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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 582 KB, 1024x768, Wheres-Waldo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5320507 No.5320507 [Reply] [Original]

I have 10k to spend after getting out of Neo at last.

What is going to 2-3x over the next month?

No just random spamming coins, give me the reason why.

>> No.5320626

DOGE will continue to moon if BTC keeps crashing

It's the cayman islands of crypto

>> No.5320665

Look into TRX - it's recovering from a short break now and should be moving back up shortly

>> No.5320678

eth of korea

find the coin name yourself and dyor

>> No.5320686

Next (NXT) is doing an airdrop next week and it's already begun to sky-rocket. So you not only make money buying NXT, but then on 1/1/2018 you sell the free ignis coins and make MORE money.

>> No.5320692

he's right in the middle

>> No.5320696

3k REQ
3k ZRX
3k CND
1k for day/week trading

>> No.5320714

Litecoin obviously

>> No.5320725

Decred - they are close to dropping functional lightning network & a user proposal system for their treasury.

>> No.5320735
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Is he banging grandma ?

Also AMP

>> No.5320810
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Rebranding soon, roadmap milestones consistently hit, has working projects and its severely undervalued even after a recent 50%+ bump. Some private investors also just threw a bunch of money at them.

>> No.5320847

ICX and you'll have 100k soon

>> No.5320860



Full blockchain release on Jan 1st.
Uses a system of child chains that allow pruning. This deals with the scalibility issue.


>> No.5320985
File: 80 KB, 819x576, Top.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this part aroused me as a yougster

also, just go in on LTC and XMR

>> No.5320987

hi pajeet

>> No.5320995

wow are you a pajeet? literal shit coin and pathetic advertising video

>> No.5321011

SNM has a reasonable market cap and will roll out their product in 3 and a half days. It's a pretty cool supercomputing project and they get advised by the Lisk guy. The coin seems to be one of the few which isn't at an all time high right now, and it seems like it has a lot of potential to me.

>> No.5321025


>> No.5321063

Disclaimer: I (obviously) am invested in this coin.

Simple Token (OST)

Why did I invest?
- went down initially after being listed on binance, so some ico whales already dropped their bags (went x4 after ICO, price was 0.08) - they wont be able to drop them on us later
- large dev team, not like most ico‘s where there is only 1 or 2 actual engineers
- very interesting business idea with opening crypto money to normie businesses
- looks like it has found a floor even in the big flippening panic atm
- meme potential due to the „simple“ name (eg „I am a simpleton“ or „I did make a lot of money, it was very simple“)
- It‘s a new coin, as simple as that. New coins are always high risk / high reward

There are some downsides to the coin, like having tons of pajeets on the team, but since all the leading crew are not, that isn‘t a big issue to me. Also, the logo could be better (never underestimate that!)

Decide for yourself OP.

>> No.5321146
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one of the few coins that wasn't mega pumped over the past week, new, small market cap (could push 30-50 cents and still be pretty low), and an interesting concept. I got in at about 405 sats but there's still plenty of room.


>> No.5321227
File: 99 KB, 1087x536, ADA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Betting on ADA, just bought back in because it looks like it finished its correction. When it goes horizontal, it will 2X shortly afterward.

>> No.5321252

It's a step away from being delisted though. It might not be a bad one, but I would really just go a very small percentage of the portfolio on this one.

>> No.5321327

Yeah, at least. I think it might stay this way a few days though before peaking then hanging on to the next plateau. This isn't a pump and dump coin.

>> No.5321354

the absolute state of shitcoin traders

no pajeet coin will ever make it

>> No.5321360

The problem I have with it is that the CEOs history is shitty startups and losing his investors money. But the same investors he lost for last time have backed him on this again, so they must see some kind of hope in him. I don't know. Still on the fence.

>> No.5321417

XRB. All I'm going to say.

>> No.5321471

Often they'll have someone that goes out and finds people with money to invest. I don't know for this situations but you could view it that he knows someone very good at selling an idea to investors.

>> No.5321536

Come now, try a little harder.

>> No.5321580

Explain mother fucker!
Treat me like an idiot.

>> No.5321603

It's greed. People want BIG RETURNS and think it's their occasion to get rich quick. Once it gets low enough it will probably get pumped and dumped by some group of people before being completely abandoned and just disappearing altogether. If that happens, it's not impossible to profit, but if you're just hoping to be able to jump in and get out with a profit, odds are high you'll simply be left holding the bag. Once people get too greedy, they stop thinking. OST is more like playing a rigged game of roulette than investing. The only problem is that if it's being rigged by other people, you have no idea if you'll get lucky or get fucked.

>> No.5321637

>getting out of Neo

You poor summer child. You are going to regret that one sooner than you realize.....

>> No.5321698

congrats you bought high and sold at lowest point possible
true biz style

>> No.5321700

Definitely. If you can snipe the peak and wait for the plateau, great. If not, just hold, it drops 20% at most every time.

>> No.5321715

It's a meme coin in an overcrowded market. It has as much potential as a lot of others, due to the current market situation, but it's "just another coin".

>> No.5321726

It's cool really, I bought at 80k sats as antshares.
Made me good profits and I've taken out 5x my original investment.

>> No.5321741

how about i shill you many coins instead

>> No.5321775
File: 176 KB, 592x394, DQmPKAAeMv1v7UjjX6WUGtagqnmJetpLuiGwVCGfCBddKzh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because based Charlie

>> No.5321781

why the fuck would you get out of neo

>> No.5321856

you edited him out of the picture didnt you you son of a bitch

>> No.5321862

Because I paid about $2 each for them.

>> No.5321878

coval will slowly make it's way to 500 sat in the next month if you want a safe, easy x3 or x5 coin

>> No.5321896

you are crazy.

>> No.5321907

I would never be so cruel.

>> No.5321912


>> No.5321940


Have .03 in BTC
Set up Binance Account

What should I do now?

I was thinking exchange .02 BTC to LTC...

I know its not much but I'm kind of stoned and would appreciate thoughts.

>> No.5321952

They have been stagnant for too long, I like the tech and the vision, but money needs to be made.

Time for me to move into something more upwardly mobile.

>> No.5321973


neo will be over 1000 one day

>> No.5321990

I would actually stick it all into Link if I had such a small amount.

>> No.5322023

> coinhodlers receive 50% of fees received by exchange.
> very early stages of exchange, in fact still in beta (beta = working product, not vaporware)
> 50x potential on price, huge income potential for dividends.

>> No.5322062

Phore is a new privacy cryptocurrency that was forked from Pivx. Phore uses Proof of Stake 3.0 and Masternodes to secure its network. To run a masternode you need 10k PHR. Currently running a Phore masternode returns 480 PHR monthly. At current prices that makes over 1300$ monthly. If you can not afford a masternode you can decide to stake your coins.
Phore utilizes the zerocoin protocol. for the people who don't know what this is. This protocol actually allows you to turn Phr into zPHR. When you send zPHR the amount and transaction can not be tracked. The person who receives the zPHR can simply reconvert it into PHR in the wallet.

Phore is currently running a beta for an online marketplace.Think of it like a decentralized ebay where you can pay with phore. the marketplace is based on OpenBazaar codebase and is planned to launch in January.
Phore will implement Smart Contracts into its platform. This will allow decentralised apps (dApps) to actually run on Phore. This would make them the very first Privacy crypto platform to offer this and would be absolutely groundbreaking. This feature is what spoke to me most.

Phore is only a little over 2 months old and already has 1500 people in the discord group and it's constantly growing. Phore team has just started hiring people for marketing (check Pamela Paige on twitter)

Phore is on Cryptopia and has applied to Binance last weekend. The team has confirmed that the listing fee will be no problem and once binance accepts them they will be on there. The volume has been blowing up over the past week.
Phore as it stands right now is only at 23 mil marketcap which leaves an enormous amount of room for further growth. The circulating supply currently is about 8 million PHR. Now keep in mind that people who want to run a masternode have to lock up 10k PHR. This will reduce the circulating supply considerably which will make PHR more rare and increase demand. This effect is even enhanced because of the Proof of Stake option.

>> No.5322099


You realize NEO generates money in the form of GAS right? How many did you sell exactly?

>> No.5322162

DYOR but my new main investment going into 2018 is Fun Fair. Definitely has a lot of room to grow, but it might take awhile.

>> No.5322176

Yeah I only ever stored them in bittrex so never got the gas.
I had 1000, took good gains and have purchased some BCH now have .7 BTC left to invest.

>> No.5322261

From an ethical point of view, I don't think it's right to back a coin that will enable people with gambling addictions.

>> No.5322278
File: 285 KB, 1200x975, IMG_0549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chancoin will 10x because it will have a wallet and algorithm update everyones has been looking forward to. The Cloverhash! Also after the update Chancoin will be listed on a new exchange. /biz/ will go nuts about it soon. Cheers!