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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53288226 No.53288226 [Reply] [Original]

Tell me why this wouldn't work.

>> No.53288234

For every debt
Theyir are debtors

>> No.53288235

Because it is antisemitic

>> No.53288246

Jesus has already done that for our sins.

>> No.53288248

Jesus is king

>> No.53288257

that's the way it works. What happened with the roman empire, templars and so on?

>> No.53288258

What if we used a chicken instead?

>> No.53288272

Because all money would disappear and everyone would be broke.

>> No.53288275

one person's debt is another's investment, so if no one pays the debt then all those investments go to zero. grannies bond fund goes to zero. social security can't be paid anymore because the government can't sell debt because its worthless now that it.won't get paid, etc. granny must go on the street and starve or get a job.

>> No.53288288

anon ..it was called the holocaust..

>> No.53288304

because you and >>53288235
are retarded

it's not because everyone would go broke. Only debtors would.
It's because no one would ever lend money again to the governments that organised this.

>> No.53288305
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Isn't this basically what Mr. Robot is about?

>> No.53288313

No, I'm pretty sure a chicken would work just fine.

>> No.53288325

sorry I don't ever give more than two replies to retard posters

>> No.53288334
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South Park already had an episode like that called Margaritaville (season 13, episode 3). It’s actually a brilliant and underrated episode.

>> No.53288336

This is literally how the world works, a group of people commit crimes, one person takes the blame.

Martin Skreli

All lightning rods for the sins of thw group. Same shit when two sports teams fight live on TV. 30 motherfuckers fighting, one gets ejected.

>> No.53288345

reminds me of that south park episode

>> No.53288362

instead of one person, this was all of Germany after ww1

>> No.53288385

And it’s going to be all of America when the everything bubble bursts.

>> No.53288397

Because every person that lent the money would take the loss. Then nobody would lend money anymore and poorfags couldn't live outside of their means.

>> No.53288409

What's the point of even killing them man when the thought experiment is the same as "why can't we just not pay our debt?" and the answer is because the people who own that debt want you to pay up retard.

>> No.53288429


>> No.53288436

Shalom fellow yom kippurim

>> No.53288443
File: 65 KB, 597x900, jesus-christ-on-the-cross-crucifixion-svitozar-nenyuk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you Jesus, our Lord and Saviour.

>> No.53288460

Based and Christpilled

>> No.53288477

Must be 18 to post.

>> No.53288491

Liberal cuck

>> No.53288599

I think they did this with Germany.

>> No.53288639

Now you're talking...

>> No.53288726

Says the commie faggot who can't pay his debts that he agreed to pay and now just wants it to magically disappear. /pol/chuds really are the dumbest mother fuckers on the planet.

>> No.53288811

I've heard this sentiment before, and I can understand where there may reside some grivances in some of us western cultured folk, but I would like to take this opportunity to remind you that although the Jew name is purposely used to describe both a people and a religion, the Jews that are most talked about disfavorably are the wealthy Jews involved in entertainment (because they have ruined entertainment media with filth), and gay Jews for much of the same reasoning. Here's the thing though: The reasoning is flawed.
One, because "gay Jews" don't exist. Ask any rabbi if there is such a thing as a gay Jew. Jews are taken through a ceremony and sometimes they have to marry a Jewish woman to become a real Jew. Marrying a Jewish woman does not make you gay. It makes you very straight because Jewish women are beautiful and busty.
Second, Jews are not involved in the "secular" worldly temptations. In many religions it is frowned upon even so much as to watch a Soap Opera or a Sitcom depending on the sexual themes and jokes in it.
The final thing that I know of and would like to touch upon is that Jews have a reputation for being greedy and ruthless when it comes to money. Although this reputation is thousands of years old it is unfair to forget that this only describes a minor fraction of the Jewish people. It stands to reason that most real Jews are not wealthy and although there are many wealthy Jews spread across many different countries they aren't all in accordance with the Jewish views and religion. Certainly when the opportunity arrives to help a fellow Jew and look good infront of people they may donate or help eachother out like any other group of people, but at the end of the day in my honest opinion Jews are not the worst thing to have happened to America.

>> No.53288813

It would, just give me some time to take some loans out.

>> No.53288908

Imagine this but with sins. Oh wait that’s alright happened. Forgive me Master for I have coomed again.

>> No.53288920

Didn't read, still not falling for your tricks.

>> No.53288921

Is it possible to do it again?

>> No.53288942
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Take the Girard pill. Study mimetic theory and its effects on human desire.

>> No.53288959

>thanks for the book report moshe

>> No.53288963


Because debt creates the incentive for human creation and labor that gives value to the money said debt is priced in.

>> No.53288999

ghost debt no care. good thing they just bounty hunters and arent law.

>> No.53289006

government makes the debt then sells it. claims a loss. crooks worse than all of us.

>> No.53289136

yes but now we need a money jesus.

>> No.53289596


>> No.53289634

Ya I know I know I'm just gonna keep hating and killing Jews. Ahhh ya I know I'm just gonna keep doing it

>> No.53289640

The guy is called Millennials and Zoomers

>> No.53289863

Harvey Weinstein
Jeffrey Epstein

>> No.53291305

Well, fuck them. Overwhelmingly jewish anyhow.

>> No.53291359

there is a severe misunderstanding of what debt is and a huge amount of magical thinking when it comes to finance

>> No.53291554


>> No.53291624

That’s how human sacrifices used to work.

>> No.53291679

>implying the fed hasnt already roflstomped the everything bubble
There's that white supremacist incel talking point again :)

>> No.53291685

this is what Christianity is about

>> No.53292138

Maybe I'll fuck granny for 5 bucks

>> No.53292145

Lol top take

>> No.53292177

not a single mention of
man this board is a fucking bot ridden retarded joke

>> No.53292178

But it sounds like something jews do too. Something with chickens, I think..

>> No.53292187


>> No.53292271

Fuck Jesus, I was born without sin. I was born free as an Aryan chad.

>> No.53292295

I guarantee you’ve sinned in your life, we all have

>> No.53292296

Nice attempt at gaslighting but it’s too late the goyim know

>> No.53292301
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>> No.53292329

Worshipping the demiurge Yahweh is the greatest sin, fuck your trash semitic religion of guilt and egalitarianism, inversion of the natural laws. The black sun shall rise again and btfo the lord of darkness and his chosen kike demons

>> No.53292343


Like, he really does not know about our Saviour? Sad.

>> No.53292421
File: 505 KB, 512x576, 1673098779376902.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Cool it down OP

>> No.53293575

If you don't like debt, don't take it on.

Entities who provide loans provide a very useful and desirable thing to many people.

Just because you don't understand it, doesn't make it bad. Your take is like this:

Eating too much makes people fat. We should just feed one guy all the food and then kill him so no one gets fat again.

>> No.53293623

People already said Jews faggot

>> No.53293639
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