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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53166844 No.53166844 [Reply] [Original]

>Just replace the eggs in your breakfast with more bacon or toast. You don't NEED to have eggs with bacon and toast

>> No.53166864
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>Just replace the eggs in your breakfast with cum. You don't NEED to have eggs with bacon and toast

>> No.53166869

>just eat the soi beans and rice. You can afford the bugs once you make $350k

>> No.53166890

>Just go outside and eat the bugs in the park

>> No.53166897

I WILL but overpriced eggs with my credit card.
Heck I will replace the bacon with eggs, and toast with eggs.
Cope boomer fag.

>> No.53166899

>sell your car
>sell your house
>get out of debt
>be homeless and own nothing

>> No.53166929

>Hi Dave, Bob here
>My wife and I earn $76,000 combined
>We have $150,000 credit card debt
>Owe $435,000 on our house worth $400k
>Two cars, payments are $1,900 combined next 6.5 years
>52 years old
>I really want to retire rich, what can I do?
>Well Bob, you need to pay off your debt and save
>Gee thanks Dave, you really helped

>> No.53167051


If you're far in debt you already own nothing lmao, your net worth is negative when you have more liabilities than assets.

>> No.53167789
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>my wife and i are currently on baby step 2 of your program

>> No.53167795
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>> No.53168414

why does /biz/ seethe so hard at him? his advice is genuinely good if you're financially retarded. if you have thousands of dollars of high interest debt then yes you need to cut back on your spending and make compromises in your everyday life

>> No.53168434

>Don't spend more than you make
>Focus on getting out of debt
>Don't spend too much and be conservative with your savings

There, that's his advice. Rest of the time he talks like a faggot and says that employees don't "deserve" inflation-based raises and then goes on to complain why no one is working.

>> No.53168451

This is ridiculous, eggs cost less than bacon or toast! Especially if you're eating the unhealthy cage laid ones loaded with stress horomones!

>> No.53168455

>There, that's his advice.
i never said his advice was profound. his listeners are niggers and /pol/ tier white trash retards who need a father figure to guide them out of financial hell. obviously if you're responsible you don't have to avoid credit cards like heroin

>> No.53168478

Yeah you're right.

>> No.53168504

>that employees don't "deserve" inflation-based raises

He's not wrong, though. Employees are compensated based on the revenue and value they bring to the business, not how much their groceries cost.

Also if you're going to claim employees deserved a 10% raise last year, then that means they only deserve a 2% raise during years inflation is normal? Or they deserve a -5% raise during recessions and periods of deflation. Perhaps tying raises to inflation isn't the golden ticket you think it is.

>> No.53168512

Like it or not bacon and biscuits is THE standard male meal and is all you need

>> No.53168520

Man this guy doesn't age, he went from young to old and still looks the same as he did twenty years ago.

>> No.53168722

Get a second job and pay off your credit cards before you even think about eating eggs

>> No.53168883
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>Employees are compensated based on the revenue and value they bring to the business, not how much their groceries cost
?????? companies have been getting record profits YoY for years and have only just recently started raising wages because people literally cannot live off of $15/hr in the current year. C-suite execs do literally nothing but siphon profits from the top like parasites
you're a huge out of touch double nigger if you actually believe low wages + high cost of living is good for society
when shit like this goes on for a long enough time on a big enough scale, crime, drug use, and homelessness skyrockets which isn't good for anybody

>> No.53168919


Recent inflation and higher cost of living is due in part to wage growth and people having more money to spend. It's basic supply and demand, you got more dollars chasing the same amount of goods.

It's basically what every critic said would happen when wagies got the $15/hr min wage they were fighting for. Consumer goods got more expensive and their inflation-adjusted earning power didn't change.

>> No.53168970

but that's wrong, you fucking retard
wages stagnated for DECADES as CoL slowly crept up, and now recently we've had so much free (((corporate))) debt and easy money floating around in the system that every single institution leveraged themselves up to the tits to create the asset bubble that we are currently unwinding from
the only thing driving prices up as fast as they have been, especially when compared to wages, is price gouging
dont forget, record profits YoY for YEARS, anon. and now we are in a situation where half the population can't even afford a paycheck's worth of an accident, invonvenience, or mistake happening
if wages kept up with profits and CoL, minimums would be in the 20s right now for most states. right around the 70s and 80s is when that decoupling started to happen. we've only really felt it recently because boomers and older gen Xers still had enough to get by and be relatively comfy while younger Xers, millenials and zoomers have been getting absolutely fucking assblasted

>> No.53169330
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This is the right take. Only need to add or mention all the reduced supply and production complications from all the lockdowns. The increased monitory supply, implemented effectively negative interest rates and allowed corps and private equity to leverage up to outbid us on housing.

This has been the perfect storm of a cost of living catastrophe. The standard of living in the US will never again be as good as it was for any regular person.

>> No.53169401

4chan.org? More like 4chan.us

>> No.53169421
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>> No.53169474

Yeah. Sounds like Dave hasn’t seen the price of bacon.

>> No.53169528

He probably has someone else shop for him and budget for food and other expenses.
Fuck that fat boomer bastard; he has never worked and scrimped a day in his life.