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53257410 No.53257410 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.53257433


>> No.53257470

The quality of life there is unironically far higher than in any city

>> No.53257503

It's okay to admit you're scared of change and don't know how to drive anon.

>> No.53257509

I'm a chad on acreage in rural new england but I would unironically live there before I live in any major city again

>> No.53257526

Lol no. I’ve lived in Sterling KS and San Francisco. Kansas can suck my balls, I would never move back there. Food sucks (minus bbq), boring as fuck landscape, people are retards (but nice retards), jack shit to do expect bonfires by the river aka drink or go to the movies.

>> No.53257566

The lack of bathhouses and human feces all over public places was probably a downer for you too.

>> No.53257568
File: 485 KB, 3000x2700, 20221213_224332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>live in Midwest, where everything is cheaper
>still live near a large city and not in the middle of fucking nowhere
Truly the best of both worlds, comfy as fuck

>> No.53257589
File: 208 KB, 1177x1168, 1673017083494936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont knock it till you try it, Anon. Get a remote job, even if its entry level...move to Kansas near some nice little town. Read and enjoy the fresh air...Profit of life. I've lived in NYC, Vegas, LA and Miami---Texas in the middle of nowhere is by far my favorite place so far. TV and the Jews have convinced everyone to stay in cities so their property values can stay elevated and they keep us all debt slaves. Fuck them...they can have their concrete and steal heaps of trash.

>> No.53257593

Sounds perfect, you yuppie faggot.

>> No.53257598

>jack shit to do expect bonfires by the river aka drink or go to the movies.
You are a fucking NPC if you prefer San Francisco to that

>> No.53257599

Please. For the sake of the white race stay in the cities. OP is a nigger.

>> No.53257604
File: 559 KB, 671x566, 09625F74-1EE8-4E10-8408-8FD0B52FAF1C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kansas sounds pretty based desu. I’d go check it out if I weren’t in the best state in the country

>> No.53257617

Great rebuttal. Enjoy never seeing the ocean flyover cuck

>> No.53257632
File: 36 KB, 594x675, california.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


imagine being a flyoverfag. imagine having to drive literally everywhere. nothing to do in your city. all your high school friends are still in the neighborhood and are now depressed alcoholics. you get dragged to church every sunday. the most exciting thing to ever happen in your town is an old person dying. you friend asks if you want to go to the river and race frogs. you turn 80 and die from years of consuming goyslop, or you rope by the time your 40 out of sheer boredom/drug addiction

how horrifying

>> No.53257658

>The quality of life there is unironically far higher than in any city
Shut up. Do you want a bunch of cityfags moving out here and ruining shit?
Tell it's terrible. Tell them hillbilly rape gangs patrol the woods at night.

>> No.53257672

I’m an NPC if I prefer more entertainment choices than drinking and going to the movies? You sure you didn’t get that backwards?

>> No.53257705

If I ever make I will consider it. Currently living in Miami Florida suburbs

>> No.53257709

Yeah I'm sure you go to the art museum every day and not the barcade and slop stands

>> No.53257711

Absolutely correct. California is great, nothing to see in the rest of the country, so if you're a Califorian just stay in California. Please stay in California

>> No.53257724

>imagine having to drive literally everywhere.
Cali is the ONE state that has no right to say that shit.

>> No.53257729

Yes, you're an NPC. Stay in CA with the rest of them. NPCs.

>> No.53257772
File: 143 KB, 929x1175, xrp holder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i will, faggot. i've been all over the US, most states suck complete shit and everyone pretends to be happy but in reality they're all coping and wishing they were from cali or an actual relevant state. maybe one day you wont be poor and you can come visit and see/swim in the ocean for the very first time, and watch an ocean sunset. have you ever? have you literally ever seen the sun set over the pacific? its incredible, and i get to see it every single day

nigger, i live in a city in Socal where i am in walking distance to every single thing i need. im actually considering selling my car because i rarely even turn it on.

>> No.53257831

Wouldn't live in KS but rust belt cities will get big population growth in the rest of the 20's and 30s
Buffalo, Pitt, Detroit, Cincy, all getting +25% pop growth imo

>> No.53257917

Kansan here, just bought a house today, I make barely over 50k a year. Low cost of living afforded me a decent place.

Can you say the same?

>> No.53257944

85 IQ ruraloids and big city washouts (too lazy and retarded to compete and make money) absolutely seething
>muh heckin 30 acres of non-arable land covered in brush and garbage

>> No.53257952

Yes, good little NPC, give up your car and then the rest of your freedom, if there's any left..

>> No.53257956

> live in small town
> only rent to people who have local last names