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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 335 KB, 960x1280, 4C48F411-B5C5-47AE-8E10-1E30B106C33C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53047853 No.53047853 [Reply] [Original]

8 cent stable coin and new partnership announced today!!! Cryptos might be falling around us by PRQ is holding strong

>> No.53047878

the fuck

>> No.53047890

Yes correct that is indeed the MasterCard logo in that pic. Why do you think it’s pumping now mate?

>> No.53047915

what is this and where was it taken?

>> No.53047955

Maldives. Those are the companies that will be involved in powering the government sponsored smart city projects in Maldives and many other countries.

>> No.53048080

On their blog, PRQ says they're only partnered with a literally who project called Boli and not MC or Unicef.

>> No.53048085

a complete nothing burger then

>> No.53048156
File: 141 KB, 750x1015, 5B14A650-6285-4888-92A1-2B9F553882E5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep saying that. The more PRQ builds on the bear market the more you’ll be missing out.

>> No.53048267

>smart city
it's all so gay and tiresome.

>"This wasn't possible until a decentralized internet bulletin board that lets you keep track of shitcoin transactions became available!"
>"No, the government couldn't just run this on a cloud server. Why? Well, because!"
>"People are definitely going to buy Parsiq tokens because an obscure island nation is letting them participate in a gay project"

Crypto has become so tiresome and gay. How many times are people going to roll out the "smart city" trope?

>> No.53048301

Pumping? Nigger, the price is at a multiyear low on every time frame except this weak hour candle because someone bought $5k worth and moved the price 10% because there is absolutely no liquidity or interest.

Watch, I'm going to market sell 50k tokens and I'll make it dump. Give me an hour.

>> No.53048324

Now show the 3 month chart, the 6 month, and the 12 month.

This nigger is literally trying to create exit liquidity to dump his remaining bags.

>> No.53048371

Since when was 2M PRQ worth 5k?

>> No.53048390
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>> No.53048855


>> No.53049015

I only have 100k what am I in for

>> No.53049116

> I bought the top and sold the bottom. That's why I'm so salty.

>> No.53049215

How does 100k First, then 500k & 1mill Sound

>> No.53049269

>Watch, I'm going to market sell 50k tokens and I'll make it dump. Give me an hour.
It went up more, please dump it.

>> No.53049626

who asked ?

>> No.53049645

Could you pls answer me? >>53048080

>> No.53049985

Lmfao remember prq boost lmfaooo

>> No.53050002
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They won't let me post. Says it's spam lmfaoo

>> No.53050019


The only bigger scam than prq itself

>> No.53050058
File: 317 KB, 1120x767, fartshit_midwits.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder that anyone buying PRQ is a midwit cuck.
Simple as.

>> No.53050208

Check now

>> No.53050247

This is the second time I’ve traded these scam wicks for east money. Fuck this piece of shit project. And yes, I’ve still lost way more money on this than I’ve made

>> No.53050289

Omegafag just wants exit liquidity. Kys.

>> No.53050315

Go back to Plebbit sport

>> No.53050393
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No, I don't think I will.

>> No.53050469
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This is what the CEO said about it. We WEF frens now.

>> No.53050533

Somebody ask him about prq boost and if he would like to apologize for it lololols imagine being at a function and having that asked verbatim

>> No.53050674

Whats there to apologize for about PRQBoost? It was a liquidity incentive when most of the trading was done on Uniswap. It was a miracle it was not shut down a year earlier

>> No.53050761


>> No.53050793

Yeah so they will just issue new tokens to dilute or override prq value. No big deal right shill. Might as well pull a lunc quantum mint while you're at it chud. Lol imagine chainlink releasing a link boost token lmfaoooo buy link boost and get extra staking rewards guys!! The original paypigs who held real link? Fuck them!!!!

>> No.53050905

Ehhh Chainlink actually had many pools on dozens of different "farm-defi's". Its literally the same concept, increase liquidity > get extra rewards. There was nothing wrong with PRQBoost, nobody ever traded that shit and the team had none, it was nothing but an APY booster for increasing liquidity.

Imagine being this retarded and butthurt over something from 2 years ago

>> No.53051027

Lmfaooooo you shills remind me of xsn oh dear Lord I'm crying right now

>> No.53051070

That’s pretty edgy bud

>> No.53051328

You’re such a fag omegafaggot. Literally no one takes you serious after your terrible grt calls. You’re a brainlet who thinks they’re x10 smarter than they actually are. Prq should seriously consider paying you to stop shilling their stuff. You’re the Jim Cramer of crypto.

>> No.53051376

This was a pretty bad call

>> No.53051388

You're one cringy faggot

>> No.53051390

You seem rather put off by them. Rent free? You know you can just not go into orq threads right?

>> No.53051397

Didn’t let me add cap. Basically omega told everyone to buy Zcl in Feb 2018

>> No.53051424

Actually not at all lol this is my first time addressing him. Also I have nothing against prq, looks like a cool project but feel very bad you now have this charlatan trying to get exit liquidity from you. I wish you all the gains frens

>> No.53051426

that's ironic considering you lowlife swarm bagholders literally get paid nickles and dimes to shill on plebbit


>> No.53051437
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cute chart

>> No.53052024

>M-m-m-muh everybody is a paid shill

>> No.53052036

What are you going to jail for Omega?

>> No.53052303
File: 589 KB, 777x489, 1672006312577402.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I get a paid shill job. My village needs

>> No.53052338

These smart cities completely align with wef's goals. People will be fully tracked through all kinds of means (facial recognition, rfid, fingerprints etc) and they will own nothing and be happy (lookup aldous Huxley theories, they'll come into application soon). Cbdc Will be rolled out and block chains will be used to be used to track people's behavior and transactions forever in a public way. Link and PRQ will be used in that regard.

>> No.53052363

>People are definitely going to buy Parsiq tokens
Theres an important detail you're forgetting here. Parsiq still takes fiat as payment, and they themselves will convert a part of that fiat to PRQ renting. So none of their clients will be turned off by having to deal with crypto.

>> No.53052391

parsneeds partnersnips, doing the seedful

>> No.53053009
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>> No.53053454

Damn I just sodl my entire stack thank you kind sir

>> No.53053548

2022 was the year of polygon partnerships


>> No.53053812

Lmfaooooo ok i win. It's over

>> No.53053829
File: 272 KB, 750x761, 6750DBF3-9498-4AE0-AF19-EAB47E815497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’ll see once the dashboard comes out that this in fact already has more usage then GRT.

Pic related

>> No.53053941

Will they be issuing separate tokens or increasing the supply of prq for use on avax? Prqboost 2.0? If not then more chains would increase value

>> No.53054189
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>> No.53055470

As new chains get added. The potential daaps that can use PRQ increases dramatically. You’ll see once you’re left behind

>> No.53055521

can we ban this nigger or something

>> No.53056129

Looks like omega dumped on us

>> No.53056253

Wrong I actually bought 400K more PRQ trying to keep this from following the overall crypto dump.

>> No.53056361

Show buy orders

>> No.53056376
File: 38 KB, 600x773, 1672096418082228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You haven't ever posted anything convincing that you're even anything remotely close to a whale
Archives of you saying qnt and link will mega moon is fairly meaningless when you have also shilled a dozen other projects (all of which have failed)with the same conviction lmfao.
I guess all it takes to be a tripfag that normies believe is to start shilling literally every single coin and wait then ss only the ones that moon. Fucking autism.
At least assblaster actually backed himself
Newfaggots get the rope.

>> No.53057648

every single post on that subreddit is made by swarm fags. It's astroturfed garbage that no one reads

oh yes! the long awaited usage dashboard. The one they promised to release 18 months ago. And then when questioned on the AMA, they had changed their mind about it because there wasn't any usage to highlight.

nobody is convinced by this guy. Bagholders are propping him up to help try and save the price. PRQ had much better advocates, all of whom are now gone. Because they saw what these cuckold losers refuse to see

>> No.53058025

>PRQ had much better advocates, all of whom are now gone
Theyre still around, they just dont go to biz anymore, this place is shit now. And PRQ threads are constantly brigaded by mentally ill fartshitters who samefag. Nobody wants to come here anymore.

>> No.53058044
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Yeah I just got back to biz after a year break. Idk if I'll stick around.
Even less people care about crypto reddit than care about biz for prq. You either have to go back or you need to unironically touch grass. There's no need to be this deep into things.

>> No.53058226
File: 136 KB, 750x1207, 06DC753F-C0EB-4D02-B153-D39BF949E029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can thank me later

>> No.53058234

>just a wallet bro

>> No.53058256

Yeah same, I only came back to see what this omegamaker stuff was about.

>> No.53058297

PRQ will be used and i think a fair price of 5 dollars in a few years ?

also what do anons think of MTV or SYLO in next couple of years, good hodl ?

>> No.53058817

5usd seems fair just dca for now.

>> No.53059566
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>> No.53061021

Yep perfect price to buy atm

>> No.53061358

Its been around 8 cents for awhile now and I've just been dcaing in. The little swings now won't matter much later. This goes for any coin you think is solid rn. Don't trade around. It's a bear market. Just dca without mich emotion and wait.

>> No.53061516

Brown pajeets paste a mastercard logo for no reason and retards buy

>> No.53061926

>He thinks an eastern european cryptocurrency company is going to give money to random people on the internet for buying an ERC token they minted.

>> No.53061948


>> No.53062012

The reason Chainlink was an easy call is because it was a very legitimate project from the start. Nothing Parsiq has ever done is legitimate or impressive. It had some attention of some funds early on and one wrote about how useful "reverse oracles" would be so people thought it could be a natural successor to Chainlink.

I have followed Parsiq since that time and have lost tens of thousands of dollars on this piece of shit. The team has changed its focus like 5 times since then, the token is absolutely useless, and there is literally no use case for the project anymore. The original founder has abandoned the project to build a copycat of Uniswap called Hypersea that he thinks is innovative because he applied a derivative to the order book instead of having it be a step function.

Parsiq went from a "Smart Triggers" platform to literally just a blockchain data API. As far as I can tell, it offers nothing that can't be accomplished from signing up for an etherscan paid API and using that to monitor the blockchain.

>> No.53062457

I saw shit like this all over in chainlink threads too. It's all so tiresome.

>> No.53062467

>A bunch of NEETs in a thread during the lowest traffic epoch of /biz/ are sure to provide enough liquidity for a shitcoin to go 100x

Meds. Now.

Im so glad you are seething this much. Top buyer. I bet you bought my bags last year lmao

>> No.53062522

Yeah fr now is the time to get prq and whatever coins or tokens you feel confident about. Then hold and dca out whenever a bull hits.

>> No.53062645

Cope more baggie. Enjoy missing the bullrun with your scamtoken which is not needed.

>> No.53062897
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>> No.53062937

What do you hold? Actually asking

>> No.53063622

Why should I buy this when Covalent does everything PRQ does except better?

>> No.53063864

>$5K in real daily volume
>not even listed on a reputable exchange

Don’t make me laugh anon that shitcoin is a joke with actually no clients and already a 2x higher MC then the superior PRQ.

>> No.53064005

Every sentence in anon's post is true and really can't be refuted. Each one should be enough of a red flag to stop investing. But you choose to ignore all of it. What drives you? Is it ignorance? Have you been brainwashed by other ignorant retards in telegram singing Kumbaya? Stockholm syndrome? I really don't get it

name one of Parsiq's best clients. just one

>> No.53064079
File: 241 KB, 750x738, 27AEDC04-97FE-4D35-826B-A33AC4A43B1A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about the numerous different projects on any of the chains they have indexed. Pic related.

Go ahead and go through the numerous partnerships they have. Do you think all those are fake? You’re just a clueless brainlet who doesn’t deserve to make it after I do countless and countless of hours of research for your dumbass to just brush off because YOU think you’re smarter then everybody even though you have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING I REPEAT NOTHING to show for it.

>> No.53064093

>name one of Parsiq's best clients. just one
Your fat mom, me and Tom spitroast her every friday night

>> No.53064117
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>> No.53064175

It's a better play exactly because it's not listed on a real exchange, has lower mcap and a better exchange. What clients does PRQ have? Exactly, none.

>> No.53064210
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Its literally a fucking pajeet coin, devs: pajeet, founder: pajeet. Go shill your streetshitter trash somewhere else

>> No.53064230
File: 148 KB, 585x449, A3D27496-2EA3-4166-8BD9-C2BD572CEB27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you expect to happen when the circulating supply for covalent doubles through staking? You think the opposite of what happened to GRT will occur? PRQ has no worries we have 99% of total tokens released and 40% of them are staked!!!! PRQ also has real world clients you fucking brainlet. We have real exchanges, superior tech, and better tokenomics. Not to mentioned it’s a wayyyyy better value play

>> No.53064235

Parsiq indexes data on Avalanche. That doesn't mean a single project is paying for that data. I mean otherwise you probably would have named one.

goddamn you fags are disingenuous

>> No.53064249
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>> No.53064252

Name one client.

>> No.53064256
File: 216 KB, 1280x720, 235236362623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who cares fucking loser, biz is dead, this board has ZERO effect on price whatsoever. Its just for shitposting. You taking everything so seriously is fucking pathetic

>> No.53064340

Are you purposely ignoring the pics I post? Or can you not read?

>> No.53064424

>60% not staked
So you're saying PRQ will dump more?
>superior tech
Objectively false, also covalent is more normie friendly.
>PRQ is a better value play
It's already listed on coinbase though, has higher mcap and still no clients. Not a good play at all.
Who? Google returns nothing. Did the PRQ team create it just to say they have a client? That's pathetic.
Covalent already has support from Rose and Moonbeam team.

>> No.53064459
File: 1.49 MB, 1920x1080, 34B2244A-779B-4DE8-9D61-A5A98C9435A8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prq MC is 50% of covalent you fucking brainlet. Clients are currently renting over 30 million PRQ. You’re a clueless idiot get your facts right

>> No.53064497
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>> No.53064587

>CQT 25m mcap
>PRQ 40m mcap
Why do you lie?

>> No.53064635
File: 311 KB, 750x897, B672F0A4-2959-4953-812B-B1ACE5C5BFB8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PRQ marketcap is 14 million you absolutely seething brainless IDIOT!!!

>> No.53064643
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>> No.53064660

sorry sir

>> No.53064666
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>> No.53064995

LOL. This website fucking sucks. These fucking idiots think there are special fud teams sent here for every cultcoin and it moves the price. Insane.

>> No.53065007

ahhh the old "what if" machine. Now replace your net worth with Tom Brady's

>> No.53065021

let's see a screenshot of your holdings. The shilling this last week has been desperate. How far underwater % wise would you say you are here?

>> No.53065165

My break even is now under 10 cents after loading up another 400K yesterday.

>> No.53065256
File: 333 KB, 1200x896, 1643224473826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not au fait with celeb culture, Sir.

>> No.53065655

Screenshot of holdings. We demand.

>> No.53066023


>> No.53066462

Notice how this cuck continually dodges the question. Name a fucking client. Protip: you can't because no one uses fartshit.
Kek baggie

>> No.53066595
File: 287 KB, 750x683, E1FF1DE0-6C49-4FA7-A286-5387064CA6FF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about this one. How much spoon feeding do you need seriously.

>> No.53066617
File: 79 KB, 750x178, 0B03156E-6BD7-47C4-B12E-2C0946227E22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or this one. Like dude just go read. DYOR this is why you’re broke. You’re lazy, you don’t put in the work or effort all you do is shit post

>> No.53066717

>literally whos
Kek good luck baggie retard
Token not needed btw

>> No.53066771

By the time you see Fortune 500 partnerships it’ll already be too late and this will be at $10. Why is that so hard to understand for you idiots. You really wanna miss the bottom?

>> No.53066839
File: 742 KB, 750x986, 5F99358D-A06D-4E04-895B-D4E1A772D1C3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can afford to be a baggie because I made it. Check out my new 2023 Shelby I just bought you broke fucking baggie. Show me your car broke faggot

>> No.53066865
File: 351 KB, 500x719, w211 e55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how much over msrp did you pay, and how long did you wait?

>> No.53066884

Takes a pretty penny to be one of the first to own this baby. Only know of 3 others in the entire United States.

>> No.53066988

2022 typo above. Only 3 with a golden ticket track pack that I’ve ever seen.

>> No.53067046
File: 336 KB, 936x1232, 1672362780686767.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

F500 will never happen because fartshit is neither novel nor needed. On the plus side, I do appreciate that you're trying your best to scam pump and dump a whole generation of newfags though.

>> No.53067091

Omega shit

>> No.53067422

>taking a page out of the moonman playbook

I hope anons realize they're being grifted by this guy.

>> No.53067556

Prove it

>> No.53067706

Search the /biz/ archive for username "omegamaker" and text "10 cents." He'll lie through his teeth about things that can be easily proven false, pretends to be credible by copy-pasting things other people posted/created, and shills low liquidity tokens for pump and dumps.

>> No.53067723


>> No.53067753

Thanks just bought 100k more PRQ

>> No.53068084

By all means. Just don't trust anything he posts that you can't verify yourself.

>> No.53068139

Murcko is solid imo.

Omega made some bad calls, but also some good ones. My gut tells me this is the latter.

>> No.53068438

for what purpose are you shilling so hard anon?

>> No.53068669

I wouldn’t be as rich as I am today if it weren’t for people shilling the projects that made me a millionaire. I’m just returning the favor by doing the same

>> No.53068684

Not only that but i will go down with this coin if needed. I’ll own the entire project if necessary. I won’t let you anons down

>> No.53068799

Which project made you a millionaire

>> No.53068857

Link and qnt. My parents were paying for my college. Instead I put my tuition money into link and qnt all bear and took out student loans instead. Worked and saved every penny. I would count everything I purchased in terms of link. That $20 hat was actually $1K in Link. I always did it in $50 link denominations. Fast forward I’m now 26 and have about 30 million in assets

>> No.53068903

Early on I made 6 figures through dice and hot n cold gambling on RuneScape. I owned my own gambling clan. I was too young or naive to open my own bank account so that’s how I stumbled around Bitcoin at $200 a pop. That was my form of currency

>> No.53068980

You approaching PRQ in same manner? If you have 30 million why you still shilling on biz

>> No.53069215

He's doing it again.

>> No.53069228

>If you have 30 million why you still shilling on biz
He's LARPing. At least if he isn't then it's also true that he's going to prison.

>> No.53069945

How big is your stack?


>> No.53070098

It’s insane isn’t it? Watching the cryptos burn and crash around us while we stand here unfazed

>> No.53070231

So... Which is it?

>> No.53071552
File: 26 KB, 550x550, images (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PRQ is also associated with ALBT so doubt that's true, anon..

>> No.53071612

Very comfy

>> No.53071712

stop larping retard, there’s not even enough liquidity to sell that much without plummeting the price

>> No.53073215


>> No.53073231

I literally posted the screenshots in the thread you fucking brainlet.

>> No.53073336

I like parsiq. It will make me very many monies

>> No.53073410

Wait so which is it? You got rich from BTC buying at $200 or buying LINK and QNT in 2019?

>> No.53073424

Link and qnt made me a millionaire

>> No.53073507

I fumbled my 35k link bag back in 2020. PRQ will hit $50 too someday?

>> No.53073534

These pumps the past couple days look scammy as fuck. Instantly dumped each time. Omega this doesn’t look good for you. Might have to start posting some of your old caps.

>> No.53073577

Or you could set the chart to daily and see that it’s happened for a year now instead of jumping to conclusions like a full blown idiot.

>> No.53073694

I have 3 of these now, I'm content

>> No.53073921

Unironically a good buy. I've seen this chart countless of times in the recent bear markets. If they last long enough and keep working, you get an easy 30x minimum.

>> No.53074171


>> No.53075660
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>> No.53076151

>If they last long enough and keep working
That's where you're wrong bucko.

>> No.53077187

Is there some way to stake erc20 tokens? Or do I have to move them to bsc

>> No.53077267
File: 124 KB, 939x1014, 1661452349567.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They have to be bridged to BSC. There's a step-by-step for bridging on medium:

And the -- much simpler -- staking step-by-step is here:

>> No.53078130

I appreciate you

>> No.53078710

so is it worth staking PRQ token? how long does it take to undelegate them?

>> No.53078933

There's no lock-up period. You can unstake whenever you like. No penalties.

There's an APY reward for staking but since bear it's been next to nothing. Though, you will be airdropped two tokens associated with Parsiq when they launch. Hypersea DEX (HYPS) is launching on Arbitrum ""soon"" and IQ Protocol (IQT) is launching when the general market is in a better state -- can't say when that might be.

51 million PRQ are already staked by holders; around 30% of circulating supply.

>> No.53078959
File: 803 KB, 1105x1053, 1671962144743.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And I you, Sir. Truly a beacon in an ocean of seethe. Keep fighting the good fight. $17 EOY WAGMI THESE DIGITS DONT LIE

>> No.53079302

ugly disgusting art, literally making this project look like a scam, good job

>> No.53079363

/r/ing fartshid meme pic

>> No.53080088
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>> No.53080634

Guys this constant movement up to reclaim 8 cents is extremely bullish as the markets around us are collapsing. It reminds me of the pump from 8 cents to 30 cents when Bitcoin crashed like 6%.

I’m literally shaking this is the opportunity of a lifetime and it’s being proven before my very eyes

>> No.53080662

is 10k prq enough retire?

>> No.53080872

New thread dedicated for any questions about the project.

Depends how long you have till retirement.

>> No.53081190

im 23 years old atm, i just want to live comfortably.

>> No.53081232
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>a complete nothing burger then

>> No.53081367

I would get atleast 50k to be sure

>> No.53082036

Everyone would want to talk about their bag. I've got ORE here too.

>> No.53082250

Pumping on pay day while everything else is dumping. Clear sign of accumulation and breakout

>> No.53082956
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>> No.53084085
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Depends how much you need to retire.

>> No.53084173

clear sign of exit pump and a thread full of pump and dump jeets

>> No.53084250

COVALENT is much better than PRQ.
MUCH better tech, more clients and better tokenomics.
More normie friendly and easier for devs to use, more supported chains, better tech support.
Held better during the bear market and is already pumping more than PRQ.
PRQ is already on Coinbase and already pumped from $0.001 to $0.07 so it can only dump, while CQT is below ICO price because it was released during the bear market so only up from here (it still pumped 4x during bear... Imagine bull)
PRQ had its time and is an old and done shitcoin, CQT is new and better and is already eating PRQ clients.
PRQ has no clients, CQT has Rose and Moonbeam as official partners with more to come.
Do not make the stupid decision, buy CQT and ignore old shitcoins that already pumped during the last bull market. Statistically speaking, 99% of shitcoins never reach ath again, this is especially true for PRQ, which has a team of known scammers, also devs from the team are leaving for other projects. It's a dead project and anyone shilling it is only trying to get rid of their bags that they bought at $2. You will get dumped on.
Do NOT buy PRQ.
Buy CQT.
Thank me later.

>> No.53085485

What exit pump happens in the middle of the bear market at the literal bottom. Please stfu

>> No.53085506
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his cope magnitude: giga-humongous

>> No.53087728


>> No.53087779

>pumping on payday
>it’s Saturday

Even if it were “pumping on payday” it means a bunch of low level salaried retards are accumulating. Not exactly bullish for the project itself. Your making these threads is as bad as visiting a PRQ social media channel. Just demonstrating the retards interested in this piece of shit

>> No.53088051

the issue with PRQ is that its a pay token. It literally has no reason to exist. Parsiq can do everything it wants to do without the PRQ coin. It can transact in any currency if it wants.

The reason LINK is special is not because of the oracle network or the fact that chainlink is a necessary piece of infrastructure in the blockchain space.

Its because Chainlink wont work without the LINK token. the token itself was created specifically for this use case and is used to transfer data.

Do you see the difference? PRQ was used to crowdfund parsiq project. They integrated PRQ as a pay token cause they felt it necessary to introduce value to its early investors. But otherwise Parsiq themselves will tell you you their customers can just use cash for services if they want.

PRQ is the real "token not needed'

>> No.53088492

So funny. Nft don’t need a token. Chainlink doesn’t even have a decentralized fiat ramp. You’re an idiot clown.

Go ahead and miss out on this current PRQ pump

>> No.53089653
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