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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53284664 No.53284664 [Reply] [Original]

This upsets the ZEC/SCRT holder.

>> No.53284670

What's that? Oh wait I don't care, because I don't hold internet fairy coins.

>> No.53284680
File: 127 KB, 1600x1197, falling-down-9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck are you doing on /biz/ then? /SMG/?

>> No.53284736
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aight, I've heard about Discreet this for weeks now, i looked at the website I looked at the source code, its a decent project, but is it realistically gonna shoot up in value once it goes live?
also they have 1 (one) phd working on the project, the rest are just people with master degrees.

anyone here on testnet that can share some experiences on how it works currently?

t. actual jew who just wants to exit as soon as shit pumps

>> No.53284742

Just offering my 2 cents. I don't have to hold crypto to post here. Call me overly cautious, but I prefer actual assets that don't vanish into an unknown Pajeet's dirty paws overnight.

>> No.53284815

>implying all crypto projects are scam
Litearlly all it takes is a bit of due diligence

>> No.53284822

They are.. oh well, you'll find out the hard way.

>> No.53284960

Never heard of them

>> No.53284987
File: 87 KB, 1125x430, lollmfao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best known for having 2 random researchers deanonymize their entire network without holding any significant amount of coins. They rely on "SGX" which isn't even encryption or privacy just a very hard to access part of your processor.
>pic related

Discreet isn't vulnerable to this because it uses actual elliptic curves and circuits for its smart contracts

>> No.53285068

Best to avoid Secret then

>> No.53285146

Based. Biz is sleeping hard on this.

>> No.53285299

How do you even buy it?

>> No.53285323

2 year ico that didn’t fill ”led” by some dude who unironically flipped burgers at Burger King. Out of all the ponzi scams why would you buy this particularly pathetic one?

>> No.53285339
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>2 year ICO
lol, lmfao

Find better FUD. I honestly dont care if you get a bag or not, but I will point and laugh when it gets listed in Q3

>> No.53285346

This, but unironically

>> No.53285435
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Literally just go to the website

>> No.53285514

sui/mi ?

>> No.53285553

>sui/mi ?
Calculate it yourself.

>> No.53285561

this coin not a scam. we do have two year ICO that was changed so we can have good community

4channel ignore the paid FUDs

>> No.53285568

20k DIST tokens good make time stack bro

you need buy now before we sellout and end premine presale. we have lot of interest in our token because it going to moonie moon

>> No.53285641

This has to launch during the next bullrun, I don't care when that is. Easily will see $20-$40 DIST prices

>> No.53285668
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Question is how long the recession lasts before we go back to printing money and 17 yo's on TikTok start becoming crypto experts again. Regardless it'll hit 65$ once it has matured is my best back of the napkin guess based on mcap comparisons.

>> No.53285680

stop posting paid FUD this good moonie moon token is in test net right now., it going to rocket to 1000 EOY and dethrone monero

this coin is true privacys on blcokchsin

>> No.53285692

do not sleep on this coin 4channel

good moonie moon token for bullrun going wow., stay poor or buy now


>> No.53286000

What OS is this?

>> No.53286063

good bump save off page 4.

keep switching IDs DIST teams, we need to keep bumping DIST fourm on 4channel. Sending updated TG post guidelines

>> No.53286212

Buy BDIS on 1inch instead of buying through the pre-sale. You get more than a 50% discount

>> No.53286269

4channel do not sleep on good token

DYOR or stay poor

>> No.53286791
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The 1inch is literally a scam, it's doubtful if youre even gonna be able to claim BDIS/EDIS for DIST on mainnet launch lmfao

>> No.53286852

4channel DOYR but do no sleep on DIST

very good token with lambo ticket on it buy now stay poor

>> No.53287334

no, it isn't. Fred confirmed

>> No.53287721

Bought 3k via ICO portal and 15k via 1inch
any source on them not being redeemable for mainnet coins or did you just make shit up?

>> No.53287741

This scam again?

>> No.53287922

holy shit you just got scammed, twice. You literally bought a coin from a PAJEET group that has changed DIST like four times from chink privacy coin to whatever it is now.

And you bought a PAJEET copied coin on 1inch. It’s not the same contract you retard



>> No.53289654

Kek, I bet this doesn't hold a candle against Secret Network or most of the privacy projects.

>> No.53289998
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How much to make it?

>> No.53290033

Rail and Zcash use better tech, zk-SNARKs. they are the top G

>> No.53290134

SCRT and ROSE are CosmosWasm networks and the former is already connected to IBC, how about DIST?

>> No.53290289

looks like garuda linux