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File: 97 KB, 640x640, pngtree-algorand-cryptocurrency-pure-proof-of-stake-token-png-image_2318983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53240031 No.53240031 [Reply] [Original]

Algorand sentiment check. Let's see how quickly we get archived.

>> No.53240199

I’ve got over 100k algos and I never post anymore

>> No.53240288

Fud has been exceedingly aggressive lately. Very bullish.

>> No.53240406
File: 156 KB, 3258x3258, 4FA23E40-8102-469B-BD3D-07243AFAD9F3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DeFi is absolute dog water on Algo
Ethereum was, is, and will always remain the based and checked blockchain for DeFi

>> No.53240515

ethereum has a head start thats why tvl is higher
ethereum does not scale
no wants to wait long for a transaction that is valued less than its transfer fees

>> No.53240525

ALGO is king. 12k stacklet

>> No.53240560
File: 219 KB, 1048x809, 955CDC7D-2AD1-49F9-9545-BCA117F7B484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we have modular L2s that generate lightspeed TPS with almost no gas to be spoken of

you have a chain that runs 10 TPS on a very good day

>> No.53240597

we all saw how "effective" those L2s were kek
besides most projects remain on ethereum and only a few build on L2s which defeats the purpose of an L2

>> No.53240619


>"We have whole other chains that make the original chain usable!"

Lol what a cope.

TPS is over ten right now, and can sustain orders of magnitude more https://algoexplorer.io/

>> No.53240636

Algo feels like an IRA to me

>> No.53240637
File: 144 KB, 618x597, 3F1036A9-5EF8-43F0-8D5F-6BB2E69DF767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you’d put the copium needle down for a minute and actually check previous pic related, you’d realize you’re wrong
a modular L2 testnet is already live and working on Ethereum.
We’ve BEEN waiting for this
>check Mantle Network

>> No.53240677
File: 217 KB, 1060x1071, 4DB79C8A-020A-40D8-BE10-6BF91F3E92CC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We have whole other chains that make the original chain usable
umm.. okay? … so?
it works amazingly and thats all i really care about
>doesn’t affect security
>doesn’t affect decentralization
>massive boost in TPS
>massive boost in adoption

>> No.53240775
File: 78 KB, 624x208, ALGOOOO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wont hate on Ethereum. I like it but I just think Algorand (for now) is better.

Modular L2s are seriously a great concept but they dont exist (again, for now)
until then, Ethereum cant scale mainstream adoption. Algorand however, can

>> No.53240827
File: 54 KB, 690x324, 0B0F5281-E296-4351-91F6-6C0B2B2DB811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I literally just posted this and you chose to completely ignore it
modular L2s are real and they’re up and working on Ethereum RIGHT NOW (even if its still a testnet)
Ethereum is real. Mantle is real. Mass scalability is real

Algo is gud [for certain situations], but over all its definitely not the best

>> No.53240840

>phone poster fag
kill yourself this instant

>> No.53240927
File: 206 KB, 1124x1118, 598F117E-EFD2-419F-B3EB-252FF1D0C3EA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>iPhone 14 Pro Max 1 TeraByte
$1500 before taxes and accessory upgrades
costs more than your stupid RTX 4090
seethe harder kek

>> No.53240993

Are you really bragging about paying 1500 for an Iphone? You could literally get a samsung with the same specs for 500$ Just need your autistic UI?

>> No.53241120

but most lenses in apps aren’t Andriod friendly and honestly im not ready to send a pixelated photo of my face to a woman
~20% discount, yes, but at the cost of pixilated/low quality photos online

>> No.53241209

You never had sex anyways

>> No.53241733

Do we think Algo can get back in the top 20?

>> No.53242233

in theory it should be relatively easy possible.
how much does Aptos take away potential users from ALGO?

>> No.53242471

17c from the bottom I have no more money to buy so I'm stuck holdling 25k

>> No.53242581

Miss algo being 6% apy. Oh well sold the top for a 2x and then the coin makers decided to kill it on purpose. Oh well

>> No.53242771

some coin creators try to scam money,
but does that take away the good attributes of ALGO?

>> No.53244531

You guys really don't talk about this anymore

>> No.53244595

what are price targets for this? and a suicide stack?

>> No.53244732

100K+ is a good stack

>> No.53244889

i've just accumulated around 40k, unsure on accumulating more until i know what the potential for a target is

>> No.53244905

You really dropped $8k just like that?

>> No.53244984

no, ive been accumulating for a few months between 24-16c after seeing all the fud on the board

i wish i was that rich to just drop 8k on some random alt

>> No.53245503

Good luck on the journey, fellow algonaut

>> No.53245667

dumb nigger shill

>> No.53245685

This is an open forum of discussion...
No shilling here

>> No.53246133

yeah. i can understand shitting on link for fun, that's basically board culture. but algo? it's pretty niche but actively developed and works without downtime since inception. the only thing fudworthy are the usual crypto problems of "why would adoption increase token price" and "why use blockchain at all", imo

>> No.53246686
File: 1.28 MB, 1416x720, steaking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

similar situation.
algo,link,eth,btc,xmr, and a few dozen really shitcoins, is my thing in crypto..
i do not like the future of crypto at all.
it was fun when it was new.
now i see it for what it is.
also m.i.t. is a very corrupt kike institution.
that should be warred off of this continent.
boston mass is a fucking swamp of disease and cancer that must be warred.

and that saddens me to say that.
cause i used to like and do enjoy m.it. and MA american history alot.

it is just so opposite of what it really is now.
i feel more obliged to kill it, than to assist it.

need another revolution.
violence is the most direct route.
but also maybe the most foolish.
brute force tactic.

maybe that is what is needed.

i fucking hate boston now.
i love its history so much though.

love/hate relationship.

i would move to nazi germany if i could.
fucking kikes.

>> No.53246719

Amazing tech is worth Stacy's sexual reassignment surgery

>> No.53246803

been stayed ALGOCHAD the entire time

>> No.53246823

>m.i.t. is a very corrupt kike institution

Exactly why I own a lot of ALGO

>> No.53246842



>> No.53246851

algo is my 3rd favorite crypto project. i only got into it because i like m.i.t. and i wanted to invest in something local at the time.
it's pretty much like a sports team. except crypto. to me.
the boston crypto. very homo.
i liked algo alot around 2020-2021
now i have a negative feel of it.
i can tell it's compromised and very kiked.
i'm not blind.
i know enough about shit m.i.t. does in the business world to know it is an enemy of usa.
but i like the people and brains. the real people. not the kike demons lurking within.
m.i.t. has always been my favorite college in northeast..
pre 1930's harvard too.
present steak stats.

reg and vote

>> No.53246882

Hell yeah. That's what's up, my nigga!

>> No.53247123

Will definitely buy after BTC crashes below 14k somewhere in this quarter.

>> No.53247768


>> No.53248615

As a technology, it's honestly not too bad. The tokenomics were horrible. They fucked up with the accelerated vesting which made circulating supply double within a few months, but the big dump seems to be over now. The VCs got their pound of flesh.

>> No.53248994


accelerate deez nutz

>> No.53249113

does that mean you think Algo will be a top performer?

>> No.53249197


>> No.53250153

foundation killed aglo

>> No.53250155

Hahhahahahha No.

It will never reach $1

>> No.53250322

How do you know

>> No.53250418

Yea, it's one of the best so far, my interest in Algorant started after their partnership with ORE ID and Fifa

>> No.53250794

I'm making like $4 per day in passive rewards off this yield farm in an Algo DeFi dApp. I'm compounding my stake every week too. A-am I gonna make it?

>> No.53250873

You're gonna make it fren! $4 per day is gonna be millions in no time.

>> No.53250885

Not sure if srs or laughing at me

>> No.53251719

With how much capital?
I make way beyond that in my ORE pairs on polygon

>> No.53251870

With like $1.3k.

>> No.53251919

algo is a vc scam keeps dumping like a shitcoin

>> No.53252641

Facts are not FUD.
fact is that Algorand is 100% centralized (thanks to it's BFT protocol) and only 33% byzantine resistant thanks to BFT protocol.

permissioned core infrastructure is absolute clown tier. the foundation and Silvio himself gloss over this topic with hand-wavy gestures but it'll always be centralized. total lie to say that is "solved the trilemma". interesting tech, but no business calling itself part of Web3.

>> No.53252657


VC dumped their bags on hookers and cocaine

Algo is dead

>> No.53252658

It's totally centralized. There is zero point to Algorand, just use AWS. federated permissioned infrastructure renders the network a clown show of centralization.
Ethereum with a Nakomoto coefficient of 2 is also total clown.

>> No.53252675

VC's are another measure of centralization, sure. but the clincher which ALGO fans are not even aware of is that the network is 100% centralized due to permissioned infrastructure running at the center of the network. All consensus can only communicate through that permissioned core. It's an absolute joke of hyper-centralization and yet they claim "solved the trilemma".