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File: 61 KB, 976x850, 1629828048938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53173964 No.53173964 [Reply] [Original]

It's like the old linux joke that you should say how good windows is, and 100s of NEETs will flock to you and help you for free

>> No.53174024

what makes 4chan special in general is steel sharpening steel
we are allowed to come at each other with full force ('faggot', 'retard' 'get off my board normie scum')

>> No.53174040
File: 30 KB, 439x368, 1655195655203.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we are allowed to com

>> No.53174075

No, 4chan is just a crab bucket where people repeat the same shit to each other in every thread. For fuck's sake, OP's pic is in like 6 other threads in the catalog. This isn't even 4chan anymore--just a bunch of eternal newfags trying to fit in with what they think is "board culture" ( i.e. repeating the same shit ad nauseum and attacking anything that diverges from that pattern.)

>> No.53174088
File: 57 KB, 976x850, wgtw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Problem with the frog?

>> No.53174109

>too many frog pics
>stop frog posting
>whine whine whine
ya i'd rather self edit for hours or risk a permaban from a even bigger tranny janny everywhere else on the internet, NOT

>> No.53174915

The point of 4chan (and this is actually how it was used around y2k) was to post original image content. For example Frogs that you yourself drew. Or At the very least you put a new storyline into some empty talk boxes on a frog cartoon. Cellphones killed this since nobody would ever create original content on a fucking phone. We seriously need a 4chan where phones are banned and can’t even view any content

>> No.53176835

reminder avax stole have it's consensus engine from cardano and Emin is on Interpol's most wanted list for his dealings in Greece circa 1993.

>> No.53176877

You gotta dig through piles of shit to find that diamond. Such is life.

>> No.53177001
File: 144 KB, 618x597, 1672038158363209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man shut your bitch ass boomer up

>> No.53177007

Several years after 2000 is not near 2000. Frog posting also did not start right away. 4chan has never been about coming here to share content like that, it was a place to shitpost and talk about shit that we couldn't anywhere else. There are also plenty of people who created shit right on their phones...literally every point you make is absolutely false. Lurkmore faggot.

>> No.53177098

Just wait a real bear market. Wait another 2-3 years then biz will be clean again. It's obvious this place is full of poos.
It was great when Eth started here w btc, ant becoming neo was great and also link at 20c.
But you will need to wait another full cycle.

>> No.53177225

This is the worst place on the planet for good advice anon. All these retarded kids are bullish all of the time. Don't buy shit right now anon. Just wait for the wreckage soon

>> No.53177238

Like 13 years ago..

>> No.53177358

Very early on, like within a couple weeks of browsing back in 2017