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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 1.73 MB, 854x480, Cooking low ROI.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53263566 No.53263566 [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder that cooking is an extremely poor return on investment activity and is only for those that are not wise enough to allocate their time properly. Time is money.

>> No.53263587

true, i started paying someone to make and bring me all my food, i've saved like $300 this month so far

>> No.53263593

>t. lost it all to Romanian feds

>> No.53263603

lmao Tate makes me laugh man

how can someone be so dense. gotta love him

>> No.53263641

checked and it's not all about money. I prepare a lot of my own food because I get to choose the healthiest and tastiest ingredients. I also enjoy experimenting in the kitchen. I just made egg drop soup for the first time and it was delicious.

>> No.53263645

It’s true. If you generate $100/hr normally with your biz or job then it’s pointless to save $5 on something that consumes 30 mins of your time and is also using your precious and limited daily decision making energy.

Might as well work 30 minutes and spend $50 on food delivery instead. The ROI only makes sense if you’re not a min wage idiot

>> No.53263661

kekd at the you're broke

>> No.53263720

Maybe I enjoy cooking? Life isn't all about money. This is apparently completely lost on Tate

>> No.53263767

Well if you enjoy it then fine.

And yes, life revolves around how much money you have. So it’s important to focus on it. You sound like a house broken faggot. Tell your wife to stfu and let you focus on money again

>> No.53263851

Wiping your ass is a very low ROI activity, possibly even lower than cooking. If you spend time wiping your ass or using a bidet, youre broke son.

>> No.53263895

Shitting is the lowest ROI because you never know how long it would take. For the biggest return I'd advise Tate to get surgery and just shit in a bag taped to his stomach.

>> No.53263969
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his character is phenomenal, it's a very successful time-tested grift. you say sensational shit for free marketing, scam useful idiots with affiliate marketing and then when people point out the scam you get them mad about the sensational shit again. his most brilliant move was convincing all the room temperature IQ taters that the matrix is out to get him while her perpetuates consumerism and being a good goy.
>inb4 picrel

>> No.53263970

>dude my time is so precious and valuable bro!
you're on 4chan(nel) waiting 60 seconds solving captchas in order to say "sneed" and post cartoon frog images to other anonymous people online, who the fuck are you kidding

>> No.53263993
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>> No.53264004
File: 25 KB, 454x412, u doofus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you work at a gas station, don't you?

>> No.53264024

GUYS GUYS GUYS screw cooking it's a waste of time! You're better off listening to nigger glowie podcast and posting bait on 4chan!

>> No.53264025

>he thinks income scales with time spent working
asking me how i know you're a mixed race teenager being raised by a single mother.

>> No.53264050

fucking kek

>> No.53264110

I ordered food for a year and felt like shit, on meal prep I don’t feel like shit. I spend 2 days a week cooking and do not feel like shit anymore. Also don’t pretend you don’t spend 30 minutes or more edging to porn daily.

>> No.53264117

I kinda of agree, so I started doing meal prep, I can cook about two weeks worth of evening meals in an hour or two.

I will never pay for some third worlder to cook my food and then another third worlder to deliver it

>> No.53264162

I agree with tate about most things he says but, I enjoy cooking, it's a valuable skill that every man (and woman) should know. We have a large portion of the population now that simply don't know how to a cook a balanced, tasty, healthy meal, one of the most basic human necessities of life. Taking a bunch of raw ingredients are making a tasty meal for you and your family is a secret joy of life. Not everything is about ROI. Talking to your family is shit ROI, spending time with your kid is shit ROI, any leisure time in any shape or form is shit ROI, drinking anything other than water and eating rice and beans is shit ROI. You making this thread is shit ROI.

We make money so we can do things like make meals and spend time with our family, or relax and watch a movie, or any other hobby you enjoy. Life isn't about being some robot that min-maxes the most efficient return on your time.

>> No.53264252

Gotta love top g

>> No.53264380

very midwit take
when you're not cooking, you don't know what you're eating, for real
I want to live at least 120 years so I can't afford to eat cancer food, and to trust other people even understanding what I'm talking about
I'll laugh at his dying corpse when I'll hit longevity escape velocity feeling good

>> No.53264955

gotchu senpai, lengthen them telomere.


>> No.53265037


dont shit, eat, have sex, go on biz, watch a movie, talk your parents, or anything because TIME IS MONEY and you gotta MAKE MONEY EVERY SECOND OF YOUR LIFE. buy my book on passive investing btw youll never have to work again

>> No.53265039

>lmao Tate makes me laugh man
>how can someone be so dense. gotta love him
Yeah, he's pretty obviously a grifter/troll, but he is funny.

>> No.53265859
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>Not having your wife cook for you
Oh wait, he whores his gf out like a cuck.

>> No.53266521

based. I wanna learn hot and sour soup

>> No.53266547

this retard will get knocked out by Jake Paul

>> No.53266636

You do understand that cooking is a time based activity and that you can multi task and do other stuff while your food is cooking right?
It's also cheaper.

>> No.53266730

If nothing else, cooking is good for your psychological health. Not to mention, whatever you're eating that you prepared yourself is probably significantly healthier and or cheaper than whatever the alternative would have been.

>> No.53266834
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>> No.53266879

This man snitched on himself by sending incriminating voice messages directly to the person accusing him of misconduct.
Imagine taking advice from this guy lol he's like those rappers that talk about the crimes they commit in their songs

>> No.53266892
File: 282 KB, 976x400, 1657273930215.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based but fast food is shit so meal prep, hire Conseula for $10 an hour, or if you made it have your own private chefs

>> No.53266910

Why do you reply to this? Are you stupid?
Did you think you were going to prove someone wrong?

>> No.53266993

if you cook for one person yes, but if you cook for 5 people, not so much. A meal outthat is good for 5 people at the quality of home cooking would be about 200$ - 300 if you ate out, and even then its not good.

Actual value for taste nutrition and cleanleness is mear 500. So that 700 - 1000 you have to make before tax for one meal for 5 people.

>> No.53267044

>life revolves around how much money you have

>> No.53267144


The answer is yes, you can make food faster
Especially nowadays since all restaurants turned to shit food with shittier service

>> No.53267216
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>A meal outthat is good for 5 people at the quality of home cooking would be about 200$ - 300 if you ate out
Shut the fuck up

>> No.53267345

Cooking for a single meal is a waste of time, but cooking for 4+ meals and storing the extras in the fridge/freezer is worth your time.

>> No.53267367

you must not have left your parents basement since inflation hit.

>> No.53267416

It literally does if you're not a wagecuck.

>> No.53267445

>eating frozen food & 3+ day old food
Better to just get fresh grocery store meals they prepare daily

>> No.53267461

>if you cook for 5 people
>names a scenario where you likely have a wife & 3 kids
In that case, your time is wasted cooking and the wife should do it while you focus on making more money per hour.

>> No.53267544

The richest guys I know are phenomenal cooks

>> No.53267610

well you right I have 2 wives and 2 kids.
but still 5 and the wives both cooks and wash up
7-8 /10 Cutiepies
I fuck one on top of the other
we have mutliple degrees
also we are multi millionares

>> No.53267611

And they didn't get rich cooking so what's your point?

The reason those guys are rich is because they have a sense of urgency in everything they do. Cooking is easier to master if you are very fast at doing simple tasks so the same logic that makes someone rich makes someone a good cook. That doesn't mean they should all start restaurants or waste their time preparing meals.

>> No.53267663
File: 71 KB, 1000x982, FCotFscWUAgQF4r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the ROI of going poop?

>> No.53267680

this guy is so fuckin retarded.

I can make an egg and potato with literally no effort and it is ready in 5 minutes and costs 1/10th of what most meals cost.

You are all stupid niggers who drink the bald mans koolaid

>> No.53267716

yep he is a stupid and it will hilarious to watch him spend 5-15 years in a romanian prison.

>Hustler's University
What a dipshit haha

>> No.53267718
File: 35 KB, 500x500, 1671168842707090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Horrible ROI. You should be taking laxatives and smoking cigs while on the toilet to vacate faster. If you aren't completely expelling your bowels within 12.7 seconds you're destined to be poor. Shit fast, get rich. It's that simple

>> No.53267725

No I make six figs but I’ve seen time and time again people wasting their energy on tasks they can simply hire out. Why spend 10 hours on building a deck when you can pay Jose 5 hours of your wages to do it for you.

It says a lot about you for not realizing the point behind my post.

>> No.53267742

Hey dumbass not everyone works salaried jobs. You may as well do an hour of overtime and pay consuela to deliver food for you rather than waste time cooking. Dumb faggot

>> No.53267747
File: 3.75 MB, 3600x3593, another-low-effort-andrew-tate-and-greta-thunberg-meme-i-v0-rgn8lpudp39a1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He looks like he's straight outta some gay porn film

>> No.53267753

My chef gf cooks for me, fag. Cope.

>> No.53267763
File: 71 KB, 1000x982, FCotFscWUAgQF4r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you factoring in quality of life into your analysis? I like to take my time when I am on the John.

>> No.53267780

Same. Except I have courted mine into marriage.

>> No.53267840
File: 1.59 MB, 1620x1080, mysnownigga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At this point I'm vargmaxxing, I only listen to people who have a wife and a minimum of 3 kids. Everyone else is just a baby boy, a manchild with more expensive toys, a twisted simulacrum of masculinity.

>> No.53267910

>slaying your bandmate

>> No.53267931

It's fine, communists aren't people.

>> No.53267932

i remember that vid
didn't he also shill kickboxing immediately after or something
like how can you be so fucking retarded that you would declare cooking a low roi activity when it's the best and cheapest way to get good nutrition, and then talk about becoming a professional athlete / fighter?
i swear this guy was a glowie larping as a parody of an "alphabro," he sounded that dumb

>> No.53267954

Want to get laid? Cook a woman dinner.

>> No.53267992

Why would someone eat out all the time anyway? They always cook with shit like vegetable oil and other nasty chemicals.

>> No.53268190

>waste their time preparing meals.
thats precisely what they've done, and most likely very often. just because you;re not cooking doesnt mean you will be making money. no one is working 24/7, and not cooking incurs its own costs that have to be weighed against the time/opportunity cost

>> No.53268196

Shit or get off the pot

>> No.53268197

>the exact opposite of a food analogy

>> No.53268206

low ROI. he trafficks them instead

>> No.53268233

what is the ROI of having sex, by this logic

>> No.53268239
File: 73 KB, 1000x982, FCotFscWUAgQF4r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would prefer not to.

>> No.53268255
File: 38 KB, 558x395, 1658188560882372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminds me of a thread on /b/ about stomping it down the drain. Classic.

>> No.53268325

>And yes, life revolves around how much money you have.

>> No.53268337

Holy shit, what a retard
Eating whole, organic foods is based

>> No.53268359


>> No.53268368

This man isn't wrong

>> No.53268477

I made 388k this year (last year whatever), and I enjoy cooking my own food because it isn't loaded with goyslop sugars syrups and estrogens. It tastes good, it does take at least an hour but I drink while I cook and it's a great time plus the food tastes great and it's cheap (used to be at least).

What else am I going to do with 1 hour at 8:30pm at night? Make business calls? Have meetings lmao no one wants to do business at that hour unless you're face to face eating a steak at a nice steak house that makes it worth their time.

>> No.53268549

this is the one thing tate is wrong about, by controlling what enters your body you become the master of your health, he was a fucking professional fighter, he knows this, he's just trolling on this one

>> No.53268989

hey if this is you spooky, I'll be back in a couple weeks when I get new phone, TAG

>> No.53269028

>53263566 (You)
>Bro just doordash some slop full of vegetable oil
>Let some drug addicts cook, spit in, and deliver your food, it's based!
>Why would you want a wife that cooks for you?
If you aren't talking about hiring a personal chef to cook you some real food, this is weak bait.

>> No.53269066

You retards have never heard of a crock pot

>Throws jar of salsa and chicken breast in crockpot
>Come back hours later
>Cooking sooo hard

>> No.53269095

No it's not
t. not an obese slob

>> No.53269116

Hmmmm yeah no thanks, I'll keep cooking my food and using the ingredients I like, no shitty vegetable oil or low quality shit...

>> No.53269117

Fuck off Andrew.
You’re an old man now I think I could take you out like yesterdays trash

>> No.53269194
File: 30 KB, 240x249, 1437205715866.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This mutt monster is hilarious.