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53060278 No.53060278 [Reply] [Original]

He shilled the Grayscale Chainlink Trust so I bought a bunch of it in my IRA, I'm unironically down $25k in an illiquid shitcoin "ETF" because of this guy. I worked so hard to save up for retirement and believed it would moon after staking/ccip launch. Fuck you uncle, you got me

>> No.53060401

kek please be real, that doesn’t even average 1000 volume a day and you BOUGHT?

>> No.53060434

I remember that post desu. Got the screenshots if anyone wants them.

Uncleoldfag, if you can hear this, what happened?

>> No.53060471

Oh shit OP isn’t lying it was $24 earlier this year. $5 now and no volume.


>> No.53060497
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Hahaha fucking faggot.

>> No.53060668

why tf would you buy this greyscale shit instead of the real deal?? it's like getting fucked squared

>> No.53060719

I didn't even buy at $24 but even buying around $12 got me royally fucked

>> No.53060761

why would you buy an iou plus massive premium from some cefund when you could own the real thing

>> No.53060937

Blinded by the hype pre-staking/ccip

>> No.53060949

because he's a retard. why don't you ask why the sky is blue?

>> No.53061119

why is the sky blue why not green or red? remember that one stargate sg1 ep when they fucked up the sky? hella wicked

>> No.53061327

Everyone I know with a black card inherited money from their parents. Why the fuck would anyone pay 10,000 to get sucked off at an airport lounge fucking retards.

>> No.53061419

Did you also buy ANS? That was another of his favs. And people ask why he's so bitter. He gets it wrong, everytime. Why did you take his advice?

>> No.53061697

never watched that series. not really interested in too much talmudic vision these days. you think its still worth watching?

>> No.53062164

if I remember correctly UncleOldFag shilled GLNK at like $8 and it went x2 of that very soon after with him saying that everyone should dump it for actual LINK at that point

>> No.53062191

I must have missed that one. He was wrong about all that other shit though, so not exactly someone to take financial advice from. It's always the loudest shouters you should be avoiding, Retards (or conmen) appealing to retards.

>> No.53062498

It hit $24 and my retard ass didn't sell

>> No.53062621

Sorry to hear that. Uncle is really that Asian Canadian guy named Micheal. It’s 100% confirmed, don’t let anyone try to tell you otherwise. He just keeps larping as “uncle” despite some of us knowing, but most new people fall for his larp and just don’t know unfortunately. I think there might be something wrong with him, he should actually stop this behaviour because it’s not good for him or others.

>> No.53062707

Just hold. The Grayscale FUD is low effort bullshit, so funds are safu. By next bull run hopefully the volume and premiums increase, then sell the top. EZ

>> No.53062738

I did the same thing with gbtc and ethe a couple years ago and now I'm stuck

>> No.53062751

Why would the premiums increase? Nobody in their right mind would buy this bullshit now. I'm pissed that I can't sell it! I'm totally cucked

>> No.53062766

He’s the biggest piece of shit on this board, which is quite an achievement.
Not only does he larp, but he actively tries to harm others because he’s a jealous little gook.

>> No.53062850

It’s definitely got some soft disclosure going on.
Very formulaic and comfy in that pre 9/11 gowt military feel.

>> No.53062913

Can't sell, look at GLNK's volume today KEK

Sorry brother, I'm down 50% on ETHE

>> No.53062965

Same here bro, put my entire HSA so around $12k into it. At least I still have 10k actual LINK. But if you have an IRA you should have bought through iTrustCapital and opened a legitimate crypto IRA.

>> No.53062976

this. gayscale just came out of nowhere yet so many retards trusted them. should just wait for chuck schwab, fidelity or another legit investment firm to do crypto ETFs

>> No.53063364

oh fuck is it toast?

they were the first to do it and grabbed billions in assets, and let coinbase hold it all. who knew it was a scam

>> No.53063647

ill let stink shady, a former chainlink shill, explain the current ecospheres for brick level iqs still bagholding

me and unc perfectly called the top of shatlink and ponzimarines called us deluded when we said we were shorting, someone cracked uncs trip and shilled glink and you idiots actually bought? kek!

>moab partnership
sergey partners with a another known exitscam project rewteets on his personal and main chainlink page, he sells the absolute top and then gives the green light to dump it, moab exitscams, price dumps to zero autists enraged again, sergey scrubs tweets and acts like nothing happened
>celsius partnership
sergey partners with yet another scam project promising huge apy rewards for no effort, endorses the ceo, does interviews with said ceo, turns out the funds are being overviewed by jessica khater an actual girlsdoporn whore who had no idea what she was majoring in is responsible for over 400m. celsius exitscams, shitlinkers who have ponzilinks on there lose everything, price goes to zero, sergey cuts ties yet again
co founder cokehead mat beele exitscams his own project dumps on linkpoolers and flees to malta to avoid lawsuits, yet another scam project endorsed by king bigmac himself
>sergeys father
a picture captured by a random anon snags a picture of sergeys father in a cherry red lambo huracan cutting up the hills having a great time, yes these link dumps provided the liquidity for sergey to pick his father up a brand new lambo at the enspense of ponzimarine investors
sergey spills spaghetti and can't even properly explain the project at all, looks like an absolute conman being exposed, eric schmidt runs circles around him without even being involved in the project for a couple months, let alone invest a single cent of his billions in the project itself
>staking finally arrives after almost 6 years
locked for years with no withdrawals, shit apy

you cant even make this shit up kek!

>> No.53063817

Get fucked to the umpteenth power kek

>> No.53063907

Hi michael

>> No.53064341

im not unc