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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 22 KB, 460x383, awM9V2D_460s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53233449 No.53233449 [Reply] [Original]

I still believe this is a some kind of exit pump, am I just retarded or what?

>> No.53233476
File: 17 KB, 576x756, 1666435946820.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The 1D Stoch RSI reveals what's happening.

>> No.53233506

rsi at 100 can last days even weeks. We can go up to 30k

>> No.53233515

It's confirmed >>53233333.
BTC is gonna pump to 33k then selloff from bottom buyers and crab some more at 20k.

>> No.53233538

You’re right. Not selling now is fucking insane.

>> No.53233545

>rsi at 100 can last weeks
>can go up 12k while it's at 100
Has never ever happened. Post one example. You won't.

>> No.53233553

Also note that the screenshot I posted was of Stoch RSI, not regular RSI.

>> No.53233556

Stoch RSI is a meme indicator of an indicator.
Check the weekly chart, in March 2019. Stoch RSI was literally at 100 and BTC price was at $3500, the absolute bottom of the previous cycle.
But yeah, sometimes is predicting it like a clockwork.

>> No.53233574
File: 74 KB, 890x406, stochrsi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what I was talking about.

>> No.53233585

Right before the bull started too. Bobos are sweating from that chart.

>> No.53233595
File: 26 KB, 374x786, 40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>53233556 >>

>> No.53233620

I should've accumulated more ADA god damn.

>> No.53233643
File: 182 KB, 769x645, 1667703427407.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based. So typical that agents sent here to fud anons out of using the greatest and most reliable indicator in existence always feel the need to lie on the plainest, most easily verifiable matter. They hope anons are incapable of checking charts themselves. They really, really, really don't want us to buy the bottom.

>> No.53233674

I told you the W chart, nigga.

>> No.53233683
File: 31 KB, 396x385, 65937070-476A-4A4B-8E32-0111DDC30AEF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53233686

No, you are right. We are exiting the bear market with this pump

>> No.53233698

His screenshot IS the weekly, you vile jew.

>> No.53233743

Not sure what you're trying to prove.
Look at my chart zoomed out, the Stoch RSI was at 100 from March 4th to fucking May 27th, dumped a bit (with BTC temporarily dumping to $7400) and again at 96 when BTC was trading at $14k in the end of June.
Imagine Anon every week (if not every day) calling the top at $3600 because muh Stock RSI.
I'm not saying that I don't use it as indicator, but most of the time can be misleading and unironically hope this is the time when the RSI is at the top and the price actually dumps.

>> No.53233795
File: 582 KB, 1172x640, kys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Indeed. Picrel.

>th-that's not the weekly, i posted the weekly and th-that anon totally didn't!
Go choke to death on some mudslime baby foreskin, Cohen. Eat shit.

You: >>53233556 said this:
> "BTC price was $3500 while Stoch RSI was at 100, on the weekly chart"
You then get utterly exposed and destroyed by: >>53233595 <-- weekly chart showing Stoch RSI was clearly not at 100 at $3500.

>> No.53233814

It was clearly at 100 at like 3800, no big deal.

>> No.53233902

You're not as smart as you think you are. Just DCA in, like all the oldfags have been telling you for years.

>> No.53233906

This >>53233476 is the 1D and it never ever stays at 100 for weeks. And you both know that.

>> No.53234017
File: 931 KB, 800x662, 1672954018639007.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RSI is very overbought and the weekly is heading for a bearish cross. But the stock market looks like it might be headed for a recovery.

>> No.53234660 [DELETED] 
File: 1.46 MB, 1380x1200, 1673502520944068.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better stay retarded while ORE's Asset management solutions keeps giving a Passively juicy APY on its liquidity mining pool.

>> No.53234692

you ore shills are fucking everywhere on biz. kys

>> No.53234694

I hate devils and you're sounding like one. Ain't you tired of this sick bear?

>> No.53234721

They're a jeet farm spamming everywhere, unironically. They even use pajeet as insult to pretend they're not jeets.

>> No.53234757

I'd get more titties from an orgy to help... FTX is a fucking demon. God damnit I'm still in shock.

>> No.53234786

Stfu benchod.

>> No.53235080

Life is getting easy for jeets and individual investors and financial professionals with a single password

>> No.53235138
File: 312 KB, 1080x1332, 1673347801744161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy now or Fomo in later

>> No.53235164
File: 104 KB, 720x540, 3d5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I Sold the literal bottom guys

>> No.53235165

I want my girlfriend to squat so she can have legs like that

>> No.53235204
File: 125 KB, 768x624, 1673519901881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every time

>> No.53235209

that's a bloke

>> No.53235219

This is a sucker’s rally

>> No.53235241

Calm your tits, 9k is already predetermined since long time ago. Stay back and relax, play video games or something while you wait. I'm still 100% in stable coin.

>> No.53235311

>9k is already predetermined since long time ago
you're a fucking retarded broke bitch that will never gonna make it, regardless of future price movement.

>> No.53235388
File: 769 KB, 1793x871, imeanlike.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean that doesn't prove anything

>> No.53235439

thats like the july "pump" so yk what comes after

>> No.53235543

Everyone shills their bag. Tell me what to buy instead. I want something with utilities and a low cap too.

>> No.53235733
File: 30 KB, 720x769, FB_IMG_1666963802484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't mine fucking around with RAIL, the shielding feature has been a game-changer for me, providing an extra layer of security my assets.

>> No.53235753
File: 20 KB, 199x200, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess whos coming to party?

>> No.53235769

>I still believe this is a some kind of exit pump, am I just retarded or what?
It is for the likes of btc, ada, eth, ship doge, the either obsoletes or scams. Nothing is trevovering until we see real tech adoption(not ancient retarded shit like btc or eth) and regulation on scams like ada and shib The purge will take at least 3 years though. Then tokenisation, dlts will be internet 2.0 and if you play it well you will make bank. A lot of the people on discord on biz may wind up in jail(including india and russia) and that also has to happen before crypto and dlts can really soar to where they belong

>> No.53235791

That's really silly to think of oldfag, RealYield and its deployment on L2s make it a strong investment opportunity to much juicy offers.

>> No.53235797

kys scamshill. do it.

>> No.53235809

You've got Asian girls and whiskeys there?

>> No.53235846

What a useless idiot. Go bury your head in shame and get your ass off here pajeet. You deserve a punch on the face because you sound like an hacker. Shit!

>> No.53235847
File: 104 KB, 957x625, 16644432111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're in the beggining of another bullrun, any good memecoin's chart will provide you with the same pattern. You see big spikes (two, mainly) of price, followed by a downtrend period and then another big spike. It's all moving up, but slowly, and slowed by the bear markets.
So yeah, this is precisely the time to buy any of your memecoin. One coin named VINU if you might

>> No.53235867

fucking kill yourself you scam shilling subhuman vermin. crypto is dead while you breathe.

>> No.53235869
File: 41 KB, 640x480, (You).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not even bobo cope, outright autistic schizoid screeching

>> No.53235890

yeah you're right this board is fucking dead, its just thirdworlders and redditors and the russian glue sniffers of /pol/ screeching at each other about scams. At least it is contained here.

>> No.53235912
File: 760 KB, 1024x1024, 1673348347862173.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go anon..

>> No.53236009

Quite funny, Crypto markets are moving today and Bitcoin has topped $18,000 for the first time since early November and some piece of shits keep yelling crypto is dead. Yo mama's pussy is dead. Can't squirt anymore.
I just bought DOGE and BNB, ain't getting tired of holding onto BTC faggot

>> No.53236017


>> No.53236026

haha gamblers pissing themselves rn

>> No.53236051

This is correct. The long term bottom is 8-9k. This is programmed in the chart.

>> No.53236080

>some piece of shits keep yelling crypto is dead. Yo mama's pussy is dead. Can't squirt anymore.
I just bought DOGE and BNB, ain't getting tired of holding onto BTC faggot
Just opened a short

>> No.53236188

Get thee behind me devil, my BTC is safe. Next buy is what I can't tell

>> No.53236257

Won't be surprised to see Moreno kicking up.

>> No.53236331

If RAIL enables private transactions & arbitrary smart contract calls why will you prefer Moreno.

>> No.53236436

FOMO is the word. Buying ORE, ATOM and ETH now.

>> No.53237248
File: 69 KB, 640x655, 20220717_212953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're retarded op
this is the beginning of the "make it" pump, get your eyes checked if you can't see it

>holoride, audi backed project, less than 30million mcap on elrond.

>> No.53237468
File: 69 KB, 622x807, 20221110_150959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53237476
File: 109 KB, 836x910, fed pain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53237484

This is your last chance to buy sub 20k
We're going to moon from here

>> No.53237518


>> No.53237569

Also imagine buying in right after that move when stoch rsi reached zero
The stoch rsi bears got really heemed back then
That's the problem with it, if you trade it perfectly on tops and bottoms you almost never loss USD on a trade but you can miss giant parts of the bull and end up worse than low effort hodlers

>> No.53237736

didn't they recently rename the chain to some multiverse stuff? now starting to look like a marvel movie.

still one of the good L1s and any project building on it know their game

>> No.53237759

stop getting high on poo

>> No.53237826

I sure do want that pain

how's it going for them with the vr gaming thing, bet nobody is buying that narrative

>> No.53237885

You really don't get we're in the worst global recession in many decades and future money is expensive so all speculative shit will keep dumping, do you? As long as rates go up, crypto goes down.

>> No.53237898

Interest rates getting hiked again, anons.

>> No.53238229

virtual reality gaming is the next big thing, bringing them to cars is just one step into the future.
your opinion doesn't matter, millions of people own an oculus quest or htv vive headset already

>> No.53238242

that hardware isn't gud enuf, technology needs to improve more. SMOLLER TRANNIES (transistors) REQUIRED.

>> No.53239838

You sure are, It's a fake bull run, wait for the next lows and buy more, especially privacy project tokens.

>> No.53239977

anon you...

>> No.53240005

Which ones?

>> No.53240300

I now know why privacy-focused projects like XMR RAIL ZEC offers advanced solutions and real-life applications are going mainstream.

>> No.53240431


>> No.53241816

all bobos are retarded.

>> No.53242097

If you don't have ORE and ENS, You probably NGMI

>> No.53243312

They can get better if they integrate one of these decentralized on-chain ID management solutions.

>> No.53243346

How is that possible?????


>> No.53243414

you had 14 months to short, retard.

>> No.53243519
File: 201 KB, 800x600, Traders.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I swear to fuck, these were invented to steal money from retail newb trader tards