learn a fortnite dance?

>> No.53317901


>> No.53318046

Hurts, doesn’t it?
They should know their place

>> No.53318130

Lockheed calls 2026 thank me later.

>> No.53318734

Can I just identify as black and collect an extra 70 grand a year?

>> No.53318783

Sorry it’s actually 95k and I think yes. If you have been identifying as a black and been a resident of San Fran for the past 10 years

>> No.53318893

No. The vast majority of wealth is in the hands of boomers and they tend to give their wealth to charities rather than children. Absolutely abominable generation.

>> No.53319407

Hope they rot in hell, well deserved

>> No.53319437

Option chain doesn't go that far out dumbass. Best we have is January 17, 2025.

>> No.53321257

Buy Pfizer and Moderna stocks two years ago.

>> No.53322559

calm your tits newfag